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The Beach, Adee ' When do you think ach ofthese pictures was taken?__* What ifleences are ther tween the landscapes * How ste coast being Used in each af hese pictures? shown in each picture? * Do people stl use the coast ke is today? “+ How have people changed the natural scenery? * How do you think these plzes might have anges today? Touring Britain's coasts Te Bish ses may be vied in two by an imaginary Tine called the TesEx ine This joins the twa esuares where the rivers Tees and Exe meet the sa. It oughly Separates the higher areas of Britin, made of harder rods, rom the lower areas, made of oer rocks Soft sedimentary rok are found in the South and east. 2nd usta lead te lowland coasts Sedimentary rocks ke stole and sandstone ae formed from the mud 2nd sand Of ea beds fom milans of years 90, Limestone was formed fom the bones ad shel of millans of tiny creatures hich ved in those ancient sas The hard igneous and metamorphic found in the oth and west wsuall form rugged coastines. gneous ‘oes, for example gait, were ance hat and men, but have now coved and become very hard. Metamorphic ‘ook were once Sedimentary or gneaus rocks but have | tree oer in he rah es been change by bing compresté by land movement, or heted up by ha race around them. Wales metamorphic rock which wae one imestone, whi in Same paces shale hasbeen changed nt st, Whether you ae in an ates of halo soft rocks the ‘oastne rarely straight, Even in ard rack areas there ll be weaker rocks which wil be eroded mre easily by the ein and wind. Here the castine may cone inwards to form bn, he the harder stronger rock may stick ou form headlands The British ses are surrounded by shallow water which allows sunlight to reach large ares ofthe seabes, ging light to single-cell plans calle sige. Nutrients are washed rom te land int tess by rivers and hep algae to grow gully, and the alge become food fr other centre such fh Sealife hives al yea ound because the Brith sles are warmed bythe North Alantie Daf warm ocean Current that flows fam the Gulf ef Mexico. Estates of the Bish es ae fee af ic hughout the winter, whereas some European estuaries he same oie 2xe frozen, Tis makes the estar ideal feeding paces for thousands of migrating bis crs 1 Choose one of he posters Orewa picture to Shaw how you think the same place wou ook ‘ay. AdS bes to show wy you tink it nay have changed in this way 2 a Lookat the map of the Bris es Make ists the estuaries, ealand: an bas. 1 Which recs frat ofthe heatands in lowland areas? Why do yu think this? «Where ithe coastine mst jegges? Why do you thine thisis so? 2 Wy the Bish coast a god place for: 2 people? 1 wie? a ee Losing Land “= Which processes cause erosion at the coast? “How do headlands and bays form? “How do headlands change? Coastal erosion The sound of waves and stones crashing onto beach or ‘rocky eiffsthe sound of he sea attacking the exast The waves cay rock, pebble and sand which ae ‘thrown ages he shoe. They srape and saath atthe ‘oct amoothing them down and wearing them away. hss core booming nie i often heard as waves cash sonst 2 or ea wall Arges trapped between the wave and the ack Sometimes thi air gets forced int smaller When the wave moves aay frm te rock, the aes suddenly reased and 2 smal explosion con be ead This gradvally weakens the rook andi own as Pebbles moving up an down with the waves krack guns each othe Tis proces called = on, n Aint nyt enreRm ae srmathes jagged ocksandeventualy makes them smaller an under Coasin,stsition and hyralie action ae al types of croson These procestes el form the ct headland, bays and beaches that we id along the In many parts ofthe south ad cast of the Brits ses, ceastal erosion is happening very quel, Not ony are these coast formed lage of sft aes, but in some places there i alsa huge area of pen se yng in rant Of them. This means tat tey suffer lot of erosion. If you look south-west from Barton on Sea in Hemshie, the nearest land i South Ameria. Te wind blows for @ huge stance across open water and can creat powerful woves. This distance scl the Fetch. The greater the fetch the larger the waves, Tatum sane = yore | || an Mh woe Hil sss erin maroc en logy of Soh Weks