Placement Test 16-08

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1-…………………you like to come with me?

a-do b-does c-can d-would e-have
2-What are you like?
a-I like football. b-I would like some tea. c-I am funny. d-I don’t like it.
3-What …………….. your mum like ? She is helpful.
a-do b-does c-are d-is e- has
4-What does your father like?
a-He is hardworking. b-He likes playing football.c-He is an engineer. d-He would
like to play Golf.
5-Before the exams,I am always ……………………………..
a-foreign b-awesome c- nervous d- celebrity
6-Does your brother smoke? No, he doesn’t. He ………………… smokes.
a-always b-sometimes c-rarely d- never e- usually
7-We go to school………………………
a- always b- usually c- everyday d- rarely
8-I have two brothers. Do you know ……………………..?
a-me b-her c-them d-they e-him
9-Sibel is my friend.I like ………………
a-her b-she c-him d-us e-them
10-I hate alcohol.. = I ………………………..ancohol.
a-like b-can’t stand c-can’t d-use e-don’t
11-She likes ……………………. shopping.
a-does b-going c-goes d-do e-a
12-I ……………….. get up early, because I am a housewife
a-always b-often c-don’t d-can e-like
13-……………………………. do you go running? Rarely.
a-when b-why c- what d- how e- how often
14-…………………………………………………….? I go home on foot.
a-Why do you go home? b-When do you go home?
c-Where do you go? d-How do you go home?
15-I like your new car.It is ……………………………….
a-awesome b-a car c-normal d-not good e-awful
16-English is my ………………………language.
a-good b- foreign c-mother d-first e-celebrity
17-…………………………. are they? My parents.
a- who b-why c-when d-where e-which
18-………………………… do you want? The green book.
a-when b-where c-how d-why e-which
19-Madonna and Rihanna are ………………………………..
a- person b-celebrity c-celebrities d-woman girl
20-What do you do in your free time? I ……………………… with my friends.
a-hang out b- get up c-have d-like e- sometimes
21-Don’t give any Money to the doctor, because you have a /an
a-car b-target c-neighbour d-clothes e- insurance
22-Waiters serve ………………………….. at the restaurants.
a-woman b-models c-customers d-lawyers e-babies
23-…………………… they live ? In London.
a-where b-when c-why d-how e-which
24-What is the …………………… like today? It is rainy.
a-home b-weather c-room d-school e-garden
25-When …………..she get up ? …….. 7 o’clock.
a-do/ at b-does /on c-is /at d-does / at e- does / in
26-What is your job? I am a hairdresser. I
a-work with machines. b-cut people’s hair. c-work in a bank. d-wash my hair.
e-go to primary school.
27-………………………………………………..? No, I am single.
a-Are you married or single? b-Are you married? c-Are you single? d-Are you a
28-What are your shoes like?
a-They are very comfortable. b-They are black.
c-They are my shoes. d-They are very expensive.
29-………………. you got…………….. sisters?
a-have/a b-has / any c-do / any d-have/any e- have / some
30-…………………….. …………………….. have you got?
a-how much / babies b-how many / babies c- how many / babys d- how many / a
31-I go ………………….. in the morning.
a- run b- runs c-running d-to run e- ride
32-He ………………….. karate once a week.
a-makes b-do c-does d-play e-can
33-My dad ……………. Up……… 8 o’clock.
a-get/ at b-gets / an c-gets / on d-get / in
34-I was born ……………….. 21st May ,1993.
a-in b- on c-at d-of e-to
35-Ahmet is a ……………….. .He works for Hurriyet.
a-student b-lawyer c-judge d-teacher e-journalist.
36-Which is the odd word?
a- Judge b-lawyer c-beautician d-drum e-scientist
37-Find the wrong match.
a-factory- product b-lawyer-judge
c-nurse doctor d-secretary-boss
38-Do you like ……………? Yes, I like ……………….
a-I / you b- me/ him c-my / you d-me / you e- you/ me
39-Miray lives next to my house .She is my …………………..
a-hairdresser b-milkman c- neighbour d-driver e- assistant
40-………………. She ……………… a car ?
a-is/ has b-does / has c- does / have e- do / have
41-Do you want ………………. apple or …………. Orange?
a- a/ an b- an / a c-an/ a d-the / an e- an / an
42-She has got ………. bike. ………… bike is red.
a-the/ a b- a/ the c-the / the d-a / a e- a/ an
43-Hey ! Look at ……………! We are here!
a-them b- we c-me d-us e- you
44-I can’t find my boks. ……………….are ……………………?
a-how/ they b-where / they c-who /they d-where / them e- who / they
45-what ………… your ………….. names ? Tom and Jane
a-is / teacher’s b- are / teachers c-are / teachers’ d-is / teachers’ e- are / teacher
46-Is your house in İstanbul ? Yes, ……………………..
a-I do b-have c-it is d- I am e-they are
47-They g oto bed ……………11 o’clock ………….. the weekend.
a-on/at b-at / at c-at / on d- on / at e- in / at
48-I would some sugar . So ……………………I.
a-would b- am c- have d-would like e- can
49-He doesn’t go shopping on weekdays. …………………………Jane
a- so do b- so does c- neither does d- neither do e- so is
50-…………….. your father have a car ?
a-do b- does c-can d- are e- is


