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choosing the

right person
The right person will be someone you
value most, who compliments your
personality and expectations and adds
to your life in the ways you value most.
You are more likely to identify the kind
of person you want if you are truly
aware of your needs and wants.
4 Principles
for Choosing Equality
the Right

Boundaries Perfectionism
7S ig ns
Yo u’re W it h
th e R ig h t
Pe r so n
1. Satisfaction is high for both
2. Conflict is handled in a similar or
complementary manner for both
3. There is no abuse or manipulation — of
any kind
4. You have never been more satisfied in
a relationship
5. You can’t imagine being more happy
and satisfied
6. You know who you are and what you
want out of life
7. Neither person harbors long-standing
resentments toward the other, nor
withholds forgiveness

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