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Lecture: Design Considerations

MEC3416 Machine Design

Dr Jing Fu (Clayton)
Dr Jen Nee Lim (Malaysia)
Product should be

• Functional
• Safe Focused in our design
• Reliable units

• Competitive
• Usable
• Manufacturable Past student project - Energy Vault
• Marketable
Computer Aided Design
• Computer-Aided Engineering (CAE)
o Any use of the computer and software to aid in the engineering process
o Includes
▪ Computer-Aided Design (CAD)
▪ Drafting, 3-D solid modeling, etc.
▪ Computer-Aided Manufacturing (CAM)
▪ CNC toolpath, rapid prototyping, etc.
▪ Engineering analysis and simulation
▪ Finite element, fluid flow, dynamic analysis, motion, etc.
▪ Math solvers, spreadsheet, procedural programming language, equation solver, etc.
Computer Aided Design
• Computer-Aided Design (CAD)
o Siemens NX, Solidworks, Catia, etc.

• Emerging applications beyond engineering

o Sports, entertainment
Computer Aided Manufacturing
• Computer-Aided Manufacturing (CAM)
o Based on CNC (Computer Numerical Control)
o Solutions including Solidwork CAM, etc
Acquiring Technical Information
Where to find relevant information during design
• Libraries (community, university, and private). Engineering
dictionaries and encyclopedias,
• Textbooks, monographs, handbooks, indexing and abstract
services, journals,
• Professional societies. American Society of Mechanical
Engineers (ASME), Society of Manufacturing Engineers (SME),
Society of Automotive Engineers,
• Commercial vendors. Catalogs, technical literature, test data,
samples, and cost information.
• Internet. The computer network gateway to websites associated
with most of the categories listed above
Australian Standards (AS) and ISO
Techstreet: Australian, British and international standards (through Monash library)

• Cost is almost always an important factor in engineering design.

• Use of standard sizes is a first principle of cost reduction.
• Certain common components may be less expensive in stocked sizes.
Close tolerances generally increase cost
• Require additional processing steps
• Require additional inspection
• Require machines with lower production rates

Case study: chemical vapour polishing of 3D printed parts

• C. Neff, M. Trapuzzano, N. B. Crane, (2018) "Impact of vapor polishing on surface quality and
mechanicalproperties of extruded ABS", Rapid Prototyping Journal, V24 2, pp.
Review of Basic Terms
Strength vs Stress

• Strength
o An inherent property of a material or of a mechanical element
o Depends on treatment and processing
o May or may not be uniform throughout the part
o Examples: Ultimate strength, yield strength

• Stress
o A state property at a specific point within a body
o Primarily a function of load and geometry
o Sometimes also a function of temperature and processing
• All mechanical apparatus involves loads and motion, which in
combination, represent work, or energy

• The work done by force F acting at a point on a component as the point

moves from S1 to S2 is
𝑊 = න 𝐅 • 𝑑𝐬

The scalar product of the force vector F and the displacement vector ds
• Tangential force F acting at radius R. After q revolutions,
the work done:

𝑊 = 𝐹𝑆 = 𝐹(2𝜋𝑅)(𝑞)

• Where S is the distance through which the force F is

• Suppose the wheel is turned through angle θ by applying
torque T (product of F times R):

𝑊 = 𝐹(𝑅𝜃) = 𝑇𝜃

• The two equations are equivalent: 𝐹𝑆 = 𝑇𝜃

• The work done by force or torque can be considered as a
transfer of energy to the component, where it is stored as
gravitational potential energy, kinetic energy, or internal
energy, etc.

• Work has units of force times distance.

• In SI units, the work unit is newton·meter (N·M), called the

joule (J), commonly in English units are Foot·pound (ft·lb)
or Btu (British thermal unit)
Work Example
• A rotating cam that causes a follower to move vertically. The follower is being
moved upward with a force of 1 N. Rotation of 0.1 radian corresponding to a
follower motion of 1 mm, What is the torque required?

• Assumptions: torque remains constant, and friction neglected.

