10 - Writing Abstracts

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Writing Abstracts: LSTS WARP

AY 20-21

Task 1 Instructions (20’)

Answer each of the questions in each section with a single ‘complete’ sentence.

Section 1: Explain the core issue

What is the issue that you’re trying to understand better and/or explain through your research?
Identifying the benefits of working in gym and compare working at gym and at home.

Is this a general issue or something specific?

I think it is specific as you can clarify these two.

What are the main claims or facts that you’ve made throughout your work?
Doing gym is likely to reduce tension

Section 2: Identify the purpose

Why did I decide to study this particular topic?
I am fond of doing gym so researching this topic can aid me to understand more about this field.

How did I do my research?

Creating the outline and doing some research thanks to the outline.

What were my results and findings?

I have figured out some interest between working at the fitness and working at home

What is the greatest importance of my findings and research?

Giving some comparison between workout in the fitness and at home

Why would anyone read my paper in its entirety?

Lot of people want to put their self in gym for reducing weight,however,they have not experienced.I
think thanks to my paper you can easily classify and understand what to do before deciding working
at the fitness or at home.

Section 3: Talking about methods (how you reached your goal)

Describe your research process. Mention the methods or strategies you decided to use.
While practicing you need to create a schedule which you are likely to follow.

It’s worth giving a short overview of the most important sources (materials) that you used for your

Mention the evidence from those important sources (materials) that supports your claim (thesis), so
the readers know there’s a foundation to what you’re saying.

Section 4: Main points or discoveries

What are the main discoveries you made through the course of your research?
Finding the reasons why we should workout in gym instead of workout at home.

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Writing Abstracts: LSTS WARP
AY 20-21

Section 5: Conclusion
What do your main discoveries mean (what are your conclusions)?
Working at gym is somehow better than working at home as at gym they will organize appropriate
exercise for your goal.

Why do they make your research paper important?

Because thanks to that reader can understand the importance of workout,then,they can go to the gym
for having the healthy lifestyle.

Are there suggestions for future action based on the main discoveries?
Taking care your health frequently.
Choosing some suitable exercises to practice.
Do not be so hard once you are working because it can make you injured.

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Writing Abstracts: LSTS WARP
AY 20-21

Task 2 Instructions (20’)

Using your answers above, write a rough draft of your abstract below – keep it between 100-120
words. Thus, for each section, do your best to paraphrase / summarize the information into 1-2
sentences. HINT: Do each section separately first, then go back and rearrange the order that
works best. Refer to the examples in the PPT as a guide for structure and language.

IMPORTANT: When finished and before you submit this to Canvas, please color highlight the parts
of your draft abstract that relate to:
 Explanation of issue (related background information)
 Purpose (main point of research)
 Methods / Strategies used
 Materials used
 Main discoveries
 Conclusion

--- Start ---

The paper demonstrates why doing gym in the fitness is better than working at home.It is extremely
crucial for people to acknowledge as countless of people practice gym,nowadays.It is extremely awful
if people do the wrong posture with some heavy equipments.During process of exercising,participants
can be staggering and they might fell exhausted in term of working with some heavy parts of the
machine.However,if you can overcome this tough period you will be able to achieve your goals when
you start doing gym.It is literally helpful as your mentality will enhance and also your physics too.

--- End ---

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