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o 1.

If x is a positive integer and the units digit of x2 is 9 and the units digit of
(x+1)2 is 4, what is the units digit of (x+2)2?
o 1
o 3
o 5
o 6
o 14

2. If ½ of the money in a certain trust fund was invested in stocks, ¼ in bonds, 1/5 in mutual
fund and the remaining $10,000 in a government certificate, what was the total amount of
the trust fund?

o $ 10,000
o $ 15,000
o $ 200,000
o $ 500,000
o $ 2,000,000

3. Of the 3,600 employees of the Company X, 1/3 are clerical. If the clerical staff were to
be reduced by 1/3, what percent of the total number of the remaining employees would
be clerical?

o 25%
o 22.2%
o 20%
o 12.5%
o 11.1%

4. A certain bakery has 6 employees. It pays annual salaries of $ 14,000 to each 2

employees, $16,000 to 1 employee and $ 17,000 to each of the remaining employees. The
average (arithmetic mean) annual salary of these employees is closest to which of the
o $ 15,200
o $ 15,500
o $ 15,800
o $ 16,000
o $ 16,400

5. A rabbit on a controlled diet is fed daily 300 grams of a mixture of two foods, food X and
Y. Food X contains 10% protein and food Y contains 15% protein. If the rabbits diet
provides exactly 38 grams of protein daily, how many grams of food X are in the

o 100
o 140
o 150
o 160
o 200
6. The Earth travels around the Sun at a speed of approximately 18.5 miles per second.
This approximate speed is how many miles per hour ?

o 1,080
o 1,160
o 64,800
o 66,600
o 3,996,000

7. If x + 2y = 4 and x/y = 2, then x =

o 0
o 1/2
o 1
o 3/2
o 2

8. How many positive whole numbers less than 81 are NOT equal to squares of whole

o 9
o 70
o 71
o 72
o 73

9. If x2 = 2y3 and 2y =4, what is the value of x2 +y ?

o -14
o -2
o 3
o 6
o 18

10. If y = 4 + (x - 3)2, then y is least when x = ?

o 14
o 13
o 0
o 3
o 4

11. If x/y = 2/3, then (x – y)/x = ?

o -1/2
o -1/3
o 1/3
o 1/2
o 5/2

12. 1/(1+1/(2+1/3) = ?
o 3/10
o 7/10
o 6/7
o 10/7
o 10/3

13. If the sum of two numbers is 14 and their difference is 2, what is the product of the two
o 24
o 28
o 40
o 45
o 48

14. If y = 3x and z = 2y, then in terms of x , x + y + z = ?

o 10x
o 9x
o 8x
o 6x
o 5x

15. If 3/x +4/3x = 1/3, then x = ?

o 7
o 9
o 11
o 13
o 15

16. If xy-1 = 0, then y = ?

o -1/x
o 0
o 1
o 1/x
o x

17. One month Mary used 1/6 of her monthly salary for a car payment and ¼ more than the
car payment for rent. What fraction of her monthly salary did Mary use that month for
the car payment and the rent combined?

o 5/24
o 3/8
o 5/12
o 1/2
o 7/12

18. If a small juice can contains 200 milliliters of juice , how many liters of juice are there in
the 48 small cans contained in a case?
(1 liter = 1,000 milliliters)
o 0.96
o 9.6
o 96
o 960
o 9,600

19. At 9:00 a.m. train T left station and 2 hours later train S left the same station on a parallel
track. If train T averaged 60 km/hour and train S averaged 75 km/hour until S overtook T,
at what time did S overtake T ?
o 2:00 p.m.
o 5:00 p.m.
o 6:00 p.m.
o 7:00 p.m.
o 9:00 p.m.

20. Three times the first of three consecutive odd integers is 3 more than twice the third. Find
the third integer.
o 9
o 11
o 13
o 15
o 7

21. How many pure acid must be added to 20 ounces of a solution that is 5 % acid to
strengthen it to a solution that is 24% acid.

o 2.5
o 5
o 6
o 7.5
o 10

22. Barbara invests $ 2,400 in the Security National Bank at 5% . How much additional
money must she invest at 8 % so that the total annual income will be equal to 6% of her
entire investment.

o $2,400
o $3,600
o $1,000
o $3,000
o $1,200

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