1 Choose the correct option A, B, or C.

1 I’m ___ Brazil.

A from B of C made
2 One, two, three, ___ .
A ten B four C forty
3 A: What’s your ___? B: It’s Sally.
A age B birthday C name
4 My favorite school subject is ___.
A math B address C computer
5 Which one is a food?
A sandwich B phone C guitar
6 I speak ___.
A the U.S.A. B English C American
7 I am a ___.
A twenty B CD C student
8 Sam is my ___.
A watch B brother C book
9 I’m from the U.S. I’m ___.
A Canadian B American C Brazilian
10 New York City is ___ the U.S.
A on B address C in
11 Daniel has a red ___.
A T-shirt B ones C Mexico
12 I live in ___.
A English B country C Brazil
13 Which one is a sport?
A swimming B shopping C ball
14 My favorite month is ___.
A birthday B June C fifth
15 Which one is a color?
A blue B guitar C dress
16 I can play ___.
A a meal B a cell phone C the guitar
17 How do you ___ your name?
A spell B last C excuse
18 I like ___.
A friend B book C pizza
19 Where are you ___?
A to B from C country
20 I don’t live in a house. I live in ___.
A a watch B a coast C an apartment
21 A: What’s your ___ name? B: It’s Maria.
A mom B first C last
22 A: What time is it? B: It’s five ___.
A hours B quarter C o’clock
23 Which is a part of the body?
A hello B hand C car
24 Thank ___.
A me B you C much
25 We’re very ___ to be here.
A nice B good C happy
26 A: Sorry. B: No ___.
A worry B mind C problem
27 The ___ of Brazil is Brasília.
A capital B country C number
28 Which one do you wear on your head?
A hat B shoe C jacket
29 This building is ___ years old.
A a hundred B much C quarter
30 It’s ___ today.
A birthday B Saturday C week


2 Choose the correct option A, B, or C.

1 ___ are you from?

A Who B What C Where
2 I love ___ pants you’re wearing.
A those B this C that
3 Every morning, she ___ a shower.
A take B takes C taking
4 He ___ the guitar or the saxophone, but he sings well.
A can’t play B can play C can’t to play
5 Do you like fish? No, I ___.
A do B don’t like C don’t
6 Every day, we ___ TV after school.
A watches B watch C are watching
7 She ___ eat meat – she’s a vegetarian.
A does B don’t C doesn’t
8 I ___ happy, but today I’m sad.
A am usually B usually am C usually
9 There ___ milk in the refrigerator.
A aren’t any B isn’t any C aren’t some
10 Mom’s not here right now – she's ___ to work.
A drives B driving C is driving
11 John’s tall, but Pete’s ___.
A more tall B taller C the tallest
12 Marie’s the ___ girl in the class.
A tallest B more tall C taller
13 Where ___ you last night?
A were B was C wasn’t
14 Last year, I ___ to Florida on vacation.
A go B went C gone
15 What ___ study in college?
A you going B are you going
C are you going to
16 New York is a city ___ I’d like to visit.
A who B that C where
17 ___ you reply to my e-mail yesterday?
A Do B Did C Why
18 The ___ homework was difficult. They asked their teacher for help.
A student B student’s C students’
19 Janine ___ eat cookies; they’re bad for her.
A shouldn’t B should C can
20 He’s interested in ___ about art.
A learn B to learn C learning
21 Who ___ he talking to last night?
A was B did C were
22 She doesn’t think she ___ the exam.
A will pass B won’t pass C pass
23 Picasso painted very ___.
A good B well C better
24 Emily ___ the dentist tomorrow at 10 a.m.
A sees B seeing C is seeing
25 How ___ sandwiches do we need for the party?
A many B much C any
26 Congratulations! You ___ the test.
A have B were C have passed
27 I ___ heard the good news.
A have ever B have just C have never
28 Have you ___ been to the U.S.?
A never B just C ever
29 There aren’t ___ things to do. I’m bored.
A enough B too C much
30 I ___ wear a uniform to school.
A like B shouldn’t to C have to

4 Read the text and choose True or False.

1 Julia is from New York City. Hi! My name is Julia Avery, and I’m from Chicago in the U.S.
I’m 15 years old, and I live with my mom, dad, and two sisters. My dad is a teacher and my mom
is a doctor. My sisters are 16 and 18, so I’m the youngest in my family.
I really love animals, and I have a cat and a dog. I also go horseback riding on weekends. I
want to go to college and study to be a vet when I’m older.
My school is Luther High School. It’s a big school in the suburbs of Chicago with 3,000
students. My favorite subjects are science and math, but I also like languages. I’m learning
Spanish and French. I’m pretty good at Spanish, but French is very difficult.
I love sports, and in my free time, I like swimming, playing soccer, and basketball. I’m on
the swim team at school, and I hope to swim in the Olympics some day!
Last year, we went on vacation to California. It was awesome! We visited Yosemite National
Park and camped out. We went hiking in the mountains and swam in the river. This summer,
we’re going to go to Mexico because my uncle is living there for two years, in Mexico City. I’ve
never been abroad before, so I’m really excited. We’re going to spend a few days in the city and
then take a bus to the coast, where we will rent a house by the beach. I want to go swimming
with dolphins.

True / False

2 Her parents are teachers.

True / False

3 Her sisters are older than her.

True / False

4 She has two pets.

True / False

5 Luther High School is a big school.

True / False

6 Her favorite subjects are Spanish and French.

True / False

7 Julia is good at swimming.

True / False

8 Her last vacation was in California.

True / False

9 She has been to Mexico City before.

True / False

10 Her family is going to go camping on their next vacation.

True / False


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