MISIMO - A Multi-Input Single-InductorMulti-Output Energy Harvesting Platformin 28-nm FDSOI For PoweringNet-Zero-Energy Systems

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12, DECEMBER 2018 3407

MISIMO: A Multi-Input Single-Inductor

Multi-Output Energy Harvesting Platform
in 28-nm FDSOI for Powering
Net-Zero-Energy Systems
Sally Safwat Amin , Student Member, IEEE, and Patrick P. Mercier , Senior Member, IEEE

Abstract— This paper presents a power management unit that

meets the need of small-form-factor net-zero energy systems by
aggregating the maximum available power from three different
energy sources while simultaneously regulating three output
power rails over a wide dynamic load range, while also managing
the charging and discharging of a battery, all in a single-
stage single-inductor converter. The proposed architecture uses
hysteresis control to regulate the voltage of each harvester at their
respective maximum power points (MPPs) using pulse-frequency
modulation (PFM) and adaptive inductor ON-time, all via a low-
power event-driven controller. The converter, fabricated in 28-nm Fig. 1. (a) Proposed MISIMO architecture. (b) Typical power demand pattern
fully-depleted silicon-on-insulator (FDSOI), achieves a peak effi- for wireless sensor devices.
ciency of 89% and supports an output power range from 1 µW
to 60 mW with efficiency >75% at Vout = 1 V and >69% at which for small form factor devices can typically supply power
Vout = 0.6 − 0.9 V, all with a quiescent power of only 262 nW. in the μW regime, can thus be employed in conjunction
Index Terms— Buck–boost, dc–dc converter, energy har- with a battery to enable energy-autonomous, net-zero-power
vester, hysteresis, Internet of Things (IoT), multiple inputs, operation [2], [3] if the average power of harvesting equals
multiple outputs, net-zero energy systems, pulse-frequency
modulation (PFM), wearables. to or exceeds the average power demands of the load over
long time intervals.
I. I NTRODUCTION However, the energy available from most harvesting sources

W IRELESS sensor devices used in Internet-of-Things

(IoT) applications ranging from wearables to environ-
mental monitors typically consist of three main functional
is stochastic and can vary significantly with changing environ-
mental conditions. Thus, true net-zero-energy operation is a
probabilistic condition. To increase the probability of success-
modules, as illustrated in Fig. 1(a): sensors, a processing unit, ful energy harvesting or, conversely, to increase the average
and an RF transceiver. A power management unit (PMU) is amount of harvested energy across varying environmental con-
responsible for generating the various supply rails needed by ditions, it is possible to construct a PMU that aggregates power
these functional modules. A typical power demand pattern from different energy sources [4]–[9]. To support the small
for a wireless sensor device is shown in Fig. 1(b). For form factor needs of emerging IoT devices, an architecture that
applications that require infrequent monitoring, such as remote accomplishes this with a single inductor is desired. At the same
patient heart-rate monitoring or industrial temperature sensing, time, the PMU should support efficient regulation of multiple
the wireless sensor devices can spend a large fraction of time output loads. Thus, this paper introduces a multi-input single-
in a low-power idle state with correspondingly little time in inductor multi-output (MISIMO) PMU [see Fig. 1(a)].
active mode (e.g., 97% idle / 3% active in [1]). As a result, The proposed MISIMO converter employs a single-stage
while the peak power of such systems can be high (e.g., buck–boost architecture operating in the discontinuous con-
10s of mW during TX/RX modes), the average power of duction mode (DCM). The inductor is time-shared amongst
such systems can be fairly low. Energy harvesting sources, different input sources and different output loads, switching
dynamically between different configurations to support dif-
Manuscript received May 6, 2018; revised July 5, 2018 and July 30, 2018;
accepted August 1, 2018. Date of publication September 13, 2018; date of ferent harvester and load conditions, as shown in Fig. 2. For
current version December 21, 2018. Funding for IC fabrication provided by instance, if the device is operating in a low-power idle state and
ST Microelectronics. This paper was approved by Guest Editor Tai-Haur Kuo. the available energy from the harvester(s) is higher than the
(Corresponding authors: Sally Safwat Amin; Patrick P. Mercier.)
The authors are with the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineer- load requirement, MISIMO will select the harvesting sources
ing, University of California at San Diego, La Jolla, CA 92093 USA (e-mail: as a source to deliver power directly to the load and charge
ssamin@ucsd.edu; pmercier@ucsd.edu). the battery, as shown in Fig. 2(b). On the other hand, if the
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available
online at http://ieeexplore.ieee.org. energy available from the harvester is lower than or around
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/JSSC.2018.2865467 the same as the load requirement, both the harvesting sources
0018-9200 © 2018 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.
See http://www.ieee.org/publications_standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information.

