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University of Groningen

Particle Transport in Fluidized Beds

Dechsiri, Chutima

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Chapter 2
Introduction to Fluidization
2.1 Introduction
“The arrival time of a space probe traveling to Saturn can be predicted more
accurately than the behavior of a fluidized bed chemical reactor!.” Even though the
above quotation (Geldart, 1986) is almost 20 years old it remains true in the new
millennium of fluidization engineering. The difficulties in prediction stem in part
from the complexity and ambiguity in defining the fundamental parameters such as
size, shape and density of the particles. These parameters play an important role in
the calculation and prediction of dynamic behavior in fluidized beds. Most physical
properties of the particles are estimated indirectly, such as estimating particle shape
by the bed voidage. All factors are explicitly and implicitly significant in the
estimation of the behavior of fluidization operations. Although new technology is
helping us to understand and give more precise prediction in fluidization, more
research is still needed.

Either a gas or a liquid can fluidize a bed of particles. In this thesis, the focus is
purely on gas-solid fluidization. This chapter is a short literature survey of
fluidization, which will cover mainly the topics that are relevant to this work. More
information about fluidization processes can be found in the references.

2.2 Review of Fluidization Basics

Fluidization is a process in which solids are caused to behave like a fluid by
blowing gas or liquid upwards through the solid-filled reactor. Fluidization is
widely used in commercial operations; the applications can be roughly divided into
two categories, i.e.,

• physical operations, such as transportation, heating, absorption, mixing of

fine powder, etc. and
• chemical operations, such as reactions of gases on solid catalysts and
reactions of solids with gases etc.

The fluidized bed is one of the best known contacting methods used in the
processing industry, for instance in oil refinery plants. Among its chief advantages
are that the particles are well mixed leading to low temperature gradients, they are
8 Chapter 2: Introduction to Fluidization

suitable for both small and large scale operations and they allow continuous
processing. There are many well established operations that utilize this technology,
including cracking and reforming of hydrocarbons, coal carbonization and
gasification, ore roasting, Fisher-Tropsch synthesis, coking, aluminum production,
melamine production, and coating preparations. The application of fluidization is
also well recognized in nuclear engineering as a unit operation for example, in
uranium extraction, nuclear fuel fabrication, reprocessing of fuel and waste

2.3 Fluidization Regimes

When the solid particles are fluidized, the fluidized bed behaves differently as
velocity, gas and solid properties are varied. It has become evident that there are
number of regimes of fluidization, as shown in Figure 2.1. When the flow of a gas
passed through a bed of particles is increased continually, a few vibrate, but still
within the same height as the bed at rest. This is called a fixed bed (Figure 2.1A).
With increasing gas velocity, a point is reached where the drag force imparted by
the upward moving gas equals the weight of the particles, and the voidage of the
bed increases slightly: this is the onset of fluidization and is called minimum
fluidization (Figure 2.1B) with a corresponding minimum fluidization velocity,
Umf. Increasing the gas flow further, the formation of fluidization bubbles sets in.
At this point, a bubbling fluidized bed occurs as shown in Figure 2.1C. As the
velocity is increased further still, the bubbles in a bubbling fluidized bed will
coalesce and grow as they rise. If the ratio of the height to the diameter of the bed
is high enough, the size of bubbles may become almost the same as diameter of the
bed. This is called slugging (Figure 2.1D). If the particles are fluidized at a high
enough gas flow rate, the velocity exceeds the terminal velocity of the particles.
The upper surface of the bed disappears and, instead of bubbles, one observes a
turbulent motion of solid clusters and voids of gas of various sizes and shapes.
Beds under these conditions are called turbulent beds as shown in Figure 2.1E.
With further increases of gas velocity, eventually the fluidized bed becomes an
entrained bed in which we have disperse, dilute or lean phase fluidized bed, which
amounts to pneumatic transport of solids.
Chapter 2: Introduction to Fluidization 9

A: Fixed bed B: Minimum C: Bubbling D: Slugging

fluidization bed bed

gas gas gas gas

E: Turbulent F: Pneumatic
bed transport

gas gas
Figure 2.1 Schematic representation of fluidized beds in different regimes (based on
Kunii and Levenspiel, 1991)

2.4 Geldart’s Classic Classification of Powders

Not every particle can be fluidized. The behavior of solid particles in fluidized
beds depends mostly on their size and density. A careful observation by Geldart
(1973, 1978) is shown in Figure 2.2 in which the characteristics of the four
different powder types were categorized as follows:
10 Chapter 2: Introduction to Fluidization

