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‹ To understand the Object Oriented way of approaching a
problem and to understand the modelling of Object
orientation using UML
‹ To gain a good knowledge of using UML for designing
projects following Object Oriented Approach
‹ To use Magic Draw tool to draw diagrams of UML

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‹ (00:20) Introduction to modelling

‹ (00:30) Intro to UML, Magic Draw

‹ (00:20) OO Analysis, Noun Phrase Approach, CRC cards

‹ (00:15) Break

‹ (00:30) Requirement Analysis

‹ (01:30) Use case Diagram / Specification

‹ (01:00) Lunch Break

‹ (01:15) Class Diagram

‹ (00:15) Break

‹ (02:00) Sequence Diagrams, State Transition Diagrams

‹ (01:15) Working with magic Draw UML

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Software Complexity

‹ Required to perform demanding tasks

‹ Complexity of Problem Domain
‹ Difficulty in managing development process
‹ Flexibility available through software
‹ Problems of characterizing behaviour of discrete systems

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Resolution for complexity

A complex system that works is invariably found to have

evolved from a simple system that worked.

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Two Methods of Decomposition

‹ Algorithmic Decomposition

Programs={Data Structures}+{Operations}

‹ Object-Oriented Decomposition

Object={Data Structures}+{Operations}


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Algorithmic Decomposition / Functional

‹ Defining the how and what of the goal

‹ Specifying and decomposing system functionality

‹ Decomposing each task into smaller tasks

(to the level of language statement)

‹ Implementing the program and the steps that compose

each function

‹ Extensive restructuring necessitated by changes in

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Example of Algorithmic Decomposition

For a Railway Reservation System, some of the following

functionalities can be identified

„ ReserveTicket()

„ cancel reservation()

„ AddtrainDetails()

„ View_waitingList() e.t.c

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Object-Oriented Decomposition
‹ Decomposing a system into objects, the basic
components of the design

‹ Finding or creating these objects by structuring of

knowledge and activities

‹ Managing the complexity inherent in the real world

problem by abstracting out knowledge, and
encapsulating it within objects

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Example of Algorithmic Decomposition

We identify the real world objects invloved in the railway

reservation system.some of the objects involved could be

„ Passenger

„ Train

„ Ticket e.t.c

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Advantages of Object-Oriented Decomposition
‹ Better understanding of the system.

‹ Combines data and behaviour into one package - the object.

- Separate development teams can work independently.

‹ Avoids duplication of common behaviour - inheritance.

- New kinds of objects can be added later without harm.

‹ Permits iterative development of large systems.

- Reduced risk of building complex software systems.

‹ Easy to Maintain.
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Where OO can be used?

OO is most relevant in business area that are:

‹ Rapidly changing

‹ Require fast response to changes

‹ Complex in requirements or implementation

‹ Repeated across company with variations

‹ Have long-lived applications that must evolve

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Object - Definition

A real world entity.

An object has state, behaviour and identity;the structure and

behaviour of similar objects are defined in their common

The term object and instance are interchangeable.

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Object - State

Encompasses all of the properties of the object and the current

value of these properties.

Attributes(static) and their values(dynamic).

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Object - Behaviour

How an object acts and reacts, in terms of its state changes

and message passing.

An object can acts on other objects and is also acted upon by

other objects

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Object - Identity

It is that property of an object that distinguishes it from all

other objects.

The unique identity of each object is preserved over the

lifetime of the object, even when its state is changed.

“is the river the same river every day, even though the same
water never flows through it??”

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What is your view about class and object?

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Object-Doughnut notation



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Elements of Object Model - Class

A set of objects that share a common structure(attributes) and


A mould with which objects can be created.

Look for class in…

Tangible things - Cars, Books …

Roles - Student, Employee …

Events - Driving, Landing …

Interactions - Loan, Account …

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Class & Objects

objects Object


class Rose blueRose

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Difference between Class and Object

Class Object
Class is a type/template for Object is an instance of the
similar objects class, with each instance
behaving identically

Class is purely a static Object is dynamic/run-time

concept, represented by entity,occupying space in
program text memory

Rock Musician Alice Cooper

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Implementations – Java Syntax for Class

class classname
//member variables
datatype membername;

returntype methodname()

class is a keyword. lowercase

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Implementations - Java

class Account class Book {

int id; int bookId;
double balance; double price;
void open() { }
void close() { } void changePrice() {
void credit() { } }

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Implementations – Java Syntax for Object

To create an object of Account class

Account acc = new Account();

Account acc;
acc = new Account();

‘acc’ is like a pointer.

