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A Comprehensive SWOT Analysis and Formulating Recommendations

for the Improvement of the Site (North-west Part of CUET)

Course Code: URP 318

Course Title: Site &Area Planning Sessional

Submitted to:

Tandra Das

Assistant Professor,

Department of Urban & Regional Planning, CUET

Jobyda Sultana


Department of Urban & Regional Planning, CUET

Submitted by: Group: 06

Student ID: 1905003, 1905005, 1905006, 1905007

Date of Submission: 28/09/2023

Department of Urban and Regional Planning

Chittagong University of Engineering and Technology (CUET), Chittagong – 4349


Chapter 01: Introduction ....................................................................................................................... 1

1.1 Background ..................................................................................................................................... 1

1.2 Site Characteristics ........................................................................................................................................ 1

1.3 Methodology ................................................................................................................................... 3

Chapter 02: Swot Analysis ..................................................................................................................... 4

2.1 Strength: .......................................................................................................................................... 4

2.2 Weakness: ....................................................................................................................................... 7

2.3 Threat: ............................................................................................................................................. 8

2.4 Opportunity: .................................................................................................................................... 9

Chapter 03: Recommendation ............................................................................................................. 10
Chapter 04: Conclusion ........................................................................................................................ 13
References ......................................................................................................................................................... 14
Chapter 01: Introduction

1.1 Background
“SWOT Analysis is a simple but powerful tool for sizing up an organization’s resource capabilities
and deficiencies, its market opportunities, and the external threats to its future” (Thompson et al.,
2007: 97). An organization, a strategy, a project, or a business activity can be evaluated using the
SWOT analysis strategic planning framework. Therefore, SWOT analysis is a crucial tool for
situation analysis that aids in identifying organizational and environmental aspects for managers.
SWOT analysis has internal and external dimensions. Organizational variables, together with
strengths and weaknesses, are included in the internal dimension. Environmental aspects, along
with opportunities and dangers, are included in the exterior dimension. Four elements make up the
SWOT Analysis process: "Strengths," "Weaknesses," "Opportunities," and "Threats."
Opportunities and dangers are external aspects and features of the environment, whereas strengths
and weaknesses are internal factors and attributes of any organization. In a SWOT analysis, an
organization's strong and weak points are found by looking at the factors that make up its
environment, and environmental opportunities and threats are recognized by looking at the
elements that make up its external environment. In this context, a SWOT analysis is a strategic
planning tool used to assess an organization's opportunities, threats, weaknesses, and strengths. In
order to fit the organization's resources and competencies to the competitive environment in which
it operates, it delivers information that is useful.

1.2 Site Characteristics

The selected site located in the north-west part of CUET. The site selected for our analysis is a
multi-purpose space that includes a variety of amenities, including Sheikh Russell Hall, CUET
School and College, a central field, and a transportation section. Sheikh Russell Hall is a three-
story hall that provides accommodation for male students. It is surrounded by lush greenery and
has a canteen with delicious food, as well as a room for playing indoor games such as volleyball
and chess. This hall is known for being the most luxurious in the university. Adjacent to the hall is
a central field where students play outdoor games such as football and cricket. The field is also a
popular spot for students to take evening walks and enjoy the stunning sunset. The transportation
section of the site is used to maintain and repair vehicles according to the regulations set by the
relevant authority. CUET School and College is a well-

known educational institution in the site that provides primary and secondary education. The site
also has two ponds: one along the chattor and the other beside the school and college. There is also
a gymnasium located at a corner of the central field.

Table 1.1: Existing features of the site

Category Existing Features

Residential Sheikh Rasel Hall
Under Construction Hall
Institutional CUET Primary School and
Transport Division
Community Facilities Gymnasium
Central Field
Accessibility Roadway
Utilities Water supply
Gas supply
Electric lines
Source: Author, 2023

Source: Author,2023
Map 1.1: Map of the Selected Site

1.3 Methodology
Systematic approach of SWOT analysis used for the selected site. To commence the analysis,
reconnaissance survey was conducted. Through survey present condition of existing structure has
been scanned. After gathering information about the site SWOT analysis has been done. The site's
internal strengths and weaknesses was determined, as well as its exterior opportunities and dangers
considering both quantitative and qualitative data. At the end, we created actionable
recommendations based on the SWOT analysis to fix weaknesses, capitalize on strengths,
understand opportunities, and manage threats.

