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Received: 3 March 2022 Revised: 2 September 2022 Accepted: 11 September 2022

DOI: 10.1002/mde.3722


Financial and environmental efficiency of CDM projects:

Analysis and classification for investment decisions

Antônio Carlos Pacagnella Júnior | Henrique Luiz da Silva |

Wagner Wilson Bortoletto | Paulo Sergio de Arruda Ignacio

School of Applied Sciences (FCA), State

University of Campinas (UNICAMP), São Abstract
Paulo, Brazil
The main purpose of this paper is to analyze the efficiency of Clean Development
Correspondence Mechanism (CDM) projects implemented worldwide and understand their main
Antônio Carlos Pacagnella Júnior, School of
characteristics, seeking to support investment decisions and expand the scientific
Applied Sciences (FCA), State University of
Campinas (UNICAMP), R. Pedro Zaccaria, understanding of the financial and environmental impact of these projects. To
1300, Limeira, São Paulo, 13484-350, Brazil.
achieve this goal, a sample of 2352 CDM projects was selected from a United
Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) database and
analyzed first with a two-stage data envelopment analysis (DEA) model that allowed
the evaluation of the financial return and environmental efficiency of these projects.
DEA results provide an efficiency ranking that was then analyzed with a classification
tree (CHAID algorithm), revealing some main characteristics of the projects with
higher efficiencies, like their sizes, locations, and type of CDM. CDMs are projects
that demand a significant quantity of resources and effort to produce the expected
outcomes, so it is crucial for public managers and investors to know the project
profiles that generate the best financial and environmental results. In this sense, this
study presents a completely original methodology for this kind of analysis and reveals
important insights for these agents and researchers in this field.

1 | I N T RO DU CT I O N The protocol was implemented on February 16, 2005, considering

a first commitment period from 2008 to 2012 and a second period
In the past decades, the concern with global warming has led govern- from 2013 to 2020, where participating countries were divided into
ment managers to search for alternatives that allow economic Annex I and Annex II. These parties undertook to reduce GHG
development while minimizing environmental impacts. One of the emissions by an average of 5% compared with the levels of 1990.
main milestones in this scenario was the creation of the Kyoto In the second commitment period, from 2013 to 2020, parties
Protocol (KP), a treaty that established targets for reducing green- undertook to improve the reduction to 18% of that same level
house gas (GHG) emissions for developed countries. (UNFCCC, 2022).
According to Mohammed (2019), KP is the structural basis upon To achieve the emission reduction goals, the protocol established
which worldwide efforts to address global climate change are the creation of flexibility instruments, that is, mechanisms that allow
founded. It consists of an international agreement related to the developed countries to fulfill part of their goals in other countries by
United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change the creation and development of the carbon certificate market.
(UNFCCC), which commits its parties to internationally binding Among the proposed flexibility instruments, the Clean
emission reduction targets aimed at addressing the impact of global Development Mechanism (CDM) stands out, since it is the only one
warming. that allows cooperation between developed and developing countries.

926 © 2022 John Wiley & Sons Ltd. Manage Decis Econ. 2023;44:926–941.
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According to Zhang et al. (2018), CDMs are elements proposed database of CDM project activities, and (8) developing and maintain-
by the KP to encourage sustainability in developing countries ing CDM registry (Mohammed, 2019).
(i.e., CDM host countries) through the sale of emission reduction For Trotter et al. (2015), in addition to the environmental
certificates (CER), which can be obtained with GHG mitigation contribution, CDM projects have a very important economic aspect
projects, to developed countries (i.e., CDM investment countries). by attracting investments and transferring low-emission technologies
This instrument has been widely implemented since its creation, to developing countries, which promotes sustainable development.
constituting a new business model with technological support and In general, CDMs are capital projects, which require large
financial resources from public and private sources in developed investments to be implemented. The financial resources for this
countries that currently revolve around US$ 100 billion/year purpose can be public and/or private, but, as with any projects of this
(Metz, 2013). type, to attract investments, one must offer a satisfactory relationship
According to the UNFCCC (2022a), the first CDM project was between the risks involved and the expected return.
registered in 2004, with Brazil as the host country; after 2004, the In this sense, Wu et al. (2017) state that one should understand
number of registrations had an exponential growth until 2012, the total panorama of the performance in emission reduction costs of
declining shortly after that year. In the analyzed historical series, 7845 all the implemented projects since the results can guide the industrial-
projects are registered, 4672 long-term projects with the capacity to ized countries in the selection of the types of projects to be carried
reduce 930 GtCO2eq per year, and 3173 short-term projects with the out, helping them to fulfill their emission reduction obligations, and
capacity to reduce 84 GtCO2eq per year. Figure 1 shows the help developing countries that host projects to obtain reduction
registered projects per country. certificates at the lowest total cost. Likewise, it is essential to identify
As can be seen in Figure 1, 10 countries represent 87.67% of all the countries with the lowest investment costs and with the greatest
registered CDM projects: China (3763 projects; 47.97% of total), India potential for generating CERs.
(1685; 31.48%), Brazil (344; 4.38%), Vietnam (258; 3.29%), Mexico In addition, although the economic dynamics that a developed
(192; 2.45%), Indonesia (148; 1.89%), Thailand (144; 1.84%), Malaysia country can invest in a developing country are promising, the volatility
(143; 1.82%), Chile (111; 1.41%), and Republic of Korea (90; 1.15%). in carbon prices, among other elements, can make a CDM project not
Also, according to UNFCCC (2022), the distribution of projects by reach its full potential, which leaves investors naturally cautious
scope can be seen in Figure 2. (Carmichael et al., 2015).
Figure 2 shows that the energy industry is responsible for the
majority of implemented CDM projects (75.2%), followed by waste
handling and disposal (10.7%), the manufacturing industry (4.3%), and
agriculture (2.3%). Projects with other scopes represent less than 10%
of the total.
The implementation of a CDM project must be realized under the
supervision of the CDM executive board (CDM EB), which by its turn
follows the authority and guidance of the Conference of the Parties
(COP) to the KP. The responsibilities of the CDM EB includes
(1) developing procedures for the CDM, (2) approving new methodol-
ogies, (3) accreditation of the designated operation entities (DOEs),
(4) registering projects according to specific procedures, (5) issuing
certified emission reduction (CER) earned by the CDM, (6) making
public all information on proposed CDM projects in need of funding F I G U R E 2 Distribution of Clean Development Mechanism (CDM)
and on investors seeking opportunities, (7) maintaining a public projects by scope. Source: UNFCCC (2022a)