How a coastline gets its shape The typeof rocks nat only affects how fast the coasts eroded but also affects the shape ofthe coastine. The stine fom Aberystwyth to New Quay on Map Ais ‘sir straight This because Ie fom fom oe Spe frock Pembrokesie hae a more epge cont because itis formed from several iterent types of rock. Softer rods ike coal have been ered more quilt form: bays, while harder ores suchas granite take longer to wear away ard stick out as held (nce a headin forms the waves cure around ang tack it more power, Any weak seas in the cf are ‘roded fastest, such a racks oni the rock The (rack maybe widened of a cvs, Sometimes caves fon either side ofthe neadland ae ered unt they meet and form a nau rch 38m photagraph B The sea wil make this arch bigger unl it eallgses ad eaves plar (frock called stack This wil eventually wear away into stomp, STEEN + Corrsion,hyéraulc action and attition ae the main processes of coastal erosion. + Headlands and bays form due to iferences in the hardness of rock + Caves, arches, stacks and stumps may form as the had rock of headlands is eroded. The sea can also ct through lines of weakness to form islands ast has done at Skomer land Cn 1 Complete these sentences. Use the words: sf. ard stow, ui [Xhesland formes where the lands made of rock Tis ook eroded nn by the 52 ‘bay's farmed where the ind is mae of toet Theron is rnded hy the sen Look 2t photograph B 4 Deaw a sketch ofthe photograph Label the ach and describe haw it as mes, ' Draw a sketch of nom te part of the coast right lookin 10.000 years time. Lebel the Shetch and expan the eFanges. Lok at Map C 2 Which rocks have fret Gowan’ Head Worm’ Hee, St Davis Head and Mumbles Head? Which rocks Frm most of Swanses Bay and St Bride’ Bay? ' What do you tin wl evertully happen to the land marke A to B on Map C? Wy are caves, arches and stacks less kl to be found in the pats ofthe Bish ses where costal erosion i quickest? 2 a a * How at cliff formed? = Why ate liff different shapes? * How are beaches formed? How cliffs are formed Cis area very common feature ofthe landscape along ‘te coast. They are formed by wave erasion but can also be shaped by rainwater and wind Waves attack the cif between high ie and ow tide rari. You ean se in photograph were holes have teen made inthe sandstone by coraion and hydraulic action. These hoes il become larger 35 esion Continues radualy 3 ‘efonmes, with the top layers the cif averanging the lower ones. As this teh gets detpr the weight ofthe unsupported ‘eck above becomes too great and the everhang callapses. The sea removes the lose rocks and stones and begins to evade another notch, As the lif is rad a lanaform called is left behind. Tis is ety sloping between high and lw water mats t's covered by tne seo a high ie but often shows at fw te, Sometines ne platform remains a an ates of bre Ht rocks, but often these rocks become covered in beach materia (Overtime the wave et patton il get wider and eventual waves wl break before they reach the elif line The if wl then ne longer beaded lrety by the se, although it wil sl be eroded by the action of ran and wind. I becomes les step and s eventually ‘overed in lant. The iff i then known 383 ck 208 Cliff shapes Cf have ferent shapes because ofthe rock they are rmade of andthe way tat the oc id down, Rock thats ad dwn ia hoiantal ayers called bes often forms step cif (sce diagram C1 and 2) Mass movement. Sometimes eit ae made of materials which ae very unstable This can happen wen acs suchas sandstone and gael ae found ontop of clay. Sandstone an gravel ae nd when i ns he water sinks down into the eck ut i reaches the ayer of lay. The water makes the day ver slpper an It may Stare to move, Ast moves cars the roc above with it This elle sumo, an result in rounded mast of al and ook at the bottom ofthe cif and tear at the bak ofthe lif (ce photgraphs Fand Mest happers when theres ot of ‘anal Slumping usually hapens where there ae © = a * How ate cliff formed? = Why ate iff different shapes? * How are beaches formed? How cliffs are formed Cs area very common feature ofthe landscape along the coast. They at formed by nave erosion but can asd be shaped by rainwater and wind Waves attack theif between high ie and ow