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THE NEW HUMAN REVOLUTION-VOLUME 23: CHAPTER 3 told him that they would arrest President Josei Toda


nless he pleaded guilty. July 1957was just nine months before

Courage 31 Toda's death,
and he was extremely frail
not survive
at that time. If Toda
the ordeal. After much
were arrested, he might
his cell, Shin ichi decided to protect
31-40 agonising
over the matter in

by making an initial plea ot guilty and then prove his

BY HO GOKU innocence in court
and tear the prospect of
The established powers despise
informed, exercising their
Courage 31 ordinary citizens becoming awakened,
This is an arrogant manitestation
powers and reforming society.
that those in authority have for the
of the disdain and disregard
Through Shin'ichi Yamamoto's
dynamic leadership, each people, which is the core of
the devilish nature of power.
Osaka member rose up with the believed that if they lett alone
light of hope illuminated their dark situation strength of a thousand. The It seems that the authorities
at a
the Soka Gakkai, which was continuing grow
and they grew more to
positive and optimistic by the minute. member-households, the organi-
But at the very end of the pace to the goal of 750,000 their
election force that could threaten
highly publicised reports of blatant campaign, there were sation would evolve into a major

laws, such as violations of the election very existence in the future.

candidate's name. A rumour
free packs of
cigarettes inscribed with
part the spread that this was being done as Courage 32
campaign of the Soka Gakkai-backed candidate.
Shin ichi had consistently called for fair and clean resolved to accept complete
naturally these reports disturbed him deeply. It even elections,
On 17 July 1957, Shin'ichi, having his
to him that occurrea violations and then to prove
it might be a responsibility for the election
But it turned dirty trick by one of their nnocence in court, was released
from the Osaka
out to be the
act of
Tokyo wh0, regarding thoughtless members from Centre. He was once again tree.
had gone to themselves heroes coming to the That evening, the Osaka Rally was
conducted at the

This violation
in Osaka. rescuc Gakkai members
GVic Hall in Nakanoshima, Osaka. Soka
end, the Soka became a
major obstacle hall and surrounding
Gakkai-backed candidate lost. to victory. In tne and other areas of Japan jammed the
and The for Kansal,
On 3
July, more than decisive occasion
premises. rally proved to be a sS
over, Shin'ichi was asked totwo months after the by-election was during which members expressed their outrage
at Shin ichi

election come in for dereat u

violations questioning about tne
Pretectural Police and he voluntarily went to the Osaka nust arrest and rose up with determination to
to al the trutn
to demonstrate
of authority and
having Headquarters. Once there, he was talsely
devilish nature
accused of
was held masterminded the violation and
the Soka Gakkai. the
for 1S arrested. start of the meeting was
announced at 6:00
interrogated harshly. Shin'ichi days, during which time ne became fierce
he was fall. Instantly it
asserted his innocence, but the SKy darkened and rain began to throug
aownpour with driving winds. Lightning flashed
CTOBER 2010 129
their hearts they telt: "Youth division chief of staff
Yamamoto wa falsely arrested, imprisoned, handcuffed and
treated terribly. We won't let the authorities beat us! We will never
L defeated! We will win in every challenge, no matter what!"
That day- when tearful Kansai members pledged with
chin'ichi to assure the victory ot Soka -became the invincible

point of Ever-victorious Kansai.


Courage 33

was absolutely no onnection between Shin'ichi

in charge ot the Soka Gakkai's election
Yamamoto, who

support efforts
in Osaka, and the election violations perpetrated

by members
from Tokyo who had gone to Osaka to campaign
Gakkai-supported candidate in the by-election for a
for the Soka
House of Councillors (Upper House). As
seat in the
otfice was forced to
investigation progressed, the prosecutor's
removed trom the
recognise this truth. This particular point