• Group A is designated as ‘aeratable’ particles. These materials have small

mean particle size (dp < 30 µm) and/or low particle density (<~1.4 g/cm3).
Fluid cracking catalysts typically are in this category. These solids fluidize
easily, with smooth fluidization at low gas velocities without the formation
of bubbles. At higher gas velocity, a point is eventually reached when
bubbles start to form and the minimum bubbling velocity, Umb is always
greater than Umf.
• Group B is called ‘sandlike’ particles and some call it bubbly particles.
Most particles of this group have size 150 µm to 500 µm and density from
1.4 to 4 g/cm3. For these particles, once the minimum fluidization velocity
is exceeded, the excess gas appears in the form of bubbles. Bubbles in a
bed of group B particles can grow to a large size. Typically used group B
materials are glass beads (ballotini) and coarse sand.
• Group C materials are ‘cohesive’, or very fine powders. Their sizes are
usually less than 30 µm, and they are extremely difficult to fluidize
because interparticle forces are relatively large, compared to those
resulting from the action of gas. In small diameter beds, group C particles
easily give rise to channeling. Examples of group C materials are talc,
flour and starch.
• Group D is called ‘spoutable’ and the materials are either very large or
very dense. They are difficult to fluidize in deep beds. Unlike group B
particles, as velocity increases, a jet can be formed in the bed and material
may then be blown out with the jet in a spouting motion. If the gas
distribution is uneven, spouting behavior and severe channeling can be
expected. Roasting coffee beans, lead shot and some roasting metal ores
are examples of group D materials.

Geldart’s classification is clear and easy to use as displayed in Figure 2.2 for
fluidization at ambient conditions and for U less than about 10·Umf. For any solid of
a known density ρs and mean particle size dp this graph shows the type of
fluidization to be expected. It also helps predicting other properties such as bubble
size, bubble velocity, the existence of slugs etc.
Chapter 2: Introduction to Fluidization 11


ρ *10 -3 B D
(kg m )
Sand-like Spoutable


10 100 d p (µm ) 1000 10000

Figure 2.2 Diagram of the Geldart classification of particles (Geldart, 1973)

2.5 Bubbling Fluidized Beds

When talking about a fluidized bed, mostly one refers to a bubbling fluidized bed
type as shown in Fig. 2.1C. Gas fluidized beds are characterized by the ‘bubbles’
which form at superficial gas velocities only slightly higher than that required to
just fluidize the particles. This type of fluidization has been called ‘aggregative
fluidization’, and under these conditions, the bed appears to be divided into two
phases, the bubble phase and the emulsion phase. The bubbles appear to be very
similar to gas bubbles formed in a liquid and they behave in a similar manner. The
bubbles coalesce as they rise through the bed.

The movement of particles in fluidized beds is known to depend largely on bubbles

rising through the bed. Therefore, special attention is paid to bubbles and their
properties. To give an impression of the processes occurring inside a fluidized bed
reactor, the principles of fluidization, the formation of bubbles, their path through
the bed, the way they transport particles concerning gas fluidized bed and
important parameters are described below.

2.5.1 Minimum Fluidization Velocity

The superficial gas velocity at which the bed of powder is just fluidized, is
normally called the minimum fluidization velocity or designated by Umf . This state
of incipient fluidization can be described by an equation giving the pressure drop in
a gas flowing through a packed bed, such as the so-called Ergun equation:
12 Chapter 2: Introduction to Fluidization

∆P (1 − ε mf ) µU mf (1 − ε mf ) ρ gU mf 2
= 150 + 1.75 , (2.1)
L ε mf 3 (φs d p ) 2 ε mf 3 φs d p

in which ∆P is equal to the bed weight per unit cross-sectional area, and the
particle sphericity, φs, is defined as the surface area of a volume equivalent sphere
divided by the particle’s surface area.

When applying the Ergun equation, one has to know the minimum fluidization
voidage, εmf, although it is frequently an unknown. Wen and Yu (1966) developed
an expression for the minimum fluidization velocity for a range of particle types
and sizes by assuming the following approximations to hold based on experimental

1 − ε mf 1
 11 and  14 .
φ ε 2 3
mf φε mf

They combined these with the Ergun equation and obtained the relation:

Re mf =
d p ⋅ U mf ⋅ ρ g 2
= 33.7 + 0.0408
d p ⋅ ρ g ⋅ ρs − ρ g ⋅ g ) − 33.7 . (2.2)
µ µ 2

Leva (1959) obtained empirically another widely used expression:

U mf = 7.90 × 10−3 d p
( ρ s − ρ f )0.94 µ f (2.3)

This equation is valid for Re mf ≤ 10 , whereas for higher values of Re mf a

correction factor must be applied.