F I G U R E 1 Registered Clean Development Mechanism

(CDM) projects per country. Source: UNFCCC (2022)
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The attractiveness of a CDM project, like all other kinds of managers can use the knowledge presented here, in the results
projects, depends on its capacity to meet the expectations of the section, to support their decisions concerning these types of projects.
stakeholders involved. Investors tend to look at the return on invest- According to Lam et al. (2015), emissions trading (ET) was first
ment, that is, how efficient the project is in transforming the invested proposed in 1968 by John Dales, a Canadian economist, who had the
resources into future earnings. In the same way, other stakeholders, idea of using market forces to reduce pollution by making companies
concerned with the environmental return, will be interested in buy and sell the right to pollute. To enable ET to be implemented, an
developing projects that have a great capacity to reduce emissions to institutional framework was needed, especially at an international
the maximum with the resources that have been employed. These level, like the CDM, as proposed in the KP.
aspects are also of scientific interest, and several studies were A CDM is an emission reduction mechanism that relies on the
dedicated to better understanding the performance of this kind of European Union Emission Trading Scheme (EU ETS), which provides a
projects, using different approaches, like the capacity to generate platform for developed and developing countries in controlling of
CERs as in Koo (2017), the internal rate of return (IRR) as in GHGs, enabling the reduction of total abatement costs while achiev-
Carmichael et al. (2016), and Monteiro et al. (2021), or the abatement ing the same emission reduction targets. Thus, for the developed
costs, like Simon et al. (2017). countries, the cost of compliance is lower, and its flexibility is
However, considering the nature of a CDM, as an instrument improved; on the other hand, for developing countries, both capital
capable of generating financial return and also environmental benefits and technology can be obtained from developed countries with a
by the reduction of GHGs and also the several possibilities of different reduced marginal abatement cost (Cui et al., 2020).
types of CDM to invest in, the scientific literature seems to lack The KP divides countries into “annexes” according to the GHG
studies that evaluate these capabilities together, comparatively among emission reduction goals stipulated. According to Purohit (2009), a
the types of CDM. In this sense, Zhang et al. (2018) indicate that it is CDM project creates opportunities for Annex I countries (industrial-
greatly significant to investigate the efficiency in financial return and ized countries) to invest in non-Annex I countries (developing coun-
carbon emission reduction performance in CDM projects. tries) to reduce gas generation and foster sustainable development.
Therefore, by considering these arguments, the motivation for Another important aspect is highlighted by Li and Lin (2021),
this research is to pursue a new form of analysis that can be used to arguing that the CDM includes the regular CDM projects (PA) and also
better understand the performance of all types of CDM projects to the CDM programme of activities (PoA), where it is possible to
produce insights for researchers of this subject and also for investors. register a coordinated implementation of a policy, measure, or goal
Therefore, by considering these arguments, this paper aims to that leads to emission reduction. Under a registered PoA, an unlimited
analyze the efficiency of the CDM projects carried out worldwide and number of component project activities can be added without
to understand their main characteristics. The contribution of this undergoing the complete CDM project cycle. To the authors, the
research mainly includes two aspects. First, of academic interest, is to implementation of PoA aims to reduce the imperfections of the
promote a discussion about the comparative performance of these regular CDM projects (PA), helping non-Annex I countries with a
projects, regarding their financial and environmental contributions, chance to participate in the CDM project with lower costs.
which, to our best knowledge, is still a gap in scientific literature. The For Amatayakul and Berndes (2012), CDM projects are consid-
second, which is of interest to investors, project managers, and policy- ered by far the most widely used carbon market instrument in the
makers involved with this kind of project, as well as all those inter- world, having enormous economic relevance, since they move values
ested in GHG reduction and sustainability issues, is to provide in the order of several billion euros.
information to guide investment decision-making for new CDM Such investments are made in various types of projects that,
projects. according to the UNFCCC (2015), can be classified according to
The remainder of this paper is organized as follows: Section 2 pre- Figure 3.
sents a review of the literature related to CDMs. Section 3 describes Figure 3 shows the categories of the several types of CDM
the research methods employed in this study. Section 4 is dedicated projects. The Renewed resourced-based category includes projects for
to describing the data used. The results of the analysis techniques are generating power from burning biomass or biogas, harnessing
described in Section 5 (DEA results) and Section 6 (chi-squared auto- geothermal or solar heat, and mechanical power from hydroelectric,
matic interaction detection [CHAID] results), while the conclusion and tidal, and wind generation. The energy efficiency category involves
policy implications are finally presented in Section 7. projects for generating clean electricity, increasing efficiency in its
distribution, or reducing its consumption. The CH4, coal bed/mine,
and cement category, on the other hand, is related to projects using
2 | C DM P RO J EC TS methane gas from landfills or coal mines, the replacement of clinker in
cement production, and the capture of carbon dioxide (CO2) or meth-
This section, besides offering support to empirical research, seeks to ane (CH4) produced by industrial processes. The fossil fuel category
present useful elements to understand what are, which are the types, involves replacing fossil fuels with clean options and improving
stages of the life cycle, costs, and main obstacles of CDM projects. methodologies for mass transportation. Forestation is about reducing
The central idea is to provide insights, so that investors and public emissions or carbon sequestration through forests, and finally, the
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F I G U R E 3 Clean Development Mechanism

(CDM) project types. Source: UNFCCC (2015)