Chapter 02: Swot Analysis

2.1 Strength:
The site has many strengths that make it a suitable location for a university. The accommodation
for students, the pleasant environment, the educational facilities, the gymnasium, the potable
water, the open space, the waste management, the utility services, and the existing infrastructure
are all positive factors that will benefit students and staff alike.
▪ Accommodation for students: The residential hall provides accommodation for students,
which is a major advantage, especially for students who come from outside the area or who
cannot afford to live off-campus.
▪ Pleasant environment: The streets are well-developed and surrounded by green plants,
making them enjoyable for walking and jogging. This creates a pleasant and healthy
environment for students to live and learn in.
▪ Educational facilities: The CUET school and college provide education to the related areas of
the site, which is convenient for students who live on campus.
▪ Gymnasium: The gymnasium located in the central field provides students with a place to
exercise and maintain good health.
▪ Potable water: There is potable water in every floor of the residential hall, which is essential
for students' health and well-being.
▪ Open space: The central field provides an open space for students to gather, socialize, and
participate in activities. This is an important part of a well-rounded university experience.
▪ Waste management: There are enough installed dustbins in the residential hall, school, and
colleges, which helps to keep the site clean and tidy.
▪ Utility services: Electricity, gas supply, and drainage system are all stable in the chosen site.
This is essential for the smooth operation of the university and the well-being of its students.
▪ Existing infrastructure: A manual has been installed for identifying the direction of existing
construction in Hatasha chatter, and lights have been implanted for people walking in the
Hatasha chattor during night. This shows that there is already some existing infrastructure in
place, which can be used to develop the site further.
▪ Accessibility: Existing roads along CUET school and college have good accessibility and are in
good condition. This is a major strength because it makes it easy for residents to get to and from
the residential hall. It also makes the area more attractive to visitors and businesses.

Photograph: Shekh Rassel Hall

Photograph: CUET School Photograph: Potable Water Facility in CUET School

Photograph: Open Space (Cuet Central Field) Photograph: Dustbin

Photograph: Drainage system in the Hall

Photograph: Dustbin in Sheikh Russell Photograph: Electric Poles

Photograph: Road Beside CUET Photograph: Signs in Hatasha Chatter

2.2 Weakness:
▪ Animal habitat: The high volume of low woody perennial plants provides shelter for snakes
and other tiny creatures. This could pose a safety hazard to students and staff, especially if they
are not aware of the presence of these animals.
▪ Poor cleanliness: The lack of cleanliness around bushes and densely jungle sections can also
attract pests and diseases. This could make the site unhealthy and unpleasant to live and work
▪ Littering: The fact that people are not using the installed dustbins is a problem, as this could
lead to the accumulation of litter and waste. This could make the site unsightly and unsanitary.
▪ Safety concerns: It is not safe to walk around the site alone in the late night, as there have been
reports of foxes being heard in the area. This could pose a safety risk to students and staff,
especially if they are not aware of the presence of these animals.
▪ Pest problems: The presence of different tiny creatures in different seasons could pose a
nuisance to residents. These creatures could bite or affect residents in various ways.
▪ Inadequate Drainage: There is no adequate drainage system in the road beside the central field
which causes water logging in the road.
▪ Insufficient Ground Elevation: The topography of CUET Primary School's grounds is
uneven in relation to the road that connects the hall and the teacher's housing area. Given that
the school is located in a low-lying neighborhood, this situation puts pupils at serious risk,
particularly on wet days.

Photograph: No drainage system

Photograph: lack of cleanliness of grass and bushes

2.3 Threat:
▪ Dump section of waste in the backside of Sheikh Russell Hall: This is a significant threat to
the environment and the health of the students and staff at the university. The waste could
attract pests and diseases, and it could also pollute the air and water.
▪ Cutting down of trees for construction of residential buildings: Trees play an important role
in the environment by providing clean air, shade, and habitat for wildlife. Cutting down trees can
lead to soil erosion, increased flooding, and decreased biodiversity.
▪ Insufficient security system: A weak security system can make the university vulnerable to
crime and theft. This could create a sense of insecurity among students and staff, and it could
also damage the university's reputation.

▪ Shrub-covered location of the primary section of CUET school and college: A shrub-
covered environment can be a breeding ground for mosquitoes and other pests. This could lead
to health problems for the children who attend the school and college.
▪ Lack of maintenance of existing waterbodies: Waterbodies that are not properly maintained
can become breeding grounds for mosquitoes and other pests. This could also lead to water
pollution, which could pose a health risk to the university community.

Photograph: Waste Disposal site beside the Hall

2.4 Opportunity:
▪ Maintenance of existing waterbodies for fisheries: If the university's waterbodies are
properly maintained, they could be used for fisheries. This would provide a sustainable source
of food for the university community and generate income for the university.
▪ Use of the central field for campaign programs and awareness-raising activities: The
central field could be used to host campaign programs and awareness-raising activities on a
variety of social issues, such as climate change, health, and social security. This would allow
the university to play a more active role in the community and promote social good.

