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1. Which of the topics in this chapter you had like/disliked most? Why?

The topic I like most personally is the NATURE OF COMMUNICATION because it

explains the idea of how communication takes place, how we receive information and
how we reply to it. Either with just 2 people or even more parties being involved. Second
is COMMUNICATION MODELS because it gives us the full Understanding of the entire
structure system in communication breaking it down piece by piece from The speaker,
message, channel, receiver, and even the impact of effect of communicating. And
personally I don’t have a disliked topic, I have a neutral feeling regarding the other

2. Which of the activities in this chapter did you enjoy the most/the least? Why?

The activities I quite liked is the presentations we had to make discussing a certain topic
that was given to us, like example us the group 2 who discussed the LASSWELLS
MODEL OF COMMUNICATION and I was in another group, we discussed the ETHICS
OF COMMUNICATION IN ACADEMIC RESEARCH. I often don’t mind doing group
activities but most of the time I just want to do individual activities to get work done but I
like group presentations because I tend to be nervous if I present on my own, and having
a group makes me feel at ease. And again I don’t dislike any topic, I am neutral about

3. Which topic/topics in this chapter are you likely to share with others?

I would likely share the ETHICS IN COMMUNICATION to other people because most
of the times people aren’t clear in saying what they want to say and they tend to say
wrong things or have foul mouths that is disrespectful. Ethics in communication gives
discipline that will help better the use of our words in any place in any given situation
like at home, work, or even at school. Since Being clear, direct, and honest in any aspect
of life is a great way to make sure that misunderstandings are avoided or minimized.

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