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Anne Trisha N.


1. Relationship between perceived problem-solving skills and academic performance

of novice learners in introductory programming courses

The study found the significant relationship of the computer science students’
perceived problem-solving abilities to those outcome scores of their formative and
summative assessment in their programming subject. It shows that categorizing and
assessing their problem-solving skills may enhance their capability to learn what they
need to work out. It also bridges out their ways of using transferable skills that could help
to identify the needs of their problem-solving transfer skills in a programming course.
Additionally, there was no significant relationship between effective and ineffective
problem solvers' performance on the formative assessment tasks. Their success on these
kinds of tests was not greatly impacted by their ability to solve problems. However, the
study contends that grouping kids according to how well they can solve problems is a
possibility (Veerasamy, D'Souza, Lindén & Laakso, 2019).

From this study, we could say that problem-solving abilities open opportunities to
solve a problem in a more analytical and systematic series of tasks that could help to
enhance the ability to think in a formative assessment especially in a group work. It
activates critical thinking which enables the learners to identify and categorize their
problem-solving skills to tackle the ones they lack and need to improve. Moreover, the
aforementioned skill paves its way to a more flexible ability that one could use to create
transferable skills, which is most used in today’s century that gears toward innovation and
practical science-based, making life easier and conventional to everyone.

2. A systematic survey on embodied cognition: 11 years of research in child–

computer interaction

The study regarding the embodied cognition of a child-computer interaction shows

expounded analysis regarding the continuous research about the topic. It is said that few
researchers have only conducted this study. And through analysis of the past research,
they have been able to identify the relationship of embodied movements, cognition and
interaction of a child through technology based and environmental factors. The Piagetian
concept on the role of sensorimotor activity was very vital in the child’s construction of his
world and development of cognition. Hence, children’s future abilities and thoughts were
formed through guidance of what they are perceiving. Such as social and play
companions through microworlds provide unique opportunities to explore embodied
movements of our brain and our body which enables them to accumulate growth towards
their holistic development (Ale, Sturdee & Rubegni, 2022).
This study would be a great reference on producing substantial data for the fast-
changing world today. It would also gear a new platform that may be used as an
instrument to the embodied cognition of a child through microworlds, applying it to the
real world. It’s also beneficial to practice social and play companions that may enhance
a child's socialization and development of thinking.

3. Technological Modern Toys in Early Child Development

It was discussed that traditional toys were much better on the developmental
growth of the child based on Vygotsky’s theory in terms of the development of the motor
functions which is a precursor to the language acquisition, creativity and thinking process.
This development may be acquired through play that promotes deliberate action and
feelings through the use of toys. But as the technological toys were booming, they have
seen an increased number of behavioral problems. Such difficulties on self-regulation,
decrease of motor movements which hinders refined motor abilities, inappropriate
emotional expression due to different exposure varying on video games, and lower
socialization and play towards other children. Hence, guidance of the guardians and
regulation of usage of the technology should be imposed and exposure through traditional
toys were more recommended especially to a child undergoing through early childhood
(Smirnova & Nieves, 2018).

This study is very evident in our generation today and it would be a great source
of data that any academe could use or institution that promotes awareness and avenue
to guide parents on their parenting style. This is a great reference to advertise this
increasing issue on various platforms, school institutions that everyone may adopt that all
excessive exposure to technology may cause harm and danger depending on what they
are seeing without guidance. Also, it is important to keep in mind that the growth of a child
starts in their early childhood. That's why mindful tools should be used for them to build a
foundation on refined abilities and skills as they grow old.

Ale, M., Sturdee, M., & Rubegni, E. (2022). A systematic survey on embodied cognition:
11 years of research in child–computer interaction. International Journal of Child-
Computer Interaction, 33, 100478.
Veerasamy, A. K., D'Souza, D., Lindén, R., & Laakso, M. J. (2019). Relationship between
perceived problem‐solving skills and academic performance of novice learners in
introductory programming courses. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 35(2),
Smirnova, E., & Nieves-Rosa, A. (2018). Technological modern toys in early child
development. Vygotsky's theory in early childhood education and research:
Russian and Western values, 157-165.

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