In java it is called a reference variable.

new is operator and keyword

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Object Oriented Analysis

How to identify classes:

Look for noun phrases
-Change all plurals to singular
-Retain the obvious ones and those you are not sure of
-Discard obvious nonsense

Look for hidden nouns

Define Relationships
- create Hierarchies

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Object Oriented Analysis

Extract responsibilities from requirements specification by

looking at verbs & Information.

To find Collaborations, ask:

- With whom does this class need to collaborate to
fulfil its responsibilities?
- Who needs to make use of the responsibilities defined
for this class?

Identify Sub-systems
Grouping of logically similar systems.

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CRC – Class-Responsibility-Collaboration cards

Introduced by
Ward Cunningham & Kent Beck,
Tektronix Research Lab.

Class Name

Responsibility Collaboration
Extract responsibilities With whom does this class 4”
from requirements need to collaborate to
specification by fulfil its responsibilities?
looking at verbs Who needs to make use of
& Information the responsibilities
for this class?

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CRC – A Sample


1.Calculate the grade of a Student

student. Course

3 ..

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How to identify classes?

Noun phrase identification -> candidate classes.

Refine candidate classes -> actual classes.

Preferred abstraction is Entity Abstraction.

Look for…
Tangible things

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Candidate Class

Initial Set of real world Objects that are identified which

has the possibility of becoming a class in the System

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What are the Principles of the Object Oriented
Major Themes
(mandatory elements for any OOM):

Minor Themes
(useful but not essential part of OOM)

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An abstraction denotes the essential characteristics of

object that distinguishes it from all other kind of objects
and thus provide crisply defined conceptual boundaries
relative to the perspective of the user.


Building seen by an architect and layman.

TV seen by a mechanic and a customer.

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Abstraction focuses upon the observable behavior of an object,

whereas, encapsulation focuses upon the implementation that
gives rise to this behavior.

Encapsulation is achieved through information hiding .

Example: Capsule, Iron Box

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Implementation of Encapsulation

Access specifiers





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Implementation of Encapsulation

class Book
private int id;
private string name;

public void addBook() { }

public void viewBook() { }
public void checkAvailability() { }

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Modularity creates a number of well-defined, documented

boundaries within a system.
A module typically clusters logically related abstractions.
Enhances understandability of the system.

Abstractions classes

A module package
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Hierarchy is a ranking or ordering of abstractions.

The important hierarchies in an object oriented system are:

‹ Inheritance or class structure hierarchy

‹ Aggregation or object structure hierarchy

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Person age

Employee Id

Overcomes the disadvantage of Redundant Code

Advantage: Reusability of Code

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Represents “is a” or “ is a type of” relationship between

two classes. Features that are common to many classes
are migrated to a common class, called base class, (or
super-class, or parent class).
Other classes may add,modify, or even hide some of
these feature. These are called as derived classes, (or
sub-classes, or child classes).
For example:
Vehicle can be a base-class and car and bike can be
derived classes.

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Implementation of Inheritance

class Person

class Employee extends Person

//Need not repeat features
(data+methods) inherits

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Types Inheritance

Multiple Inheritance (not allowed in java at class level)

Multilevel Inheritance possible Person

class Person { } Employee
class Employee extends Person { }
Class Manager extends Employee { }

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Represents the “is a part of” or “whole-part” relationship

where one object becomes a part of other object.

Example: Car
Engine (is a part of a car)

Keyboard (is a part of computer)

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An operation behaving differently in different contexts.