Fig. 2. MISIMO architecture dynamically switches between different configurations based on the harvester/load conditions. (a) Block diagram of the overall
MISIMO buck–boost architecture. (b) When harvester power exceeds the load power demands, harvesting sources deliver energy to the loads directly and
also charge the battery. (c) When harvesting power is lower than load demands, both the harvesting sources and the battery deliver energy to the loads.
(d) When harvesting power is much lower than load demands, then, only the battery is selected as a source to deliver energy to the loads.

and the battery will be selected to deliver power to the load,

as shown in Fig. 2(c). Likewise, during the periods of high
instantaneous load power requirements, only the battery will
be selected as a source to deliver energy to the load, as shown
in Fig. 2(d).
Multi-input harvesting can be useful for a variety of
wearable and/or IoT-type of applications, for example,
by stacking or co-integrating multiple energy harvesters
on device. While the developed test chip was specifically
tested for harvesting from photovoltaic (PV), thermo-electric
generator (TEG), and biofuel cell (BFC) sources, the MISIMO
architecture and control schemes can be applied to any Fig. 3. Brief survey of prior architectures in the literature and the
number and type of dc harvesting sources, depending on the proposed MISIMO architecture. (a) Single inductor multiple output architec-
ture. (b) Conventional two-stage single-input single-output energy harvester.
application. (c) Multi-input single-output two-stage architecture. (d) Single-input
This paper is organized as follows. Section II summarizes multi-output single-stage architecture. (e) Proposed MISIMO single-stage
prior-art energy-harvesting architectures and contrasts them to architecture.
the proposed MISIMO architecture, while Sections III and IV Other prior work has suggested utilizing multiple energy
describe the challenges of extracting the maximum possible harvesting sources to increase the overall harvesting power
power from multiple energy harvesting sources and regulating [4], [6]–[9]; however, such prior art is still utilizing two-
multiple loads with a single inductor. Section V–VII describe stage architectures, as shown in Fig. 3(c). To reduce the
the challenge of separating the input and output regulation, effects of cascaded losses and, therefore, improve the average
and introduce techniques to enable MISIMO regulation in an harvesting efficiency, a dual path multi-input single-output
efficient manner. Section VIII then describes the specific reg- harvesting architecture with a shared inductor was presented
ulation algorithms employed, while Section IX describes the in [5], where single-stage conversion occurs under low-load
circuit implementation details. Finally, measurement results conditions. However, the proposed architecture supports only
are presented in Section X. a single output, and under heavy load conditions, a two-
II. E NERGY H ARVESTING A RCHITECTURES stage approach is utilized. Other prior art has combined
energy harvesting and load regulation in purely single-stage
A. Prior Art designs [14], [15], as shown in Fig. 3(d), and while efficient,
Harvesting energy at the energy harvester’s maximum power the proposed architectures only supports a single-input har-
point (MPP) typically involves some sort of regulation at the vester and a single-output load (plus a battery). To further
input to the energy harvesting circuit. Likewise, any load improve efficiency, energy recycling from the load to battery
to be powered requires regulation at the energy harvesting was proposed in [15], which enables a reduced number of
circuit output. Conventionally, this is achieved by separating switches. The work in [16] and [17] incorporated many of
the input and output regulation via a two-stage architecture, the aforementioned techniques, yet supported single-inductor
as illustrated in Fig. 3(b), for a single-input and single- multiple-load regulation, though with only single-input energy
output [10], [11]. Here, the first stage is dedicated for energy harvesting.
harvesting and MPP tracking (MPPT) from single input and To the best of our knowledge, no fabricated prior-art
storing this energy in an unregulated supercapacitor or battery converters have supported multiple-input energy harvesting
[12], [13], while the second stage is dedicated for regulating with per-source MPPT, alongside simultaneous multiple-load
a single load. Such approach has two major downsides: two regulation, all with a single-stage single-inductor topology.
inductors are required, which increases the implementation
footprint, and the cascading of two power conversion stages B. Proposed MISIMO Architecture
results in multiplicative losses, which serve to limit the overall The proposed MISIMO architecture combines both multi-
achievable efficiency. input energy harvesting and multi-output load regulation, all