“Others” category brings together projects that avoid methane

emissions and any others that involve more than one type of
renewable energy generation.
For a CDM project to be approved and able to generate CERs, it
must meet, according to the United Nations (2001), the following

• Have approved voluntary participation from each party involved;

• Present real, measurable, long-term benefits related to climate
change mitigation;
• The emission reductions must be additional to those that would
occur in the absence of the certified project activity. F I G U R E 4 Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) project cycle.
Source: Montini (2014)
By these requirements, one seeks to select projects that contribute to
the mitigation of GHGs and that generate sustainable development in
the host countries. In this sense, Li and Lin (2021) argue that CDMs and issuance of CER. The author also proposes the approximate time
improve the economy and contribute to the sustainable development durations and the costs for each step of the project, as presented in
of host countries; besides, carbon emission reduction and its imple- Figure 4 and Table 1.
mentation tend to happen with promising technology transfer and Figure 4 shows that the first two steps (project development and
capital investments. host country approval) take about 6 months to a year, with the most
Paulsson (2009) argues that CDM has an intricate system of rules time consumption before the project starts. The validation of the pro-
to ensure that its goals are met. According to the author, the highest ject is done in part parallel with the approval of the host country and
authority on the CDM is the COP, which serves as the meeting for is also within this period, whereas project registration takes about
the participants of the KP (COP/MOP), but the day-to-day oversight 1.5 months to complete, and, after this stage, it is already possible to
of the mechanism is carried out by the CDM EB, which accredits implement the project (the duration can vary enormously depending
DOEs to conduct the tasks of validating, verifying, and certifying the on the type of project and local conditions). After the project is imple-
CDM project activities during its life cycle. mented, the executive board starts to verify the project, and the CERs
According to Chen et al. (2021), the most important criterion for are issued, which last for a few years, varying from project to project.
CDM to be approved by the EB is that the project must have an Table 1 presents cost estimates for the life cycle steps of small
“additionality” requirement thus generally resulting in the exclusion of (with GHG removal <16,000 ton-CO2/year) and large CDM projects.
projects the “business-as-usual” per se and that issuance of CER only As can be seen, the costs can vary greatly in the steps that make up
occurs for projects that would not be viable without it. the planning phase, with small projects ranging from US$18,500 to
Montini (2014) argues that the life cycle of a CDM project $117,000 and large projects from US$38,500 to $610,000. The values
consists of seven main steps: project development, host country associated with the construction phase can vary enormously depend-
approval of the project, project validation, project registration, project ing on the type of CDM, but when it goes into operation, we highlight
implementation and monitoring, project verification and certification, the costs associated with the UN adaptation fund (2% of the CERs)
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TABLE 1 Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) projects costs description

Activity Large-scale CDM (US$) Small-scale CDM (US$) Description

Initial feasibility study, that is, project idea note (PIN) 500030,000 20007500 Consultancy fee or internal
Project design document (PDD) 15,000–100,000 10,00025,000 Consultancy fee or internal
New methodology (if required) 20,000–100,000 20,00050,000 Consultancy fee or internal
(incl. US$ 1000 UN registration fee)
Validation 800030,000 650010,000 DOE fee
Registration fee 10,500350,000 0–24,500 EB fee
Total CDM-specific costs—Planning phase 38,500–610,000 18,500–117,000
Construction phase
Construction, plant, and equipment Variable, depending on project type Contractors fees
Installation of monitoring equipment Usually minimal relative to total plant and equipment cost Contractors fees
Total CDM-specific costs—Construction phase Usually minimal relative to total plant and equipment cost
Operation phase
UN adaptation fund fee 2% of CER 2% of CER EB fee
Initial verification (incl. system check) 500030,000 500015,000 DOE fee
Ongoing verification (periodically) 500025,000 500010,000 DOE fee
Share of proceeds to cover administration expenses The fee paid at registration is effectively an advance that will EB fee
(SOP-admin) be “trued up” against actual CER issued over the crediting
Total CDM-specific costs—Operation phase Variable—Minimum 2% of CER plus 5000/year
(if verification undertaken annually)

Source: Elaborated by the authors.