Same Entity Student

Son / Daughter


Girl Friend / Boy Friend

Husband / Wife

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Implementation of Polymorphism

Compile Time
Method Overloading (Ad-hoc Polymorphism)
Example: void swap(int, int)
void swap(char, char)
void swap(float, float)

Can I Have?
cannot be overloaded based on
void swap(int,int) return type
int swap(int, int)

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Runtime Time class Account

public void showBalance()
Method Overriding {
class CurrentAccount extends Account
public void showBalance()
class SavingsAccount extends Account
public void showBalance()
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Implementation of Abstract Class

abstract class Shape Shape s=new Shape();

{ (not possible)
abstract public void draw();
} Shape s=new Circle();
class Circle extends Shape s.draw(); //draws Circle
public void draw() s=new Rectangle();
{ s.draw();//Draws Rectangle
//draw Circle
} The entity is one and same and the
class Rectangle extends Shape method is also same but in different
{ situations it gives different output.
public void draw() This is called polymorphism
//draw Rectangle When all methods in a class are abstract
} the class is converted into an interface

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Minor Themes - Persistence


Is the property of an object through which its existence

transcends in time.(i.e. Object continues to exist after its
Creator ceases to exist) and/or space.(i.e Object’s location
moves from the address space in which it was created.)

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Minor Themes - Typing


Is the enforcement of the class of an object, such that objects

of different types may not be interchanged, or at the most, they
may be interchanged only in restricted ways.

Examples of Typing: Strongly Typed and Weakly typed

A given programming language may be strongly typed,weakly

typed or even untyped, yet still can be called Object oriented.
Eiffel – Strongly Typed, Smalltalk – untyped, c++ - hybrid

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Minor Themes - Typing

Static or early binding means that the types of all variables and
Expressions are fixed at the time of compilation.

Dynamic binding or late binding means that the types of all

variables and expressions are not known till runtime.

Strongly typed languages require the type checking of all

arguments,receivers and return types at compile time.

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Object Oriented Analysis and
As the name suggests it is one of the approaches to solve a problem
where modelling is done on the basis of real world objects.

So we have to model. But what is a model?

A model is a simplification (or) representation of reality.

A model provides you a blueprint of the system to be constructed.

Ex: Even before constructing a house the architect builds a

model and shows you.

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Model – Why? and Aims

But why?
‹ We build models so that we can understand the system
‹ We are building, better.
‹ Model complex systems to narrow down the problem view.
‹ To comprehend a systems in its entirety.

Through model we achieve …

‹ Models help us to visualize system.

‹ Models permit us to specify the structure or behaviour of a system.
‹ Models give us a template that guides us in constructing a system.
‹ Models document the decisions we have made.

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Modelling Language
A modelling Language is one which is used to analyse the
system better.(not a programming language as it is used to
Solve the problem).

Object oriented modelling is where you model the system

using objects.

OOM Languages(1970 –1980)

Booch Method - Booch(Design and Construction oriented)
OOSE – Jacobson (Use case oriented)
OMT – Rumbaugh (Analysis oriented)
Fusion – Shlaer & Meller

Each had its own strengths and weaknesses.

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What is UML?

‹ UML is a Language for Specifying, Visualizing,

Constructing, and Documenting Software Artifacts

‹ What Does a Modelling Language Provide?

‹ Model Elements: Concepts and Semantics

‹ Notation: Visual Rendering of Model Elements

‹ Guidelines: Hints and Suggestions for Using Elements in


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Building blocks of UML

Things Relationships Diagrams

Association Use case
Dependency Class
Gen/Spec Object
Realization Interaction
Structural Behavioural An notational Grouping [Communication]
Class Message Note Package Activity
Interface State State Chart
Use case Component
Active Classes Deployment

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Architecture and the UML

Design View Implementation View

Class & Object

Use Case
Use Case View

Process View Deployment View

Interaction, Activity & State chart Deployment

Conceptual Physical
Package, subsystem Interaction
State machine
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A Road Map . . .


Use case Class Interaction Component


Textual Usecase State Chart


UML Diagrams
Not Part Of UML
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Use Case Diagram

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Use-Case Diagrams

‹ Describes “what” the system does

‹ Interaction of Users with System Components
‹ Graph of Actors and Set of Use Cases Enclosed by
System (High-Level) or Class Boundary
‹ Focus on What Actions, Methods, Functions, etc. are
Utilized by Which Actors
‹ Black Box View of System Components
‹ Derived via User Interviews
‹ Granularity Level of Use-Cases is Variable

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Use case Diagram – Actor

An actor is someone or something outside the system that
interacts with the system.