Fig. 4. Electrical characteristics of different energy sources: PV, TEG,

and BFC.
Fig. 5. Hysteresis control for 2-D per-Source MPPT, where the comparator
in a single-stage topology using single inductor. However, output, C M P, is used as an asynchronous clock for automatic PWM and
there are many challenges. First, at the source side, simul- PFM control.
taneous MPPT must be applied across all sources, where each
source has a different MPP voltage and different amounts of a constant fraction of Voc for all three sources. For MPPT,
instantaneous power available. Second, at the load side, each the input voltage of MISIMO, Vin , for each source is regulated
load needs to be simultaneously regulated at different voltages around a reference voltage that is equal to Vmpp , which is
and for different load conditions, all while meeting ripple generated from a circuit that samples and holds the fraction of
specifications. Third, all of this needs to be accomplished using the open-circuit voltage [9], [15]. For simplicity, the reference
a single shared inductor, so it is required to find a technique voltage, Vmpp , was provided off-chip in this prototype.
that decouples the source-side MPPT from load regulation. Fractional open-circuit voltage algorithm offers a simple and
Fourth, as for any dc–dc converter, high end-to-end efficiency high-efficient MPPT across low-power input range for PV cell
across a wide input and output dynamic range is desired, [13], which is suitable for many low-power IoT and wearable
which places stringent constraints on the power consumption applications. The challenge here is finding an efficient manner
of the controller and the optimization strategies of leakage, to achieve this input voltage regulation across all three sources.
conduction, and switching losses.
This paper overcomes the mentioned challenges and enables A. Hysteresis Control for Self-Clocked
the MISIMO by: 1) allowing excess inductor energy to recycle 2-D Per-Source MPPT
back to the battery as needed to decouple input source and As in most DCM converters, there are three different
load regulation from each other, thereby enabling simultaneous switching phases during a single inductor switching cycle in
MPPT across all sources and independent regulation of all the MISIMO architecture: the inductor charging phase φ1 ,
loads, all with a single inductor; 2) performing 2-D MPPT the inductor discharging phase φ2 , and the inductor free-
for each source by dynamically adapting both the inductor wheel (FW) phase φ3 .
ON -time and switching frequency via a hysteretic event-driven To realize the MPPT for dc sources, the converter input
control circuit; 3) performing multi-load regulation within a resistance, Rconv , has to be adaptive and equal to the equivalent
single-inductor switching cycle to reduce the switching losses resistance seen at the harvester side, Rharv , [5] at a particular
by 3×; 4) calibrating the battery discharge time to increase operating point, as shown in Fig. 5. This would result in Vin =
the inductor time allocated to energy harvesting by 10× Vmpp . By simple derivation, Rconv can be found as function
and improve the light-load efficiency by up to 34%; and 5) of the inductor charging time, Tφ1 , and switching frequency,
modulating the power-switch sizes with load conditions to Fsw , as the following:
improve the light-load efficiency by up to 24% while utilizing
the cascoded switch structures to reduce the leakage power 2L
Rconv =2 F
losses by 9×. Tφ1 sw 

MPPT condition Rconv = Rharv (2)

For efficient input voltage regulation, both Fsw and Tφ1
While the general MISIMO architecture is scalable to an are designed to be adaptive to the available energy, and
arbitrary number of harvesting sources, the developed test chip hence, the MISIMO converter performs 2-D MPPT via pulse-
was specifically designed for harvesting from three different frequency modulation (PFM) with adaptive ON-time. This is
energy sources: light, heat, and biofuels (biochemical energy in contrast to prior art that performs 1-D MPPT by either
found in glucose, lactate, and other metabolites in human fixing the switching frequency and adapting Tφ1 [5] or by
body [18], [19]). Specifically, a PV cell, a TEG, and a fixing Tφ1 and adapting Fsw [17]. Unfortunately, fixing Fsw
BFC are employed as transducers for these energy sources. results in a fixed quiescent power that can limit the efficient
Fig. 4 shows the electrical characteristics of these energy dynamic range, whereas fixing Tφ1 can result in large input
sources. As illustrated, the voltage for the MPP, Vmpp , and the voltage ripple when the energy available from the harvester
open-circuit voltage, Voc , changes with the available energy. is low, which reduces the effectiveness of MPPT due to the
However, Vmpp is, within a reasonable degree of accuracy, large Vin deviation from the MPP. Thus, a 2-D MPPT strategy