2.5.2 Bubble Size

The mean size of the bubble population in fluidized beds increases with height
above the distributor plate due to coalescence of bubbles. Researchers have
attempted to predict the size of bubbles, not only the variation in mean size, but
also the distributions of the diameters and volumes.
Chapter 2: Introduction to Fluidization 13

As far as the mean size is concerned, Geldart (1972) used the expression of Kato
and Wen (1969) for the initial bubble size at the gas distributor. He asserted that a
porous plate distributor behaves as a distributor plate with 1 hole per 10 cm2, and
added his own empirical expression for the bubble growth with bed height due to

1.43  (U − U mf )π Dbed 

DB = 0.2   + 2.05(U − U mf )0.94 h (2.4)

g  4 N0 

where DB is the bubble diameter, Dbed is the diameter of the bed and N0 is the
number of holes in the distributor plate.

A number of other relationships have been proposed since then, some of which will
be given and used in later chapters.

2.5.3 Bubble Wake

When a bubble rises, it carries some amount of solids inside as seen in Fig. 2.3.
This is called ‘wake’. The formation of a wake follows directly when the bubble
forms. Hence, the bubble picks up most of its solids at the bottom of the bed as it
leaves the distributor plate. An idealized bubble has an upper surface that is
approximately spherical, with a radius of curvature r, and a wake at the bottom,
with wake angle θ w as shown in Figure 2.3.

Bubble dia meter

Bubble volume

Ra dius of C urvature
Wa ke volume

Figure 2.3 A ideally spherical bubble (Geldart, 1962)

14 Chapter 2: Introduction to Fluidization

The bubble size is often expressed in terms of the volume equivalent diameter, Deq,
 6V  3
and can be calculated as Deq =  b  , where Vb is a bubble volume.
 π 

Several researchers, for example Rowe and Widmer (1972) and Rowe and Yacono
(1976) investigated the relationship of wake volume of a bubble as a function of its
parameters, such as a bubble diameter, wake angle etc. by using X-ray techniques.
The wake angle was also estimated by Naimer et al. (1982) who gave an empirical
relation for the variation of the wake angle with the bubble diameter. Hoffmann
(1983) proposed an improved equation for wake angle calculation:

θ w = 160 − 160exp ( −60 DB ) (2.4)

where DB is the bubble diameter and θw is expressed in degrees. In some

symposium publications (Hoffmann, 1991), a constant value of 55 is used instead
of 60 in Equation 2.4, although the quality of the fit to the experimental data is
essentially the same for the two constants. Equation 2.4 will be applied throughout
this thesis.

The other important parameter is the ratio of the volumes of the wake and the
sphere and this is called the wake fraction fw:

fw = (2.5)
4π r 3

The wake volume, Vw can be calculated as a function of θw, DB and r. Vw is taken as

the volume of that part of the circumscribing sphere not occupied by the bubble
void for an approximation. Generally, moving from group A through group B to
group D, the wake fraction decreases and therefore the volume of particulate phase
transported per unit bubble volume decreases (Geldart, 1986). The wake of the
bubble in beds of spherical material is roughly 30% of the bubble volume (Yates,

2.5.4 Bubble Rise Velocity

The rise velocity of a large spherical cap bubble in a liquid is dependent on the
radius of curvature at the nose of the bubble as described by Davies and Taylor
Chapter 2: Introduction to Fluidization 15

U b = 0.667 g ⋅ r . (2.6)

A semi-empirical relation in terms of the volume-equivalent diameter is:

U b = 0.711 g ⋅ Deq . (2.7)

This expression is widely used for calculations of the velocity of rise of single
bubbles in fluidized beds.