It is a role, like Faculty(not the person - Jack).

An actor is external – it is not actually part of what we are

building , but an interface needed to support or use it.
It represents anything that interacts with the system.
<<actor>> Stereotype
Bank System
Actor Name
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Use case Diagram – Use case

The use case diagram presents an outside view of the system

The use case model consists of usecase diagrams.

Usecase Notation
Name of the usecase

Usecase name - Meaningful verbs or short verb phrases.

Usecase- A Sample
Add Student Details

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Supermarket Example

TheStore The Store: System View

Scan Items

Process Order

Buy Items Customer

Check Status

Sales Person
Place Order

Customer Fill Order

Catalogue: Class View Estb. Credit

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Use case Diagram – Relation - Include

Three important types of relations used in usecase diagram

The include relationship shows that the base use case explicitly
includes (uses) the behaviour of the included use case.
The included use case does not have a role by itself.

Track Order de>>

Validate User
Place Order

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Use case Diagram – Relation - Extend

Extend – An extend relationship shows optional behaviour

Return book <<extend>>

Calculate penalty
• On Late Return

Extension point

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Use case Diagram – Relation - Generalization
Use cases can inherit from other use Academic Clerk

cases, just like classes.

Actors participating in a system can
be inherited from an existing actor.

Validate Course Academic Supervisor

Validate UG Course Validate PG Course

Registration Officer

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Use case Diagram – SMPS

c lu de>>

Registration Officer

System Boundary
Academic Supervisor

Academic Clerk

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Textual Use case [Use case Specification]

Textual Use case involves describing its primary

scenario as a sequence of numbered steps and the
alternatives as variations on that sequence.
Usecase name
Actor Involved.
Basic flow of Events
Alternative : Name
At step: step #, description.
“What to do now?”
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Textual Use case – A Sample

A scenario: The customer browses the catalogue and adds desired items to
the shopping cart. When he wishes to pay, he describes the shipping and card
information and confirms sale. The system checks the authorization on the
credit card and confirms the sale both immediately and with a follow-up email..

Buy a Product
Actor: Customer
1 Customer browses the catalogue and selects items to buy.
2 Customer fills in shipping information.
3 System presents full information, including shipping.
4 Customer fills in credit card information.
5 System authorizes purchase.
6 System confirms sale immediately
7 System sends conformation email.
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Textual Use case – A Sample
Alternative: Authorization failure
At step 5,system fails to authorize credit purchase
Allow customer to re-enter credit card information.
Go to step4

Alternative: Regular Customer

3a. System displays current shipping information,
pricing information and last four digits of credit
card information.
3b. Customer may accept or override these information
Return to primary scenario at step 5.
Try it for
1.Return of a book.
2.issue of a book
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Class - Elided
A class is a the framework for set of objects, which share
the same attributes, operations, relationships and semantics.
Also known as classifier.
Every class has a name. A name can be simple, where in
only the name of the class is specified.
Class Name
Elided class notation



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Class - compartmentalized

A complete class notation.


Class Name studentID

Attributes of a Class stream

Methods of a Class validateStudentID()



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Class - Attributes

A attribute is a named property of the class. The attributes of a

class characterize the class. Attributes specify a range of values
that the objects of the class may hold.

The syntax for specifying the attribute is

[visibility] name [multiplicity] [: type][ = initial value] [{property string}]

Visibility is the scope of the attribute.

It could take the following values:
- : for private
+ : for public
# : for protected
~: for default

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Class - Attributes

Property string could be .

Frozen – cannot be changed (constant or final)

addOnly – only with multiplicity

changeable – by default

Example: - employeeName [0..1] : String = “Ramya” {frozen}

Attribute name starts with lowercase. Subsequent word

Property string {frozen, addOnly, changeable}

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Class – Operations

Property string :
isQuery – operation does not have any side effects.
Parameter list can have
[direction] name : type [=default value] or [data type] name:type


+ setEmployee( e : Employee)
+ getEmployee():Employee {isQuery}
+ initializeID(in IDNo :integer=100)

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‹ Responsibilities are obligations to be fulfilled by a class.

