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Analog Ammeter and Voltmeters
Q1. The instrument which can be used only with the d.c. supply is
A. PMMC instrument
B. Electrodynamometer instrument
C. Hot-wire instrument
D. Split phase induction type instrument
Q2. The instrument which can be used only with the a.c. supply is/are
A. Induction type
B. Electrostatic type
C. Electrodynamometer type
D. All of these
Q3. In a hot wire instrument, readings are
A. Dependent on frequency
B. Dependent on waveform
C. Dependent on both frequency and waveform
D. Independent of both frequency and waveform
Q4. To convert a 2 mA meter with internal resistance of 120 ohm into an ammeter of range
0 – 200 mA, the value of shunt resistance required is
A. 1.121 ohm
B. 1.212 ohm
C. 1.312 ohm
D. 1.414 ohm
Q5. If a moving iron instrument is to be used as ammeter then the coil has
A. Fewer number of turns of thin wire
B. Fewer number of turns of thick wire
C. Larger number of turns of thin wire
D. Larger number of turns of thick wire
Q8. A spring controlled moving iron voltmeter with full scale deflection of 150 V draws a
current of 2 mA. What will be the meter reading if it draws a current of 1 mA?
A. 25.5 V
B. 27.5 V
C. 35.5 V
D. 37.5 V
Q9. An ammeter is a
A.Secondary instrument
B.Absolute instrument
C.Recording instrument
D.Integrating instrument
Q10. The function of shunt in an ammeter is to
A.By pass the current
B.Increase the sensitivity of the ammeter
C.Increase the resistance of ammeter
D.None of the above

Q11. A mili-ammeter can be used as

A.An ammeter only
B.A voltmeter
C.Both voltmeter and ammeter
D.None of the above

Q12. In an ammeter the shunt resistance usually ……meter resistance

A.Equal to
B.Less than
C.Greater than
D.Of any value

Q13. A very accurate voltmeter, when used to measure voltage across a low resistance, gives
inaccurate reading because
A.The current drawn by the meter is too low
B.The higher scale has been selected
C.The sensitivity of the meter is too low
D.Any of the above
E.None of the above
Analog Wattmeter’s and Power Factor Meters

Q1. In a low power factor wattmeter the compensating coil is connected

A.In series with current coil
B.In parallel with current coil
C.In series with pressure coil
D.In parallel with pressure coil

Q2. In a 3-phase power measurement by two wattmeter method, both the wattmeters had
identical readings. The power factor of the load was
B.0.8 lagging
C.0.8 leading

Q3. Wattmeter cannot be designed on the principle of

A.Electrostatic instrument
B.Thermocouple instrument
C.Moving iron instrument
D.Electrodynamic instrument

Q4. The readings of a dynamometer type wattmeter can be highly erratic at

A.Low frequencies
B.Fluctuating loads
C.Low power factors
D.High voltages

Q5. A dynamometer type wattmeter has

A.Square law scale
B.Non-linear scale
C.Logarithmic scale
D.Uniform scale

Q6. Which of the following methods is used to shield a dynamometer type wattmeter against
stray fields
A.Meter components are made of non-magnetic materials
B.Meter is housed in a soft iron case
C.Neutral wire connection is provided
D.Meter is earthed


Q7. A wattmeter will be free from the effects of power factor and frequency variations in
A.Voltage coil resistance is zero
B.Damping is not provided
C.Pressure coil inductance is zero
D.A capacitance is connected in parallel to pressure coil

Q8. A power factor meter has

A.One current circuit and two pressure circuits
B.One current circuit and one pressure circuit
C.Two current circuits and one pressure circuit
D.None of the above

Q9. The two pressure coils of a single phase power factor meter have
A.The same dimensions and the same number of turns
B.The same dimensions and the but different number of turns
C.The same number of dimension of turns but different dimension
D.None of the above

Q10. In a single phase power factor meter the phase difference between the currents in the
two pressure coils is
A.Exactly 00
B.Approxminately 00
C.Exactly 900
D.Approxminately 900

Q11. In a dynamometer 3-phase power factor meter, the planes of two moving coils are at
Measurements of Electrical parameters

Q1. AC bridges are used for the measurement of

A. Resistances
B. Resistances and Inductances
C. Inductances and capacitances
D. Resistances, inductances and capacitances