and the verification (initial and continuity verification), which range projects, in addition to the little information available for invest-
from US$5000 to US$15,000 for small projects and US$5000 to US ment analysis, are usually profitable only from the issue of CERs;
$30,000 for large projects. Finally, there is an administration fee of US thus, when comparing them to other types of investments, they
$5000 plus 2% of the CERs. may not be attractive.
It is important to note that, although the information contained in d. Technological obstacles—involve difficulties arising from the
Figure 4 and Table 1 serves only as baselines, they are relevant to technologies chosen for the project, or from existing gaps in some
better understanding the development of CDM projects (which can specific sector linked to the CDM, the lack of experience with the
be useful, especially for investors). use of some technology, and also the high level of technological
Other important elements when evaluating the possibility of complexity employed in some projects.
investments in CDM projects are the difficulties imposed on these e. Human resource obstacles—associated with a shortage of human
ventures. In this sense, Bufoni et al. (2017) argue that there are five resources or skills in engineering, operation, maintenance, calibra-
main types of obstacles to executing this type of project: tion, technical aspects, and other procedures associated with the
a. Political and socioeconomic environment—although they may vary
according to the local stakeholders' perspective, usually this In addition, Cormier and Bellassen (2013) argue that 69% of CDM
obstacle involves a lack of technical knowledge, lack of economic/ projects fail because they encounter some source of problems or
financial support, sociocultural aspects (lack of society's incompatibilities in the initial phases of the process, especially in the
awareness), and lack of social and legal infrastructure. validation stage. The authors also report that only 31% of the
b. Regulatory obstacles—according to Yoon and Sim (2015), they expected CER were issued in the ideal period, 39% were not issued in
involve political interests in other sectors, unwillingness to pro- the expected time (mostly due to delays during the approval process),
mote a GHG reduction policy, low financial potential, disorganized and 30% will never be issued due to design flaws.
and unsystematic legislation, low level of institutional coordination, Okereke et al. (2012) state that the need to mitigate climate
and lack of regular monitoring, evaluation, and auditing change and simultaneously meet the reduction targets proposed in
instruments. the KP while still bringing economic growth, imposes challenges on
c. Financial obstacles—they are associated with expenses in operation managers and rulers; however, Benites-Lazaro et al. (2018) argue that
or capital, private profit, attractiveness, or break-even point. CDM investors are motivated to invest in CDM projects by the returns
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coming from CERs and also by their interest in improving the stakeholders the most attractive characteristics and locations for
environment. these projects to be carried out.
Nevertheless, projects of this type carry substantial uncertainties,
such as the possibility of not obtaining registration, validation, and
CERs, in addition to local government approval (Hultman et al., 2012). 3 | RE SE AR C H ME T H OD S
Therefore, it is of fundamental importance to analyze, besides the
traditionally addressed issues, such as return on investment or To achieve the research objective proposed at the beginning of the
payback period, the types of projects, and places with greater chances article, this research was structured in two stages, both quantitative,
of success in the venture, mitigating potential risks. which used secondary data from the UNFCCC. The first stage sought
One way to analyze the performance of CDM projects presented to evaluate the efficiency of the CDM projects carried out, using the
in the scientific literature is by evaluating the efficiency obtained by data envelopment analysis (DEA) technique, while the second stage
these projects (in one or more dimensions) and identifying the charac- used classification and regression trees to characterize the projects
teristics of those that stand out. For example, Luo et al. (2017) evalu- analyzed to broaden the understanding of the performance of the
ated the efficiency improvement in low carbon technological several types of CDMs implemented and provide subsidies for invest-
innovation with the presence of CDMs, while Zhang et al. (2018) ment decisions.
assessed the energy efficiency and carbon emission performance of According to Campisi et al. (2019), DEA is a nonparametric
these projects, while Keivani et al. (2021) measured the environmental optimization-based method that starting from data on inputs and
efficiency of the oil, gas, and petrochemical industry. outputs of a selected sample of decision-making units (DMUs), which
This type of evaluation, which seeks to understand the character- are the CDM projects in this case, allows to construct a piece-wise
istics of units that are comparatively more efficient than similar ones linear surface over data points known as production frontier
to support business decisions, is widely used, in research in many (or envelopment). The frontier is defined by the solution of a
areas, such as Pacagnella Junior et al. (2020), who carried out a sequence of linear programming problems, and the distance between
comparative analysis of the efficiency of public and private airports; this frontier and the observed data point (DMU input/or output)
Campisi et al. (2021), who studied the efficiency of knowledge inten- measures the relative technical efficiency.
sive business services industry; and Thaker et al. (2022) that evaluated A variety of studies using DEA models have been published, and
the financial efficiency of banks and their corporate governance, the technique has been widely applied to performance appraisal for a
among others. wide range of business scenarios and industrial sectors, becoming one
As in this study, the object of interest is CDM projects, and there of the most popular techniques for efficiency analysis (Campisi
are two dimensions of analysis that stand out: The first is financial et al., 2021). The approach used to analyze the efficiency of the
efficiency, since these projects involve large investments and their projects and use it as an indicator to subsidize investments,
stakeholders demand a return, and the second is environmental although unusual in the literature is not new; Song et al. (2015),
efficiency or the efficiency in reduction of GHGs since the main Bostian et al. (2016), and Zeng et al. (2018) can be mentioned as
objective of a CDM is the reduction of these gases to mitigate the examples. In this sense, a two-stage network DEA is proposed, as
greenhouse effect. shown in Figure 3.
Considering this scenario, it is possible to establish two hypothe- The approach proposed for the first stage, to analyze the
ses to be investigated: efficiency of the projects and use it as an indicator to subsidize invest-
ments, although unusual in the literature, is not new, and Song et al.
• H1: There are CDM projects that are significantly more efficient in (2015), Bostian et al. (2016), and Zeng et al. (2018) can be mentioned
terms of financial efficiency. as examples. In this sense, a two-stage network DEA is proposed, as
• H2: There are CDM projects that are significantly more efficient in shown in Figure 5.
reducing GHGs. Network DEA consists of using the DEA technique to measure
the relative efficiency of systems, considering their internal structure.
Thus, the next section presents an analysis proposal, based on the The results are more meaningful than those of conventional DEA
efficiency of the CDMs in transforming resources into a financial and (black box approach), in which the internal components of the
environmental return and classifying them in a rank that indicates to processes are ignored (Koo, 2017).

F I G U R E 5 Two-stage network DEA model.