tide Imari You conse in photograph A where holes have ben made inthe sandstone by corasion and hydraulic action. These hoes ill ecome larger 3s esion Continues radually 8 is formed, with the top layers of the ef everanging the lower ones. As this atch gets deeper the weight ofthe unsupported ack above becomes too great andthe overtang llpses. The sea removes the lose rocks and stones and begins to ead another notch, As the lif is raed a lanaform called is left behind. This is get sloping rocky area between high and lw water mats t's covered by te sea thigh ie ut aften shows at low te, Sometimes {he platfwm resin aan area of bre ft rocks, but often these rocks become covered in beach materia Overtime the wave et platform il get wider and eventually maves wil break before they teach the elif Tne The cliff wil then no longer be evaded rectly by the se, although it wil sl be eroded by the action of ran ané wind. I becomes les step and is events ‘covered in lant. The ffi then known 833 Cliff shapes Ct have ferent shapes because ofthe ack they are made of andthe way thatthe oc id down, Rock {hats ad down in haviantal ayers ale bss often forms step cits (sce diagram C1 and 2) Mass movement. Sometimes eis are made of materials which ae very unstable Ths can happen when cs such a5 Sandstone and gael ae found on top of clay. Sandstone an gravel ae ‘nd hen i ins the water sinks down int the rock unt it reaches the layer of tay. The water makes the day very spper an ft may Stare to move, Ast moves cris the rock above ith it This elle sumo, ant results in rounded mast of al and ook at the bottom ofthe ef and tear at the back ofthe if (ce photographs F and Mest hoppers when theres ot of ‘anf, Slurping usualy happens where the oO = a * How ar cliffs formed? * Why are cliffs diferent shapes? * How are beaches formed? How cliffs are formed Cis area very common feature af the landscape along the coast. They ar armed by wave sion but en alsa be shaped by rainwater and wig Waves attack the lif bebween high ean ow ide mais You can sein ghotagragh A where holes have Been made inthe sandstone by coraion and hyeraulc action. Test hoes wl become larger a erosion Continues, Gradually a is formed, with ‘the top layers ofthe elf veranging the ower anes As this match gets deeper the weight of the unsupported rock above becomes to eat ad the overhang Callapses, The sea remove he lose rocks and stones and bess to erage another noth As the lif is eroded a landform called 2 islet behind Tis gently loping rocky area between high an low water mats. tis covered by the sea at high tide but een shows at low tide. Sometimes the platform remains as an area of bare fat roc, often these roce become covered in beach mate ‘Overtime te wave eu platform wil get wide and crenualy waves wl break before they each the elif line: The ci wil then ro longer be cred ety by ‘he se although it wil stil be eroded by the ation of rain and wird I becomes les steep anf evetully covered in plants. The elif then known 353 Cliff shapes Cis have diferent shapes because ofthe rock they ate made of andthe way thatthe rock lid down, Rack that sas down in hoigontal ayers ale Des often forms steep elise diagram C1 and 2, ‘Mass movement Sometimes cis ae made of materials which ae very Unstable Ths ean happen when rocks uch a8 Sandstone 1nd gravel are found ontop of ly Sandstone and grave . {nd when rains the water sine down into the ack ut i reaches the layer of clay. The water mates the cay very slippery anit may Start to move. A it maves it erie the oes above with it Tass calle a simp and it resus na rounded mass of sol and rock at the bottom ofthe elif nd a ear at ‘the bac of the lf te photorapsFand Most happens when there is a of rainfall Stumping usualy happens where there are 0 vin cite wearer horantal beds of ack When the rock sin ayers which ip towards the sea, this can lead to lands: (ee ei in diagram) These ocut when rainwater makes one layer of rock le slong the tp of another yer. lumps Slides ean change the appearance of a coastline in 8 rater of minutes! Beaches ves bing huge amounts of sement to these, and ‘ore atari comes fom ef as they ae erode. The rocks, stones and sand ae cared by waves uti they are sropped or deposited This happens when waves are heoslnde and inher areas where there fe sete ‘halon wate, suchas esuris, The deposited mater bulls up in laces ike these and farms beaches 1 Which ofthe photos shows @ wave cut platform? 