Q2. The commonly used detectors in ac bridges is/are

A. Head phones
B. Vibration galvanometers
C. Tuned amplifiers, head phones
D. Head phones, tuned amplifiers, vibration galvanometers

Q3. The vibration galvanometers are sensitive to power for frequency range of
A. 200 Hz and below
B. 200 Hz to about 4 kHz
C. 4 kHz and above
D. Any frequency

Q4. The vibration galvanometer used as detector, it responds

A. Only to the fundamental frequency
B. Only to the harmonics frequency
C. Both (a) and (b)
D. Does not respond to any frequency

Q5. The Ac Bridge used for the measurement of inductance

A. Maxwell’s inductance bridge
B. Hay’s bridge
C. Anderson’s bridge, Owen’s bridge
D. All of these
Q6. Under balanced condition, the current flowing through the detector is equal to
A. 1 A
B. 0 A
C. Sum of the currents flowing in the adjacent arms
D. Difference between the current flowing in the adjacent arms
Q7. In Maxwell’s Inductance-Capacitance bridge, the frequency ω
A. Is directly proportional to the inductance in the balanced equation
B. Is inversely proportional to the capacitance in the balanced equation
C. Is directly proportional to the product of inductance and capacitance
D. Does not appear in the balanced equations
Q8. The Maxwell’s Inductance-Capacitance bridge is not suitable for the measurement
inductance of coil if the Q factor is
A. Less than 1
B. Between 1 to 10
C. More than 10
D. Both (a) and (c)
Q9. The Q meter works on the principle of
A. Series resonance
B. Parallel resonance
C. Both (a) and (b)
D. Neither series resonance nor parallel resonance
Q10. The Schering bridges can be used at
A. low voltage
B. high voltage
C. medium voltage
D. both (a) and (b)
Q11.The bridge suitable for the measurement of capacitance is /are
A. Anderson’s bridge
B. Hay’s bridge
C. Owen’s bridge
D. None of these
Q12. Schering bridges are used for the measurement of
A. Unknown capacitance
B. Dielectric loss
C. Power factor
D. All of these
Q13. The Ac Bridge which is used for the measurement of frequency is
A. Schering bridge
B. Wien bridge
C. Hay’s bridge
D. Anderson bridge
Q14. The Wien’s bridges is suitable for the measurement of frequency of the range of
A. Less than 100 Hz
B. 100 Hz to 100 kHz
C. 1 kHz to 100 MHz
D. More than 100 MHz
Q15. For the measurement of unknown inductance in terms of known capacitance, the
suitable ac bridges are
A. Maxwell and Schering bridge
B. Maxwell and Wien’s bridge
C. Maxwell and hay’s bridge
D. Hay’s and Wien’s bridge
Q16. If a capacitor is connected across a portion of resistance of multiplier of the wattmeter
then the pressure coil of the circuit becomes
A. Inductive
B. Non inductive
C. Capacitive
D. Non capacitive
Q17. Shielding of the capacitor is done to
A. Make the value of capacitor definite
B. Balance the bridge without any problem
C. Both (a) and (b)
D. None of these
Q18. In ac bridges, the Wagner earth devices are used to
A. Remove all the earth capacitances from the bridge circuit
B. Remove harmonics
C. Reduce error caused by stray electric field
D. All of these

1. How many types of transducers are there?

a) 2
b) 4
c) 6
d) 8
Answer: a
2. Mechanical transducers sense __________
a) electrical changes
b) physical changes
c) chemical changes
d) biological changes
Answer: b
3. Mechanical transducers generate ________
a) electrical signals
b) chemical signals
c) physical signals
d) biological signals
Answer: c
4. Electrical transducers generate ________
a) biological signals
b) chemical signals
c) physical signals
d) electrical signals
Answer: d
5. The power needs of electrical transducers is ________
a) maximum
b) minimum
c) zero
d) infinite
Answer: b
6. Electrical transducers are ________
a) small and non-portable
b) large and non-portable
c) small and compact
d) large and portable
Answer: c
7. Mechanical transducers cause ________
a) power loss
b) hysteresis loss
c) eddy current loss
d) frictional loss
Answer: d
8 Active transducers are classified into ____________
a) 4 types
b) 2 types
c) 6 types
d) 8 types
Answer: a

