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Std. 12%" MATHS PRACTICAL HANDBOOK Instruction for Students : 1. 4. L.HLS. means Left Hand Side (Blank page of practical record) and R.H.S. means Right Hand Side (line page of practical record) L.HLS. page of each and every experiment should be written by pencil only. R.HLS, page of each and every experiment should be written by blue/black pen, Diagrams should be drawn neatly and should be properly labelled. Graphs will be drawn on separate graph paper after noting observations on performing experiment. INDEX Sr. No. Name of Experiment Page No. Experiment No. | [Applications of logic _ = a Experiment No.2 | Inverse ofa matrix by AdjoTnt method and hence solution oF system ofTinear |" 05 apartment No.3 Inverse ofa wale by Elementary Transformation and Fence soon oF ® system of linear equations. | Experiment No.4 | Solution of a triangle 5 Experiment No. S| Inverse trigonometric fntions 7 Experiment No. 6 | Geometrical Applications of Vector a Txperiment No.7 | Three Dimensional Geometry @rs. and des) 5 Experiment No. F | Applicaton of Scalar Triple Product of Vectors. w Experiment No. 9 | Three dimensional Geometry: Line 3 Experiment No. 10 | Three Dimensional Geometry : Plane 37 Txperiment No. 11 | Linear Programming Problem a Experiment No. 12 | Applications of Derivatives- Tangent and Normal & Experiment No. 13 | Applications of Dervatives- Rate Measure wo Taperiment No. 14 | Applications of Derivatives: Maxima and Minima 3 Experiment No. 15 | Applications ‘of Derivatives- Rolle’s Theorem and LMVT 37 Experiment No. 16 | Applications of Definite Integrals as Limit of Sum. or Experiment No. 17 | Applications of Definite Integrals: Area 6 Experiment No. 18 | Applications of Differential Equations. oe Experiment No. 19. | Expected value, variance and S. D. of random variable. 7 Experiment No. 20 | Binomial Distribution. 7 Problem 1: Express the following switching circuit in the symbolic form. Also construct its switching table and identify the state of switches when lamp is off. Aim: Applications of logic Formutl P 4q pvq_| pag 1 1 1 i 1 0 i 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 Figure: Observation Table : ‘The switching table for the given switching circuit as follows : Switches ‘Sub-symbolic forms @ar) (@Ar) (qa | Lamp! PLQIR|~p|~a| ~r ~PA ve pva) ~r) ijijifo]folo 1 0 1 0 1 afifofofo|a 0 0 0 0 0 afolafo[i]o 1 0 1 0 1 ajojofo fila 0 0 0 1 1 ofafiafifolo 0 if 1 0 1 ofafo[a]fola 0 1 1 0 1 ofofajililfo 0 0 0 0 0 ofofofifila 0 0 0 1 1 Conclusion : i. Symbolicform «= [pAr]V[~pAqlV[~ qA~r] fi, The lamp lis off in two cases a) Si and S2 are on and S3is off b) Si and S2 are off and Ss is on. ‘Aim : Applications of logicType equation here, Problem 1: Express the following switching circuit in the symbolic form. Also construct its switching table and identify the state of switches when lamp is off. Solution : Let p: switch St is closed. q: switch S2 is closed witch Ss is closed 1: the lamp Lis on. ~p switch S1 closed switch $2 is closed ~r= switch S3 is closed ‘Therefore the symbolic form of logic of the given circuit is t= [parlv[~paqlv[~qa~r] From the switching table, we observe that