Fig. 7. Possible switching schemes for multi-load regulation using a single


Fortunately, there have been extensive development on single-

Fig. 6. Multi-input MPPT using the outputs of the hysteresis comparators inductor multiple-output (SIMO) dc–dc converters that support
and the output of the ZCD circuit as defacto asynchronous clocks.
such requirements with a single inductor [20]–[23]. There
can potentially achieve higher efficiency over a wider dynamic are multiple possible switching schemes available in SIMO
range if implemented carefully. converters, each with their own advantages and disadvantages
To enable efficient 2-D MPPT in the MISIMO converter, [24]. Fig. 7 illustrates the schemes appropriate for inclusion
each harvester voltage is regulated around Vmpp using adap- in MISIMO.
tive Tφ1 and PFM control techniques based on a hysteretic In scheme 1, one inductor-energizing switching cycle is
control scheme. Specifically, a source hysteresis comparator dedicated for each load, and thus, there are no cross regulation
regulates Vin around Vmpp within a hysteresis window, V , issues [20]. However, this scheme results in high switching
as illustrated in Fig. 5. Once Vin reaches the lower hysteric frequency, increasing proportional to the number of the loads.
limit, the negative edge of the comparator output triggers In addition, the controller never switches to the next load
the end of φ1 , thereby defining Tφ1 . When Vin reaches the before the current load receives sufficient energy, so in case
upper hysteric limit, the positive edge of the comparator output of applying load step on one of the loads, the heavy load can
triggers the start of a new inductor switching phase, thereby monopolize the inductor time and cause a droop on the other
defining Fsw . Therefore, there is no need for a clock: unlike rails. This problem was addressed in scheme 2 by limiting the
conventional approaches, the hysteresis comparator output, number of cycles for each load [25]. Meanwhile, scheme 3
C M P, becomes a defacto asynchronous clock. It performs suggested using a single inductor-energizing switching cycle to
pulse width modulation (PWM) and PFM, as shown in Fig. 5. charge all the loads sequentially, hence, reducing the switching
frequency by the number of the loads N (i.e., Fsw /N) [21].
B. Multi-Input Energy Harvesting Using
The proposed MISIMO design adopts scheme 3 to
a Single Inductor
reduce the switching frequency and switching losses by 3×
The proposed 2-D MPPT hysteresis control scheme is under high-load condition. While under low-load condition,
individually applied to each of the three input sources, where the loads are regulated automatically under inductor switching
each source is regulated around its own Vmpp using separate scheme 2. The loads do not receive power in the same order
hysteresis comparator outputs. Thus, when multiple sources in each cycle, instead, they are interchanged in each cycle to
are sharing the same inductor, each source has an inductor avoid voltage droop on the last loads in the cycle, as illustrated
charging time Tφ1 and switching frequency Fsw defined by in scheme 2.
its comparator output, depending on the available energy and Like the input regulation scheme, the load voltages are also
the MPP. Fig. 6 shows an example for multi-input harvest- regulated using the hysteresis PFM control. The proposed
ing. In the first inductor switching cycle, the PV hysteresis controller allows multiple loads to be regulated in a single
comparator output triggers the start of the inductor switching inductor-energizing switching cycle. In the inductor discharg-
cycle as well as the end of φ1 . In φ2 , once zero inductor ing phase φ2 , the upper hysteretic limit of each hysteresis
current is detected via a zero-current detector (ZCD) circuit, load comparator prompts the inductor to discharge into the
described later, the controller then looks to see if any other next load until zero current is detected by the ZCD circuit.
harvesting source’s comparator output is high. If more than Under light-load condition, the loads are adaptively regulated
one comparator output is high at the same time, the controller by switching scheme 2 because the load demand for energy
will select the first harvester in the sequence. If all comparator becomes very low.
outputs are low, i.e., there is no energy available, the converter
goes to the FW phase, waiting for the next trigger from
hysteresis comparators (BFC in this case) to start new cycle, AND L OAD R EGULATION
and so on.
Simultaneous regulation of multiple input sources (for
IV. M ULTIPLE L OAD R EGULATION MPPT purposes) and loads using single inductor is not possi-
Each of the loads must be independently regulated regard- ble with the conventional control techniques. If the harvester
less of load voltage and instantaneous current demands. energy is available and selected as a source in φ1 , the

Fig. 8. Decoupling source MPPT and load regulation in the single-inductor Fig. 9. Inductor charging time under battery power (Tφ1−BAT ) calibration
architecture through an optional battery charge recycling phase. for ripple control and efficiency improvement.

inductor charging time from harvester, Tφ1−H i , is set for

MPPT, as described earlier (i.e., the inductor peak current
set for MPPT), and this charge is dumped to the load in
φ2 regardless of the load requirements. Thus, if this charge
is more than what is required by all of the loads, this
conventional technique would result in high load voltage ripple
and degraded load regulation, as illustrated in Fig. 8.
This is the main issue identified in [17], and while [26]
proposed to employ the battery as an auxiliary load to help
address this issue, the simulated design only employed a single
input and single output, and no measurement results were
The proposed decoupling technique overcomes this problem
by recycling any extra charge back to the battery in φ2 once
the load receives sufficient energy, as indicated by the load
hysteresis comparator’s outputs. By this technique, load regu-
lation becomes independent of the inductor peak current and Fig. 10. MISIMO switch-level power stage, along with repre-
sentative inductor switching schemes under different source and load
source-side regulation, solving the tradeoff described in [17]. conditions.
In addition, adopting this decoupling technique allows the
harvester to deliver power to the load and charge the battery load current, ILd , as follows:
in the same inductor switching cycle, which, importantly, also
reduces the switching losses. 
1 2L ILd Vout
Tφ1−BAT = . (3)
Vin Fsw
In the MISIMO converter, Tφ1−BAT is calibrated, such
If the battery is selected as a source, the inductor peak that each load receives sufficient energy from the battery in
current, Ipk , has to be large enough to support the maximum a single cycle, reducing the output ripple and conduction
load and minimize the switching frequency to reduce switch- losses under low-load condition and the switching losses at
ing losses. The inductor charging time, Tφ1−BAT , controls Ipk high-load condition. Calibrating Tφ1−BAT also increases the
(i.e., Ipk = (Vin /L)Tφ1−BAT ). If Tφ1−BAT was fixed to be the inductor time allocated to energy harvesting by up to 10×, and
largest possible value given the expected load conditions at ensures that load regulation is not dominated by the battery
design time, this would result in large output ripple and high when the harvestable
√ energy is available. Equation (3) shows
conduction losses under light-load conditions, as illustrated that Tφ1−BAT ∝ ILd . Therefore, the digital calibrated bits
in Fig. 9. On the other hand, if Tφ1−BAT was fixed to be controlling Tφ1−BAT can be used as load current indicator,
smaller than this, this would limit the maximum power of the described later in Section IX.
converter and result in high switching frequency and switching While calibrating Tφ1−BAT using analog feedback circuitry
losses under high-load condition. This tradeoff is described is faster than the employed linear-search digital calibra-
in [17]. tion, the power-hungry analog feedback circuitry (specifi-
In the MISIMO converter, Tφ1−BAT is digitally cali- cally for multiple load regulation) is not suitable for this
brated based on the load current indicator bits, described in dc–dc converter, where light loads must also be supported.
Section IX, and hence Ipk varies adaptively with the load To support an output power as low as 1 μW, an ultra-low
requirement using ON-time digital control. This is similar to power controller with a quiescent power in a nW range is
the digital PWM described in [25]. For a buck–boost converter a must, thereby justifying the use of the digital Tφ1−BAT
operating in DCM, Tφ1−BAT can be expressed as function of calibration.