2.5.5 Bubble Flow Rate and the Two-Phase Theory

According to the two-phase theory of fluidization proposed by Toomey and

Johnstone (1952) and developed by Davidson and Harrison (1963), all gas in
excess of that needed for minimum fluidization passes through the bed as bubbles.
The particulate phase remains at minimum fluidizing conditions, which means that
the voidage, not counting the bubbles, remains practically εmf. The visible flow rate
in a fluidized bed Qb, defined as the rate at which bubble volume crosses any
section A in the bed, is then approximately equal to the excess gas flow above that
required for minimum fluidization (Davidson and Harrison, 1963):

= U − U mf (2.8)

2.5.6 The Davidson Model

The movement of both gas and solid caused by the rise of bubbles can be described
by the Davidson model (Davidson, 1961), assuming that the bubble is solid free
and spherical, that particles behave like an incompressible fluid of bulk density
ρs(1-εmf) and that the gas in the emulsion phase flows as an incompressible viscous
fluid that obeys Darcy’s law.

Davidson (1961) described the gas flow in terms of a stream function and found
that the bubble velocity affects the geometry of the stream function. If the bubble
moves slower than the gas in the emulsion phase, this gas uses the bubble as a
shortcut, entering the bubble at the bottom and leaving it at the top. Some gas
circulates with the bubble, moving upward with it. This circulation increases with
the bubble rise velocity. If the bubble moves faster than the gas in the emulsion
phase, all gas entering the bubble circulates and a “cloud” of recirculating gas is
formed around the bubble, while the rest of the gas in the bed moves past it without
16 Chapter 2: Introduction to Fluidization

mixing. The gas in the bubble and the cloud is then essentially isolated from the
rest of the gas in the bed except for dispersion mass transfer.

Other extensions to the Davidson model can be made; for example, some workers
claim that some particles fall through the bubble due to a thin, unstable layer of
larger voidage around the upper boundary of the bubble, but this may be a feature
of two-dimensional beds only. Another property of bubbles in dense beds is their
break-up when they become too large. If the rise velocity of the bubble exceeds the
terminal velocity of the particles (their free-fall velocity), the bubble becomes
unstable and will break up into smaller bubbles. There are other models for the
bubble movement in fluidized beds, which are more realistic than Davidson’s
model for example, by Jackson (1963) and Murray (1965). However, the simple
treatment of Davidson’s model is still essentially applied in many circumstances.

2.5.7 Flow Pattern of Fluidization Bubbles

As bubbles rise through the bed, they coalesce to form bigger bubbles and when
they become too large, they split (see Figure 2.4). The average bubble size
equilibrates at about the maximum stable size. The location in the bed where the
equilibrium size is attained depends on the kind of particles. For group A particles,
the maximum stable diameter is relatively small, therefore the average bubble size
stabilizes close to the distributor plate and remains constant through the rest of the
bed. The maximum stable diameter for group B particles is larger and the
equilibrium is reached typically only in the upper levels of the bed. The bubbles in
group D particle beds behave differently; they do not rise as individual bubbles, but
as horizontally associated swarms.

Bubbles can coalesce in two ways, by incorporating a bubble in front or by moving

side-wards into the track of another bubble and then incorporating it. At the wall of
the bed, bubbles can only move inwards, while other bubbles can move in any
horizontal direction. The result is an active zone away from the wall, which
intensifies and moves closer to the axis with increasing distance from the
distributor plate. Solid particles are dragged up by the bubbles and, by continuity,
will move downwards in regions with lower bubble densities.

As a consequence of fewer bubbles being close to the wall, there is a

predominantly downward flow of particles near the wall, which, once established,
maintains the tendency for bubbles to move inwards. The overall circulation is
upwards near the axis and downwards near the wall in higher regions; the converse
seems to be the case in the lower regions.
Chapter 2: Introduction to Fluidization 17

Forming bigger
Bubble bubbles

Bubble Coalescence

Small bubbles
Air inlet

Figure 2.4 A freely bubbling fluidized bed and bubble coalescence modes.

The circulation pattern can be modified by internals, like tubes or baffles or

disturbed by mal-distribution at the distributor plate. Apart from the mal-
distribution caused by the plate that disturbed the flow pattern, Merry and
Davidson (1973) found a phenomenon called gulf streaming. The gulf streaming
phenomenon is caused by a cross-sectionally non-uniform bubble flow, causing a
general upward material flow in one part of the bed, and downward in the other.
Due to this effect much more material is brought to the top of the bed by the bubble
flow than would be expected on basis of the flow in the wake phase itself, and thus
the downward flow in the bulk is also higher. Gulf-streaming will cause the
fluidization bubbles to move faster than one would expect from the single bubble
velocity. On the other hand, a certain slip between the bubbles and the dense phase
in the region of upward motion can be expected. Gulf-streaming will always take
place in a fluidized bed to some extent. More discussions about gulf-streaming
effects can be found in Chapter 4.