the lamp Lis off, in two cases, when states of switches. S; and S2 are on and S3 is off, ii, $1 and Szare off and S3is on and in other cases lamp is on. Conclusion: i. The symbolic form! = [p Ar] v[~ pAq] V[~qA~ a The lamp Lis OFF in two cases. a) S:and Sz are on and $s is OFF. b) Siand Sz are offand S3 is ON. | “ExperimentNot Problem 2: Construct the simplified form of the following circuit with two switches only. Diagram: Formula: 1. Distributive Law a) pv(qAr) b) PAGVT) 2. Complement Law a) pv~p=T b) PA~P=F 3. Identity Law (vq) A@vr) (@AQV@Ar) Conclusion : The simplified form of the given circuit is LHS © Problem 2: Construct the simplified form of the following circuit with two switches only. Solution Let —_p: switch S; is closed q: switch S2 is closed 1: lamp Lis ON ~p :switch S1 is closed. ~q :switch S2 is closed. Therefore the symbolic form of switching circuit is 15 [~paq)v [~ pA~al vp A~ a] Now on simplification we have, [~ pal v[~pa~alv pa~ al [~ pAqlv[~ pvp) A~ al (by distributive law.) [~paalv(T A~ a] (by compliment law) [~pa qly[~a] (by identity law) [-pv~ ql Alqv~ al (by distributive law) [~pv~q]AT - (by complement law) (~pv~al (by identity law) ‘The simplified circuit of I= (~ p V~ q) is adjacent figure. Conclusion : ‘The simplified form of the given circuit is ~ pV~ q) & the switching circuit is Aim : Inverse of a matrix by Adjoint method and hence solution of system of linear equations. 0 -1 3-3 Problem 1: Pattee tama Ada an -3 ‘| 1 Formula : Verify that A is a square matrix. Compute |A] and verify that [Al ¥ 0 Find the cofactors of Ay=(-1)*i My of each element ay of matrix A and form the matrix of cofactors [Ai] Find the transpose of the matrix[Aj] and express adj A= [Ai] qin Aaila) ul Step IIT Step IV Step Conclusion -1 0 3 4] is found by Adjoint method Aim: Inverse of a matrix by Adjoint method and hence solution of system of linear equations. 3.-3 4 Problem 1 : Find the inverse of a matrix by adjoint method| 2. —3. 4 o-11 Solution : Step I: The given matrix is a square matrix of order 3. 3-3 4 3-3 4 Step:LetAy2 -3 4| «|Al=|2 -3 4 jo -1 1 lo -1 1 1A] = 3(1) ~ (—3)(2) + 4(-2) 1) (-3+4)= 1 2 sAa2 = (-1)3*? (12-8)=-4 ‘The matrix of cofactors Ain Ai2 Ais [As] =|421 Azz Aas. Asx Aga Ass 1-2 -2 ti 33 0 -4 -3 Step IV :Adj (A) = [As]™ 1 0 step v: a+ ala fe 3 “| 23-3 1 -1 0 Conclusion : A? = b 3 “| ofa matrix is found by Adjoint method 2 3 -3 Aim: Inverse of a matrix by Elementary Transformation and hence solution of system of linear equations. 1201 Problem 1: Find the inverse of matrixA=|0 1-1] 3-1 1 Formula : Step I: Verify that A isa square matrix. Step II::Verify that IA = 0 Step II: Consider the unit matrix I of the order of matrix A and write the matrix equation as a) AA*=1 for solving by row transformations b) AA =I for solving by column transformations. Step IV: One by one select suitable row in (a) and column in (b) transformation and perform them on prefactor A in (a) and postfactor A in (b) of left side and on I of right side of matrix equation, so that A reduces to I and I changes to say matrix B + (@)IA+ =B or (b) A“1=B To use minimum number of transformations reduce first diagonal element 1 and them non diagonal element to 0, column wise in (a) and rowwise in (b) of matrix A. Step V: Result At=B Conclusios 0 3 3 rAd = [ 2 + is a matrix found by Elementary method. ff; "Experiments Rus Aim: Inverse of a matrix by Elementary Transformation and hence solution of system of linear equations 1 2 1 Problem 1: find the inverse of matrixA=|0 1 —1| by elementary column operations. 