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Any one question from following questions 1 to 8 will come for 8 marks.
Q1 Write a menu driven program in python to implement stack data structure using list with following choices:
1-Push Student 2-Pop Student 3-Traverse 4-Quit [Student details includes Rollno,Name,Age,TotalMarks] [8]

Q2) Write a menu driven program in Python using user defined functions to manage Telephone
contacts of your friends in binary file MyFriend.dat(Contact details include
Name,ContactNo,Address).The available choices are: 1-Add Friend 2-Search Friend(on basis of
name) 3-Display All 4- Quit

Q3)Write a menu driven program in Python using user defined functions to manage Employee
details (Empno,Ename,Salary)in a CSV file EMP.CSV .The available choices are: 1-Add Employee 2-
Display All 3-Quit

Q4)Write a menu driven program in python to implement stack data structure using list with following choices:
1-Push City 2-Pop City 3-Traverse 4-Quit [City details include CityName,Population,STD Code]

Q5) Write a menu driven program in python based on text file STORY .TXT with following choices:
1-Count Number of words 2-Count number of vowels 3- Quit

Q6) Write a menu driven program in Python using user defined functions to manage Book deatails in
binary file Books.dat(Book details include AccNo,Title ,Author,NoOfCopies).The available choices
are: 1-Add Book 2-Update NoOfCopies 3-Display All 4- Quit

Q7) Write a menu driven program in python to implement stack data structure using list with following
1-Push City 2-Pop City 3-Traverse 4-Quit [City details include CityName,Population,STD Code]

Q8) Write a menu driven program in python to implement stack data structure using list with following
1-Push Applicant 2-Pop Applicant 3-Traverse 4-Quit [Applicant details include Applicant
name,Qualification, Experience in years.]

Any one question from following questions 9 to 16 will come for 4 marks.
Q9) Write a Python program to create a table STUDENT(Rollno,Name,TotalMarks) in database

Q10) Write a Python program to create a table CUSTOMER(CustId,CustName,CustCity) in database MARKET of


Q11) Write a Python program to insert details of students in table

STUDENT(Rollno,Name,TotalMarks) of database SCHOOL of MySQL. Insertion should continue until
user wants.

Q12) Write a Python program to insert details of Customers in table CUSTOMER(CustId,CustName,CustCity)

withiin database MARKET of MySQL.Insertion should continue until user wants.

Q13) Write a python program to selectand display details of students scoring total marks more than 300from
a table STUDENT(Rollno,Name,TotalMarks) of database SCHOOL in MySQL.

Q14) Write a python program to selectand display details of customers living in city Mumbai or Kolkata from a
table CUSTOMER(CustId,CustName,CustCity) within database MARKET of MySQL.

Q15) Write a Python program to increase marks of students by 5 in table

STUDENT(Rollno,Name,TotalMarks) within database SCHOOL of MySQL .

Q16) Write a python program to delete details of customer as per CustId input by user from a table
CUSTOMER(CustId,CustName,CustCity) within database MARKET of MySQL.

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