charges being brought against
ominous clouds and thunder roared. A number of the Soka that certain Kansai members,
But the prosecutor noticed
Gakkai members, envisioning Shin'ichi's 15-day incarceration,
overly enthusiastic and not fully aware of the nation's
regarded this as a sign of the outrage of the heavenly deities at the campaigning tor votes,
arrested for door-to-door
laws, had been Shin'ichi with
harsh treatment of the Soka Gakkai by the authorities. None of
which was against the law. They charged was a clear
those gathered outside in the storm even considered do this. This accusation
leaving. They instructing the members to
a tatal
listened intently as the rain established powers to strike
pounded down on them, trying to reflection of the intent of the
new torce tor
hear what was which had become a
being said inside through the external speakers. blow to the Soka Gakkai,
Against the background of the pouring rains, they heard advance.
order halt or obstruct its
social change, in to
tremendous cheers and vigorous Shin'ichi w a s declared innocent
of all charges on 25 January
applause. the Osaka
Shin'ichi had finally stepped on he was released from
stage to speak. His words
resounded like a lion's roar: "Let's strive with 1962, four and a half years after S
never violated any laws,
conviction that in Detention Centre. Of course, he had
the end, those with innocent. It was
unwavering faith, those who faithfully it w a s only natural that he
would be declared
uphold the Dai-Gohonzon and the correct the ruling, but
office might appeal
Daishonin's Buddhism, are all certain to teachings
of Nichiren feared that the prosecutor's obtain a
decided that it was
impossible to
That call struck triumph!" they seemed to have innocence was
deep into the hearts of everyone present. The and Shin'ichi's
taces of those guilty verdict. They did not appeal
listening outside the hall were drenched in rain and proven in a single trial.
OCTOBER 2010 131
lt was a long struggle. Shin'ichi initially
Dresidencv of the Soka Gakkai
during the tmal,
the the
oncern that it he had becn found guiltv it out of
ght has
might have harmed hs
The path of "establishing thc correct
ot the land" isa therce
teach1ng tor .
struggle with the dev1lish peace
authont. tillcd with arduous ettorts and nats
great adver...
Considering the ite of Nichiren
Daishonin and the rsity
persecutions he endured. the Soka series ot
Gakkai Is
subiected to similar harsh oppression and insidious certain to be
As Nichiren Daishonin writes:
hetalling him. the greater the del1ght he greater the
teels, because of
strong faith" wND-1. p. 33). In his
tac1ng and triumphing over such
persecution. we can attain Buddhahood in this
carry out our human revolution. existence and

Courage 34

July 17. the day that Shin'ichi was

with Kansai members to
released from jail and vowed
achieve the victory of the truth and with a music teacher to complete aSong o
try to
justice of Soka. is a July to presenr to vou it
day of declaring the resolve to Human Revolution' commemorat1ng I
the devilish nature of fight against to speak hrst todav,
o l couid
authority and the this meeting. That's why I asked
journey ot human proud beginning of the continue to work on the song
in order to compiete
revolution. go back and
That's why on 17 it by today, no matter what.
July 1976, 20 years later, Shin'ichi was still, bu
engaged in composing "The lyrics are finished. I may
revise them slightly
Song of Human Revolution' to torm.
Commemorate the event and express the vow of all T'd like to share them with you in
their present
achieve kosen-rufu. He really wanted to members to cheers and applause.
Shin'ichis voce

The room rang with

yrics of the song by the complete the music and resounded as he read the lyrics:
on 18 headquarters
July and announce it there. leaders meeting to be held
But he hadn't take mine, too,
finished the music by the start of the Take your stand, and I will
Just before 2:00 in the mecting you, my comrades, stand
dppcarance in the afternoon, Shin'ichi made his
main meeting room in of kosen-rutu,
standing up alone
cach in o u r o w n realm
where the the Soka Culture Centre
headquarters leaders
meeting was being held. Kignt courageous
snout ror

arter doing gongyo with the h e words were a cry of

Shin'ichi's spirit, a shared

microphone and said: "Until members, Shin'ichi took the as an individual for justice,
and a call tor the