‹ The Student class, for example is responsible for adding a

new student to the database.

‹ Responsibilities are shown in textual form, in simple English.


-Add new employee

-Modify employee details
-Validate employee
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The Class Diagram


<<basic details>>
- empId : Integer
- empName : String
- dateOfBirth : Date
<<employee details>>
- salary : double = 1000.00
- deptName : String
+ getEmpId() : Integer
+ setEmpId(id : Integer)
- maintain employee details
- determine employee age
- setting employee details
Exceptions thrown
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Relationships connect two or more things. In object orientation

its connections between two elements.

There could be six types of relationship among classes.

They are
2.Inheritance or Generalization

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The association relationship is a simple relationship. It connects

two classes , denoting the structural relationship between them.
An association is shown as a line connecting the related classes.

works for /has

Manager Company
Employee Employer

We can also show how many objects may be connected for an instance
of an association relationship. This is called as multiplicity.
It defines how many objects participate in relationships.

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Multiplicity can be expressed as

Exactly one - 1
Zero or one - 0..1
Many - 0..* or *
One or more - 1..*
Exact Number - e.g. 3..4 or 6
Or a complex relationship - e.g. 0..1, 3..4, 6..* would
mean any number of objects other than 2 or 5

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Multiplicity – Examples

School has one or more Departments.

1 has
school department

Instructors can teach up to 3 subjects.

The same subject can be taught by different instructors.

1..* 1..3
instructor subject

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Association Class
we can also show an association class in an association
relationship. An association class is one that makes it
possible for the association to exist between two other

1..* transacts with 1.. *

Member Book


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Inheritance or Generalization

Generalization consists of the super class and sub-class relationship.

The super class represents a general concept while the sub class
represents a more specific concept. Also called as “ is a type of ”.


Rose is a type of flower.

Quick sort is a type of sorting algorithm.

Pen is a kind of writing instrument.

Windows is a kind of operating system.

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Inheritance or Generalization – Example

Operating System

Windows Linux Solaris

The arrow heads will point towards the super class.

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The class at one end of the relationship will contain classes at the other
end of the relationship. It is also called a whole part relationship.
Signifies the “part of” or “has a” relationship.


A room has a door.

Building has rooms.
Vehicle has an engine.
Company has departments
Book has chapters.

Two forms of Aggregation:

Simple Aggregation
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4 2..5

Door Seat

It doesn’t link the life time of the whole and its parts. An aggregation
is shown by a diamond next to the class representing the whole
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Composition – a special form

It is also “part of ” relationship only but if the whole ceases to

exist, the parts automatically cease to exist.

Building Roof

Is shown by a filled diamond next to the class representing the whole.

Circle Point Circle


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Is the “using” or “uses” relationship where one element is

using another element to get its task done. A change in
one element affects the another element that uses it. i.e.
if the one changes then it affects the other element. The
reverse need not be true.


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The relationship between the class and the interface.

Interface :
An interface is formally equal an abstract class with no
attributes and methods(implementations ), only abstract

(or) <<interface>>
Interface Name
Interface Name

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ICICIBank <<interface>>



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Class Diagram

A class diagram is a diagram that shows a set of classes,

Interfaces and collaborations and their relationships.

Elements of Class Diagram

Relationships between them
Notes and Constraints.

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Adornments are common mechanisms that enhance the

understanding of the system.

The adornments are:

Tagged Value

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A note lets us specify comments about a particular aspect

of a model.
A note is graphically shown as a rectangle with a folded corner.
It also contains textual or graphical comments.

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Tagged Values

Tagged values allow us to create new information in the specification of

an element.

This is represented as a string placed between a pair of curly braces {…}

Tagged values are placed below an element.


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Constraints are rules, not just information.

This is represented as a string placed between a pair of curly braces {…}

Located in the close proximity to the element.


{runs only on the last day of the month}

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Typically stereotypes are enclosed within double angular

brackets ,<< >> .

The content inside the brackets are predefined.



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The real world scenario

Objects in real world are not static. There are very dynamic and they
communicate by messages.

In software, so far we have one view of system design, i.e., static or structural
view. It is impossible to capture all details of a complex system through just
one view.The structural modelling of UML is largely static.