3-161 Solution : Step I: Aisa square matrix of order 3 12 1 Step I:Consider |AJ=}0 1 —1 aied 4 « JA] = 1€-1)-20 +3) + 1@-3) =0-6-3 lAl= -9 #0 Therefore A is a non-singular square matrix and hence A+ exists. Step III: Let At A=I 1 2 1) f oo sA7Tl0 1 -1 =)0 1 0 3 -1 1]. 0 071 Step IV: Operate C2 ~ C2- 2C: and C3 C3- Cr fi oO oO jf -2 -1 At) 1 -1F\o 1 0 Is -7 -2| jo o 1 Operate : C3 > C3 + C2 1 0 oO 1-2 -3 atta 1 ol=lo 1 1] 3°-7 =! 0 Operate: C3 - 11-2 10 0 4 Ato 4 o=10 Lo LHS Problem 2:: Express the linear equations x+2y+3z=1 2x + Sy +6z=2 3x4 7y+8z=4 into a matrix equation. Also find the inverse by elementary transformations of co- efficient matrix and solve the equations. Formula: Step I: ‘Transform the simultaneous linear equation into a matrix equation AX = B Step II : Separate the matrix of coefficient A: variable x and constant B from the matrix ‘equation Step IIT: Using one of the method inverse find A, Step III : Compute the product AB Step IV : Express X= AB and convert matrix equation into linear equation which gives the value of variable. Conclusion: By elementary transformation method the solution of given linear equation is x=4, y=0, and z= -1 is the required solution. Problem 2: Express the linear equ: x+2y+32=1 2x + Sy + 62 =2 Bx+7y+82=4 into a matrix equation. Also find the inverse by elementary transformations of coefficient matrix and solve the equations. Solution : Step 1: The matrix equation of the given simultaneous linear equation is, f 2 3] [ 1 25 6 and B=|2 3 7, 8l 4 fi 2 1 septs tt a=f 5 6) x= P| andB=|2| — be the matrices of coefficients, 7 z, 4. variables and constants respectively. Step IIT: Let Aa 12 3 1 0 0] [ 5 arab 1 | 37 8 lo o 4 Saauke Performing Ry -> Rp — 2R, and Ry > Ry — 3R, , we have 12 3 100 lo 1 of at=|-2 1 of o 41 -1 -3 0 1 Performing Ri Ry — 2R,and Rs Rg- Re we get 10 3 5-2 0 lo 1 ofat=|-2 1 of 00 1-11 Performing Ri Ry + 3Rs 10 0 2° -5 3 2-10+12 4 -2+2+0/=10] 142-4 Al 2 SteplV: A‘B=|-2 1 11 x 4 ¢ StepV: lyl=| 0 | Compare the matrix x = 4,y =0,2= z -1 ‘ Conclusion: By elementary transformation method the solution of given equation is x = 4,y = 0,and z = —1is the required solution. Problem 1: Ina AABC, Sin (2A — B) = angles A, B and C. Aim : Solution ofa triangle. and angles A,B and C are in A. P Determine the values of Formula: The sum of angles of triangles are 180° A+B+C=r sin30° = + 2 Conclusion : The values of angles A= 45°, B= 60°, C= 75° Aim : Solution of a triangle. RHS Problem 1: Ina AABC, Sin (2A ~ B) = Zand angles A,B and Care in A. P. Determine the values of angles A, Band C. Solution: Since the angles A, B and C of the triangle are in A.P. A+B+C=n and 2B=A+B B= Hence B= 8 60° and A+C=120° Since sin(2A — B) 2A-B = 30° A = 60° + 30: 2A= 45° 120° — 45° 2 A=45°B 0°, ™= Conclusion : The values of angles A= 45°, B= 60°, C= 75° 1G (Pemeriment Nad