a while Standing up
ago, I've been working
struggle of mentor and disciple. The members in silently to
himself as the fourth, fifth, sixth and seventh verses of
listened attendance the Soka Gakkai'.
solemnly. They were
impressed with the words.
Just Song of
of struggle stirs courage.
hearing the lyrics roused courage in their hearts.
They were all A song about the blaz1ng spirit
thrilled. and joy in one's heart.
strength, hope
As the German poet Friedrich von Schiller (1759-1805) The fourth verse went as follows:
declares: "Care's gloomy wrinkles disappear, / Whilst music's had
charms still linger here."1 My mentor has passed on / giving all he
as an offering/ to Bodhisattva Medicine King
Courage 35 I remain/ what is
that can I offer / to the Buddha?
Shin'ichi Yamamoto decided to compose 'Song of Human
Revolution'at the end
of June 1976. He'd been thinking for some Courage 36
time that song that
expressed the spirit and philosophy of the
of 'Song of the Soka
Gakkai', which
Soka Gakkai was necessary. Verses four through seven
Confinement, were
'Ode to Solitary
Josei Toda had composed
In the pioneering days, Soka Gakkai members as
enjoyed an expression ot his very spunt,
singing a popular prewar tune, which they renamed 'Song of the extremely solemn in

Soka Gakkai'. Because the which formed the backbone
of the Soka
lyrics could be construed as reterring forbade members trom sing1ng
to the passionate time when Toda
spirit of dedication to kosen-rufu, it was sung There was a
allow anyone
to sing them ightly,
by Gakkai members from the time of first president Tsunesaburo those He wouldn't
their intent.
Makiguchi. without really understanding
three-verse poem

July 1943, the Soka Gakkai was hit with a storm or while in prison,
he composed verse
went as
The tirst
persecution from the Japanese military government. Botn later sung as 'Song of
Makiguchi and Toda were arrested, and Makiguchi died in was
prison on 18 November of the following year.
When, during an interrogation session, Toda learned or the Buddha's decree
I now receive
Makiguchi's death, he fell into a pit of despair. But he held his and stand up alone,
head up with determination.
Inheriting the legacy of his mentor proudly upholding the great
Makiguchi, he vowed to devote his life to kosen-rufu --the to spread the Mystic
struggle tor peace and justice. While in grea few, enemies many
four-verse poem in which he prison, he composed a Allies are
gave voice to this "Ode to d e t e r m i n a t i o n

Solitary Confinement'. To inspire himself, he vow, This instilled with

sang these lyrics verse w a s

based o n

life the of ot the Earth. old

gre vow

as a
of an

prison to his identity to
both it
Friedrich Schiller, "The Power of Song of Comrades
Third Period Song', in The Poems
of Schiller: and
(Charleston, South Carolina:
BiblioBazaar, 2006),p. 14/ prewar school dormitory song, OCTOBER 201o 135


fa Other words, the attacks directed
at the Soka Gakkai

result standings of and prejudice against Shin'ichi's

of misundersta
a This became clear later.
orts for peace.

Courage 37

Shin'ichi Yamamoto struggled furiously to overcome the barriers

the way to friendship and trust for the sake
of ideology, and open
of building world peace. But the eyes ot narrow-minded prejudice
see the truth and he became the target of attacks.
At the sametime, the Nichiren Shoshu priesthood, seeking
to direct
to drive a wedge between mentor and disciple, began
criticisms and detamations at Gakkai members. Ir
destroy the harmonious
was a truly vile and malicious plot to

unity priesthood and the laity.

between the
were a sign that the
Shin'ichi sensed that these developments
kosen-rutu were about to bare their
devilish forces that obstruct
fangs. writes: "If you propagate [the Mystic
Song of the Soka Gakkai' As Nichiren Daishonin
was very old-fashioned. Shin'ichi there would be
wanted without fail. If they did not,
to create a new
style of song that succinctly
expressed the Law), devils will arise (WND-I, p.
spirit and philosophy of the Soka Gakkai, which would be no way of knowing
that this is the correct teaching"
easy oft the Lorus
tribulation there would be
no votary
to sing and sung for many
years to comne. S01); "Without that the votary who
and "Understand then
Another reason Shin'ichi wanted to Sutra" (wND-1, p. 33); will
compose a new song and as the
Buddha teaches
encourage members was that he keenly sensed an ominous practices the Lotus Sutra exactly
enenmies" (WND-
atmosphere looming in the Gakkai's future. From the without fail be attacked by
the three powerful
year, 1975, portions of the mass media were previous ettect
beginning to p. 395). Gakkai was in
the Soka
viciously attack the organisation. In both and substance,
name Buddhism

