Vision Needed To Control The Flooding

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The community of Lismore was built by European settlement forcing and imposing

foreign culture where the two water ways met up. These are today known as the

Wilson River and Leycester Creek. Since 1830 it has endured devastating floods.

This conjunction of two waterways, along with the low topography and seasonal rains

massive land clearing resulted in severe flooding which has impacted the area on an

average once every three years.

Decades come and go , government of all levels win and loose power, almost all

ignoring the problem.

However if a sustained vision was begun and implemented floods in the area could be

at least regulated.

One community has shown the way. No it is not a alternative group of those seeking a

different lifestyle. Penrith is one of the wealthiest local governments in Australia.

For the 2000 Olympics the Penrith council with state government support built what I

is known as Penrith lakes, This is a large area of civil engineering construction

designed to capture water from the Nepean River.

It construction was actually free, profits were made from the material dug and sold.

Employment engaged hundreds of workers. The new wet land is capable of

supporting recreational water skiing, boat racing, world class rowing and kayak

events. Old land which was zoned previously as flood land was turned into a useful

community area, gentrifying the northern area of Penrith

It also allowed for an entire new development to be built on it foreshore.

Lismore has a vast area of such land which could be transformed with much more.

The space between Bexhill and Lismore, is basically similar to what north penrith

was like before the lakes development.

Another area would be close to Leycester towards Lismore's north west. It is a vast

area but the utilisation for the greater community is obvious.

This area if built as a water storage area would solve many immediate issue in the


For example there would be no need to build a new dam in Dunoon as water could be

stored for domestic household use, ecological regeneration could be achieved with

both wet land and rainforest ecosytem's put into place. Koala habitat designed and

maintained. Recreation would be available along with sporting facilities of a major

standards. . Tourism would flourish. Useless land would become valuable.

Employment for all would be a major benefit as it could involve skills needed in the

coming years to tackle climate change.

Investment opportunities would be cover the entire project in both the long term and


The development would capture flood water easing the impacts on the valley.

The Wilson River is one of the most polluted water ways in Australia. Lismore needs

a new direction. Everyone would be a winner.

It would not cost anything as sediment dug out would be sold allowing out Local

Government to maintain its current aims and projects.

For a sustainable society to continue to give higher standards of living , more

opportunities for our youth and business to work with the environment with in the

Richmond River Valley this development is not a pipe dream.

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