2 Look st photographs A D and Ein tis spread and Bon page 22 Match each of them t if shapes 1.2.3 and 4 diagram Con this page. Explain yOu choles Imagine you ae a coastal enginer You need to measure how quickly erosion wl take place along Seoast What information woul you nee t find fut abou the cif to answer his? yi each Piece of information you hve chosen useful? ce oS “+ Clifs are formed as waves attack the coast. “Cliffs are different shapes because rocks are of different hardness and ako are lid down in diferent ways. ‘+ Beaches form when the waves are slowed down and deposit the materials they ae carrying. New land from old + How do beaches get bullt up? How do they set eroded? + How does material move along a beach? *+ How are spits formed? The effect of waves on a beach Berm ona beach ae shingle and Sad ridges. They mark ‘he highest point on a beach reached by waves dung 2 high ie Berms made of shingle havea stepe slope because stones are heavier than snd at So the waves cannot move them a easly. Once a wave has broken, water fram the waves often disappears through the gaps betmeen the stones and sit does not have the power to rove the stores back towards the sa Beaches are bul up by constructive waves. These ae aves which beak about ever ten seconds, usually When there ae calm sts in sme The swish from these waves, which isthe movement of water up the beach, eres stones and sand with it. Once the swash has reathed its farthest point up the beach, ‘the water mots ack down towards the ea a5 ackash. As the waves only beak about every ten ‘seconds ths cvs plenty of ine fr them to move imateril up the beach They gadually bull up a beach sith # gentle slope. This gate slope helps slow down the waves and makes them bea Before they reach the cits bein A beach can therefore hep to potet the Tard behing it fom ersion Sometimes waves hiting the shoe are more powerful and cary large stones further up the beach They form 3 bigger ie called a stom bem. These stones stay there unt there another lent star to move Sem again. The same beach can have a getle slope in summer as Sand and stones ar ult up, but a steeger slope in winter Tis is because destructive waves which ake Stones and sand aay fram the beach ae mot likely to Song wins force these waves oto the beach, They ative mare often than constractve waves, sully about ery five seconds. Ther rounded she means that 25 they break they plunge at a step angle. The swash ‘ery short and doesnot move many stones or sand up the beach, Instead the barkash i stronger and das stones back down towards the sea fee sagram B) rein boo @ @ tase 9 ® ® haan, Tango at Moving sideways Sand and pebbles are moved sideways slong the beach, 2s well as up an down the beach When the wied blows bt the beach tan angle, the waves also move in 3t an ange This causes te stones and pebbles to zg-229 tong the betch Tis proces calles People often bul groynes to stop ths movement from taking he whole beach away Longshore dit ean cause the formation of spits soit Tike long finger of beach stikng out into te ea Look st map B an page 30 ad fing Hutt Castle spit They re formed when the coast changes direction sharply: fo trample whee thee Ran estuary longthee dat {aries n moving Sand and gravel actos the gop oF ‘opering. The sand and ral Kees on Bulg up until t reaches deepr water oF tong curtensin he estuary stop it setting. Bind the spit, where the waters AEN 1 Why are oes often bigger at the top ofa beach? 