Lis Problem 2: If A+B+C=180°, prove that sin($) + sin(2) + sin($) = 1.4 asin (4) sin (222) sin (ES Formula: sin + sinB = 2sin(“) cos (42) A+BHC= cos(m — C) = 1— 2sin? ( cos A — cos B = 2sin Conclusion: Hence it is proved that sin($) + sin (2) +sin(£) = 1+ 4sin( Problem 2: If A+B+C=180°, prove that sin (3) + sin (2) + sin($) =144sin(® Solution: LHS=|sin(2) + sin (2)| + fsin($)] =2sin(42) cos sin (=*) cos (<2) + 1 — 2sin? (=) 4-2sin (2) Joos (22 +-2sn(2=) feos (222) —sin(*#2 = 1425n( 2) feos (422) — eas (2 —222)) =) in 2) sn( = 144 sin (54) sin (2) sin(=4) =142sin( Conclusion: Hence it is proved that sin (2) +sin (2) + sin() = 14 4sin(=4) sin (7%) sin (= Problem 2: Prove that if two pairs of opposite edges of a tetrahedron are orthogonal, then third pair is also orthogonal. Formula: ABCD be orthogonal AD BC (d-a)-(¢-5) =0 Figure: b Conclusion: The third pair (AB, CD) of opposite edges of a tetrahedron is also orthogonal. Prove that if two pairs of opposite edges of a tetrahedron are orthogonal, then third pair is also orthogonal. Problem 2: Solution: Let the two pairs (AD, BC) and (BD, AC) of opposite edges of tetrahedron ABC.D be orthogonal. + AD: BC=0and BD-AC= —3)-(@-b) = and ) (a) =0 —d-b-a-t+2- and d-a-bi+b-a +-2=0-a45-¢ d-(b-a)-(d-@)=0 AB-CD=0 Conclusion : The third pair (AB, CD) of opposite edges of a tetrahedron is also orthogonal. 24 | Pu 2 7 Aim: Three Dimensional Geometry ( and d.cs.) Problem 1: Find the co-ordinates of foot of the perpendicular drawn from the point p = (1,2,1) to the line joining the point A = (1,4,6) and B = (54,4) Formula: PM 1 AB Cartesian form wom oye zo ab = AB || AM dcs. of lines a > « Varebtrc! ' Vatebtecl’ Vateotre? Conclusion : The dics. of two lines are ree) “11 2 3 ew Ta" Bee Ail Problem 1: Solution: Conclusion: Three Dimensional Geometry (drs. and d.cs.) Find the co-ordinates of foot of the perpendicular draw from the point P = (1,2,1) to the line joining the points A = (1,4,6) and B = (54,4) Let M = (a,b,c) be the co-ordinates of the foot of the perpendicular dir.s. of PM are (a ~ 1,b ~ 2,c ~ 1) and of AB are 4,0,-2 i.e. 2,0,-1 PMis 1 to AB 2(A-1) + 0(B-2)-1(C-1)=0 andc * 4KE2+k-6: ieSk=S Hence pats er #a=3,b=4,c=5 +M=(3,4,5) athe dis ofttwo line are2,n,2n,n and—3n,2n,n ie. 12,3 and —1,1,2 Hence V1?-+2? +3? = V14 And (Gi? +2 +2 = ve +. The dacs. of two line are 1 “2 2S Tem Bee 26 Aim: Application of Scalar Triple Product of Vectors. Problem 1: Find the volume of the tetrahedron, whose vertices are A = (1,2,3), B= (3,7,4), (G,-2,3) and D= (45,6) Formula: The volume of the tetrahedron, whose concurrent edges are A, B, AC and AD= + 3 [AB AC AD) Figures: A(12,3) D(-4,5,6) C(5,-2,3) 8 (37,4) Conclusion : Therefore the volume of the given tetrahedron is © cubic units. Aim: Application of Scalar Triple Product of Vectors. Problem 1: Find the volume of the tetrahedron, whose vertices are A = (1,2,3), B= (3,7,4), 5,-2,3) and D = (—4,5,6) Solution: We have, AB = (3-Di+(7-Dj+(4-Dk=2+57+k AC = (5-Di+ (-2-2)7+@-3)) 47+ 0k AD = (-4- Dit (5 —2)f+ (6 -3)k = 57 +3j + 3h + AB’ (AC x AD) = 2(-12 — 0) — 5(12 — 0) + (12 — 20) + The volume of the tetrahedron whose concurrent edges are AB, AC and Ab= } [4B ACAD] 24 (-97) = —-% 