Chapter 03: Recommendation
Animal Habitat Management:
• Conduct regular surveys to identify areas with a high density of snakes and tiny creatures.
• Implement habitat modification strategies to reduce animal shelter areas, such as clearing
excess vegetation strategically.
• Raise awareness among students and staff about the presence of wildlife and provide
guidance on how to safely coexist with them.
• Consider collaborating with local wildlife experts to safely relocate potentially dangerous
Maintenance and cleanliness:
• Start an extensive cleaning and maintenance program that includes routine cleaning and
maintenance of the site's greenery, bushes, and heavily wooded regions.
• Plan community clean-up days to get students and staff involved in preserving the

Waste Management and the Campaign Against Littering:

• Dustbins can be more easily seen and reached by strategically arranging them about the
• Start a campaign against littering that focuses on the value of using trash cans and
maintaining a clean environment.
• Enforce fines or penalties for littering to deter careless garbage dumping.

Safety precautions:
• To increase safety, provide better lighting in dimly lit regions surrounding the area,
especially late at night.
• Introduce a buddy system or campus escort services for staff and students to use when
navigating the area during night hours.

Periodic site inspections

• Regular site inspections by the relevant authority are necessary to spot and quickly remedy
any maintenance or safety issues.

• Create a reporting system that enables faculty and employees to alert you to pest
observations or safety issues.

Installing a suitable drainage system

The most effective solution is to put in a suitable drainage system alongside the road. To
effectively divert rainwater away from the road, this may entail building drainage ditches, drain
pipes, or drainage channels.
Topographical Assessment and leveling the ground
To precisely ascertain the extent of the height differential in respect to the connecting road,
carry out a thorough topographical survey of the school's grounds. A certified professional
should conduct this survey. Launch a grading and leveling project to correct the uneven ground
based on the survey results. To make a level and safe path for students, this can entail adding
or removing soil, building retaining walls, or using other suitable landscaping techniques.
Dumping Waste Behind Sheikh Russell Hall
• Establish Proper Waste Disposal Facilities: Set up designated waste disposal areas with
proper bins and waste segregation facilities on the university premises.
• Implement Regular Clean-up: Schedule regular clean-up drives to ensure the area remains
free from waste and potential health hazards.

Tree Removal for Construction

• Adopt sustainable building practices by giving priority to green building techniques that
reduce the need to cut down trees, such as designing structures to fit around existing trees.
• To keep the university's urban forest healthy, promote the planting of young trees within and
around the campus.

Lack of Security System:

• Upgrade your security infrastructure by spending money on contemporary security tools
like access control, surveillance cameras, and illumination.
• Training for Security workers: Give security workers training to help them respond more
quickly and handle security events more successfully.

• Open Channels of Communication Create a way for staff and students to report security-
related incidents and concerns quickly.

Location at CUET School and College that is Shrub-Covered

• create clean, safe, and green spaces for students, clear brush and maintain landscaping.
• Implement mosquito prevention strategies, such as routine drainage of standing water.

Lack of Upkeep of Current Waterbodies:

• Establish a schedule for cleaning and maintaining waterbodies, which should include
managing the quality of the water and removing debris.
• Promote the ecological well-being of waterbodies by introducing native aquatic organisms
and plants to increase biodiversity.

Chapter 04: Conclusion
SWOT analysis can be an effective tool for increasing communication and collaboration inside
organizations. Organizations can build a shared awareness of their situation and develop plans that
are supported by everyone by working together to identify and assess their strengths, weaknesses,
opportunities, and threats. The SWOT analysis of a site indicates strengths such as great location
and community sense, as well as weaknesses such as harmful environment and lack of strategies
of using elements situated in the site. Strategic approaches are recommended to resolve these. A
multi-purpose area with features including Sheikh Russell Hall, CUET School and College, a
central field, and a transit section is the subject of the research. The Sheikh Russell Hall, which
houses male students, is encircled by a magnificent green landscape. Outdoor activities and
nighttime strolls are also quite popular on the center field. There are two ponds on the property as
well as a gym. Strengths like well-developed streets, education, and a gym are shown through the
SWOT analysis. A lot of low, woody perennial plants, a lack of sanitation, fox noise, and possible
risks including a trash area, downed trees, and shoddy security measures are some of the area's
weaknesses. The possibility of fisheries and campaign initiatives are opportunities.

THOMPSON, A. A. & STRICKLAND, A. J. (1989). Strategy Formulation and Implementation, (4th
Edition), USA: Irwin, Inc. THOMPSON, A. A. & STRICKLAND, A. J. (2001). Strategic
Management-Concepts and Cases, (12th Edition), USA: McGraw-Hill. THOMPSON, A. A.,
STRICKLAND, A. J. & GAMBLE, J. E. (2007). Crafting and Executing Strategy-Concepts
and Cases, (15th Edition), USA: McGraw-Hill/Irwin.


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