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Research Proposal: Increase of child marriage due to pandemic or COVID-19

Date: October 29, 2021

To: Dr. Nadra Islam

From: Rokeya Binte Tonima, ID: 1911647630, ENG 105, Sec: 20

Subject: Proposal to conduct a research project on the bad effects of child marriage and how the
percentage of this practice increases because of pandemic or COVID-19

Introduction: Child marriage is a marriage which conducts among both the immature or under
18 persons or maybe only one of them can be under 18. It is a very disgusting and harmful
practice as it deprives girls from their right of making important decisions about their sexual
health and future life. As a result, they have to face domestic violence, abuse, ill health,
pregnancy problems and unexpected death during pregnancy.
Here in my research, my focused point is the bad effects of child marriage and how the
percentage of this practice increases because of pandemic or COVID-19. Bangladesh is enlisted
in the top 10 countries where child marriage is being conducted in huge numbers but in last few
years the numbers were reduced. Suddenly, the pandemic occurred and the number of this
disgusting ritual has started increasing rapidly. So, I would like to find out through my research
why this disgusting practice has started again, how it is affecting that child’s life, her education,
mental and physical state, also which situation her family going through, what kind of impact it
has on our society and so on.

Research Questions: Here in my research, I intent to find out the current situation of
Bangladesh regarding child marriage so I will conduct my research according to the following
research questions:
1.What is child marriage?

2.What is the age range of child marriage?

3.Does child marriage affect the human rights?
4.What are the main causes of child marriage?
5.Do you think that pandemic is reasonable for the occurrence of child marriage?
6.Is our country's current economical state reasonable for child marriage?
7.What is the age gap between the bride and groom in case of child marriage?
8.How can reduce this ill-culture "child marriage"?
9.Is a boy child ever get married off at very early age or it is just the girl who becomes the victim
from that very ancient time?
10.Is child marriage legally approved in Bangladesh?
11.What the exact age range of getting married in Bangladesh?
12.Is child marriage an open threat to a girl? If yes, then why?
13.What is the consequence of child marriage?

Research Hypothesis:

Research Methodology: I will conduct my primary research arranging an online survey with
different kinds of questions among different age’s or occupation's people to find out their
opinion regarding the current situation of child marriage due to pandemic and the bad effects of
child marriage in Bangladesh.
And my secondary research will be conducted using different medium such as Internet, online
research surveys and articles; online newspapers and interviews and so on

Organization: I am going to divide my research paper into many sections such as Introduction,
Background, Data presentation and Analysis, Summary of Findings and Organization which I am
going to describe basing on my research questions.

Timetable: I hope to complete my secondary research by November15 and my primary research

by December 10. I will submit the final draft of my paper by December19.

Research for approval: I am thus requesting your approval for my research. So, if you want me
to make any changes in my proposal or improve my proposal, I will try to do that as early as
possible and submit it after making the necessary changes. And i would be very grateful if you
provide me your wise advice and help in conducting my research and completing the project

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