Source: Elaborated by the authors
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In the model proposed in Figure 5, the first stage refers to the efficiency, associated with the use of resources invested in the
efficiency of the project in generating a financial return from the project and their ability to generate financial returns from energy
consumption of two important inputs in any type of project: time and production and CERs, and the environmental efficiency, which is
invested capital, and in producing two elements that will generate related to the conversion of the CDM operation into total GHG
revenue for the enterprise: energy and CERs. The second stage reductions.
considers that, from the outputs of the first stage, the project has as a The second stage of the research consists in analyzing the charac-
final result the reduction of GHG emissions. It is still possible to teristics of the projects in terms of their efficiency. For this, the tech-
calculate the overall efficiency of the CDM projects as the product of nique used in this study is the classification tree, in which, according
the two stages. to Iorio et al. (2019), a tree is a graph connected and oriented by a set
The model assumes that CDM projects are DMUs, and DMUj of nodes, where two nodes are connected by exactly one path. This is
( j = 1, 2, …, n) has D intermediate measurements zdj (d = 1, 2, …, D), a binary partitioning technique, which can be traversed from its root
in addition to initial inputs xij (i = 1, 2, …, m) and final outputs yrj to the leaves by answering only simple questions of the type that
(r = 1, 2, …, s). In addition, the weights vi, wd, and rd, which are non- belongs/does not belong to a class, and which generates a visual
negative and unknown, are considered. Thus, the two-stage DEA result, presenting groups that are homogeneous among themselves
model has the following configuration: and heterogeneous among the others.
Among the various existing algorithms for operationalizing the
technique, the CHAID was adopted. According to Díaz-Pérez et al.
0 ¼ Max ur yro ð1Þ
r¼1 (2020), among the various existing segmentation techniques, the
CHAID algorithm is one of the most effective. The authors argue that,
s.r because it is a nonparametric technique, its main advantages are the
possibility of using several variables in the model; the fact that
s X
nominal and interval variables can be used as predictors and the
ur yrj  wd zdj ≤ 0, j ¼ 1, 2, …n ð2Þ
r¼1 d¼1 possibility of using continuous variables as criteria, because they can
be dichotomized.
m The CHAID algorithm consists of the interactive development of
wd zdj  v 1 xij ≤ 0, j ¼ 1, 2, …n ð3Þ
d¼1 d¼1
a classification tree based on Pearson's chi-square statistic, or an
F test and its corresponding p values, performing splits on heteroge-
m neous populations and identifying homogeneous groups according to
v i xio ¼ 1 ð4Þ
the dependent variables. Thus, the algorithm seeks to minimize
variations in the dependent variables within groups and maximize
wd ≥ 0, d ¼ 1, 2, …D ð5Þ them between them. (Milanovic & Stamenkovic, 2016).
Therefore, the methodological proposal in this research is to
vi ≥ 0, i ¼ 1, 2, …m ð6Þ combine the two techniques (Network DEA and CHAID classification
trees) to analyze the efficiency of CDM projects and identify the
ur ≥ 0, r ¼ 1, 2, …s ð7Þ characteristics of more efficient projects in both stages, generating
useful information for researchers and investors (and other
where θ0Global is the overall efficiency level of the two-stage process stakeholders) interested in CDM projects.
for DMUo. Assuming that Model 1 has a single solution, the efficien-
cies for the first and second stages are calculated by
θ01:FinancialReturn ¼ wd zdo , ð8Þ
d¼1 The sample of CDM projects used in this study was made available by
the UNFCCC at After analyzing the projects
D and excluding those with missing data, the sample used included 2352
0 ¼ ur yro = wd zdo , ð9Þ
r¼1 d¼1
valid projects.
The projects were carried out in 54 countries, with China, Brazil,
and India as the main hosts and accounting for about 85% of the total
Since a single solution is assumed, it is possible to define number of projects.
The general characteristics of the data under study for the five
0 ¼ θFinancialReturn
0  θGHGsReduction
0 ð10Þ variables under analysis are presented in Table 2.
Table 2 presents descriptive statistics for the five variables used
Therefore, the overall efficiency of the CDM projects can be in the DEA model, and the mean approval time for a CDM project is
calculated as the product of two efficiencies: the financial return 395.62 days, with a mean invested capital of approximately US$ 59.5
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TABLE 2 Sample description

Time until approval Capital investment Total reductions Installed capacity

Descritivos (Geral) (days) (US$) (ton-CO2/year) (GW) Total CER
N 2.352 2.352 2.352 2.352 2.352
Mínimo 30.00 500,000.00 827.00 0.50 1033.00
Máximo 1834.00 5,437,314,560.00 6,180,620.00 3750.00 23,344,635.00
Média 395.62 59,590,387.92 168,823.36 55.10 350,762.82
Desvio-Padrão 237.86 165,445,599.94 350,466.79 152.33 872,280.15
Erro-Padrão 4.90 3,411,430.77 7,226.50 3.14 17,986.11
Coeficiente de Variação 60.12% 277.64% 207.59% 276.48% 248.68%

Source: Elaborated by the authors.

million. Regarding the outputs of the CDM projects, one can see that, When analyzing the results of the second stage of the model
on average, about 168.8 thousand tons of CO2/year are removed, (environmental efficiency), one can see that the average efficiency
generating more than 350 thousand CERs with an average installed levels are higher, especially for methane avoidance (83.50%), mixed
capacity of about 55 GW. renewables (72.35%), landfill gas (68.38%), and coal bed/mine
From this data, one can also observe a lot of variation in the data, (63.34%). All other categories range from about 52.57%, except hydro,
especially in the capital investment item, since there are projects with which is the category with the highest number of CDMs completed
investments from US$ 500 thousand up to about US$ 5.5 billion. This but is the negative highlight for environmental efficiency, with
discrepancy between the investment values reflects directly on the 48.90%.
total reductions achieved, but it reflects very little on the total CERs As with the results obtained in the first stage, one can observe
acquired. These large variations are probably associated with the that eight of the 13 categories have projects that can be considered
different characteristics of the projects in the sample, such as size, benchmarks (100% environmental efficiency), which indicates that,
location, and type of CDM. although the average values of the categories should be considered, it
is possible to be environmentally efficient in several of them.
Combining the results of the two stages produces the overall
5 | D E A RE S U LT S efficiency ranking. This indicator is proportionally lower and more
demanding than the previous ones because it is the multiplication of
This section will present and discuss the results obtained using the the two results. In this sense, only the categories methane avoidance
DEA technique for the two stages of efficiency and overall efficiency. (64.10%) and mixed renewables (40.50%) stand out positively, while
The results are summarized in Table 3. all the others obtained values well below these.
Because it is a very large sample, it is not possible to present the Concerning the results obtained by each continent, Table 4
complete ranking with the DEA scores to directly compare the DMUs, presents an overview of their descriptive statistics.
as occurs in most studies that use this technique. To present The African projects were mostly related to wind power plants,
the results of the model in Figure 3, it was necessary to construct which demanded high capital investments with returns relatively
the descriptive statistics of the ranking, including the minimum below what is expected for such amounts; this can be observed in the
and maximum efficiency values and the standard deviation for all financial return efficiency of their projects, which, except for two of
CDM categories, for the financial, environmental, and overall them, were always very close to the average.
efficiencies. On the Asian continent, projects are mostly related to wind and
Thus, Table 3 shows that, regarding the first stage of the model hydropower; given a large number of projects, their size, investment
(financial return efficiency), the category of projects with the highest levels, and CERs issued cause large variations in their efficiency
average efficiency is methane avoidance (75.19%), followed by metrics.
biomass energy (56.97%), mixed renewables (57.07%), landfill gas In America, the projects are more aimed at hydroelectric energy,
(51.25%), and fossil fuel switch (50.59%), with all other categories with some highlights for plants that present high indices of financial
achieving less than 50% on average in this stage of the model. return and environmental efficiency, and also aimed at the use of
Another relevant aspect of the results of this stage is that eight of the biomass, which cheapens the industrial cost with the generation of
13 categories (61.64%) have projects considered as benchmarks energy coming from the residues of their main activity, as it
(100%), which indicate that, although the average efficiency happens in the sugarcane and cornmills. If only these projects are
values point to a higher probability of financial return in projects in analyzed, one can see that, despite being large projects, with high
the highlighted categories, there are many possibilities among the investments, their financial return efficiency reaches significant
different types of CDM projects to achieve financial efficiency. results.
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TABLE 3 DEA results by project type