2.5.8 Bed Expansion

With an average bubble velocity <Ub> the average fraction of the bed area
occupied by bubbles can be given as:

εb = . (2.9)
Abed ⋅ < U b >

Assuming that the void fraction of the particulate phase equals the void fraction at
minimum fluidization, hence all gas in excess of that needed for minimum
18 Chapter 2: Introduction to Fluidization

fluidization passes through the bed as bubbles, the height h of the bed can be
h − hmf = ∫
A ⋅ < Ub >
0 bed
dz . (2.10)

If the assumption can be made that the bubble velocity is constant throughout the
bed, the bed height can be estimated from:

h − hmf U − U mf
= . (2.11)
hmf Ub

The expansion of the bed then equals the fraction of the bed consisting of bubbles:

h − hmf
εb = . (2.12)

In practice, the bubble fraction is a bit lower than this theoretical value.

2.6 Particle Transportation

Several mechanisms have been proposed to describe the movement of particles
through a fluidized bed. Mechanisms governing the vertical particle transport
processes in batch freely bubbling fluidized beds were first proposed by Rowe and
Partridge (1962):

• Transport upwards in the wakes of fluidization bubbles and deposition on

the bed surface
• Transport down to compensate for this (the combination of these two they
called 'circulation') and
• Dispersion due to disturbance of the bed material by fluidization bubbles.

In addition, the wake and drift exchange solids with the emulsion phase from
experimental findings of Gibilaro and Rowe (1974), Chiba and Kobayashi (1977),
Chiba et al. (1979) and Nienow and Chiba (1985).

Mixing of solids occurs in both axial and radial directions. However, vertical solid
mixing is generally many times faster than that due to lateral motion (Kunii and
Levenspiel, 1991). More details of each mechanism are described below.
Chapter 2: Introduction to Fluidization 19

2.6.1 Solid Circulation

Solid circulation is mainly determined by the gas velocity. At low gas velocities
solids circulation is negligible. In more vigorously bubbling beds, circulation
becomes appreciable and the absolute upward gas velocity through the emulsion
phase does not equal the minimum fluidizing velocity anymore. Here, the velocity
of the downward flowing solids has to be taken into account.

Not only gas velocity, but also particle properties like shape, size, density,
stickiness, and size distribution influence the mechanisms of axial and radial
transport of particles within the bed. As mentioned previously, solids move in the
vertical direction largely by being carried up by bubbles and carried down to the
distributor by the bubble-free flow of particulate phase material. The upward
movement is rapid (with the velocity of the bubbles) and the downward movement
relatively slow.

2.6.2 Dispersion

Dispersion is one of the mechanisms of solids mixing in a fluidized bed. It occurs

due to the disturbance of the bed material caused by the motion of the bubbles.
Although it is thus a discrete process, linked to the motion of each individual
bubble, it can be described as a continuous dispersion process and modeled using
the diffusion equation:

∂c ∂ 2c
=D 2 (2.13)
∂t ∂x

This equation is called Fick’s second law of diffusion or the diffusion equation,
where D is a dispersion coefficient and c the concentration of the diffusing species
is a function of both x and t.

In this thesis, the method for calculating the dispersion coefficient D is by

calculating the number and size of fluidization bubbles going through a given
cross-section of the bed during a given time interval of t seconds and using
empirical literature data for the particle drift caused by a single bubble.

From equation 2.13, the solution to the one-dimensional diffusion of particles, the
concentration of which initially forms a Dirac delta function in x = 0 is:
20 Chapter 2: Introduction to Fluidization

1 −
c( x, t ) = e 4D t
, where c(x,t) is the normalized particle concentration.
2 πD t
c(x,t)dx can, in the case of particles dispersing from a plane, be seen as the fraction
1 1
of the particles with position x + dx < x < x − dx at time t.
2 2
When comparing this with the density of the normal distribution,
1 −
c(u ) = e 2σ 2 , we see that the two are the same with σ2 = 2 D t.
σ 2π

Since the mean is zero, the variance σ2 is the expected value of u2: ∫ c(u )u du , so


that: 2D t = ∫ c( x, t ) x dx or in other words: 2 D t is the expected value of x , which
2 2

is also the mean square particle displacement at time t.