23-92) = -F Conclusion : Therefore the volume of the given tetrahedron is “ cubic units. Problem 2: Show that the four points A = (4,5,1),C = (0,~1,-1),¢ = (3,94) and (©4,4,4) are co-planar. Figure: (3,94) 8 (0,1,-1) (45,1) Conclusion : Hence proved that the given four points A, B, C and D are co-planar. AC45,1), B(0-1,-1), C = (3,9,4),D = (-4,4,4) Problem 2: Solution : Conclusion : lxpstimentNod Riis Show that the four points A= (45,1), B=(,-1,-1), C= (3,94) andD= —4,4,4) are co-planar. We have AB = (0-4)t+ (-1-5)j+ (-1-DE 3-4)i+(9-5)f+4-DY 4 Ai+ 4-5)j+ 4-1) -4 -6 -2 [ABACAD|=|-1-4 3 -8 -1 3 (-2)(1 + 32) 4i— 67 — 2k +47 43k 81 -j+3k =(-4)(12 +3) — (6) + (-3 +24) + =—60 + 126-66 « [AB ACAD] =0 «The vectors AB , AC and AD are co-planar. = The segments AB, AC and AD are in a plane, where A is common point of all the segments. = The points A, B, Cand D are co-planar. Hence proved that the given four points A= (45,1), B=(,-1,-1) C= (3,94) and D = (—4,4,4) are co-planar. yet ot “= = and: Problem 2: Find the shortest distance between the parallel lines x3 yh? _ 2s Formula: The shortest distance between given parallel lines i ee | Figure: A (24,0) 8(3,-2,5) Conclusion: The shortest distance between given parallel lines is 358 PE units -ExperimentNvo,9 RHS Find the shortest distance between the parallel line Problem (3+ 2) 0 +(- ORG 1-0) k =t +27 +5k And the vector along the parallel lines is # = 41 +7 + 8k (16 — 5)i— (6-207 + (1-8)k =11i+ 127-7 |120 + 127 — 7k| =VI21+ 14+ =v314 Also |#|= |4¢+7- 8k] =VI6+1+ 64 [ab xr ao Conclusion : The shortest distance between given parallel lines is ad units, # Units 8 Problem 2: Find the angle between the planes (3x — 2y + 625 = 0) and 2x—y—22-7=0 Formula: cos = | ‘This is the angle between two planes. Conclusion : The angle between two planes is cos~! (4) Problem 2: Solution : qeemmeanneae) nas Find the angle between the planes 3x—2y+6z-5=0 and 2x-y-2z2-7=0 Let ijand 7 be the normals to the planes 3x -2y + 62 — - (1) 2x -y-22-7= - (2) respectively 3i—2j+ 6k andi = 2i-j—2k Let 6 be the angle between the planes (1) & (2) |plsezdvo8) (213-28) Data wi eee] VINO 28 Conclusion: The angle between the two planes is cos~* (+) Aim: Linear Programming Problem Example: Solve the following LPP graphically using corner point method. Minimizing 2= 30x+20y Subject of constraints xtys8 x+2y2>4 6x + 4y > 12 and Restrictions x > 0, y >0 Table: StepI: Points on =, | | Constraints | PONd3Y | Boundarytine_| Condition at | sie of region x-axis | y-axis | (0,0) xtys8 x+y=8 A(8,0) B(0,8) o<8 Origin x+2y54 | xt2y=4 | c(40) | D002) | 0% 4 Non-origin 6x4 4y > 12 (2,0) | F(03) | 0% 12 | Non-origin x20y=0 Ox-axis | OV-axis| 0 > 0,4>0 | First quadrant Conclusion: Therefore the optimum value is unique but there are infinite optimal solutions. In the case there are alternative or multiple optimal solutions. GL Aim: Linear Programming Problem Example: Solve the following LPP graphically using corner point method. Minimizing 2= 30x+20y ‘Subject of constraints x+y <8 xt+2y24 6x+4y>12 and Restrictions x > 0, y 20 The table of information about the constraints for drawing a feasible region is as follows : Step 2: Using the above information the feasible