Fig. 11. MISIMO controller flowchart. (a) Source-side algorithm. (b) Load-side algorithm.

VII. M ULTI -I NPUT M ULTI -O UTPUT R EGULATION A. Source-Side Control Algorithm

Putting all of the techniques described in Sections III–VI
Fig. 11 shows the proposed source-side and load-side algo-
together, hysteresis comparators for PFM control are employed
rithms. The source-side controller is triggered only if any of
to regulate each source at its maximum-power point voltage,
the three loads have an energy deficit (Ld j _cmp = “0”), or if
Vmpp,i , and each load at its own reference voltage, Vref,i .
harvester energy is available (Hi_cmp = “1”) and battery is
Fig. 10 shows the inductor current switching cycles under
not fully charged (BATOV = “0”). Otherwise, the converter is
different scenarios for source and load conditions. During
in the FW phase and the source-side controller is disabled to
periods where instantaneous load demands outstrip harvesting
save power.
capacity, the MISIMO controller selects the battery as a source
The proposed source-side algorithm shown in Fig. 11(a)
for a calibrated time in φ1 to deliver energy to one or more
selects one of the three harvesters or the battery as a source
loads in φ2 . If harvester energy is available, it is extracted in
in φ1 , based on harvester and load condition. The harvester
φ1 for Tφ1 determined by the harvester hysteresis comparator
condition is defined by the source hysteresis comparator’s
output, then this energy is delivered to up to three loads and/or
outputs Hi_cmp , while the load condition is defined by two sig-
the battery in φ2 .
nals: ld_alar m and ld_needs_energy. The ld_needs_energy
signal is asserted if the output of any of the load hysteresis
VIII. E VENT-D RIVEN C ONTROL A LGORITHM comparators Ld j _cmp is low; which indicates that one of the
The proposed MISIMO platform is controlled by an asyn- loads require energy. The ld_alar m signal is asserted if any
chronous event-driven digital controller designed to support of the output loads did not receive sufficient energy for two
low quiescent power. There are three trigger sources for the successive switching cycles (i.e., Ld j _cmp is low for two
digital controller: 1) source hysteresis comparator outputs successive periods).
trigger the controller whenever there is available energy at the If the ld_alar m signal is high, the battery is selected as
source side to harvest; 2) load hysteresis comparator outputs a source regardless the harvester condition (i.e., ld_alar m =
trigger the controller if any of the loads do not have sufficient “1” indicates that the energy available from the harvesting
energy; and 3) the ZCD output triggers the end of the inductor sources is less than the load requirement). If the ld_alar m
switching cycle and the start of new cycle. signal is low and the ld_needs_energy signal is high, the

Fig. 12. Block diagram of the MISIMO chip, including detailed schematics of the power stage with power-switch width control.

Fig. 13. Hysteresis comparator. Fig. 14. Duty-cycled ZCD.

algorithm checks the source hysteretic comparator output of not fully charged (BATov = “0”); else, the converter enters the
the first harvester, H1_cmp . If H1_cmp is high, H1 is selected FW phase.
as a source to deliver power to the load; else, the algorithm
checks the successive harvester comparator output H2_cmp , B. Load-Side Algorithm
and so on. If the output of all source comparators is low, Fig. 11(b) shows the proposed load-side algorithm that is
the battery is selected as a source to deliver power to the load. enabled only during phase φ2 , where the three loads and the
On the other hand, if the ld_needs_energy signal is low, this battery are time multiplexed. The algorithm checks the load
indicates that all loads have sufficient energy, and in this case, hysteresis comparator outputs sequentially and charges each
if any of the harvester energy is available, the harvester will load j until its comparator output equals to “1” (Ld j _cmp =
be selected as a source to charge the battery if the battery is “1”), then switches to next load with a low comparator output,

Fig. 15. Circuit details of the asynchronous source clock generation block and adaptive Tφ1−H i control.

Fig. 16. Circuit details of ld_alarm signal generation block, and load current indicator block that generates Ldind _bit < 4 : 0 > used for Tφ1−BAT and
switch size control.

and so on, until the zero-current state is detected (ZCD = “1”). A. Power Stage Efficiency Improvement to Achieve
If all loads are charged (ld_needs_energy = “0”) and there Wide Dynamic Range
is still current in the inductor, extra charge is recycled back to
battery at the end of φ2 . The power stage losses at low loads can dominate the con-
verter quiescent power. Specifically, at low loads, the converter
spends most of the time in the FW phase, where the power
IX. MISIMO A RCHITECTURE switches are connected to the battery and to the loads suffering
from high leakage because of their large sizes, and relatively
The proposed MISIMO architecture is shown in Fig. 12. large blocking voltage. To address this, load and battery power
It consists of a power stage, a digital controller, hysteresis switches are implemented by cascoding transistors, which push
source comparators for MPPT, hysteresis load comparators them into the super cut-off region, reducing leakage by 9×.
for load regulation, and a ZCD circuit. MISIMO can be To achieve high efficiency over a wide dynamic load current
extended to any number of inputs or outputs by adding range, the power switches are each split up into 2-bit binary-
switches to the source side or the load side of the power stage, weighted arrays and MISMO performs dynamic switch size
respectively. modulation (SSM). The switch size is calibrated dynamically

Fig. 17. (a) Circuit details of asynchronous load clock generation block.
(b) Equivalent waveforms.