n recent years, motivated in Japan, practising

by his wish for world peace, the leading religious organisation Daishonin
teaches and
Shin'ichi had visited such communist the
kosen-rufu just as
nations as the People's and advancing
Republic of China and the Soviet Union. In he had Opening the way to happiness tor peopierealising lasting peace
and spoken with the head and other officials of the Japan, met
theforemost aim
of for the
Moreover, with teaching
Communist Party. These actions attracted Japan "establishing
the c o r r e c t
round the
attention around the based on the principle of extensively
world and led to the travelling
suspicion that the Soka Gakkai would draw peace of the land", Shin'ichi was

thinkers in
near to
communism, which alarmed some people. World, meeting with
leaders and

OCTOBER 2010 137


engaging them in numerous dialogues. Soka Gakkai
also earnestly striving to make members wer ofckamilies,
fa the betterment of
society, and the creation of
positive were
Because of that, in the light of the contributions to society peace, all start from human revolution. And
e. al
the Soka Gakkai is
certain of and fully Gosho, Shin'ichi was the one and onlyly organisation advancing human
prepared tor the tact that the both revolution. The
Soka Gakkai, having set forth into great ship of the Coka Gakkai upholds the philosophy of human revolution.
the vast sea of
rufu, was bound to meet with storms of global kosen- But the two leaders were more focussed on who would
By facing these raging tempests and adversity. campose the song than its
signiticance. They were even
we can activate the life-state of the fighting for
kosen-rufu, wondering if they should establish a song composition committee
within ourselves and achieve our Bodhisattvas of the Earth and begin preparations. Then Shin'ichi said: "I think the lyrics
human revolution. That's
Shin'ichi wished to create a why will start with "Take your stand, and I will take mine, too, ... I've
courageous song that would stir in
the hearts of his beloved members been thinking about the song tor the last two or three days and I
overcome any adversity.
unyielding fighting spirit to have it generally sketched out in my head.
There have "Tonight there is a meeting for those related to Mr Toda to
always been songs that rouse hope in
hearts for the
flourishing of culture and the emergencepeople's
of the
commemorate his release from prison on 3 July, and tomorrow
there will be a meeting in his memory with representative
people. Shin'ichi wanted to compose a song of life
that would members in Tokyo. Then the day atter tomorrow is a
inspire all members to build a new of gongyo
humanistic culture. age humanism and session at the Soka Gakkai Headquarters commemorating his
release from prison.
Courage 38 As I think about Mr Toda and converse with him in my
ot a song ot
mind, I am planning on engaging in the composition
ot Human
"We need a Soka Gakkai song. The title is
new the shared struggle of mentor and disciple, 'Song
Revolution," said Shin'ichi to two leaders "Song of Human Revolution'. I that
hope the second half of this year everyone
him on 1 July as he was on riding in the car with will be song and advancing proudly.
joyously singing this
his way to the Third
Exhibition that was being held at an Civilization Art The advance of kosen-rufu is accompanied by
Gakkai songs,
art museum in
Tokyo. The two leaders just answered Ueno, by vibrant in
their voices raised song
vaguely and looked
puzzled. They couldn't fully understand why Shin'ichi
create a new Gakkai wanted to Courage 39
song called
that time. Maybe, it occurred 'Song Human Revolution' at
to them, he presented his
because from 19 June, a new wanted to compose it Nichiren Daishonin
film, The Human Revolution, Part July 16 is the day that, in 1260, the Peace of the Land
2, was being released in On Establishing the Correct
Teaching for by
major cities Hojo Tokiyor.
From the moment he resolved throughout Japan. most
ruler in Japan,
powerful remonstrations

to Othe his
Shin'ichi had decided it would be compose a new son8 Daishonin began

Revolution'. That was the only titled 'Song of Human submitting this treatise, theof the Kamakura military government.
with the authorities
ruling series of grear
establishment of happiness for each
he thought, because the
life was beset with
the Izu
on, his in 1260,
individual, the transformation dt
persecutions: the