Project type Economic efficiency (%) Environmental efficiency (%) Global efficiency (%)
Biomass energy (148) Mean 56.97 52.21 30.05
Minimum 18.37 12.50 7.11
Maximum 100.00 100.00 100.00
Std. deviation 22.86 15.16 17.75
Coal bed/mine methane (39) Mean 40.30 63.34 26.00
Minimum 35.02 53.60 18.92
Maximum 73.74 100.00 73.74
Std. deviation 7.19 13.41 10.17
EE own generation (130) Mean 41.22 56.76 23.78
Minimum 34.94 27.17 10.43
Maximum 100.00 100.00 100.00
Std. deviation 8.62 6.93 9.08
EE supply side (11) Mean 47.95 55.50 26.90
Minimum 36.00 51.95 18.71
Maximum 100.00 65.70 54.35
Std. deviation 20.41 4.68 12.42
Fossil fuel switch (38) Mean 50.59 55.37 29.04
Minimum 34.86 51.04 17.80
Maximum 100.00 100.00 100.00
Std. deviation 20.09 10.82 17.25
Geothermal (9) Mean 37.09 56.04 20.90
Minimum 34.52 51.33 17.72
Maximum 40.69 75.34 30.32
Std. deviation 2.30 7.51 3.98
Hydro (856) Mean 47.83 48.90 23.53
Minimum 10.31 21.15 2.25
Maximum 100.00 100.00 100.00
Std. deviation 17.34 11.85 11.55
Landfill gas (83) Mean 51.25 68.38 36.95
Minimum 34.93 51.78 18.09
Maximum 100.00 100.00 100.00
Std. deviation 17.50 14.64 20.51
Methane avoidance (59) Mean 75.19 83.50 64.10
Minimum 9.53 44.00 7.92
Maximum 100.00 100.00 100.00
Std. deviation 17.02 16.27 22.16
Mixed renewables (2) Mean 57.07 72.35 40.50
Minimum 24.68 69.91 18.46
Maximum 89.45 74.79 62.53
Std. deviation 45.80 3.45 31.16
Solar (31) Mean 35.98 53.81 21.68
Minimum 6.04 22.63 1.37
Maximum 86.74 100.00 86.74
Std. deviation 19.04 18.26 17.84
Wind (944) Mean 41.03 52.02 21.68
Minimum 16.12 21.45 4.38
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TABLE 3 (Continued)

Project type Economic efficiency (%) Environmental efficiency (%) Global efficiency (%)
Maximum 100.00 100.00 100.00

Std. deviation 12.47 8.57 9.59

Fugitive (1) Mean 36.97 54.86 20.28
Tidal (1) Mean 38.12 52.70 20.09
Total (2352) Mean 45.84 52.84 24.82
Minimum 6.04 12.50 1.37
Maximum 100.00 100.00 100.00
Std. deviation 16.91 12.73 14.11

Source: Elaborated by the authors.

TABLE 4 DEA results by continent

Region Economic efficiency (%) Environmental efficiency (%) Global efficiency (%)
Africa (28) Mean 38.91 51.87 20.50
Minimum 16.63 30.91 5.14
Maximum 93.48 69.62 65.08
Std. deviation 14.01 7.09 9.53
Americas (153) Mean 43.67 54.53 24.81
Minimum 13.76 24.11 3.32
Maximum 100.00 100.00 100.00
Std. deviation 17.34 14.57 15.27
Asia (2166) Mean 46.07 52.72 24.87
Minimum 6.04 12.50 1.37
Maximum 100.00 100.00 100.00
Std. deviation 16.89 12.64 14.07
Oceania (4) Mean 52.21 58.39 31.79
Minimum 34.57 33.58 16.61
Maximum 63.10 74.44 46.92
Std. deviation 13.26 19.83 16.91
Europe (1) Mean 35.17 51.64 18.16
Total (2352) Mean 45.84 52.84 24.82
Minimum 6.04 12.50 1.37
Maximum 100.00 100.00 100.00
Std. deviation 16.91 12.73 14.11

Source: Elaborated by the authors.