region is as follows : The shaded region in ALPEB is the feasible region. In this case the line of objective function is parallel to the feasible region formed by one of the constraints. Step3: The point of intersection of boundary lines CD and EF is given by 6x-2x=12-8 Le. 4x=4 oxesd And y=. + FPCABF is feasible region The co-ordinates of vertices of feasible region are 3 P=(15), F=(03)B (8,0),C = (4,0), Step4: The value of objective function Z = At the vertex A is z(8,0) At the vertex C is (4,0) At the vertex P is z (1,2) = 30(1) + 20(2) = 60 At the vertex F is z(0,3) = 30(0) + 20(3) = 60 At the vertex B is z(0,8) Step5: The value of objective function Z is minimum 60 at two vertices P and F of the feasible region. Thus at all the points of the segment P & F of the boundary line, the minimum value of Z is same i.e. 60. Conclusion :Therefore the optimum value is unique but there are infinite optimal solutions. In the case there are alternative or multiple optimal solutions. eee " Problem 2:: Find the points on the curve y to x-axis. 9x? + 15x + 3 at which tangents are parallel Formula: Conclusion :The points on curve at which tangents are parallel to x-axis are y-curves (4,10) and (5,-22) Experiment Not? nus x? — 9x? + 15x +3 at which the tangents are Problem 2: Find the points on the curve y parallel to x-axis - (1) Solution: The given curve is y = x3 —9x?4+15x+3 —— Now differentiating curve (1), we get, @ = 3x? 18x +15 2 B= 3? - 6x +5) + 2=3@-5@-1 Since the tangent is parallel to x-axis. Therefore the slope of tangent = = = 0 (@-)@-N=0 4x=1 orx= From (1), forx=1, y=1-9+15+3 ie. For x=5, y=125-225+75+3=—22 Hence, the required points on i.e. y curves are (1,10) and (5,-22) Conclusion :The points on curve at which tangents are parallel to x-axis are y-curves (4,10) and (5,-22) 46 LHS Problem 2: A metal cube expands under heating 80 that its increase by 2%. Find the approximate increase in the volume of metal cube, if its side before heating is 10 cm. Formula: Volume of cube = a3 Percentage = “x 100 Figure: Conclusion :Approximate increase in the volume is 60cm? i | perimentNo.13 RHS Problem 2 : A metal cube expands under heating so that its side increases by 2%. Find the approximate increase in the volume of the metal cube, its side before heating is 10cm. Let V be the volume of the metal cube of side x cm, ave : Baa? and [Zle1o = 340)? = 300 Let 5x be the increase in side length. bx =2% of x= + 6x = 02cm Let dv be the increase in volume + bv=2 6x +. 5v=(300)(0.2) = 60 Conclusion: Approximate increase in the volume is 60 cm?. Q “ExperimentNo.t4 Luis Problem 2: Twenty meters of wire is available to fence off a flower bed in the form of a circular sector. What must be the radius of the circle if we wish to have flower bed with the greatest possible surface area? Formuk : Foracircular sector, Length of are Ax B = 8, Perimeter of sector= r+ r-+70 Area of sector f(r) = $70 Figure: ul Conclusion: For greatest possible surface area of flower bed, its radius must be § cm. Raperimentot¢ nis ‘wenty meters of wire is available to fence off a flower bed in the form of a circular sector. What must be the radius of the circle if we wish to have a flower