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Software Architecture CS- 701

Tutorial- I
1. Discuss the definition in detail and exploring its implications.5. Explain Architectural Structures in detail. [CO1]

2. Briefly explain the technical importance of software architectures. Elaborate the fact that architecture is the
vehicle for stakeholder communication. [CO1]

3. Clarifying the concepts of architectural patterns, reference models, and reference architectures and their
relationships. [CO1]

Tutorial- II
1. List the parts of the quality attribute scenario. [CO2]

2. What is a quality attribute scenario? [CO2]

3. Differentiate between availability and modifiability scenarios. [CO2]

Tutorial- III
1. Describing the process of selecting views for a project, emphasizing the three essential steps. [CO3]

2. Exploring Siemens 4 Views as an example of industry-specific architectural views. [CO3]

3. Providing an understanding of different architectural perspectives. [CO3]

Tutorial- IV
1. Establishing the definition of architectural style and introducing four commonly used styles. [CO4]

2. Discussing architectural patterns related to mobile code and implicit invocation. [CO4]

3. Applying architectural styles (implicit invocation and pipes and filter) to solve the specific problem of KWIC. [CO4]

Tutorial- V
1. Write the uses of SA documentation. [CO5]

2. Explain the good practices in documenting software architecture. [CO5]

3. Exploring the concepts of Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) and its relationship with web services. [CO5]

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