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7 Real World Steps to Embracing Your

Intuitive Gifts

By Jessica Lee

Permission is granted to distribute this publication in its entirety to others

as long as you do not change or alter the document in any way. You may
share this eBook with your family, friends, or tribe, but may not post any
part of it directly to your website, blog, or Facebook page.


The info in this guide expresses the views of the author at the time it was published. Because
conditions change, the author reserves the right to alter/update her opinion as time goes by. This
report is for informational purposes only, and should not be substituted for psychological, medical, or
legal advice or services. You are always free to make your own decisions regardless of any
information or interpretation that the author may convey. Author shall not be liable for any action or
non-action taken by a reader, as each individual has their own free will. If needed, please contact a
professional in your city/state/country for psychological, medical, or legal advice or services.

© 2014 Intuitive Souls Blog.

Introduction .....................................................................................4

Step 1: Understanding Your Awakening ...............................................7

Step 2: Signs of a Psychic Awakening .................................................10

Step 3: Letting Go of Fear ................................................................14

Step 4: Coming Out of the Psychic Closet ...........................................17

Step 5: How to Deal with Judgmental People .......................................21

Step 6: Accepting Changing Relationships ...........................................28

Step 7: Embracing Your Gifts ............................................................31

© 2014 Intuitive Souls Blog.

Jessica Lee is the creator of Intuitive Souls Blog, a blog which focuses on

 Helping those who wish to develop their

intuitive gifts and mediumship in a heart-
centered way and aligned way.

 Helping people connect with their soul and


Jessica is an inspirational writer and spiritual

mentor. She has worked as a psychic medium
since 2000, and is also a Certified Advanced
Akashic Records reader. She has given readings to people from all over the
world and has worked on several criminal investigations.

In 2012, she created the website Psychic Readings Guide to bring transparency
to a field that is often misunderstood. In 2014, she followed the whispers of
her soul and created Intuitive Souls Blog to help heart-centered people develop
their gifts, connect with their soul, and lead more joyful lives.

Intuitive Souls Blog features a variety of resources to help people on their

journey. From learning about Soul Growth to Intuition, readers can feel
confident that the information is presented in an honest way that will inspire
them to connect with their soul.

Sign up for Intuitive Souls Blog’s newsletter and receive updates, tips, and
specials from Jessica:

© 2014 Intuitive Souls Blog.


I have a confession to make. For the first several years that I did this work, I
avoided using the word psychic. To me, it had too much of a negative
connotation. When I heard the “P” word I would cringe and imagine all sorts of
negative things, such as con-artists or an eclectic woman staring into a crystal
ball sharing with her client his or her unfortunate fate.

And I certainly did not want people to think of me like that! I wanted to scream
to the world, “That’s not me! I’m normal!”

On the inside, I was thrilled with my awakening and all of the things that I was
experiencing. It was so much fun and it all felt so natural.

I could not get my hands on enough books, or take enough classes.

I was becoming more and more intuitive, and that was fantastic, but I struggled
trying to blend the “new me” into my ordinary life. And I had questions – lots
and lots of questions: Is this normal? Has this happened to anyone else?
What will people think?

So I kept a mask on, and hid my newfound love of metaphysics from the world,
mostly because I was afraid of being judged by others. I didn’t know how to
handle living with spiritual gifts in a physical world; that topic was never taught
in any of the development classes that I took. I had to figure it all out for
myself – and I did. I admit though, I almost threw in the towel many times
along the way.

Psychic development is the easy part, the fun part! But, there is also a lot of
other “stuff” that comes along with an intuitive awakening such as:

 insecurity

© 2014 Intuitive Souls Blog.

 fear
 lack of confidence
 feeling that you are growing spiritually and, therefore changing
 wanting to work in a heart-centered way, yet having trouble finding
information that is not aligned with the true essence of who you are

These are the things that no one really talks about. It’s also the part that
people often need the most help with. Actually, the things we will discuss in
this eBook are some of the most popular subjects that my students ask about.

I will tell you this: Living the psychic path is fantastic – it’s living life with all six
of your senses! But it can be overwhelming, especially when you are first
opening up. I know because I’ve been there, too.

That should not deter you, however. In this eBook, I will share with you many
of the practical things that I’ve learned over the years. And, by the time we’re
through, I think you’ll be feeling pretty great!



© 2014 Intuitive Souls Blog.

"The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant.

We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift.

We will not solve the problems of the world from the same level of thinking we
were at when we created them.

More than anything else, this new century demands new thinking; we must
change our materially based analyses of the world around us to include broader,
more multidimensional perspectives."

- Albert Einstein

© 2014 Intuitive Souls Blog.