bed with the greatest possible surface area? Problem Solution: Let r be radius of circular sector «length ofare Ax B = 10 «perimeter of sector =r +7 +70 = 20=2r+r0 « (20-2r) 20-2r Now, Area ofsector f(r) = +r? 2 FO =3r (A 2 IO= = f'@) =10-2r =26-r) af'@=0 #2(-r) of'O= af") =-2<0 f(r) has maximum at r=5 For greatest possible surface area of flower bed, its radius must be 5 cm. Conclusion: For greatest possible surface area of flower bed, its radius must be 5 cm. | Experiment ots ue Problem 2: Verify LMVT for function f(x) = (x — 2)(x — 3) ~ 5) on [0,5] Formula: i) ii) Conclusion: Since Lagrange’s Mean Value Theorem (LMVT). Ifa function f(x) is Continues in closed interval [a,b], Differentiable inthe open interval (ab), then there exists at east value of xin the open interval (ab) such that 2 = "(c) £6 (0,5) + for function f(&) = Ge - 3-5) LMVT is verified. Problem 2: Verify LMVT for the function f(x) = (*-2)(x-3)(x-5)on (0,5). Solution: — Since (x)= (x-2)(x-3)(x-5) 2G) = 9-108 2431530 @ Since f(x) is a polynomial function. Therefore it is continuous on R. Thus f(x) is continuous on [0,5]. a £"(x)=3x2-20x-+31 and it has unique value at any pointin interval on [0,5] -f(%) is differentiable on [0,5] Thus f(x) satisfies the conditions of LMVT on [0.5] « There exists one value c € (0,5) such that £ Now f(a) = f(0) = (0-2)(0-3)(0-5 f(b) = f(5) = (5-2)(5-3) (5-5) and f’ (c) = 3c2-20c +31 2 EP = 32-20% 431 + 3c2-20x+25 = 0 ° zon /C FACTS _ sz0810 _ ~~ ag OC 3 Since 3 € (0,5) . LMVT is verified. Conclusion: Since : € (0,5) «. for function (x) = (x-2)(x-3)(x-5)on [0,5]. LMVT is verified. D 3S Aim: Problem 1: Solution : Conclusion : ExperimentNo.16 Ris Applications of Define Integrals as Limit of Sum. Express f; (3x? +2) dv as a limit of a sum and evaluate it. Also compare the answer by actually evaluating it. Leta =0,b=1 and f(x) =3x?+2 mh=1 and f(rh) = 3(nh?) +2 Since fj f(x) dx = limps h DM f (rh) fy Gx? + 2) dx = limp. so AY 4[3 (rh)? + 2] impo h (3h? Dyna? + 2 D711} =limyao h pebeimenn) A ant = {5 (nh) (ah + h)(2nh + h) + 2nh} limo {5 QA + YZ + A) +2} =F) +2=3 ---- (a) Sf Gx? +2)dx = [x9 + 2x]8 = [(1)? + 2] - (0)? + 2€0)] 0 From (1) & (2), we observe that value of integral in both the methods is same. we observe that value of integral in both the methods is same. Sox? + 2)dx = 3 62 Aim: Applications of Definite Integrals : Area Problem 1: Find the area of the loop of the curve y? = (x — 1)(x — 3). Formula: i, Area of loop = 2 [area bounded by curve y] = —3)(Vx—1), X- axis and the co-ordinates x=1 and x=3) He LUG) tAWde = f° A@ar + f F,GDax Figure: X=3 ¥ XL Conclusion : [Sign of area is always positive + Area of loops = 2% sq, units a; 6h a nits Ai Applications of Definite Integrals. Problem 1: Find the area of the loop of the curve y? = (x — 1)(x — 3)? Solution: Since for points x — y and (x, y) the equation y? = (x — 1)(x — 3)? of curve does not change. Therefore the curve is symmetric about x-axis, for y = 0,(x — 1)(x —3)? = 0 lor3 Also, y = (x — 3)(vz=1) Draw the loop of the curve ‘Area of the loop= 2 [area bounded by the curve y] =(x — 3)(vx—1), x-axis and the co-ordinates x=1 andx=3] =2 foe -3) Ve—Tdx Let x— tt) = dx = 2tdt Forx = 1,t =O and forx = 3,t = v2 Since x=1+t? = (x-3)\Wx-1=(14t?