In what follows, we will use the mean square particle displacement per second, D =
2 D , as a measure of dispersion. This is in line with what is common in the
mathematical literature, but not in the engineering literature.

After that we calculate the particle displacement caused by one bubble from the
empirical profiles given by Chiba et al. (1976) and then calculate the cross-
sectional mean of the square displacement. Taking t as the reciprocal of the bubble
frequency at the given level in the bed, the dispersion coefficient used in our
stochastic model is thus calculated.

Only axial dispersion is taken into account. Horizontal and vertical diffusion differ,
the axial, or vertical, dispersion coefficient being appreciably higher than the radial
dispersion coefficient.

An alternative to the above outlined concepts and method for estimating D is based
on the notion of particle flow in and out of the bubble wake. This concept and the
resulting expressions for the radial and axial dispersion coefficients are described
Chapter 2: Introduction to Fluidization 21

2.6.3 An Alternative Concept: Solid Exchange Between

the Wake and the Emulsion

According to the extensions of bubbling bed model (the Davidson model), particles
travel upwards in a wake and downwards in the particulate phase. As described
before, the idealized bubble carries up solids in a closed wake, with the solids
circulating within it. However, models have been proposed that include
interchange of solids between the wake and the particulate phase. It was suggested
that in beds of fast rising bubbles, the downward moving particles in the cloud
around the bubble are swept into the wake and are fluidized there by the circulating
gas. In the wake they are uniformly mixed by circulation and, by continuity,
particles leave the wake at the same rate.

The coefficient of interchange of solids between the cloud-wake region and the
particulate phase, based on bubble size, was derived by Yoshida and Kunii (1968):

Kw =
3 ⋅ 1 − ε mf ) ⋅U mf
. (2.14)
(1 − ε b ) ⋅ ε mf Db

The circulation in the wake gives rise to radial mixing of solids. Solids farther from
the bubble move aside somewhat as the bubble passes by and then return close to
their original position; for them, radial mixing can be neglected.

Using terms of the bubbling bed model and the solids interchange model from
Kunii and Levenspiel, 1991 , the following axial and radial dispersion coefficient,
Dsa and Dsr respectively, can be found:

( f wε b (1 − ε mf )) 2 U b 2
Dsa = (2.15)
ε b K w (1 − ε b )(1 − ε mf )

substituting Kw from equation 2.14 and simplifying, thus;

f w 2ε mf ε b
Dsa = DBU b 2 . (2.16)
3U mf

The above model for the solid exchange, Equation (2.14), was refined in the light
of experimental results by Chiba et al. (1976, 1979). They have developed the
following equations:
22 Chapter 2: Introduction to Fluidization

4 U mf
Kw = for a 2-dimensional bubble (2.17)
π ε mf DB
3 U mf
Kw = for a 3-dimensional bubble (2.18)
2 ε mf DB

Solid mixing in a freely bubbling fluidized bed is caused not only by the vertical
movement of bubbles and bursting of bubbles at the bed surface, but also by the
lateral motion of bubbles as a result of the interaction and coalescence of
neighboring bubbles. However, the lateral mixing of solids which is augmented by
the lateral motion of bubbles is relatively small compared to the vertical motion of
solids. Our stochastic model is one-dimensional at the present time, and we
therefore do not consider the issue of radial mixing.

This a different concept in that the dispersion coefficient accounts for dispersion
both due to the bubble's stirring action and due to take-up of particles in the bubble
wake. The approach used in this thesis is to calculate a dispersion coefficient only
on basis of the stirring action, and take the transport in bubble wakes into account
in jumps to the bed surface. In the latter approach the material exchange between
the bubble wake and bulk is assumed to be zero, although the model can easily be
modified to take exchange with the bulk into account.

2.7 Particle Mixing and Segregation

Until now we have implicitly assumed that the bed particles are uniform. However,
if the bed particles differ in physical properties, notably size and density, then
segregation can take place.

Segregation of a binary mixture of particles occurs when there is a substantial

difference between their drag per unit weight. A high drag per unit weight makes
the particles move upwards, whereas particles with a low drag per unit weight will
tend to sink to the bottom. These two types of particles are called flotsam and
jetsam, respectively.