”Everyone is born with psychic abilities.
It’s just a matter of knowing how to tap into it.”

– Julien Offray de La Mettrie

T he first step in understanding and embracing your gifts is to understand

why you are having these experiences. This is important because
understanding how your gifts came to fruition will help you appreciate them.
It’s kind of like telling the story of how you and your first love met. It is a
wonderful and special memory that you will carry with you for the rest of your

Also, if you decide to give readings at a later time (or you currently do), you will
be able to share your story with ease and delight. Believe me, people will be

So, what actually causes someone to have a psychic awakening? Accident?

Genetics? Good luck? Or bad luck (depending on what your personal feelings
are about psychic ability!)?

The truth is that we are all born intuitive. When we arrive on this planet, we
are very much connected to Source - the pure, loving non-physical energy that
we derived from before we chose to reincarnate into a physical body once
again. (By the way, this is why we hear so often about children being highly
intuitive, or seeing angels or departed loved ones. They are still very much
connected to Source – so it’s completely natural for them to see spirits, etc.)

© 2014 Intuitive Souls Blog.

Over the years, as we spend more time in our physical bodies, we learn to rely
on our five physical senses. But hardly any of us are encouraged to use our
sixth sense - intuition! It can go something like this:

You are five years old. You walk out of your bedroom one day and tell your mom about the
conversation you were having with the lady in your room. This lady is actually your Spirit
Guide. Your mom doesn’t know this though, and brushes it off as your “imaginary friend.”

This is how, over time, children tend to lose their natural intuitive abilities.
Think about it like this - let’s say you have a natural talent for playing guitar.
But if no one bought you a guitar when you were a kid, or encouraged that
ability, you’d have no way to develop it.

What ends up happening for most of us then, is that our intuition goes by the
wayside as we focus purely on the physical. You see, our psychic ability is like a
muscle – the more you use it, the stronger it becomes. So over time, our sixth
sense weakens, and we often forget that we have a sixth sense at all! We also
forget that it’s completely natural.

Now, don’t get me wrong. There certainly are some people who use their
intuitive abilities for their entire lives. But, more often than not, it is
suppressed due to non-use. Then, at some point later in life, something causes
it to “wake-up.” And that’s when the fun begins!


So, if we’ve forgotten about our natural psychic ability, what “reactivates” it?
Aha, I thought you’d never ask! The truth is that there isn’t a one-size-fits-all
reason for an awakening. There are some common reasons however, and they
are as follows:

© 2014 Intuitive Souls Blog.

 Accident or Near Death Experience - You have probably heard stories
like these: a person is in a near-fatal accident, and begins having psychic
experiences, or seeing spirits soon after. John Holland and Maureen
Hancock are two famous mediums who were awakened after an accident.
And the famous “angel lady,” Doreen Virtue, opened up after a scary

 Losing a Loved One – People often turn to their spirituality for comfort
after the passing of a loved one. And this connection to spirituality brings
them closer to Source, and their true, soul-level essence.

 Birth of a Child – Intuition naturally heightens for new parents,

especially moms, as they get “tuned in” to the needs of their child. They
don’t call it “mother’s intuition” for nothing!

 Healing - Something as simple as a hypnosis or an energetic healing

session (such as Reiki) can activate your sixth sense. These types of
sessions can raise your vibration, get energy flowing and hence, cause a
shift in your awareness.

As we mentioned earlier, there really are no rules as to why an awakening

occurs. But as you can see, a major change of life event, or anything that
causes a shift in your perspective or energy fields can crack the door open
enough to cause an awakening.

A Word About Past Life Connections:

If you have a strong sense of knowing, it’s very plausible that you were
involved with metaphysics in a past life. So, any of the triggers we just
discussed can kick your abilities into high gear as your soul remembers. Very

© 2014 Intuitive Souls Blog.

“It is always with excitement that I wake up in the morning wondering
what my intuition will toss up to me, like gifts from the sea.”

-Jonas Salk, American Medical Researcher

A Psychic awakening can be, and should be, a magical time in your life.
However, when you first start realizing you are having awakening, it can
feel strange. You may second guess yourself and wonder if what you are
feeling is normal. So let’s take a look at the signs of a psychic awakening, and
why they occur:

1. Tingling Sensation or Pressure

You may begin to develop this in the "third eye" area (between the eyebrows),
at the crown of the head, or in your chakras. This happens for two reasons:

 you are picking up energetic signals

 your chakras are opening up

In the beginning stages of development, this sensation can be very strong.

2. Connection with Spirit

You might find that you are having a stronger connection to the spirit world. In
other words, it may become easier for you to sense the presence of your own
loved ones in heaven.

© 2014 Intuitive Souls Blog.

