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Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?

If the students complete the high school, they should work or travel at
least a year before starting the university or they should directly start
the university.

Some people argue that when students complete high school, they should directly begin the
university. They also cite that after graduation from university, they should get a good job and
earn money. However, I strongly believe that students after completing their high school should
take at least a year off to travel and work before beginning the first year of university. I have a
number of reasons to support my stance regarding my view which I'll explore my reasons in the
following subsequent paragraphs.

First of all, working or traveling at least a year before beginning the university, will cause the
students to earn more money and save the money to spend it for their higher education. This
will help the students to continue their educations by having more confidence. I have to admit
that my opinion on this matter has been profoundly influenced by my own experience. You see,
when I was graduated from high school in Afghanistan and worked at least a year before
beginning university. As a result, I could save more money to spend for my higher education.
However, some people would like to start the university directly after their educations but at the
end they will face to the lack of money to continue for their higher educations. Therefore, they
would likely to stop their educations for having poor financial support. For this reason, it is very
important to work at least a year before starting the university to cover your four years of
education periods costs.

Second of all, traveling at least a year after graduating from high school and before starting the
university, will help the students to gain more experience to use them in their education periods.
Also, this will help them to learn new language for their communications. For example, a friend
of mine from Kabul before beginning his university, he traveled to the United States for at least
a year which helped him to learn a new international language (English language) and he used
that new learned language for his master and PhD degrees. In the past, students didn't tend to
travel and were hurrying up to complete university faster and didn't travel at least a year before
university. Hence, they didn't know any international language for communication for foreign
citizens. It is very beneficial for the students to travel at least a year to learn a new language
which will help them for their higher educational degree which they will have in the future.

In light of the above-mentioned reasons, I strongly believe that working or traveling after
completing high school and before starting the first year of university will cause the students to
save money for continuing their education and also the students will gain new experience with
new learning new international language for international communication or for their studying

Imagine if a teacher or a meeting leader lecturing in front of some

groups of people in a class or any other place and say something
wrong. What would you do when you recognize the mistake: 1.
Interrupt the lecture and mention the mistake to the teacher to correct
it. 2. Wait until the class is over, and the people are gone, then talk to
the teacher to correct the mistake. 3. Say nothing and keep listening.

Some people argue that if a teacher or a meeting leader made a mistake during lecture or
anything. Interrupting the teacher's or the meeting leader's lecture to correct the mistake right
away is the best way to prevent from misunderstanding. However, I strongly believe that waiting
after the class or the meeting is over, the people are gone, and then talk to the teacher or the
meeting leader. I have a number of reasons to support my stance which I'll explore my reasons
in the following subsequent paragraphs.

First of all, waiting until the class or the meeting is over and the people are gone, then talking
regarding the mistake to be corrected soon. This will not cause to remain any bad impression on
both the teacher and the students. However, some people directly interrupt and try to mention
the mistake to the leader or the teacher which causes to consume the lecturing's time at
discussing why, what, how ... this happened. I have to admit that my opinion on this matter has
been profoundly influenced by my own experience. You see, when I was in university, one day a
my biology teacher made a mistake during his lecture regarding the frog's food sources. I wait
until he finished the class and other my classmates left the class, then mentioned his about the
mistake to solve it. Other day, the same situation happened and a classmate of mine raised and
directly mentioned the teacher's mistake. That action of my classmate caused the whole
students to complain about the teacher. As a result we replace our biology teacher. It is very
important to during lecture if these kinds of things happened we should wait until all things
finished then mentioned the mistake to the appropriate teacher.

Secondly, waiting after the class and all things finished, then mentioning the mistake to the
teacher will cause the teacher to be so serious about his lectures and mistakes to prevent them
happening at the second time. For example, when I was in high school, I had a math teacher
who one day made a mistake in Algebra, I waited until the class finished and the students went
to their houses. I mentioned the mistake to the teacher to correct his mistake. Therefore, he
never made mistake again in the class. It is very certainly clear, if I said nothing to the teacher.
Our math teacher might often made mistakes again.

In light of the above-mentioned reasons, I strongly believe that waiting until the class or
meeting is over and the people are gone, then talking to the teacher or meeting leader to
correct to the mistake, will not cause any bad impression on the whole class or wasting the
lecturing's time. In addition, It also will cause the teacher to get more preparation at lecturing to
the students to prevent any mistake in the class.

Providing internet access is as important as building services, the

government should offer internet access to the citizens at no cost.

Do you agree or disagree?

Some people argue that providing internet access to the citizens of a country have some
drawbacks and isn't efficient to the citizens. They cite that providing internet access to people
and the citizens of a country would causes people to waste hours of their times on the internet.
Besides, providing internet access would causes the people to hack some bank accounts for
stealing illegal money. However, I strongly believe that providing internet access is as important
as other services such as- building roads, because internet access impacted positively on citizens
and the government should offer internet access to all of their citizens with no cost. Hence, I
provided a number of reasons to support my stance in the following subsequent paragraphs.

First of all, providing internet access at no cost would cause citizens of the countries to use the
internet effectively in life. Citizens can use internet for announcing the news around the world
and to find information about something like: preventing the headache, signs of cancer growth
and so on ... . I have to admit that my opinion on this matter has been profoundly influenced by
my own experience. You see, when I was in Tehran, internet access made me to find lots of
information about my thesis and the projects which I had in Tehran central university. Besides, it
helped me to get announced about the break news around the world such as- falling Afghan
government by terrorists (Taliban). As a result, I could do my thesis and my projects well. In
addition, I also announced about the world's newest events.
In the past, with the absent of internet access people couldn't aware about the world's newest
events and couldn't find out information about their thesis, their projects and so on ... .
For this reason, offering internet access is as important as other services that citizens can use it
as effective as possible.

Second of all, providing internet access with no cost caused people to earn money through
online marketing by advertising at Youtube, Facebook and so on ... . You see, people market
their products in the internet to make their product well-known to increase their customers to
buy their products to earn more profits and make money. For example, you see in Mazandaran,
companies advertise their products on the internet at Youtube channels and facebook pages to
escalate their customers to buy their products. Hence, people can make money through
internet. Providing internet access is very important that people and companies can earn money
through it.

In light of the above-mentioned reasons, I strongly believe that providing internet access
impacted positively on citizens at no cost because; they can aware about the world's newest
events, help citizens in their education and can make citizens and companies to escalate their
products' consumers to make more money.

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