Fig. 19. (a) Measured turn-on transient demonstrating automatic PFM con-
trol. (b) Measured load step under battery power demonstrating independent
voltage regulation across all three loads.

Fig. 18. Micrograph of the fabricated MISIMO die in 28-nm fully-depleted

silicon-on-insulator (FDSOI).

based on the load current indicator output, described later in

Section IX-D2.

B. Hysteresis Comparator
Fig. 13 shows the detailed schematics of the hysteresis com-
parator used for source-side and load-side voltage regulations.
The hysteresis window is determined by the ratio between
the width of the cross-coupled transistors (M6 and M7 )
and the diode connected transistors (M3 and M4 ). The hystere-
sis window, V , can be described by the following equation:

1 − (W/L)6,7 /(W/L)3,4
V = ±  Vov1,2 . (4)
1 + (W/L)6,7 /(W/L)3,4
Fig. 20. (a) Measured load step response during energy harvesting demon-
strating simultaneous source regulation (for MPPT) and load regulation. (b)
C. Duty-Cycled Zero-Current Detector Measured source step response demonstrating the capability of MISIMO to
The ZCD block shown in Fig. 14 detects the inductor dynamically switch between different configurations.
zero-current crossing by comparing the voltage at V x node to
GND. In general, zero-current detection requires significant suggested digital calibration techniques for Tφ2 to avoid the
power, as the detector has to operate at sufficiently high speed need for a power-hungry analog comparator [15]. However,
in order to avoid negative inductor current that results in this is not applicable for MISIMO because the ZCD point
efficiency degradation. To reduce ZCD power, prior work has changes every inductor switching cycle due to the dynamic

Fig. 21. (a) Measured efficiency for all three loads versus current in load three. (b) Measured efficiency improvement with dynamic Tφ1BAT calibration.
Measured efficiency improvement with dynamic SSM at (c) 1 and (d) 0.6 V.

multiple source harvesting and multiple load regulation. Thus, Despite the fact that an offset cancellation scheme was not
an analog ZCD is necessary in MISIMO. Fortunately, it can implemented in the developed chip, a high peak efficiency
be noted that zero-current detection only needs to occur at was still achieved, as will be described in Section X.
the end of φ2 . Thus, to save power, the ZCD comparator is
duty-cycled to be enabled only during φ2 , which, importantly, D. MISIMO Asynchronous Controller
is much smaller than φ1 and φ3 at low load currents. Once the 1) Asynchronous Source-Side Clock Generation and
ZCD output triggers the end of φ2 , the rest of the switching Tφ1−H i Control: Fig. 15 shows the block diagram of the
cycle is turned off. By implementing a duty-cycled ZCD, asynchronous source-side FSM clock generation. The negative
the power consumption of ZCD reduced from 2.23 μW to edge of the chip RST signal acts as the first trigger for the
1 nW @ Pout = 10 μW, saving power by more than 2000×. source-side algorithm to kick-start the MISIMO. During the
One of the advantages of the employed SSM technique operation of MISIMO, there are three trigger sources for
is that it avoids having small voltage at the Vx node under the source-side algorithm: 1) ZCD output, ZCD; 2) negative
low-load condition, which nominally cannot be detected by edge of the load hysteresis comparator’s outputs (i.e., negative
conventional low-power ZCD circuits. Specifically, since SSM edge of ld_needs_energy signal); and 3) positive edge of
scales down the transistor size at low load current, making its the source hysteresis comparator’s outputs (i.e., positive
ON -resistance large, the voltage on Vx can still be large enough edge of E H _available signal). At the end of φ2 , a ZCD
to be detected by the present ZCD circuit. pulse is generated to trigger the source-side FSM. While
In order to reduce the inductor’s negative current and during the FW phase, ld_needs_energy or E H _available
efficiency degradation result from late switching, offset added signal triggers the source-side algorithm. When a harvester
intentionally by mismatching the width of the input differential is selected as a source in φ1 by the source-side FSM,
pair to compensate for loop delay (delay from ZCD output to the negative edge of the harvester comparator output triggers
power stage switches input). the end φ1 , defining Tφ1−H i , as shown in Fig. 15.
The designed ZCD circuit utilized fairly small devices, and 2) Load Current Indicator and Tφ1−B AT Control: As
thus results in a simulated 3σ offset of 20 mV. This worst described in Section VIII-A, ld_alar m signal is asserted if
case offset was simulated to adversely affect the power stage any of the output loads didn’t receive sufficient energy for
efficiency by up to 9%. Offset compensation schemes using 2 successive cycles (indicated by the hysteresis comparators
capacitive trimming or other techniques can reduce the offset outputs). The circuit details of the ld_alar m signal generation
down to <1 mV at zero static power consumption (with block is shown in Fig. 16. If ld_alar m is high, the battery is
only a one-time calibration cost to implement), which would, selected as a source for a calibrated Tφ1−BAT . The load current
at that offset level, negligibly affects the converter efficiency. indicator bits, Ldind _bi t < 4 : 0 >, are the bits controlling