You may also begin to feel the presence of other people's loved ones around.
For many folks, mediumship is a natural progression that follows psychic
awakening. (And it’s perfectly fine for your mediumship to develop at the same
time as your intuition.)

3. Desire to Be Away from Negativity

You may also find that you are picking up on the emotions and feeling of others
quite easily. This is known as being empathic, or an empath.

Because of your sensitivity, you might feel drained being around people who are
very negative or dramatic. Honor what you are feeling, and stay away from the
drama whenever possible.

4. Desire to Eat Healthier Foods

You might suddenly be reaching for a salad instead of a double-cheeseburger!

Here's why: When you are doing intuitive work, you vibrate at a higher
frequency (remember, we are all vibrational beings).

So, without realizing it, you could be instinctively reach for "higher vibrational"
foods, such as fruits, vegetables, etc. These foods help keep you from being
weighed down and keep your vibration light. Some people even choose to
adopt a psychic diet. You can read more about if a psychic diet is right for you
on my Psychic Readings Guide website: Psychic Diet

© 2014 Intuitive Souls Blog.

5. Desire to Learn & Be More Spiritual

Most everyone who experiences a psychic awakening has an appetite to learn.

As we open up, we are shedding our old skins and subconsciously remembering
the luminance of our soul. To that end, it's common to want to read everything
we can get our hands on, learn as much as possible, and walk a more spiritual

6. Frequent or Vivid Dreams

Vivid dreaming, or dreaming more often, is another common symptom of

psychic awakening. There are two reasons for this:

 When you are sleeping, there is no resistance. In other words, your mind
is not getting in the way of what you are receiving intuitively. So, during
the day you might get a feeling about something and say to yourself,
"Hmm, should I trust my gut feeling, or is this just my logical mind?" In
the sleep state, that resistance is not present. And don't worry, this does
not necessarily mean that your dreams are premonitions.

 As you open up, it becomes much easier to access other levels of

consciousness, such as the dream state. It’s helpful (and fun!) to start
keeping a dream journal near your bed.

7. Heightened Sensitivity of Your Physical Senses

If you find that your hearing is heightened, you are seeing twinkles of light, or
"something" out of the corner of your eye... Congratulations! It means that

© 2014 Intuitive Souls Blog.

your psychic senses, or “clairs,” are opening up and getting stronger. This is a
normal part of the awakening process.

8. Intuitive "Hits"

Having a sense that something is going to happen or receiving a third eye vision
is another sign. For some, this can be very exciting; for others, it's very

If you are in the latter category, set the intention that you will not receive any
scary messages or visions.

9. Headaches

The headaches are terrible, aren't they? Unfortunately, they are pretty
common. They are caused by the influx of energy.

One thing you can do to try to combat this pesky problem is to soak your feet in
warm water. This will help bring the energy down to your feet, and away from
your head. Feel free to add Epsom salts or essential oils to the water. You may
also want to check with a medical doctor to make sure there is no underlying
cause for your headache.

10. Losing friends - Making new ones

Your soul will grow tremendously during this time. You may find that you are
outgrowing some friends, and that things that were once important to you no
longer are. It’s okay; the Universe will put new people in your path. (We’ll talk
more about this in Step 6.)

© 2014 Intuitive Souls Blog.

”Decide that you want it more than you are afraid of it.”

– Bill Cosby

L iving life being intuitively aware is great. You get to see the world from a
different perspective, using all six of your senses! It’s fun, exciting, and it
seems there is never a dull moment!

However, when you first start to realize that you are having a psychic
awakening, it can feel unfamiliar – and maybe even a little scary at times.
Honestly though, there is nothing to fear; take comfort knowing that the
feelings you are having are completely normal.

Most people who have had a psychic awakening have felt these things, too.
Following is a list of things to keep in mind to help release your fears:

1. Fear of Evil

I have five words that will put this in perspective:

Everything is from the Light

You are from the Light, working with the Light, and therefore, you are not
attracting negative energies. Remember, like attracts like. The negative spirits
don’t want to connect with you, and your Guides won’t let them through
anyway. Even if you are doing spirit communication, you are working in the
Light, from a place of love.

© 2014 Intuitive Souls Blog.

2. Fear of Receiving a Negative Message about Someone

Okay, here’s the thing: If you are afraid of giving a negative message, this is a
good thing! It means that you are so concerned with the welfare of another
human being that you would never hurt them.

Simply ask your Guides that you not be shown this type of information if there
is nothing that can be done about it. An affirmation such as, “I ask that I only
receive information that is for the highest and best good of all involved” will

Tip: If you feel compelled to give someone an unsolicited message, use

discretion. You never know how someone will react to an unwanted message,
and you never want to unintentionally scare someone.

