Bahasa Inggris

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Bahasa Inggris I am 9 years old

I am a student
1. Dea : “what is your name?” I am from Gresik
Dita : “....”
8. The girl’s name is ....
a. Yes, it is c. My name is dita
a. Nani b. Maharani c. Nina
b. Thank you dea
9. The girl’s nickname is ....
2. My name is Dino. In Indonesian means ....
a. Maha b. Rani c. Suci
a. Saya Dino c. Siapakah Dino?
10. Rani is .... years old.
b. Nama saya Dino
a. Eight b. Nine c. Ten
3. Rio : “Good morning, Ria.”
11. Rani is a ....
Rio : “........”
a. Student b. Singer c. Teacher
a. Good morning c. Good afternoon
12. Rani is from ....
b. Good evening
a. Bandung b. Jakarta c. Gresik
4. Good bye diucapkan pada waktu ....
13. a, b, c, d, ...
a. Malam
a. i b. f c. e
b. Siang
14. After (setelah) m is ....
c. Berpisah
a. l b. n c. k
5. Terima kasih, bahasa inggrisnya ....
15. Before (sebelum) r is ....
a. Thank you c. Good luck
a. S b. q c. p
b. Good bye
16. Hi, my name is Tian. ....
6. Teacher : “ ............., Hani !”
a. Ti – ai – ei – en
Hani : “Thank you, Sir.”
b. Ti – ei – ai – wai
a. Thank you
c. Ti – wai – ei – en
b. Good bye
17. O – t – a – m – t – o. ......
c. Good luck
a. Matoto c. Tomato
7. Putri and Firman say .... before going to
b. Toamot
18. That – is – what - ?
a. Good luck
a. What is that? c. Is that what?
b. Good bye
b. That what is?
c. Good night
19. Is it an umbrella?
Text for number 8 – 12 a. Yes, it

Hello, my name is Maharani b. Yes, it is

My nickname is Rani c. No, it is not
20. a – is – sun – it c.
a. is it a sun c. it is a sun we say ...........................
b. a sun it is

4. Arrange these words into a good sentences!

1. Selamat tinggal in English is .... Have – you – five – balls
2. Good night, in Indonesian means .... .............................................................................
3. Teacher : “Good morning my students!”
5. Translate to English!
Students : “ ............................. my teacher!”
“sampai jumpa”
4. “How are you” in indonesian is .... .............................................................................
5. “Selamat tidur” in English is .... .............................................................................
6. The first letter (huruf pertama) adalah ....
7. After O is ....
8. P, ..... , R, S, ..... , U
9. Rika : “Is that a ball?”
Novi : “No, ..................................”

10. Is – that – umbrella – an.

That ...........................................................

1. What is your name?

2. How to spell “orange”?
3. a.
we say ..........................

we say ..........................

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