2-4 How can you tel the rection of ongshore ait ‘rom photo D? ' Vic peture on page 20 shows longstore de Wnehaicton ft moving in? 2 Ifan engineer ness ta know how qu 2 beach Is belng eroded, what measurerents might he or fhe take at the coast? Why seach ane oF these measurements impartant? protected fom the wind and nas, water moves slomty Bra sediment Is deposited. Plnts may gow on the sediment and tap sand and sit with thir rots. The height of the land then ieresses Tis is nature's ay of mating ew lan © Diferent types of waves reach the beach Constructive waves gracuall build up material fon the beach and destructive waves move It off the bese, ' Waves move pebbles up the beach at an angle and back down ina staight line, 9 material 2ig-2a95 along, This is known 3 longshore cn Spits may form where there i @ gop in the ‘coastline. Longshore dife moves and deposits material across the gap. Da a a Zooming in on Hampshire's coast BD) _ Managing the coast fea = Necrere]| tere pepl wat tous te cousin erent was ] * How nave physi factors infuenced the coast | spit has ote manaped Manemert wher seo fiom Christchurch to Hurst Castle? decide how the nest il be ed and what me + How have people infuence this oastine? doe slow al he erent tesa take * ow have people ie to manage 2 Managemen in o reduce cots between he diferent uses ant tne pres Ore problems — Protecting the coat om esi arama || Mesias snd S| a psn rt Di ectroteates ER consacve waves appeoach Nas CIF in August 1858 Many people have important views onthe management of this important sen of coastline In 1990 the New Forest Ostrict Cure, ho are responsible for protecting te coast, decided that asthe bd sea defences were no longer working, they would bid nen defences ata cost of £25 millon. This involved Duliding pipes into the lif to arain away seawater and prevent slumping, They also protected the bottom ofthe {lf with ack amour and stone roynes: This means that the sea wil pt erode so quik, This wl ep to hole ve line Fra while, whch means they are restoring the sefences tothe leu! of protection they gave it in the 1987s. However, it woul cost anather £10 millon %0 ty and stop erosion completely. The coun eannat afford to pay this much to protec few houses; they do nt, onside It worth AEs 1 Why is Barton on Seo important to geologic? 2 2 Use tracing paper to draw the outine ofthe easton photo D, Pu this wacing aver photo E, Itching the landmarts exactly, Use = diferes Colour pene to tree the esti inthe second photogrgh 1 What happened tothe shape of the coast between August 1998 and October 19987 «How do you think this happened? 4 What 6 you tink wl happen next? 2 Why isthe coast between Mighelife and Mitford on Sea so badly erodes? What have people done which has caused more Do you think that New Forest Distt Counc should pay £10 millon for extra defences at Barton on Sea? Explain your decison. Desc ates span Hah Cf Ose ‘cola rom Enlsh Nature, goverment agency which ook after impartan geogia and wld sites, belive that asthe area between Highcliffe and Milford SSSI (Site of Special Seientifenterst) tone ofthe Ios important seoogisl itesinthe worl contains rcs which tel the sory of par ofthe earth's ston Emergency defences such asthe anes at Barton on Seo have damaged large areas of he ste. Enlsn Nature believes tht the ste is ow in very por eonton, ond that isa csster for earth since conservation in Great tain Residents of liftop properties sa that n 1998 the ‘government stated that they weld sped les on costal defence work The 1990 defenets have sowed down the ‘aso, but the elif iss moving Therefore, properties fe sil threatened, The resides elev thatthe New Forest isvet Counc shou ty to get» grant fam the fgoverament ta gt the E10 min that i ect t0 top the movement carpet, escents are sue that tourism ad trade wl help to pay forthe cost ofthe sehert eventually. SUITE + Rock type, wind ection, fetch and groundwater are important and have helped Shape the eosstlne from Cvstchurch to Hurst Castle + People have used the cost for tourism and turban development. It is also an important geological SSS. ' People have built defences in areas where there isa lot of expensive housing, but have left some of the undeveloped areas Unprotected so that the important fossils can still be discovered. Moving and shaping: Hurst Castle spit ‘The importance of Hurst Castle Shingle beaches ke Hust prove an excelent form of ratural defence from wave ower Breaking waves a is Hust Caste spit important? “What physical factors have caused Hurst Castle spit to grow and change? ‘+ How i the spit managed 7 io (Ses evenents rye ana reck amour beach and foo the and onthe other side Asso many prope’ Ivelnoeds depend onthe spit an exgensive feastlprotecton scheme is now in lace. ‘Managing the spit To try 10 manage