3. Fear of Not Being Able to “Turn Off”

The beginning stages of psychic development can be a whirlwind. It’s the time
where you have the least control over your abilities. For example, you may find

 You are having trouble sleeping because you sense spirits around or see
visions when you close your eyes.
 You unintentionally pick-up “stuff” about random people while you are in
the store, walk into a room, etc.

This can take a little time to get under control, but it is absolutely doable. You
will not forever be walking around unable to control it. As a matter of fact, once
you get the hang of it, you will be able to turn your abilities on and off as easily
as opening and closing a door. It becomes that natural and simple.

Start getting control today: Ask your Spirit Guides that they not allow spirits to
come through when you are not working or practicing your development.

© 2014 Intuitive Souls Blog.

The same goes for picking up on the energies of others. Ask your Guides to
help you turn off your abilities when you are not using them. You definitely
don’t want to be “on” 24 hours a day. When you ask your Guides for help with
this, pick out a symbol that represents when you are “on” and when you are

Further Reading:

 Are you Scared to be Psychic?

 What to do When You Feel Doubt
 One Thing No One Told Me About Becoming a Medium

© 2014 Intuitive Souls Blog.


”Do not allow people to dim your shine because they are blinded.
Tell them to put on some sunglasses.”

– Lady Gaga

O ne of the biggest things people struggle with once they begin having
intuitive experiences is coming out of the “psychic closet.” Usually, this is
because they fear being judged by others. And let’s face it: nobody wants to
be labeled as a weirdo!

This fear can be so great that some people stay in the closet for years, never
sharing their intuitive abilities with anyone.

Well, you know what? It’s dark and lonely in the closet. Not to mention that it
smells like moth balls. So let’s discuss some aspects of coming out of the


Some people are very open about being psychic. They are perfectly fine with
everyone knowing exactly who they are and what they do and they make no
apologies for it (nor should they).

For example, I have a friend who writes psychic medium on any forms that ask
for an occupation. This includes all of her legal documents. Imagine that one
on your tax forms! She’ll also give messages from Spirit to anyone at any time
(even to her doctor during her check-up… true story!)

© 2014 Intuitive Souls Blog.

Most people though (including myself), are more selective about whom they
share with.

But we’re talking about you here, not most people. And the most important
thing to remember with all of this is:

You have to be comfortable.

This is key above all else! So ultimately, the choice is up to you. Here are a
couple of points to consider:

 You know what you can and can’t handle. For instance, if you feel that
sharing with your father-in-law would cause a rift in your relationship, you
might want to consider not telling him. Ask yourself: Will it be worth the
stress? Does it matter if this individual knows? Remember, you are so
much more than just psychic, and it really is okay to keep some parts of
yourself private.

 On the other hand, if you are a very confident person, and really don’t
care what anybody thinks, then have at it if you want to. Remember, it’s
your choice.


1. Go Slow

There’s no need to have a big “coming out” party or walk around wearing a t-
shirt that says I’m Psychic. Let things unfold slowly and naturally over time.
Don’t put too much pressure on yourself.

© 2014 Intuitive Souls Blog.

2. Get Educated

Knowledge is power! As you become educated about your abilities, your

confidence will grow. And when you really understand your gifts, it will be
much easier to talk about them. Reading books by trusted authors, taking a
psychic development class, and working with a mentor are three great ways to
boost your knowledge and confidence!

3. Start with Loved Ones

One of the best and safest ways to open up is to start with the people who are
closest to you.

You will intuitively know who these individuals are, because they are part of
your soul group. These are the people who love and accept you the way you
are (faults and all!) and will usually be the least critical of you.

4. Don’t Stay In the Closet

This journey is too exciting not to share! If you feel as though your loved ones
aren’t ready to accept your gifts, consider finding someone else to talk to. For
instance, maybe a co-worker or friend who is also interested in metaphysics.
You want someone that you can have some stress-free and enjoyable
conversations with. (If you’re feeling lonely, we’ll discuss that in Step 7.)

5. Expect the Unexpected!

One thing I’ve learned over the years is that most people are okay with what I
do. I have worked myself into nervous frenzies worried about how “this person”
or “that person” would react when I told them, and it was always fine. Sure, I

© 2014 Intuitive Souls Blog.

got some strange looks now and then, but that’s about it. Most times my
“coming out” was well received and often, people had their own intuitive stories
to share with me!

For example, when my children were attending parochial school, I thought I’d
never be able to tell anyone about my abilities. And then one night, I was
speaking to

another mom and we began discussing the American television show “Ghost
Hunters.” She said she loved the show, and that was my cue to open up!

She was so supportive, and even helped me start doing readings professionally!