the pulse width, Tφ1−BAT . A binary-weighted MIM-capacitor X. E XPERIMENTAL R ESULT

delay-controlled line is used to generate the digital calibrated
pulse using the Ldind_bi t < 4 : 0 > control bits, as illustrated The proposed MISIMO converter is implemented
in Fig. 16. in 0.5 mm2 in 28-nm FDSOI. A die micrograph is shown
The load current indicator checks the ld_alar m signal in Fig. 18. The implemented MISIMO chip harvests energy
when battery is selected as a source: if ld_alar m is high from up to three sources simultaneously: a PV cell at 0.2–1 V,
for two successive cycles, the load current indicator bits a TEG at 0.1–0.4 V, and a BFC at 0.2–0.5 V; all while
Ldind _bi t < 4 : 0 > increments by one, increasing Tφ1−BAT independently regulating three different power rails (each
accordingly. On the other hand, if ld_alar m is low (all loads between 0.4 and 1.4 V). During testing, a real PV cell was
receive sufficient energy in one inductor switching cycle), connected to one of the inputs, while voltage sources with
and the battery is selected as a source and load in the series resistors were used to model TEG and BFC sources to
same switching cycle, Ldind _bi t < 4 : 0 > decrements simplify testing. The TEG model values are computed from
by one, reducing Tφ1−BAT accordingly. In steady state, each “Micropelt Thermogenerator” (RTEG = 526 ), while the
load receives sufficient energy in one inductor switching BFC model values are computed from the BFC measurement
cycle. results in [18]. A Keithley sourcemeter is connected to the
battery terminal of the test chip alongside a large capacitor
3) Asynchronous Load-Side Clock Generation: Fig. 17(a) (10 μF) so that power-in and power-out can be measured.
shows the circuit details of the asynchronous clock generation The sourcemeter model used in testing is operating as a
for the load-side FSM. In φ2 , once a load receives suffi- source and a sink.
cient energy and its comparator output goes high, a pulse Measurement in Fig. 19(a) demonstrates the MISIMO PFM
is generated to trigger the load FSM to switch to the next control under battery power. It shows the output voltage of
load, and so on, until inductor zero current is detected. the three loads under a turn-on transient test, alongside the
Waveform describing the asynchronous clock generation is ZCD output, which used as a defacto asynchronous clock in
shown in Fig. 17(b). the MISIMO converter. The ZCD output effectively indicates

