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PART A. LANGUAGE FOCUS (4,0 diém) I. Khoanh tron m6t phucong én A, B, C hofic D ting véi tie cb phan gach chan phat dm khéc cdc tie con Iai trong céu sau nh vi du (cu 0) da lim. (0,6 didm) 0. A. what B. where ©. who D. when 1, A. weaved B. booked C. equipped D. stressed 2. A. depend B. tender C. listen D. intend 3. A. exchange B. teacher C. children D. schooling IL. Khoanh tron mét phicong én A, B, C hode D ting v6i tie cé trong am chinh roi vao vi tri am céc tit com Iai nhu vi du (ctu 0) da lam. (0,4 diém) 0. A. mother B. brother ©. advice D. beauty 1. As refuse B. enjoy C. answer D. demand 2. A. family B. profession C. benefit D. galaxy III. Khoanh tron mét phuong én A, B, C hoc D ting ic hoc cum tit thich hop dé dién vao méi chd tréng trong céc céu sau nhw vi du (ctu 0) dé lam. (2,0 diém) 0..Nam here three weeks ago. A. has been B. will be ©. was 1. You gave him your password, ‘A. do you B. don’t you C. did you D. didn’t you 2.Hedrives____ than his younger brother so you can rely on him. A. carefully B. the most carefully more carefully ‘Das carefully 3. She took a different career__when she gave up singing and became a school teacher. Away B. path C. road D. route 4. There are a lot of people who work in remote areas nowadays. A. voluntarily B. volunteers C. volunteered D. voluntary 5.____ she is very busy with her work, she still spends time reading books every day. A. Because of B. In spite C. Because D. Although 6. Conical hat making in the village has been__from generation to generation. A. passed away B. passed down C. brought out D. picked up Trang 1 7. She often plays iano in her free time. Aa Bean C. the D.x (no article) 8.Hehas.agoodsense of__. He makes his classmates laugh all the time. A. direction B. time D. humour 9.1 feel co now because my parents do not want me to become a designer. A excited B. interested C. depressed D. addicted 10, - Nam: “I passed the entrance exam to high school. I’m so happy” ~ Peter: “ pe A. What pity B. Congratulations C. Good luck D. Thank goodness IV. Cho dang ding cita déng tie trong ngoie dé hoan chink céu nlue vi du (céu 0) dé lim. (1,0 diém) 0.He (have) _has _ breakfast at 6 a.m every day. 1. A new schoo! (build) —____—Iast month. 2. Den Van, a famous rapper, and his friends (help) many children in moutainous areas for a long time. 3. After Tom (finish) ____his work, he went to the cinema 4. My mother taught me how (cook), chicken soup. 5. My friends suggested (play) soccer after school. PART B. READING (3,0 diém) L Doc doan van va khoanh tron motphicong dn dting nhat 4, B, C hodc Ding voi moi tic hoac cum fit thich hop 4d dién vito méi ché tring trong doan vin sau, nlue vi du (Cin 0) dé lim. (1,0 diem) Many wonders of the world, natural or man-made, are often (0) to the public and tourists from all over the world. (1) . tuming these landmarks into tourist attractions has left negative impacts. Vandalism such as drawing on walls, carving onto stones and stealing is very common. Tourists often (2) caught and fined heavily but this does not seem to deter some people. The effects (3) tourism are sometimes less obvious. Taj Mahal, one of the most iconic landmarks of India, is being destroyed because of pollution created by surrounding population and millions of visitors. Air pollution and acid rain have yellowed the white marble surface of Taj Mahal. Tourism also poses an extreme threat to (4) netural wonders. The increase of human activity can end up destroying a whole ecosystem (5) has been in place for hundreds of years. (Adapted from htips:/’vww 0. A. opening B. opens ©. opened D, open L.A. In spite of B. Because of C. However D, Moreover 2. A.make B. get C. take D. give 3.A.of Bat C. for D, with 4. A.every B. each C.much D. many 5. A. whom B. that C. where D.whea Trang 2 II. Doc doan vin va tré Idi cdc céu héi sau. Doi voi céc cau héi 1, 2, 3 viet cau tra lei vao chd trong sau méi cau hdi (c6 thé tré loi ngin gon nhung phi dit $); doi voi cau hoi 4, 5 khoanh tron A, B, C, hod D itng véi phuong an diing. (2,0 diém) HEALTHY LIVING Millions of people today are overweight and out of shape. This is due in part to their diet, which is often high in sugars and fats. Another reason is that too many of us spend our evenings gluing to the television, instead of doing something to keep ourselves fit. Today hectic lifestyles also prevent us from spending as much time as we should on staying in shape. Long hours at school and at work don’t leave much time for healthy eating. Many kinds of food, such as frozen meals and canned vegetables, save time but are often unhealthy. Fast food and takeaways are also responsible for many health problems. In order to enjoy good health, a regular programme of exercise is essential. This can be anything from gentle forms of yoga to body building. Doing a little exercise every day so as not to develop health problems is something that the young and the old should consider. If you don’t practice any form of exercise now, it is important for you to choose one and start today and get in shape! (Adapted from Laser B1+) 1, How many people today are overweight? 2. What prevents us from spending as much time as we should on staying in shape? 3. Should the young and the old consider doing exercise every day? 4, What does the word “This” in the 3 paragraph refer to? A. good health B. a regular programme of exercise C. health problems D. good shape 5. According to the passage, which of the following is NOT unhealthy food? A. frozen meals B. canned vegetables _C. fast food and takeaways _D. fresh fruits PART C. WRITING (3,0 diém) I. Hoan chinh cau thit hai sao cho nghia khong thay déi so v6i cau thie nhat nhue vi du (cau 0) da lam. (2,0 diém) 0. Do you play chess well? > Are you good at playing chess? 1. The last time I visited my grandparents was last month. > Thaven’t 2. “T want a camera for my birthday,” he said to me. > He told me 3. You don’t get the job because you don’t speak English well. > Ifyou 4. People say that Ha Long Bay is one of the most extraordinary World Heritage Sites. Itis 5. This is the man. He works for NASA. This is the man II. Viét m6t doan vin (khodng 100 - 120 tir) vé chit dé sau: (1.0 diém) “What should students do to get a good job in the future?” Hoe sinh c6 thé sir dung mt s6 goi y sau: - study hard to gain knowledge (specialised knowledge, English competence...) - develop soft skills (problem-solving skills, communication skills, time management skills...) - improve qualities (patience, creativit determination. ) ------- The end ------- Trang 4.

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