So, come on out of the closet and have some fun!

Further Reading:

 How Does Your Soul Feel About Your Life?

 Let the Universe Carry You

© 2014 Intuitive Souls Blog.

”A thick skin is a gift from God.”

– Konrad Adenauer

M ost of the time, your journey will be pleasant. But there may be times
when others judge you. And to be perfectly blunt, this can really suck!

And we don’t want you feeling bad. We want you to embrace your gifts and
love them. So now, let’s talk about what you can do if you run into any


I have some good news and some bad news about living with your psychic gifts.

The good news is that, in time, you will learn to let the opinions of others go in
one ear and out the other. Trust me, this really does get easier, and the day
will come where you won’t give a hoot about the opinions of others. It’s all part
of the process.

The bad news is that, before you get to that point, the judgments can make you
feel insecure. You may encounter people who:

 laugh at you
 mock you
 think you’re a fake
 want you to 'prove' yourself

© 2014 Intuitive Souls Blog.

Is this lousy to have to deal with? You bet! But here’s what I have say to you
about this:

It’s not worth trying to convince anyone!

The arguing will drain and upset you. So please don’t do that to yourself.
Remember, it’s not your job to convince anyone. Your job is to walk your true,
divine path, not to convert skeptics.

Here are some tips to handle yourself if you become uncomfortable around a
judgmental person:

 Let the person talk. Do not engage in an argument or let them ruffle
your feathers. Say as little as possible and change the topic ASAP!

 Keep reminding yourself that you are spiritually mature and therefore,
you respect that this person has their own opinions and beliefs, even if
you don’t agree.

 Remind yourself that you are walking your path and it’s okay that not
everyone understands that. Remember…spiritually mature!

 Remind yourself that you are keeping your energy fields light and
negativity-free by choosing not to engage in an argument.

 Remember that this individual is walking their own path and learning
their lessons in their own time.

If not defending your psychic beliefs makes you feel as though you are being
untrue to yourself, think about it like this:

© 2014 Intuitive Souls Blog.

It’s similar to politics or any other hot button issue…people are going to have
their own views about this topic. Also keep in mind:

 These views can be very strong, especially if they are based on personal
religious beliefs.

 This is actually a wonderful opportunity for soul growth, as it allows us to

learn to respect one another despite differing views and love ourselves
despite what others think.

So if metaphysical topics are a sensitive topic for your father in law, don’t
discuss it with him over dinner. Enjoy your time together while talking about
other things, and save the psychic chats for people who are really interested in
what you have to say.


If loved ones are uncomfortable with your abilities, it’s probably because they
don’t really understand what psychic ability actually is. And we understand
that, right? They haven’t read the books that you’ve read or had your
experiences. The only education that many folks have with regard to psychic
ability and mediumship is what they’ve seen in the movies. And that’s not very

So in the beginning, you may have to have some patience and educate your
family a little bit as to what’s actually going on. That said, if you have a family
member who continually makes you feel bad, it might be time to enforce
stricter boundaries.

You shouldn’t be miserable because someone else is uncomfortable.

© 2014 Intuitive Souls Blog.

Let’s take a look at the fictitious Jane and how she is dealing with this:

Jane is a psychic medium and has two sisters whom she loves dearly. Her older
sister isn’t really interested in metaphysics. They have a great relationship and
enjoy spending time together, but Jane’s abilities don’t really come up in
conversation. If they do, her sister listens politely, and then they’re onto the
next topic.

Jane’s younger sister, on the other hand, is not happy that Jane’s psychic. I
mean really, what will the neighbors think? Little sister taunts Jane every time
she sees her. She says things like:

 “When are you going to give up this nonsense?”

 “That stuff is dangerous!”
 “If you’re so psychic, why didn’t you know that was going to happen?”

Isn’t that annoying to read? Doesn’t it make you feel yucky? Now imagine how
poor Jane feels!

Jane may want to have a talk with her younger sister and say something like, “I
know you don’t like what I’m doing, and that’s okay. You are entitled to your
opinion, but when you say hurtful things and make fun of me, it makes me feel

During the conversation Jane should be firm, yet kind. She should not yell or
be disrespectful, as that will only inflame the situation. She may also want to
have an “exit strategy” in case her sister gets hostile. For example, if they are
talking on the telephone, saying something like, “This conversation is not
productive, so I’m going to hang up.”

If Jane’s sister continues to behave disrespectfully in the coming weeks and

months, Jane may decide to re-evaluate the situation and decide if the
relationship is worth continuing.

© 2014 Intuitive Souls Blog.


The day may come when you decide you want to go more public. For example,
you may want to set up a Facebook page to advertise your intuitive services
(many new readers do this to grow their clientele), or start a blog to chronicle
your journey and share it with others.