the inductor switching frequency. Immediately after turn-on, three different energy sources and independently regulating
the converter operates at the maximum switching frequency three different power rails in a single-stage single-inductor
(500 kHz), and once the outputs reach steady state, the fre- architecture. The proposed architecture decoupled the input
quency goes down in proportion to the load currents. This source regulation from the output load regulation by allowing
measurement result demonstrates that the MISIMO energy- excess inductor energy to recycle back to the battery. The
harvesting chip can effectively regulate three independent MISIMO converter performed 2-D MPPT at the source side
loads at different voltages and load condition with dynamic by dynamically adapting the inductor charging time and fre-
ON -time and PFM control. Fig. 19(b) shows a load-step quency, hence improving the MPPT efficiency. Multiple load
response measurement and cross-regulation test. Here, a load regulation actions were performed within a single inductor
step is applied on one of the rails, and the measurement switching cycle to reduce the switching losses by 3×. The
results demonstrate the independent voltage regulation across MISIMO chip utilized different load regulation techniques,
the three loads with only 30-mV ripple and negligible droop. PFM, PWM, and SSM, to achieve high efficiency across
Measurements in Fig. 20(a) show the input voltage of two wide dynamic range. Measurements showed that calibrating
harvesting sources: a BFC and a TEG, alongside the output Tφ1−BAT and SSM improve efficiency by up to 34% and up
voltage of one of the loads: VLd3 . It demonstrates that the to 24%, respectively.
MISIMO chip can simultaneously regulate input sources (to
<15-mV ripple for MPPT purposes) and output loads with the ACKNOWLEDGMENT
single inductor. It also shows that load step has no effect on The authors would like to thank H. Krishnamurthy,
the source regulation or the output voltage ripple, thanks to S. Carlo, V. Vaidya, and C. Schaef for initial discussions.
the proposed source/load decoupling technique.
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maximum power point tracking for indoor photovoltaic energy har- Middle East Energy Efficiency Research Center, Intel. From 2013 to 2014, she
vesting,” IEEE J. Solid-State Circuits, vol. 50, no. 11, pp. 2758–2772, was a Mixed-Signal Design, Senior Engineer with Mixel, Inc., Egypt, where
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skin-based biofuel cells for scavenging energy from human sweat,” regulators for dynamic voltage and frequency scaling (DVFS), low-power
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[20] D. Ma, W.-H. Ki, C.-Y. Tsui, and P. K. T. Mok, “Single-inductor signal circuit design.
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discontinuous conduction mode,” IEEE J. Solid-State Circuits, vol. 38, International Conference on Energy Aware Computing Systems and Appli-
no. 1, pp. 89–100, Jan. 2003. cations (ICEAC), a Graduate Fellowship (2009–2011) from Nile University,
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[23] J. Kim, D. S. Kim, and C. Kim, “A single-inductor 8-channel output Patrick P. Mercier (S’04–M’12–SM’17) received
DC-DC boost converter with time-limited one-shot current control and the B.Sc. degree in electrical and computer engi-
single shared hysteresis comparator,” in Symp. VLSI Circuits Dig. Tech. neering from the University of Alberta, Edmonton,
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[24] D. Kwon and G. A. Rincon-Mora, “Single-inductor–multiple-output degrees in electrical engineering and computer sci-
switching DC–DC converters,” IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst., II, Exp. ence from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology
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[25] J. Kim, D. S. Kim, and C. Kim, “A single-inductor eight-channel output respectively.
DC-DC converter with time-limited power distribution control and single He is currently an Associate Professor of electrical
shared hysteresis comparator,” IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst. I, Reg. Papers, and computer engineering with the University of
vol. 60, no. 12, pp. 3354–3367, Dec. 2013. California at San Diego (UCSD), La Jolla, CA,
[26] A. A. Abdelmoaty and A. Fayed, “A single-step, single-inductor energy- USA, where he is also the Co-Director of the Center for Wearable Sensors.
harvestingbased power supply platform with a regulated battery charger He has coedited the books Ultra-Low-Power Short Range Radios (Springer,
for mobile applications,” in Proc. IEEE Appl. Power Electron. Conf. 2015) and Power Management Integrated Circuits (CRC Press, 2016). His
Expo. (APEC), Mar. 2015, pp. 666–669. current research interests include the design of energy-efficient microsystems,
[27] C. Alcaraz, P. Najera, J. Lopez, and R. Roman, “Wireless sensor net- focusing on the design of RF circuits, power converters, and sensor interfaces
works and the Internet of Things: Do we need a complete integration?” for miniaturized systems and biomedical applications.
in Proc. 1st Int. Workshop Secur. Internet Things, 2010. Dr. Mercier has been a member of the IEEE International Solid-State
[28] P. Harrop, J. Hayward, and G. Holland, “Wearable technology Circuits Conference (ISSCC) International Technical Program Committee
2015–2025: Technologies, markets, forecasts,” IDTechEx, Tech. Res., (Technology Directions Sub-Committee) and the Custom Integrated Circuits
2015. Conference (CICC) Technical Program Committee since 2017. He received the
[29] Y. K. Ramadass and A. P. Chandrakasan, “A batteryless thermoelectric Natural Sciences and Engineering Council of Canada (NSERC) Julie Payette
energy-harvesting interface circuit with 35 mv startup voltage,” in IEEE Fellowship in 2006, the NSERC Postgraduate Scholarships in 2007 and 2009,
ISSCC Dig. Tech. Papers, Feb. 2010, pp. 486–487. the Intel Ph.D. Fellowship in 2009, the 2009 ISSCC Jack Kilby Award for
[30] E. J. Carlson, K. Strunz, and B. P. Otis, “A 20 mV input boost converter Outstanding Student Paper at the ISSCC 2010, the Graduate Teaching Award
with efficient digital control for thermoelectric energy harvesting,” IEEE in Electrical and Computer Engineering at UCSD in 2013, the Hellman
J. Solid-State Circuits, vol. 45, no. 4, pp. 741–750, Apr. 2010. Fellowship Award in 2014, the Beckman Young Investigator Award in 2015,
[31] Y. Lu, S. Yao, S. Bin, and P. Brokaw, “A 200 nA single-inductor the DARPA Young Faculty Award in 2015, the UC San Diego Academic
dual-input-triple-output (DITO) converter with two-stage charging and Senate Distinguished Teaching Award in 2016, the Biocom Catalyst Award
process-limit cold-start voltage for photovoltaic and thermoelectric in 2017, and the NSF CAREER Award in 2018. He has served as an Associate
energy harvesting,” in IEEE Int. Solid-State Circuits Conf. (ISSCC) Dig. Editor for the IEEE T RANSACTIONS ON V ERY L ARGE S CALE I NTEGRATION
Tech. Papers, Feb. 2016, pp. 368–369. from 2015 to 2017. Since 2013, he has been serving as an Associated Editor
[32] S. Kim and G. A. Rincón-Mora, “Dual-source single-inductor 0.18 μm for the IEEE T RANSACTIONS ON B IOMEDICAL C IRCUITS AND S YSTEMS .
CMOS charger-supply with nested hysteretic and adaptive on-time PWM Since 2017, he has been an Associate Editor of the IEEE S OLID -S TATE
control,” in IEEE ISSCC Dig. Tech. Papers, Feb. 2014, pp. 400–401. C IRCUITS L ETTERS .

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