On the European continent, only one project was developed in 6 | CHAID R ES ULTS
Albania, which deviates from the very definition of a CDM. This pro-
ject was aimed at generating hydroelectric power with an investment The purpose of using the classification tree with the CHAID method
of over US$ 200 million and presented low-efficiency rates. in this study is to classify the sample of CDM projects to understand
Despite presenting a small number of projects, Oceania is the their main characteristics. In this sense, two trees were built. The first,
continent that has the highest efficiency averages on all three fronts. represented by Figure 6, aims to characterize the financial return
The projects developed in this continent are considered small, with an efficiency, while the second, represented by Figure 7, aims to
average investment of US$ 9 million, but they demanded more time characterize the environmental efficiency.
for approval than similar projects developed in other countries, which Figure 6 shows that the first significant partition to represent the
hurt their financial efficiency. sample (p value < .000 and F statistic = 1540.984), regarding financial
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CHAID results for financial return efficiency. Source: Elaborated by the authors FIGURE 6
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CHAID results for environmental efficiency. Source: Elaborated by the authors FIGURE 7
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return efficiency, is project size. As can be seen, projects classified Node 7, three in Node 8, and 22 in Node 9) and the Southern Asia
as small (GHG < 16,000 ton-CO2/year), represented by Node region (223 projects in Node 7, 59 in Node 8, and six in Node 9).
2, have a higher average efficiency than large projects, represented by The second most sought-after region for CDM projects,
Node 1. For small projects, the average financial return efficiency considering the three most efficient nodes in financial return, are the
presented was 61.19%, while for the projects classified as large, it was Americas (39 projects in Node 7, five projects in Node 8, and two in
38.47%. Node 9), although there is a much lower number of projects compared
The second partition, made from each of the previous branches with Asia. Among these projects, South America is the most sought
(project size), presents three leaf nodes (a result that allows no further after for their realization (31 projects in Node 7, five in Node 8, but
partitioning), generated from the group of small projects in the sample, none in Node 9). Furthermore, in Central America, eight projects
and which is relative to the type of CDM project. In this case, the belong to Node 7 and two to Node 9. An important point to note is
CHAID algorithm clustered different project types at each node, with that the tree obtained good classification power, presenting a
p value < .000 and F statistic = 45,302. The leaf node with the misclassification error of 8.17%.
highest average financial return efficiency is Node 9, consisting of Figure 7 below shows the environmental efficiency ranking tree
64 projects of the landfill gas and methane avoidance types, with presented by the projects in the sample.
79.36%. The second node with the highest average efficiency is Node As can be seen in Figure 7, the root node (Node 0) represents the
8, consisting of 82 projects of the biomass energy and EE supply side entire sample of CDM projects, which have an average environmental
types, with 70.78%. The third leaf node of the small projects partition, efficiency of 52.84%. From this node, there is a partition into two
in terms of financial return efficiency, is Node 7, made up of 617 pro- branches, significant at 1% (p value < .0000 and F statistic = 132,032),
jects of the wind, hydro, EE own generation, mixed renewables, and which generate two leaf nodes (nodes 1 and 2) and which, such as the
solar types, with 58.033%. tree represented in Figure 6, classify the sample by the size of the
The tree also presents a new partition for the projects classified projects, with large projects having an average environmental
as large, with p value < .000 and F statistic = 108,032, with four other efficiency of 38.47% and small projects, 48.60%.
leaf nodes (nodes 3, 4, 5, and 6), but all with lower average financial Two other tree partitions, the first from Node 1 (p value < .000
return efficiency than nodes 7, 8, and 9, already presented. An and F = 186,365) and the second from Node 2 (p value < .000 and
important aspect to highlight is that the tree shown in Figure 6 F = 45,302), divide the sample by type of CDM project; the ninth leaf
presented good classification power, with a risk of misclassification of node stands out among the small projects, with an average environ-
8.17%. mental efficiency of 85.49% (highest average efficiency in the nodes),
The projects allocated to nodes 7, 8, and 9, which stand out in comprising projects in the landfill gas and methane avoidance catego-
average efficiency, have other relevant characteristics to be explored. ries. In the branch referring to large projects, it is possible to highlight
Table 5 presents information about the regions and subregions of the Node 6, with 64.97% of environmental efficiency, composed of the
projects belonging to these nodes. categories landfill gas and coal bed/mine methane, and Node 5, with
Table 5 shows that, in most of the projects in the three nodes 56.61%, composed of the categories biomass energy, EE own genera-
considered most efficient in financial return (7, 8, and 9), there is a tion, geothermal, EE supply side, fossil fuel switch, and fugitive.
great preference of investors to carry out projects in Asia (572 projects As in the case of the first stage of the efficiency model, the tree
in Node 7, 77 in Node 8, and 59 in Node 9). Out of these projects, in Figure 7 also presented good classification power, showing a
most were carried out in the Eastern Asia region (310 projects in misclassification error of only 5.65%.

TABLE 5 Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) distribution by continent and subregion considering financial return efficiency

Node 7 Node 8 Node 9 Node 7 Node 8 Node 9

Continent N % N % N % Subregion N % N % N %
Africa 5 0.81 0 0.00 1 1.56 Northern Africa 1 20.00 0 0.00 0 0.00
Southern Africa 1 20.00 0 0.00 1 100.00
Eastern Africa 3 60.00 0 0.00 0 0.00
Americas 39 6.32 5 6.10 2 3.13 South America 31 79.49 5 100.00 0 0.00
Central America 8 20.51 0 0.00 2 100.00
Asia 572 92.71 77 93.90 59 92.19 Southern Asia 223 38.99 59 76.62 6 10.17
Southeastern Asia 36 6.29 15 19.48 27 45.76
Western Asia 3 0.52 0 0.00 4 6.78
Eastern Asia 310 54.20 3 3.90 22 37.29
Oceania 1 0.16 0 0.00 2 3.13 Melanesia 1 100.00 0 0.00 2 3.39

Source: Elaborated by the authors.

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TABLE 6 Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) distribution by continent and subregion considering environmental efficiency

Node 5 Node 6 Node 9 Node 5 Node 6 Node 9

Continent N % N % N % Subregion N % N % N %
Africa 3 1.21 4 3.42 1 1.56 Southern Africa 1 0.40 0 3.42 1 1.56
Western Africa 1 0.40 0 0.85 0 0.00
Eastern Africa 1 0.40 4 0.00 0 0.00
Americas 20 8.06 22 18.80 2 3.13 Caribbean 1 0.40 1 8.55 0 0.00
South America 15 6.05 0 11.11 0 0.00
Central America 4 1.61 10 0.85 2 3.13
Asia 225 90.73 91 77.78 59 92.19 Southeastern Asia 13 5.24 13 1.71 27 42.19
Southern Asia 52 20.97 1 0.00 6 9.38
Western Asia 1 0.40 2 3.42 4 6.25
Eastern Asia 159 64.11 0 0.85 22 34.38
Oceania 0 0.00 0 0.00 2 3.13 Melanesia 0 0.00 0 0.00 2 3.13

Source: Elaborated by the authors.