If and when you decide to take this step, great! It can be a lot of fun
interacting with other like-minded folk. There is one caveat though, and it is
this: You may find that people are a bit more opinionated on the Web. And
since you are highly intuitive, you are probably also an empath and therefore,
quite sensitive.

What does this mean, exactly? It means that if someone leaves an unkind
comment on your Facebook page or blog, it might make you feel bad.

But you shouldn’t let this deter you! Here are some tips for handling a Web

 Don’t take it personally – Remember: these people don’t know you.

Even if the comment is particularly unpleasant, it is usually because the
person who wrote it is ignorant about psychic abilities. So don’t sweat it!

 Don’t Engage - If a comment or message is rude or abusive, ignore it.

Do not message the individual back, or respond in any way, shape, or
form to these comments. Simply delete the comment and ban the person
from leaving further comments.

Note: I have seen people respond to these types of things and start all
out wars on their Facebook pages. And you know what happens then? It

© 2014 Intuitive Souls Blog.

snowballs and attracts more negativity. So delete and ban. Then, forget
about it and go about your day. And remember – it’s not personal!

 Practice Spiritual Maturity - If an individual writes a comment that

disagrees or criticizes with your post, but the comment is written in a
respectful way, consider keeping it. The reason for this is that is shows
you respect the viewpoints of others. It shows that you are spiritually

I’ve even gone so far as replying with things like, “Thank you for your
opinion,” or “I never thought about it like that.” (And of course, a smiley
face doesn’t hurt, either!)

So you see there’s no need to let a few bad apples spoil the whole bunch. You
are in charge of this apple tree, and it’s a wonderful opportunity for spiritual

Further Reading:

 How I Turned Hate Mail Into Something Positive

 Do You Have the Courage to be Yourself?



© 2014 Intuitive Souls Blog.

”Spiritual relationship is far more precious than physical.
Physical relationship divorced from spiritual is body without soul.”

– Mahatma Gandhi

M ost people who have fully embraced their intuitive gifts will tell you that
they have lost some friends through the years. But, who hasn’t lost some
old friends and gained new ones over the years? We grow; we change.

Whether you’re psychic or not, change is part of life. People grow apart, and
the Universe puts new people in our path. It’s all good! So as hard as it is,
sometimes it’s best to let them go. Have faith that the Universe will put people
in your path that will help you along your journey and continue your growth.

The following are a couple of examples of how relationships can change as a

result of our spiritual growth. Both have personally happened to me.


One day, you meet your friend Kate for lunch. You fill her in on what’s been
going on with you, including all of this super cool psychic stuff. Kate doesn’t
have much of a reaction, and you’re disappointed.

In the upcoming weeks that Kate starts avoiding your phone calls and things
suddenly come up when the two of you have plans. This makes you feel
terrible, and you start to second guess whether you should have just kept your
mouth shut. So what do you do now?

First of all, breathe. Everything’s okay. Remember what we talked about

earlier – intuition is a very natural thing! But it’s also a thing that many people
don’t understand. And when people don’t understand something, it can make
them uncomfortable.

© 2014 Intuitive Souls Blog.

Kate is on her path, and you are on yours. You’ve had your time together for a
reason, but it’s now okay to let Kate go. Is it sad? Yes. Should you regret
sharing your stories with Kate? No. Remember, everything happens for a
reason. Perhaps there was a lesson in this for her, or for you. Continue to


Elizabeth is an acquaintance. Every time she calls you, she wants to ask you
“one quick question.” Could you just quickly “tune in” for her with your abilities
and see what’s going on with her husband? Or, see if she should take that new
job? You get any vibes on that?

You start to wonder if good ol’ Liz is just using you to get free readings. You
assert yourself a little bit next time she calls and tell her that you’re too tired to
tune in. The next time she calls, you tell her you can’t because you have a
headache. And lo and behold, after this happens a few times, Liz stops calling.

The best advice I can give you here is to not let this happen in the first place.
Learn from my mistake: Set a policy from the beginning and don’t read for
friends or family.

Honestly, you are too close to your loved ones to see things objectively,
anyway. You can explain to them that intuition is very subtle, and, since you
know so much about them, it will be hard to differentiate between what
information is truly coming from Spirit, and what is coming from your own
thoughts. If they really feel as though they need a reading, give them the
name and number of a reader you trust.

© 2014 Intuitive Souls Blog.

”Let yourself be drawn by the stronger pull
of that which you truly love.”

– Rumi

O ur final step is the most important and also the most gratifying. This is the
time where you embrace your gifts. I’m talking about really loving and
appreciating them; about being grateful that you are awakened; thankful for all
of the wonderful growth you are experiencing; and all of the ways in which your
intuition guides you.