the spit successfully 2 model half the Sie ofa feattall pitch was bl and the engineers reproduced waves, cues, il surges and beach movements. They tried out the new defences made of Fock amour tase if they worked in iferent condltions CE 1 Look at photograph A and map B Suggest ee tiferent groups of people who would be interested in grotecting the spt and explain why 20h group would want it protected Use photograph A and mape® and D to describe hat the tad ie behing the spt 1 Why is his land ie to be easily flooded or trode ifthe sea comes ove the Sit? Look at photograph € 2 Descrive how people have had to defend the How wil these defences help protect Hust Castle spt rom these? Why is Horst beach nota natural feature any 5 Why wil he defences always have tobe looked afer? sisi | The protection scheme, which a inves regula ing extra sand and cravel te spt, cost ES milion, Sn he Government gave some money to New Fret Diet Count help pf Before the money wa given, the NFDC had to prove that ‘money would be Saved the plas worked They worked Cut how much it would cost We beaches were The clelted the cost of flood damage, ind erosion, damage to property damage to Hurst Cast, the cost to recreation and theo ofthe rte reserve Tere ‘ow 4 50-year action plan in place, but the defences wll have tobe looked afterall he tne SUI + Hurst Castle spit is important because it protects the Solent from bad weather Iti unique vllife haven and isan important historial and geolgial site. * Longshore drift brings material from the west and deposits it onthe spt Storms and ‘hangs in the stones cared by the waves Ihave changed the shape cf the spt. + People ae using scientific information to help ‘manage it Moving and shaping: Hurst Castle spit ‘The importance of Hurst Castle Shingle beaches ke Hust pre ane + Wi is Hurst Cast spit important? atl defence fom wave pve Bresing + What psa actors have caused Hust Slowed down ab water ges in tetween he pbs Caste pt to gow and erange? Waves also Use up 9 ot of theireneray moving + How is the spit managed ? my 28 ste eee en Coasts of the future + How can coastal protection be managed the Hampshire coast? ‘+ How can people's use of the coast be managed? ‘+ Who isin charge of managing the coast? Managing the coast During the 1990s thee was growing concern that without earful planning, coastal defences could affect natural coastal processes ike lngehore rif. Some Aefenees even create more problems than they solve Now the local authorities which fook afer and manage coasts fre coming together and are working at detailed plo In Hampshire, all oa authorities use the same system of managing the coast. This is prt of Hampshire County Coun’ overall plan for the county. New Foes ister Counc ha divided ts cost nt three areas Christchurch Bay Highlife o urs) * Westen Solent (Hurst to Cash) + Southampton Water (Clot to Redbige. Ith divided each of these main sections into smaller areas and within each one it has taken up one of four Sferent ways of managing the coast * Da noting ~ cary out no coastal defences except fr safety © lo the ne ~ hep or improve the amount of protection ateady povided by exiting defences ‘evance the line ~ bul new defences ‘Managed retreat ~buld new defences further inland, say rom where the defence ine already i or allow Controle erosion to ocer while ding Sand or shingle t buildup the beach, { ) | sereperet om | ss | (oa manne ee | a ‘As wel as planing and managing defences the New Forest District Counc sls sponsible for other Festres ofthe coastal environment: + Publi Tales, sch as aces roads, ‘otpaths + Giving icences to some atte, sucha et ng, but alo setting sped limits for bats, saying where jet skis en be use ané how mich engine nie is Allowed. They encourage peple (vs nd Use the + Cleaning beaches and area f gras along the oost. * Food safety such 3s making sue shelf are cleaned propery + Complains sbout pluton. * Management of land ovmedr leased bythe coun, including thelr own moorings where boats are id vp ‘Sf Sos Sabie net ESE) Petes iy sry Wet srg rege ana Enioorat 57 ia acy bay ( Meares Fates wt | Coss msn. ot es, ogra apa aa oan ——— — sewage aay vod CUTIE Photographs D and E show views of Barton beach fn a Rat dy in gust 2 What 6 