Work Example
• Work done on the camshaft is equal to the work done by the follower

𝑇𝜃 = 𝐹𝑆

1N × 0.001 m
𝑇= = 10 N ⋅ mm
0.1 rad
• Time rate at which energy is transferred

𝑊ሶ = 𝐅 • 𝐕

• Can be integrated from time t1 to time t2 to get the work done

𝑡2 𝑡2
𝑊 = න 𝑊ሶ 𝑑𝑡 = න 𝐅 • 𝐕 𝑑𝑡
𝑡1 𝑡1

• In SI system, power can be expressed as joules per second (J/s), called watt
(W). Others include ft·lb/s, horsepower (HP)
• The power transmitted by a rotating machine component such as a shaft, fly-
wheel, gear, etc.

• For a shaft subject to torque T and rotates with angular velocity ω, since
T=FR and V=Rω

𝑊ሶ = 𝐹𝑉 = (𝑇/𝑅)(𝑅𝜔) = 𝑇𝜔

• SI unit for angular velocity ω is radian/second

Example - Power
• The follower is being moved upward with a force of 1 N. Rotation of 0.1
radian corresponding to a follower motion of 1 mm
• If rotating 1000 rpm, determine the power
• Assumptions: torque remains constant, and friction neglected.

• Rotating speed of 33.3 π rad/s

• A rotation of 0.1 rad requires (0.1/33.3 π) s
• Power being the time rate of work is
0.001 N·m per (0.1/33.3 π) s, same as 1.05w
Example - Power
• The crankshaft of a punch press rotates 60 rpm,
causing holes at the rate of 60 punches per
• The torque requirement shown below, and the
press driven by a 1200 rpm motor
• What motor power is required to accommodate
the peak crankshaft torque?
Example - Power
• Motor power in = crankshaft power out
• Motor-crankshaft speed reduction ratio: 1200
rpm/60 rpm
• As the speed 1200 rpm, motor torque required
10 kN·m/20 = 500 N·m
• Continuously providing the torque required,
motor power has to be

𝑊ሶ = 𝑇𝜔 = 500 N ⋅ m × 2π × 20/s
= 20 π kN ⋅ m/s
= 20 π kw
Example - Power
• Possible waste of motor power
• Energy required by the area under the actual crank
• Add flywheel to deliver a constant torque 1 kN·m

• During actual punch, energy will be taken from the

flywheel, slowing down
• After that, motor will accelerate the flywheel to
original speed
• Kinetic energy formula?
NASA flywheel energy storage

Example - Power
• Assumptions:
o Flywheel rotates at 1/3 motor speed
o Motor speed fluctuation is limited to 900 – 1200 rpm
o Flywheel made of steel
o Geometric as shown

• Energy provided by motor (red)

o Approximately 1047 J (π/3x1 kN·m)

• Energy provided by the flywheel

o 2π x 1 kN·m – 1047 = 5236 J

New Catechism of the Steam Engine, 1904, Wiki

Example - Power
• Energy from the flywheel slowing down:
1 1
5236 = 𝐼(𝜔max − 𝜔min ) = 𝐼((13.3𝜋)2 − (10𝜋)2 )
2 2
2 2
𝐼 = 13.80 kg ⋅ m2

• Moment of inertia for a hollow cylinder:

𝐼 = 𝜋(𝑑04 − 𝑑𝑖4 )𝐿𝜌/32

• density of steel ρ= 7700 kg/m3

13.80 = 𝜋(𝑑 4 − 0.8𝑑 4 )(0.2𝑑)(7700)/32

𝑑 = 0.688 m
• Overview of CAD/CAM/CAE
• Design considerations such as cost and tolerances
• Basic terms: work/energy, power and their units
• Kinetic energy and flywheel

• References:
o Juvinall RC, Marshek KM. Fundamentals of machine component design.
Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons; 2011
o Budynas RG, Nisbett JK, Shigley JE. Shigley's mechanical engineering
design. Boston: McGraw-Hill; 2008.

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