This is the time to realize that we are pioneers on the cusp of a new and higher
way of thinking. Think about it: Have you noticed that so many people are
intuitive these days? It certainly wasn’t like that in our grandma’s time! People
are flocking to metaphysical books and movies. A shift is occurring and our
souls are evolving. We are waking up and, as a species, becoming more
accepting and spiritual. Psychic ability and mediumship are becoming the new
norm. It’s exhilarating.

Tip: If you are uneasy using the word psychic to describe yourself, try using
the word intuitive instead. For many people, that word is a little softer.


Sometimes, people who are new in their awakening ask me things like, “Why
can’t I just be normal like everyone else?”

And then I tease them and say, “Nah, being normal is no fun!”

© 2014 Intuitive Souls Blog.

In all seriousness, you are normal - completely normal. Everyone has
intuition! Whether they choose to admit it or not, even the people who don’t
believe in “this stuff” have had a gut feeling at some time in their life.

One of the most critical steps towards embracing your gifts is accepting them
yourself. You really do have to love yourself first. I know that sounds
obvious, but it is often overlooked. We worry so much about what everyone
else thinks of us that we forget about loving ourselves. And we are the ones
that have to live with ourselves 24 hours a day!

Once you conquer this step, others will begin to see the Divine Light in you.
And if they don’t, their opinions won’t even matter!


One of the best things about your spiritual development is how much you grow.
It seems that each day you get to learn something new about yourself. You will
start to see things in a different light. It’s wonderful.

Here are some of the ways in which you will grow:

 Life becomes deeper and richer.

 Small, insignificant things will become unimportant.
 You will appreciate things more and not them things for granted.
 You will have more of a sense of calm and peace because you are
connected to a higher plane; you will understand that there is a “bigger
picture” than just the physical.
 Your confidence will increase.
 You will learn to love yourself, even though you’re not perfect. And you
will realize that no one living on this earth plane is perfect. We are all
here to learn.

© 2014 Intuitive Souls Blog.

Doesn’t that sound nice? Soak it all in and have fun with it!


Getting social is a great way to start embracing your gifts while having some
fun at the same time. So that is why I'm going to recommend to you that you
build up a support system.

It’s nice to have people to talk who understand what you are feeling. For
instance, I love my family dearly, but they don’t understand when I talk about
my clairaudience – but my intuitive friends do!

Here are some ideas to start getting social:

1. Join a local psychic development class - I have met some of the nicest
people at these classes and we’ve had a lot of laughs!

2. Check out a local spiritualist church – This is an especially good idea if

you are drawn to mediumship, as the spiritualist churches deal with spirit
communication. The energy in these churches can be very loving and
welcoming, and they typically offer classes to help with development.

3. Get Online - No groups in your area? No problem! Go online and get

social! There are an abundance of psychics and mediums with Facebook
pages. There are also:

 chat rooms
 metaphysical groups on Facebook that you can join for free

© 2014 Intuitive Souls Blog.

Tip: Take your time finding reputable people to connect with that are a good fit
for you. If you feel uncomfortable or if something feels “off,” steer clear of that
Facebook page or group.

Visit Intuitive Souls Blog’s Facebook page at:


I hope you have enjoyed this eBook on Embracing Your Gifts. Helping people in
their spiritual development journey is something that I love.

In my own journey, I’ve sat in literally hundreds of psychic and mediumship

development circles. Yet, the most profound education I received was working
with mentors who tailored my development around my individual gifts and

My mentors taught me things that I could not have learned in a hundred books!
Without them, I certainly would not be where I am today. Those times where I
felt lost, wanted to give up, or just needed someone to share my enthusiasm
with – my mentors were there. They taught me how to respect my gifts and
fine tune them so that I can use them for myself, and help others in a
responsible way.

Now, almost 15 years later, I am a mentor to others. What I’ve discovered in

this journey is that teaching in a heart-centered and aligned way is most
important to me.

Teaching others to develop their gifts from a place of love and not fear; and
have a connection with their own Inner Being is the foundation of making it –
and lasting – as a professional intuitive or medium. And of course, there’s all of

© 2014 Intuitive Souls Blog.

the fun exploring, too, such as developing your confidence and learning about
your unique gifts.

It’s a journey that is so incredibly rewarding and, if you are ready to work with
a mentor, I’d be honored for the opportunity to work with you.

Interested in having Jessica as your mentor? Click below to find out

more (testimonials below):

Private Mentoring with Jessica

I wish you the very best of luck. Go and let the divine light in you shine. And
above all else, remember to have fun and enjoy the journey!