OCTOBER 2010 139

Courage 40
Exile in 1261, and the Tatsunokuchi Persecution and Sado t.
in 1271. But in spite of thes circumstances, the xile
declared: "Not once have I thought of
Daishonin Take your stand, and I will take mine, toco.
retreat (WND-2, p. 46S1
On 16 July, Shin'ichi Yamamoto
* * * * * * * * * * * ****


discussion The new century dawns with sun-like brilliance,
meeting in Tokyo's Ota Ward and extremely busy with his
glowing with the light ot human revolution.
many duties. Even so,thinking ot the
Daishonin's great
he was able to
complete the lyrics tor "Song of Human when Shin'ichi read the lyrics of "Song of Human Revolution' at
Revolution'. His initial version was comprised of three
each five lines in length. the headquarters leaders meeting, the audience responded with
The following day, 17 July,
was the date that
Shin'ichi had roaring cheers and applause that continued without end.
been released from prison after his
struggle with the devilish On that occasion, ichi also ottered six points for leaders
value: personal guidance, small meetings, polite
nature of authority. In the
morning, Shirn'ichi worked on further of kosen-rufu to
each individual family and each
revisions to the lyrics. He also had many other duties that language, daily interactions,
such as attending the Gakushuin
day, individual's personal circumstances.
University Group
That evening, he began to
compose the melody at home. He
wanted it to be a cheery yet
rousing song that would ignite the
fires of courage and shine with the
light of hope. It was shortly
after 11:00 at night when the
general outline of the melody was
completed in his mind.
On 18 July, the day of the
worked on the song from the
headquarters leaders meeting, he
morning. At noon, he went to the
main hall on the third floor of the
Soka Culture
along with a young music teacher who had Centre,

experience, and worked on the melody further, withcomposing

the music
teacher at the piano. But the
of the meeting.
melody was not finished
by the start
He wanted to
compose a masterpiece that would be
forever. That's why he didn't want sung
mere expediency.
compromise for the sake of
Progress and
improvement are
attitude of thinking that one has obstructed by the complacent
put in enough effort and now
should just call it quits. New
wisdom, power and creativity arise
through earnest resolve or commitment to overcome that
complacence in order to do the best job
OCTOBER 2010 141
Why is personal guidance
situation and
Since each person's

circumstances are ditterent, their

will also naturally be different. The problems and issuee
steady advance of
depends upon each person dealing with and
kosen-rufu The
unique problems and personal issues and overcoming their
hope and joy. That's why personal coming to glow with Senn
individual, is so vital. guidance, suited to the
The reason for
valuing small meetings is that only when Abu
people can discuss matters freely and
fully, until they are
completely satisfied, can the movement grow
extensively. If large
meetings can be likened to arteries and veins, then BY MAHOC
small meetings
represent the capillaries. Only when the
functioning smoothly can blood flow through thecapillaries are
entire body. If
o t t-
small meetings aren't Ab
fulfilling for members, the spirit of
Buddhist faith and practice will not flow stories sa

organisation. Any organisation that ignoresthroughout the entire toku in

small meetings is
doomed to collapse in the end. Island,
For leaders, polite speech is Sennichi
essential. "The voice does the
Buddha's work" (cf. OTT, p. 4). We are able Retired
to carry out the
sacred work of the Buddha show th
through our voices. If our speech is
impolite, we can even cause harm to Buddhism. A Ab
speech reflects their character and humanity. As the Daishonin Pure La
writes: "Misfortune comes from one's mouth and ruins one" Endo T
wND-1, p. 1137).
1 Empe
(To be continued) 1210 t
exile o
(sGI Newsletter Nos. 8017,
8020, 8022, 8024 and 8025 dated 15 29 in a m
2010. Illustrations
to June
provided by Seikyo Press) in Kyc
2 See
3 Pur
can b
as th


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