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第一节:人称代词与 be 动词

一,be 动词的形式
be 动词共有三种形式 am, is, are,根据不同的人称来进行选择。具体如下表:
人称代词与 be 动词

我 I am
你 you are
他 he is
她 she is
它 it is
我们 we are
你们 you are
他们 they are

二,be 动词的意思和用法
be 动词表示“是”的意思,后面可接名词和形容词,
【什么是名词】:表示人或者物,例如:boy 男孩,flower 花,desk 桌子等等
【什么是形容词】:表示“……的”,例如:beautiful 漂亮的,lovely 可爱的,big 大
的,small 小的等等

三,人称代词与 be 动词造句:
I am a teacher. 我是一名老师。(a teacher 一个老师, 名词)
You are beautiful. 你很漂亮。(beautiful 漂亮的,形容词)
He is a student. 他是一名学生。(a student 一名学生,名词)
She is good. 她很好。(good 好的,形容词)
It is a dog. 它是一条狗。(a dog 一条狗,名词)
We are friends. 我们是朋友。(friend 朋友,加了 s 后是名词复数)
You are neighbors. 你们是邻居。(neighbor 邻居,加了 s 后是名词复数)
They are coworkers. 他们是同事。 (coworker 同事,加了 s 后是名词的复数)

四,be 动词的其他用法
1,be 动词除了放在人称代词的后面还可以放在一般的名词后面,具体规则:如
果是一个人、一件事物就用 is, 两个人、事物及以上的用 are。注意:am 只用于 I
Tom is a teacher. Tom 是一名老师。
Two cups are on the table.两只杯子是在桌子上。

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2,be 动词的缩写
I am =I’m You are= You’re He is= He’s is not =isn’t are not =aren’t
I am Tom.= I’m Tom.
It is not a cat. = It’s not a cat. = It isn’t a cat.
We are not classmates.= We’re not classmates. = We aren’t classmates.
Lily is a doctor. = Lily’s a doctor.

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(一),请熟读以下内容并提交语音。语音时长尽量控制在 120 秒以内,所以要
I am = I’m
you are = you’re
he is = he’s
she is = she's
it is = it's
we are = we're
you are = you're
they are = they're
is not = isn’t
are not = aren’t
I am a teacher.
You are beautiful.
He is a student.
She is good.
It is a dog.
We are friends.
You are neighbors.
They are coworkers.
Tom is a teacher.
Two cups are on the table.
It is not a cat. = It’s not a cat. = It isn’t a cat.
We are not classmates.= We’re not classmates. = We aren’t classmates.
Lily is a doctor. = Lily’s a doctor.

it am
we is
I are

(三),在下面的句子中填入正确的 be 动词
1). I ________from Australia.
2). She _______ a student.
3). Jane and Tom _________my friends.
4). My parents _______very busy every day.

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5). I _______ at school.
6). He ________ at home.
7). We ________ students.
8). They ________ from China.
9). Yang Ling ________ eleven years old.
10). Where ________ your friends?

(四),在下面的短文中填上恰当的 be 动词
I ______ a girl. My name _______ Mary. I ______in Class 2, Grade 7. I ______ 12
years old. Here ______ my family photo. Look! These ______ my parents and
those _______ my grandparents. This boy ______ my brother. He________ 15 years
old now. That ______ my cat, Mimi. It ______ very lovely.

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