9. Active transducers develops ______________

a) mechanical parameter
b) electrical parameter
c) chemical parameter
d) physical parameter
Answer: b

10 How do passive transducers develop electrical signals?

a) using a transformer
b) using internal source
c) using external source
d) using a diode
Answer: c
11.Capacitive transduction involves ___________
a) change in resistance
b) change in inductance
c) change in resistance
d) change in capacitance
Answer: d
12 In electromagnetic based transduction measurand is ___________
a) converted into mechanical force
b) converted into electromotive force
c) converted into chemical force
d) converted into physical force
Answer: b
13. Inductive transduction involves ___________
a) change in self inductance
b) change in capacitance
c) change in mutual inductance
d) change in resistance
Answer: a
14. Photovoltaic transduction involves ___________
a) voltage generation heat
b) voltage generation through sound
c) voltage generation through light
d) voltage generation current
Answer: c
15. Analog transducers convert input into ___________
a) voltage
b) current
c) digital
d) analog
Answer: d
16. The output of a transducer must ___________
a) be different at different environment conditions
b) be same at all environment conditions
c) be same at some environment conditions
d) be zero always
Answer: b
17. The output of a transducer must be __________
a) low
b) medium
c) high
d) zero
Answer: c
18. The size of a transducer must be __________
a) infinite
b) zero
c) large
d) small
Answer: d
19. A transducer must be __________
a) quick in response
b) slow in response
c) medium in response
d) very slow in response
Answer: a

Digital meters

1. Digital multimeter is used for _________

a) measuring a.c. and d.c. current, voltage and resistance
b) measuring a.c. current and voltage
c) measuring d.c. current and resistance
d) measuring a.c. voltage and resistance
Answer: a

2. Current is converted to voltage __________

a) through a voltmeter
b) through a resistance
c) through an ammeter
d) through a galvanometer
Answer: b
3. For resistance measurement, meter contains _________
a) high current source
b) medium current source
c) low current source
d) low voltage source
Answer: c

4. Quantities are digitised using _________

a) D/A converter
b) oscillator
c) amplifier
d) A/D converter
Answer: d

5. Output of a digital multimeter is _________

a) mechanical
b) optical
c) electrical
d) analog
Answer: c

6. Basic building blocks of digital multimeter are _________

a) oscillator, amplifier
b) diode, op amp
c) rectifier, schmitt trigger
d) A/D, attenuator, counter
Answer: d

7. Resistance is measured using _________

a) constant current source
b) constant voltage source
c) variable current source
d) variable voltage source
Answer: a

8. A.C. voltages are measured using _________

a) oscillators and op amps
b) rectifiers and filters
c) resistor and capacitor
d) inductor and resistor
Answer: b

9. Q factor is called __________

a) Quality factor
b) Quantity factor
c) Queen factor
d) Quarter factor
Answer: a
10. Q factor is also defined as the ratio of _______
a) resistance to reactance
b) reactance to resistance
c) power to voltage
d) current to power
Answer: b

11. What is a Q meter?

a) quality meter
b) quantity meter
c) instrument
d) detector
Answer: c

12. Q meter works on the principle of _______

a) barkhausen criterion
b) piezoelectric effect
c) parallel resonance
d) series resonance
Answer: d

13. A practical Q meter consists of __________

a) Wien bridge oscillator
b) AF oscillator
c) RF oscillator
d) Crystal oscillator
Answer: c

14. Voltage across the shunt is measured by ________

a) voltmeter
b) multimeter
c) thermocouple
d) thermometer
Answer: c

15. The function of the Q- Meter is to _________

a) Measure capacitance
b) Measure inductance
c) Measure quality factor of capacitor and inductor
d) Measure form factor of capacitor and inductor
Answer: c

16. Quantities are digitised using _________

a) D/A converter
b) oscillator
c) amplifier
d) A/D converter
Answer: d

17. Output of a digital multimeter is _________

a) mechanical
b) optical
c) electrical
d) analog
Answer: c

18. Basic building blocks of digital multimeter are _________

a) oscillator, amplifier
b) diode, op amp
c) rectifier, schmitt trigger
d) A/D, attenuator, counter
Answer: d

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