A quantitative measure for segregation is given by Tanimoto et al. (1981) in terms

of the segregation distance Y, made dimensionless with the radius of the
fluidization bubble. It characterizes the distance over which the jetsam particles
sink as a single bubble passes by. The segregation distance was modified by
Hoffmann and Romp (1991) to ensure that Y becomes zero when the bed particles
are uniform:
Chapter 2: Introduction to Fluidization 23

 ρj   dj 3
Y = 0.8 ⋅   ⋅   − 0.8 (2.19)
 ρf
   df 

This shows that the particle density difference is more dominant in segregation
than the size difference. The superficial segregation velocity depends on the
segregation distance as follows:

vsegr =
⋅ Y ⋅ U − U mf ) (2.20)

The competitive mechanisms of segregation and mixing occur simultaneously

producing equilibrium through the bed. Radial distribution is essentially uniform
and axial distribution varies with height (Gibilaro and Rowe, 1973). As the gas
velocity increases, the segregation pattern changes from a pure jetsam layer at the
bottom through a gradient in jetsam concentration to a uniform mixture.

As the composition of the mixture of particles varies with bed height, so does the
minimum fluidization velocity. In some cases, segregation leads to defluidization
in the bottom of the bed. The segregating fluidized bed containing two types of
particles has been modeled by Gibilaro and Rowe (1974), who recognized four
physical mechanisms: overall particle circulation, interchange between bulk and
wake phases, axial spreading and a relative segregating flow rate. The first three
are modes of mixing and only the last mechanism distinguishes jetsam and flotsam.
Segregation, like mixing, depends almost solely on bubbles.

Naimer et al. (1982) suggested a segregation mechanism where jetsam can

overtake flotsam by falling rapidly through bubbles. Jetsam particles also descend
faster through the temporarily disturbed region with lower density below each
bubble. This mechanism is illustrated in Fig. 2.5, where a jetsam layer is disturbed
by a bubble moving through it.
24 Chapter 2: Introduction to Fluidization

Figure 2.5 Descent of jetsam caused by bubble passage.

Hartholt et al. (1996) found by visual observation that jetsam particles, which are
not fully supported by the gas stream, rest on a grid-like structure formed by
flotsam particles due to their lasting contacts. These structures are sheared as
bubbles pass, resulting in a downward migration of the jetsam. It was found that
the effect of interchange between the bulk phase and the wake phase is very small
and can generally be neglected. Axial spreading was found to be only important at
high gas velocities or in weakly segregating systems. At high jetsam
concentrations, the bubble momentum can carry the jetsam-rich wake through the
flotsam to the top of the bed and deposits the jetsam on the surface.

Inserting horizontal baffles in the fluidized bed enhances segregation of larger and
especially denser particles, and causes a decrease in the axial mixing of particles
(Hartholt et al., 1996, 1997). Experiments showed that as a bubble passes through a
baffle, part of the wake material is left underneath the baffle (van Dijk et al., 1998).
For vigorous fluidization, sometimes down-flow through the baffles is insufficient,
causing the bed to become multi-stage fluidized. At low velocities the baffles have
no significant influence on the mean bubble size or velocity. More details about
fluidized beds with baffles can be found in Chapters 5 and 8.

2.8 Notation
A = cross-sectional area
Abed = bed vessel cross-sectional area
Cs = solid concentration
DB = effective bubble diameter
D = dispersion coefficient
Dbed = bed diameter
Dsa = axial dispersion coefficient
Chapter 2: Introduction to Fluidization 25

Dsr = radial dispersion coefficient

Deq = the diameter of a volume equivalent sphere
dp = particle diameter
dp = mean particle diameter
fd = drift fraction
fw = wake fraction
h = height in the bed
hmf = height of the bed at Umf
Kw = solid exchange coefficient between wake and emulsion phase
L = bed height
N0 = number of holes of a distributor plate
∆P = pressure drop
Qb = visible gas flow rate in a fluidized bed
r = radius of curvature of the bubble front
Remf = Reynolds number of particle at minimum fluidization condition
Reb = Reynolds number of bubbles
t = time
U = velocity
<U> = average bubble velocity
Ub = bubble velocity
U0 = superficial fluid velocity
Umf = superficial fluid velocity at minimum fluidizing conditions
vsegr = superficial segregation velocity
Vb = a bubble volume
Vw = a wake volume
Y = dimensionless segregation distance

Greek symbols:

µ = viscosity of fluid
ε = void fraction
εb = fraction of bed occupied by bubbles
εmf = void fraction at minimum fluidization condition
θw = wake angle
ρ = density
ρf = flotsam density
ρj = jetsam density
ρs = solid density
26 Chapter 2: Introduction to Fluidization

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