Praise from Jessica’s Mentoring Clients
 “Choosing Jessica to be my Mentor has been THE best choice that I made
along my journey. Her warm, friendly, and down to earth approach is
extremely comforting. From our very first session, I instantly felt as though I
was talking to a close friend. Her ability to make others feel comfortable and
open up is a gift in itself. Each time we end our session, I am left feeling like
I am walking on sunshine! Aside from how much she has helped me and
coached me on how to work with my gifts, she has also been a shoulder to
lean on, and one of my biggest supporters! Walking a spiritual path and
choosing to develop your gifts can be a rocky, lonely road at first. Well, it
was for me anyway. Jessica has pulled me out of slumps, helped me to
release my fears, and taught me what it means to truly surrender. I feel so
honored to be able to learn from someone who in my opinion, is the perfect

© 2014 Intuitive Souls Blog.

role model. I hope to always mentor with her, regardless of where I am at on
my journey.” - Bridgette

 “'Eternally grateful', would be an understatement for what it was you

gave me this morning but these words are the most meaningful that a
'finite body' can produce.” - Troy D.

 “I feel I have grown immensely from your mentoring. You've taught me so

many things along this wonderful journey and I can never give you enough
thanks and gratitude. You are one of the only ones I fully trust to teach me
what I really need to know. You've helped me understand that I a medium,
and helped me bring all the pieces of my gifts together. You are a fantastic
teacher and mentor. Your kind and patient and so loving. You give homework
to work on in between speaking with you and care enough to want us to
follow up with you to let you know how we are progressing. We need more
mentors like you in the world that are teaching us to work through our heart
space. I can't thank you enough Jessica for being such an Inspiration and
Mentor to so many of us. The world needs more people like you at this time
as so many are waking up. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for
everything you've ever done for me.” - Lisa Booker

Praise for Readings

 "I want to say the reading you gave me was so amazing and accurate, it
amazed and dazed me. I so love your page and writing's they are so
inspirational and inviting I will be frequently coming to your page for
guidance and growth. I feel a great deal of it is here Love & Light" - Mary,
United States

© 2014 Intuitive Souls Blog.

 "Jessica did a reading for me in which she accessed the Akashic Records. First
off I absolutely LOVE the way she delivers the messages! So down to earth
with warmth, humor and most of all no holding back! She shares all she
sees/receives in such a way you feel as if you are experiencing exactly what she
is. She was very accurate with describing past & present issues, and offered
future insight and time frames in an honest manner. I highly recommend Jess to
anyone." - Erin, United States

 “The amazing way Jess describes how she receives your records and how she
relays the Spirit messages to you is nothing short of spectacular! Her details
are so complex and so detailed, you can literally "see" what she is seeing (and it
is no wonder as she sees your Soul from your own Records!) The time she spent
with me, not only validating my own premonitions and also confirming my own
"feelings" as I saw them, was the reason the reading was scheduled at the exact
time it was meant to. A reading by Jess is simply Divine and touches you in
a way that no other reading can do.” - Nicole, United States

 “What could I say? Wow! Your readings are amazing…. you deserve to know
how deeply they have touched me.” - M.R., Philippians

 "I want to leave some feedback on my recent reading from you. It was
fabulous! Simply amazing! Words cannot express enough my gratitude for
connecting with my dad and brother! I highly recommend Jessica to anyone
who would like to connect with a dearly departed loved one. For Father's Day
for my husband I made spaghetti and homemade meatballs, (I was sad on
Father's Day, this was my first Father's Day without my dad). Well, wouldn't
you know, my Dad came through and brought up spaghetti and meatballs! That
made my day!” - Lynn, United States

 “I can't thank you enough for the reading. From the moment the reading
started, I was blown away with how accurate and insightful it was. I felt like
you knew me from a deep soul level. You immediately made me feel safe
and comfortable and because you trusted so much in the Records, I was able to
focus on what felt like MY conversation with the Masters, Teachers & loved ones.
This reading confirmed for me a lot of things I intrinsically felt about myself.
Thank you again and I will be recommending your services to others without any
hesitation at all.” - Vicki C., Australia

© 2014 Intuitive Souls Blog.

 “I want to thank you again Jessica! I am still in awe with the reading you gave
me last Friday. It has been 30+ years since my parents have passed, and
having that "reunion" made me remember that they raised a strong and
intelligent woman. I somehow have lost that in the last 8 years or so. It really
opened my eyes! I want to thank you again.” - Shelly, United States

 “You are absolutely amazing! The reading about me described me to a “T.” I

shared the reading with my family and it brought so much comfort. I cannot
thank you enough!” – Sarah, United States

If you are interested in scheduling a reading with Jessica, you can contact
her here.

© 2014 Intuitive Souls Blog.


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