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1 [Track 1] Posłuchaj nagrania i dopasuj osoby 1–5 do miejsc a–f. Jedno miejsce zostało podane

0 Brian _g_ 3 Mr Fisher ___

1 Sybil ___ 4 Gloria ___

2 Derek ___ 5 Ms Anderson ___

a b c

d e f

2 Uzupełnij słowa.

Today is Friday. Every Friday at nine o’clock we have 0 French. Our teacher comes into the classroom and

we say ‘Bonjour, Madame Du Bois’. I use my 1 d_____________ a lot in this lesson. At ten o’clock we have

Maths, so I need my 2 c_____________. At eleven we have 3 H_____________, my favourite subject, and

we learn about the past. At twelve we have 4 G_____________. We learn about diff erent countries and we

look at 5 m_____________. In the afternoon, I 6 d_____________ ballet but my friends 7 p_____________

hockey or football.


3 Uzupełnij zdania słowami z ramki.

computer room library canteen staff room playground

0 The students have Computer Studies in the computer room.

1 The _____________ is only for teachers.

2 The students love playing in the _____________.

3 We often read and study in the ____________ at school.

4 Everyone has lunch in the school _____________.

4 Ułóż zdania z podanych słów.

0 always / get up / I / on / early / Monday morning

I always get up early on Monday morning.

1 never / meets / in / his friends / Ken / the park


2 the students / home / lunch / usually / at / have


3 late / are / for / you / school / sometimes


4 often / my friends / school / their bikes / ride / to


5 Uzupełnij tekst czasownikami z nawiasów w czasie Present Simple.

My friend Sharon

Sharon 0 comes (come) home from school at four o’clock. She 1________________ (do) her homework and
then she 2________________ (watch) TV. She 3________________ (not play) computer games. Sharon
has got two brothers, Tony and Grant. Tony is nineteen and Grant is twenty. They 4________________
(work) in a shop. They 5________________ (not go) to school.

6 Uzupełnij dialog słowami z ramki. Jedno słowo podano dodatkowo.


do do does don’t no what we

A: Do you have a Science lesson on Tuesdays?

B: ________________, I don’t.

A: ________________ you and your friends walk to school?

B: Yes, 3________________ do.

A: ________________ does Miles do in the afternoon?

B: He goes skateboarding.

A: ________________ your mum cook dinner after work?

B: No, my father cooks dinner.

7 Uzupełnij dialog wpisując dwa słowa w każdą lukę.

A: What’s 0 your name?

B: Oscar Fuentes.

A: How do you 1________________________________?

B: O – S – C – A - R, F – U – E – N – T – E – S.

A: How old 2________________________________?

B: I’m thirteen years old.

A: Where do 3________________________________?

B: 19 Princess Alexandra Street, Cambridge.

A: What’s your 4________________________________?

B: It’s

A: What’s your 5________________________________?

B: 081765432.


8 Przeczytaj tekst. Zaznacz, czy podane zdania są prawdziwe (P), czy fałszywe (F).

0 There are lessons every day at the Aubert School of Ballet. P / F

1 The teachers have breakfast with the students. P / F

2 Louise studies seven subjects at school. P / F

3 Louise never has lunch on school days. P / F

4 Lessons finish at five o’clock. P / F

5 Louise has a shower before she does her homework. P / F

A day in the life of a ballet student

Louise is a student at the Aubert School of Ballet. She has lessons from Monday to Saturday.

She gets up at seven and has breakfast in the canteen. The students and teachers eat together. Louise has
bread, jam and orange juice.

Lessons start at half past eight. Louise studies French, Science, Maths, History, Geography, Music, English
and Italian. Louise has ballet classes every afternoon. She has one class at twelve. Then she has lunch.
She doesn’t eat a lot of food because she does ballet after lunch too. She practises from two to five.

Then the last lesson of the day is an acting class. After that Louise has a shower and she does her
homework. Dinner is at eight and bedtime is at nine.

On Sundays there aren’t any lessons. Louise talks to her friends and goes cycling. She goes to bed early
and the school week begins again.



9 Przeczytaj zadanie i napisz tekst.

Write 60–70 words about your typical school day. Use the questions to help you.

• What time do you get up?

• What do you have for breakfast?

• What time do lessons begin?

• What are you favourite subjects?

• Where do you have lunch?

• When do lessons finish?















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