-3)t=e3—2¢ Ss 3 Nz ‘Area of loop = 2 f(t? — 20)2t dt =4 f.7(e* — 24%) dt = 4 |S — | 0 3B as = 4 [OBE 208 9 4 of a 4 [A224 so 8 5 3 . BE Conclusion: Area of loops = 22% sq, units | BxperimentNo.18 its Aim: Applications of Differential Equations. Problem 1 : The population of a town increases at the rate proportional to the population existing at that time. The population of the town was 5,00,000 in year 1980 and 8,00,000 in year 1990 what will be population of town in year 2010? Tabular Form : Time (years)t 010 Population a ie & Formulas ex ie. B= kx logx-logxy _ t-to logx-logx, tito k= Conclusion: The population of the town in year 2010 will be 20,48,000. a- RHS Aim: Applications of Differential Equations Problem 1: The population of a town increases at the rate proportional to the population existing at that time. The population of the town was 5,00,000 in year 1980 and 8,00,000 in year 1990 what will be population of town in year 2010? Solution: Let x be population of town at time t years. kx where k >0 ‘The solution of DE is given by & =kfdt ie.logx =kt+c—— ‘The given condition in tabular form are as follows : Using these conditions in equation (1), we get logy, = kty +e — = (2) and logy, = kt, +c——. -- 3) = for elimination of c, subtracting (2) from (1) and (3), we get logx-logxo t-te Now eliminating k, we get “*1#%0 _ to logxi-logx> tito Jogx=l0g5,00,000___ 2010-1980 10g8,00,000-10g5,00,000 1990-1980, 3 ie. log (Sms) = 3log() = log (2) siz ie, x =2(6,00,000) x = 20,48,000 Conclusion : The population of the town in year 2010 will be 20,48,000. Problem 2: In a game, a person is paicl Rs. 10 ifhe gets all heads or al tails when three coins are tossed and he will pay Rs. 5 if he get either one or two heads. What can be expect to win on average per game? Also find e and S.D. Solution: $= (HHH, HHT, HTH, HTT, THH, THT, TTH, TTT} « ns) =8 ‘The random variable x takes the values 10 or -5. Now, P(x = 10) = P{HHH, TTT} P(x = 10) = P{HTT,TTH, THT, HHT, THH, HTH} P(x =-5)=$=2 The probability distribution is : + Expected value = E(x) = Y px; = 17525 _ 675 v(x) = 8-8 = B= 422 S.D. = Jv) = V422 = 6.496 Conclusion: The person will on an average lose Rs. 1.25 per toss of coin variance= Rs. 42.2 and S.D. = Rs. 6.496 Aim: Binomial Distribution. Problem 1: A coin is tossed 5 times. If getting a head is considered a success, find the probability of at least 3 successes. Formula: The probability of r successes= P(x = r) inn trials = "C, pr q** r= 0,12, Conclusion : The probability of at least 3 successes is 1/2 Aim: | -ExperimentNo.2000 Es Binomial Distribution. Problem 1: A coin is tossed 5 times. If getting a head is considered a success, find the probability Solution: of at least 3 successes. Ina single trial, getting a head is a success «. p = P (getting a head) ‘Therefore q= 1-p= % We have n=! =1/2, 42 1/2 ay By binomial distribution p(x = r) =8ce(2)' (3) ” 1,2,3,4,5 p (atleast 3 successes)= p(x > 3) = p(x = 3) + p(x = 4) + p(x = 5) 3 a2 #p@) =803(3) (3) = 3 r@ =a(4)' = £@=() =5 +p (atleast 3 successes Conclusion : The probability of at least 3 successes is 1/2

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