yu noice about the numberof people fon the bese? 1 Write down some of he reasons to explain vier the people are. Look at map C. Why do you thnk jet sts are sllowed near Lymington marina but not rear Barton or Mila beaches? ‘On map 6 diferent pars of the coast are protected diferent Why do you think this i? Wich organisations would have been invited 0 2 meeting about the management of Hust Castle Spit? Explain why each af these woul have been Syren To cover al hese things they hive drawn up 8 management plan se diagram k New Fret District Coun caule not decide on these Plans without ting to other oansations, Same of these organisation are show in Table B ETI * Coastal protection i cared out in four ways ‘managed retest, hold th ine, ‘advance the line, ad do nating. 1 The coat i often zoned to gve space to different landuses, for example nature reserves, 1 The Distet Counc looks ser coastal protection and managing the coast. Howev ‘hey need to tak to other erganisatons to manage the coast sucesfly. All at sea ui ise in sea level This uly happens when tere is lready a high tie. Spring tes are the highest ties and ‘ecu twice a month the new an full moans. Sern Surges happen throughout the werd but particularly where water funneled inte 2 narow aes ofthe 23 such the Engish Chanel ‘+ Why does flooding occur along the east coast ‘of Britain and the Netherlands? ‘= What damage has occured in the past? ‘= What can people do about the problem? Could it happen again? ‘There song poslty at the condons tht nthe 3 January 1963, cae tren nore pal win erase sae fea oo ae aad 1 Ge figs tmpertres cause tater maces o end ie fn ke up mor spc, ag to fgets es the same tine south eave Egan stingy The est cos ods were caused by 3 tr urge ee 1-2 mm per imap Ts ven mete condone ease a ey What caused the east coast floods? leasing caused the | = ed Low . SEs. ‘eens ‘nhs a ee te J en o ae All at sea suck ise in se level This uly happens whe there is lready a high tie. Spring tes are the highest tides and ‘Why does loading occur along the east coast. | occur twice a month tte aw an ful mons. Storm ‘of Britain and the Netherlands? Surges happen throughout the werd bt particularly ‘= What damage has occured in the past? where water funneled inte 2 narow aes ofthe 23 ‘= What can people do about the problem? such a the English Chanel Could it happen again? “There is a strong posslty tat the eontons thet ‘cued the 195% flods coud happen again. may be ten more likely 38 soba waming incesses salves Higher temperatures cause water molecules expand tnd take up more spac, leading to higher sa level the same te south eastem England is sinking by The est coast floods were caused by #stotm surge Gee 1-2 mm per ya imap Al This is when weather conditions cause avery What caused the east coast floods? (On the 31 January 1953, cxastalfoding caused the deaths of 300 people in Bitin and 1600 n the Netherlands. In Bitain, over D000 hectares were flooded Z-/ J) Ye P i -—_-_ .o S Ys = | (Se Loe, on 0 All ae sea + Why does flooding occur along the east coast ‘of Britain and the Netherlands? * What damage hes occurred inthe pat? "+ What can people do about the problem? What caused the east coast floods? On the 31 January 1959, ezastalfoeing caused the eats of 300 people in Bian an 1800 in the Netheriands. In Bean, ver 80,000 hectares were flooded ‘The east coast foods were caved by 9 storm suge (ee map Al. This is when weather conditions cause avery ‘rater o/s nme 7" eo level This uly happens when there i already a high tie, Spring tes are the highest tides and herew ad full moors. term surges happen throughout te worl bt arteuety hee waters funneled inte a narow ates of the see such a the English Chanel Could it happen again? There ia strong possibly tht the conions that caused the 1983 foods could happen again may be warming increases ea levels temperatures cause wer molecules to expand ke up mare space, leading to Nghe se lvls. At the sme time south eastern England is sinking by 1-2. per year, ae (Dom rw 12) me [Rowan (Flow [Eh extent Lm liane How can damage be avoided? Town and parish ouneis onthe cat coast of Bitin and the Netherlands coast have tied to prevent another

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