Regarding the locations where the projects of the most efficient out in Asia, with the eastern and southern eastern regions standing
nodes (5, 6, and 9) were carried out, Table 6 presents their out this time.
composition. The results obtained for the second stage of the model also
Table 6 shows that, just as in the case of the most efficient nodes allowed us to accept the second proposed hypothesis:
in terms of financial return, Asia was the most sought-after continent
for the CDM projects of the three most environmentally efficient • H2: There are CDM projects that are significantly more efficient in
nodes (5, 6, and 9). In total, of the projects carried out on this reducing GHGs.
continent, 225 belong to Node 5, 91 to Node 6, and 59 to Node
9. Concerning the subregions, the eastern region stands out, with These results indicate that carrying out these types of projects in
159 projects belonging to Node 5 and 22 to Node 9, as well as the these areas can lead to a superior result in terms of financial return
southern region, with 52 projects in Node 5, one in Node 6, and six in and environmental impact, compared with the other projects in the
Node 9. sample. This fact may be related to the low technical complexity and
The second continent where there were the most projects from low need for large investments in these types of projects (e.g., a
these three nodes was the American continent, with 20 projects in project that can be associated with these two types of CDMs may be
Node 5, 22 in Node 6, and two in Node 7. Regarding the subregions, the collection and use of methane from solid waste for burning in
the node South America received more projects (15, belonging to thermal power plants).
Node 5), followed by Central America (four in Node 5, 10 in Node Furthermore, several countries in Asia have taken proactive initia-
6, and two in Node 9). tives to assess opportunities for new CDMs and have created promo-
The joint results of Figures 6 and 7, as well as Tables 5 and 6, tion policies. In some of these countries (e.g., Thailand and Vietnam),
indicate a pattern between the most efficient CDM projects. First, there has been a shift in policies in the energy sector toward cleaner
concerning financial return efficiency, the projects with the highest energy matrices, with the replacement of fossil fuels and the increase
average efficiency are small, those of the landfill gas and methane of renewables in the energy supply system, as well as measures to
avoidance type (closely followed by small projects of the biomass increase efficiency and conservation.
energy and EE supply side types), and are mostly carried out in Asia, It is important to highlight that CHAID results allow us to accept
more specifically in the eastern and southern regions. both hypotheses with 1% of significance, since the branches in
Thus, by considering these results, it is possible to accept the first classification trees concerning the most efficient CDM profiles, in
proposed hypothesis: both stages of the DEA model, have p values lower than .01.
The results found in this study are in part aligned with those
• H1: There are CDM projects that are significantly more efficient in found by Zhang et al. (2018), which, using a different efficiency
terms of financial efficiency. analysis model from the one used in this research, identified the
projects carried out in India and China as highlights in terms of energy
Concerning environmental efficiency, small projects of the landfill gas efficiency (which is similar with the second stage of the model used in
and methane avoidance type also stand out (with the difference that, this study).
in second place, are large projects of the landfill gas and coal Other studies indicate dissonant results, such as Kim et al. (2022),
bed/mine methane type). Again, most of these projects were carried who pointed out biomass CDMs, carried out in Korea as being more
10991468, 2023, 2, Downloaded from by University Estadual De Campina, Wiley Online Library on [03/11/2023]. See the Terms and Conditions ( on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License

efficient in terms of financial returns and also Rahman and Kirkman complementing traditional financial indicators and offering a broader
(2015), who highlighted the scale of these projects as being vision for decision-makers, who can also include public managers in
determinant in its return, with large CDMs being more economically the creation of policies to foster the realization of these projects in
attractive because they have lower relative costs compared to the order to promote economic returns to the investors and local govern-
CERs generated. ments, decreasing environmental impacts with GHGs reductions, and
However, it is necessary to emphasize that the model proposed also creating social benefits, since these projects generate a significant
in this study is completely original, bringing a new proposal of analysis number of jobs.
that supports investment decisions in these projects, so it is difficult An important limitation that should be stressed about the
to compare vis-a-vis the results found by this study with research is that the sample only considered the CDMs from the
previous ones. UNFCCC database that had all the data filled in, and those with
missing data were suppressed. Although it was possible to perform
imputation in some cases, this procedure could affect the efficiency
7 | C O N CL U S I O N A ND P O LI C Y rankings produced by the DEA model, so the choice fell to using only
IMPLICATIONS projects with complete data.
In terms of further research, we suggest complementary studies
This study aimed to analyze the efficiency of the CDM projects on the subject, to try to identify critical factors that influence financial
carried out worldwide and understand their main characteristics, return and environmental efficiencies, such as aspects related to the
support investment decisions in these projects, and to increase the management of the project itself, economic incentives and policies, or
academic understanding of their financial return and environmental even technological capabilities and limitations for implementation of
contributions. To achieve this goal, we used a United Nations Climate all types of CDM projects.
Change Commission (UNFCCC) database, which contains data on all
CDM projects developed globally. After verifying and processing the DATA AVAILABILITY STAT EMEN T
data, a sample of 2352 valid projects was obtained and analyzed using The authors confirm that the data that support the findings of this
a two-stage DEA model, allowing the evaluation of their financial study are openly available at
return and environmental efficiency. From this point, we were able to
classify these two types of efficiency using the classification tree OR CID
technique with the CHAID algorithm, to characterize the groups of Antônio Carlos Pacagnella Júnior
more efficient projects regarding the types and the locations in which 4485-2777
they were executed.
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