We depict the abstractions and the objects that are created out of these
abstractions, in the structural model. UML provides dynamic modelling of
elements.Dynamic modelling is also refereed as behavioural modelling.

Some of the dynamic events are:

‹ Creation of objects
‹ Destruction of objects
‹ Sending messages between objects(object interactions)
‹ Capturing the current state of an object
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Interaction Diagram
Interaction Diagrams

Sequence Diagram Collaboration Diagram

An interaction diagram shows an interaction including the messages that may

be dispatched among them.

A sequence diagram is an interaction diagram that emphasizes the time

ordering of messages.

A collaboration diagram is an interaction diagram that emphasizes the

structural organization of the objects that send and receive messages.
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A First Look at Sequence Diagrams

Illustrates how objects interacts with each other.

Graphically a sequence diagram is a table that shows objects arranged

along X axis and messages, ordered in increasing time, along the Y axis.

Can model simple sequential flow, branching, iteration,

and concurrency.

Activation Box (or) Focus of Control
Notes and Constraints(Like all other diagrams)
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Lifeline &Activation Box (or)Focus of Control

Whenever we invoke a method or whenever any activity is

carried out the method is active.
Every object will have
Object symbol
name : Class a lifeline, which shows
when the object is
created or when it will
be destroyed.
Activation Box
The Lifeline represents
the object’s life

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A message is one that goes from one object to another, goes from
one object’s life line to other object’s lifeline.

A message can be synchronous or asynchronous.

Synchronous message: If an object sends a synchronous

message, it waits for an answer to that message before it
proceeds with its business


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Asynchronous message: If an object sends an asynchronous

message, it doesn’t wait for an answer before it proceeds.


Return message: The value returned from an object.


Self Call: A message that an object sends to itself, by sending

the message arrow back to the same lifeline.
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Call - An operation invoked on the object.

Return - A value is returned to the caller object.

Send - A signal is transmitted to an object.

Create - An instance of a class is created.

Destroy - An already created instance is destroyed.

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An object may create another object via a <<create>>




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An object may destroy another object via a <<destroy>>


Avoid modelling object destruction unless memory

management is critical.

:A :B


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The Full Picture

X-Axis (objects)

:AnotherClass :AClass

AnotherMethod() Object
Life Line
Y-Axis (time)


YetAnotherMethod box
Self call
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In the MVC architecture the following would be the

scenario to login.

LoginUI LoginController User

User Name

fetchUser : User

Submit :boolean

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:LoginUI :LoginController
Username,pwd validateUser(u,p)


User-status <<destroy>>

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Try this out…..

ClientUI PinVerifier AccountManager

Pin Number
verifyPIn(pin ,acc)
getPin(acc) : actlPin
Account #
(pin,actlpin) : boolean

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Sample Scenario

Add Student Details

Use Screen Design as reference and identify MVC



How to draw the Sequence Diagram for the above scenario?

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Sample Scenario

:AddStudent :Student
UserIinterface Controller
add(id,details) <<create>> :Student
validate( id)
Invalid status
alt Invalid status
Updated status


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State Transition Diagram

A state chart diagram shows the sequence of states that an object

goes through during its lifetime, in response to outside stimuli
and messages.

It consists of states, both simple and composite events, actions

and transitions.

Generally used to model behaviour of individual objects.

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State chart Diagram – An ATM Example

[Auth–good] Processing

Authentication Inputs given

[valid I/p]

[invalid I/p]
[Insert card]
Idle [Auth–failed]


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get first item

[Not all items checked] [All items checked &

Checking all items available] Dispatching

/get next item
do/check do/initiate
item delivery

va ed
s a iv

m ece

ite R
[a Item
Item Received
[some items not in stock]

Waiting Delivered

self-transition state

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History State – Example

Washing Machine Example


H Soaking Composite state

[ Washing completed ] Sequential sub state


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In Summary…

UML, Magic Draw

OO Analysis, Noun Phrase Approach, CRC cards

Requirement Analysis

Use case Diagram / Specification

Class Diagram

Sequence Diagrams, State Transition Diagrams

Working with magic Draw UML

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