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Aviation Glossaries

Above Ground Level Used in reference to
altitude, e.g. 5000 ft AGL - see also: MSL
(Mean Sea Level)
The speed of an aircraft relative to its
surrounding air mass - see also: CAS; IAS;
altimeter setting
The barometric pressure reading used to adjust
a pressure altimeter for variations in existing
atmospheric pressure or to the standard
altimeter setting (29.92 inches of Hg)
AOA (Angle Of Attack)
The angle between the chord line of the wing
of an aircraft and the relative wind
approach speed
The recommended speed contained in aircraft
manuals used by pilots when making an
approach to landing. This speed will vary for
different segments of an approach as well as
for aircraft weight and configuration
A defined area on an airport or heliport
intended to accommodate aircraft for purposes
of loading or unloading passengers or cargo,
refueling, parking, or maintenance
CAS (Calibrated AirSpeed)
The indicated airspeed of an aircraft, corrected
for position and instrument error Calibrated
airspeed is equal to true airspeed in standard
atmosphere at sea level
chord line
A line drawn from the leading edge of the
wing to the trailing edge
Streaks of condensed water vapor created in
the air by aircraft flying at high altitudes
control inputs
The controlling influences a pilot exerts on an
aircraft's control surfaces
coordinated turn
A combination of control inputs that cause a
maximally efficient turn
Flying without the aid of engine power
The upward angle of the airplane's wings with
respect to the horizontal
directional stability
The tendency of an aircraft to keep flying the
direction it's pointed
dirty; dirty up
Extension of gear, hook, flaps, etc. for slow
speed flight or landing
A condition of being threatened by serious
and/or imminent danger and of requiring
immediate assistance
To land safely somewhere other than a runway
To change from a scheduled landing base to an
alternate airfield
Force created by an airfoil moving through
atmosphere, opposite to the direction of motion
Estimated Time of Arrival. The time the flight
is estimated to arrive at its destination
Used when prompt compliance is required to
avoid the development of an imminent
Federal Aviation Regulations. The laws under
which airmen in the US fly
FBO (Fixed Base Operator)
The small but important building near the ramp
and runways of a small airport, from which
airfield activity is coordinated
Used to mean an aircraft is on proper heading,
descent rate, airspeed, and altitude during
runway approach prior to landing, or to a target
prior to weapons release
The maneuver performed moments before
landing in which the nose of an aircraft is
pitched up to minimize the touchdown descent
rate. Also ensures that the main landing gear
touches before the nose wheel in tricycle
geared aircraft
Feet Per Minute. Unit of measure, used for
ROC (Rate of Descent) or sometimes speed
ground speed
The speed of an aircraft relative to the surface
of the earth
IAS (Indicated AirSpeed)
The speed of an aircraft as shown on its pitot
static airspeed indicator calibrated to reflect
standard atmosphere adiabatic compressible
flow at sea level uncorrected for airspeed
system errors.
Instrument Flight Rules. Weather conditions
too poor for flight under VFR. Instrument
Navigation Equipment and IR (Instrument
Rating) by pilot required to fly under these
Intrument Landing System. A precision
instrument approach system, generally used to
land at fields experiencing weather
indicated altitude
The altitude as shown by an altimeter
INS (Inertial Navigation System)
A totally self-contained system which requires
no information from outside references.
Provides aircraft position and navigation
information in response to signals resulting
from inertial effects on components within the
jet stream
A migrating stream of high-speed winds
present at high altitudes
Knots Indicated Air Speed. IAS, in knots.
One nautical mile (nm) per hour, which is
about 1.15 stature miles or 1,85 kilometer per
Knots True Air Speed. TAS, in knots
lateral axis
The axis about which an aircraft pitches,
extending out along each wing.
lateral stability
Stability about an airplane's longitudinal (nose
to tail) axis
Force created by an airfoil moving through
atmosphere, perpendicular to the direction of
load factor
The ratio of a specified load to the total weight
of the aircraft. The specified load is expressed
in terms of any of the following: aerodynamic
forces, inertia forces, or ground or water
A pilot's record of his flying achievements,
including flight time, takeoffs, landings, and
maneuvers mastered
longitudinal axis
The axis about which an aircraft rolls,
extending from nose to tail
longitudinal stability
The characteristic of returning to the trimmed
angle of attack after a displacement
The international radiotelephony distress
signal. When repeated three times, it indicates
imminent and grave danger and that immediate
assistance is requested. (It originally comes
from the French words: m'aider, which means:
'to help me')
Minimum Controllable Airspeed. The speed
below which your control surfaces do not
generate sufficient lift to control the aircraft
MSL (Mean Sea Level)
The average height of the surface of the sea for
all stafes of tide; used as a reference for
elevations throughout the U.S
The rotational speed of the low-pressure
compressor in a dual-spool gas turbine engine
The rotational speed of the high-pressure
compressor in a dual-spool gas turbine engine.
Nautical Miles. One nautical mile = 1.15
statute miles = 6,076 feet = 1.85 kilometers
The international radio-telephony urgency
signal. When repeated three times, indicates
uncertainty or alert followed by the nature of
the urgency
Pilot In Command. The pilot responsible for
the operation and safety of an aircraft during
flight time
Navigation by visual reference to landmarks
The angle of the airplane's longitudinal axis
relative to horizontal
An airfield parking lot for aircraft
For a given airplane, the airspeed above which
it is unsafe to fly. Redlining the plane may
over stress or even damage structural elements
in the plane
Rate Of Climb. The speed at which an aircraft
is gaining (or losing) altitude, usually
measured in hundreds or thousands of FPM
To change the angle of the plane's wings
relative to horizontal; also, any maneuver in
which the aircraft attains every roll attitude
Rotations Per Minute. A unit of measure for
such things as engine speed
standard rate turn
A turn of three degrees compass heading per
True AirSpeed. The airspeed of an aircraft
relative to undisturbed air
The movement of an airplane under its own
power on the surface of an airport
A road leading from the airplane parking area
to the runway; always marked with yellow
A terminal facility that uses air/ground
communications, visual signaling, and other
devices to provide ATC services to aircraft
operating in the vicinity of an airport or on the
movement area
traffic pattern
The traffic flow that is prescribed for aircraft
landing at, taxiing on, or taking off from, an
To adjust an aircraft's trim tabs and thereby
relieve the pressure required on the controls to
keep the nose in the desired position
Speed for best angle of climb
Speed for best rate of climb
A predetermined geographical position used
for route/instrument approach definition, or
progress reporting purposes, that is defined
relative to a VORTAC station or in terms of
latitude/longitude coordinates
The angle of the plane's longitudinal axis
relative to its direction of motion
yaw axis
The imaginary vertical axis about which an
aircraft yaws
Greenwich Mean Time, also known as
Universal Coordinated Time

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