Section 3 - Earthworks WATER

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3.15 TERMITES 42
3.17.9 Anthills 46

ECOPF0514P 29



Earthworks shall include all excavations, filling, embankments and forming,

whatever may be the materials and for whatever purpose they are required, and all
other works contingent upon or relating to excavations as required by the nature of
the Contract as described in the Specification and as shown on the drawings.


The whole of the excavation shown on the drawing for the several parts of the work
shall be carried out to the exact lines and levels, widths, lengths and depths
indicated on the drawings or to such other dimensions as may be directed.

No excavation, for any purpose whatever, shall be made on the site except as shown
on the drawings without the permission in writing of the Engineer.


The areas to be occupied by permanent work shall be cleared of all trees, brush,
stumps, roots, grass, weeds and decayed vegetable matter. Outside these areas or in
borrow areas the Engineer may require that selected trees or shrubs shall not be

Tree roots shall be grubbed up, and trees of girth greater than 1 metre measured 1
metre above the ground shall be logged and stacked. All timber shall remain the
property of the Employer, or alternatively the landowner where the work is being
carried out in a way-leave or easement.

Where directed, the excavations left by the removal of trees shall be backfilled and
consolidated to ground level. Such excavation, if they are below or contiguous to
structural foundations shall be filled with concrete as directed. Concrete so used
will be measured and paid for at rates given in the Bill of Quantities.

All vegetable debris shall be disposed of by burning and other debris shall be
disposed of as directed by the Engineer. Care shall be taken in the control and
lighting of fires to ensure that they do not spread. All surplus soil from site clearing
operations shall be left in windrows or spread as directed by the Engineer. Care
shall be taken to remove all grass and roots etc., which would, in the Engineer's
opinion adversely affect the consolidation and stability of completed earthworks.

Where directed, pipe tracks shall be cleared up to a minimum distance of 2 m on

each side of the centre line of the pipe, or to such other greater dimensions as the
Contractor may require to gain access and to construct the works. No clearance
shall be carried out outside the limits of the way leave or easement without the
written permission of the Engineer.

No ditches or natural drainage channels shall be filled in or blocked without the

permission of the Engineer.

ECOPF0514P 30

Where directed by the Engineer, or shown on the drawings, the Contractor shall
remove all topsoil to average depths of 150 mm as and where directed by the
Engineer, and deposit this separately from all other excavated materials in neat
stock piles, where directed. Alternatively, the Engineer may direct that this soil be
spread evenly over the surrounding area.


Excavation is considered under the following three different headings, depending

on the operational procedures involved: -

Type 1 - Trench excavation and backfill for pipelines

Type 2 - Excavation and backfill for structures

Type 3 - Bulk Machine Excavation (Cut and Fill)

3.5.1 Type 1 - Trench Excavation and Backfill for Pipelines

a. Trench Excavation

Unless otherwise specified or directed by the Engineer in writing, pipeline

trenches shall be excavated in any material to base width of 500 mm in
excess of the external diameter of the pipe or as detailed on the contract

The specified trench widths measured at the crown on concrete pipelines of

internal diameter greater than 300 mm, shall not be exceeded without the
Engineer's approval.

All trench excavations and related quantities, including rock, shall be based
on the trench widths specified above, and the Contractor shall allow in his
rates for any additional working space required for the making of joints, and
for the trimming of trenches to the correct grades, all to the satisfaction of
the Engineer, and also for the provision of adequate bedding depths or
specially shaped trench bottoms in accordance with the requirements of
Section 5 of this Specification.

b. Back-filling

Backfilling shall be carried out as soon as possible after the pipework has
successfully passed the inspection and has been approved in writing by the
Engineer. Specially selected material without stones or other substances
that in the opinion of the Engineer might cause damage to the permanent
work shall be used for filling around the pipework and to the height of at
least 150 mm above it. This material shall be thoroughly and evenly
compacted to give the pipework maximum support from the trench sides
and shall be carried out in such a manner that the pipework be continued by
replacing selected excavated material in 150 mm layers measured after

Each layer shall be well rammed and consolidated before the succeeding
layer is placed. Where ramming is done by hand the proportion of rammers
to fillers shall be three to one. If so directed by the Engineer, water shall be
ECOPF0514P 31
used, which the Contractor shall supply at his own cost. Backfilling of the
trench by mechanical excavator or bulldozer shall not be permitted. No
vegetation and fibrous material shall be included in the backfilling.

At the ground surface the filling shall be banked to about 150 mm above the
level of the adjacent ground surface and shall be maintained in this
condition until the completion of the period of maintenance.

The Contractor shall remove any excavated material, which the Engineer
considers to be unsuitable for backfill from site, and any subsequent lack of
excavated backfill material shall be made good with material as, ordered by
the Engineer in writing and paid for under Provisional Items in the Bill of

Where trenches cross bituminous surfaced or gravelled roads, particular

attention must be paid to compaction of the backfill and the replacement of
base materials to their original thickness in the order in which they were
laid. All compacting of backfill under roadways must be carried out with
mechanical rammers with the soil near optimum moisture conditions to
densities equal to or greater than the original material. Tests will be carried
out by the Engineer to ensure that adequate densities are achieved. Until
permanent reinstatement is carried out, the trench surface shall be
maintained in a sound condition slightly proud of the carriageway or other
surface, in such a way to prevent any possible injury to persons or property.
Loose material scuffed from the trench by wheels of traffic shall be
broomed back into place and trench surfaces in carriageway shall be
maintained in a neat and nuisance free manner to the satisfaction of the

The Local Authority, if any, will normally carry out permanent

reinstatement of bituminous surfaces. Where applicable, a Provisional Sum
has been included in the Bill of Quantities for this purpose.

The Contractor will be held responsible for any damage to permanent

reinstatement, which, in the Engineer's opinion, results from faulty

In the event of the Contractor being required to provide permanent

reinstatement he will provide a finished road base and surface at least equal
to that existing immediately before he entered the site. The Contractor shall
carry out such permanent reinstatement when ordered by the Engineer, and
must include in his rates for returning to site at regular intervals during the
Maintenance Period.

c. Stabilised Backfill

Where instructed by the Engineer, backfill to trenches shall be stabilised

with 5% cement by mass.

The material shall be dry mixed by either mixer or hand so that all
aggregations of material are broken down into individual particles. The
correct mass of cement shall then be added and the material dry mixed until
a completely uniform tilth is obtained.

Water shall be added to bring the material to within 1% of the optimum

moisture content and the material thoroughly mixed to give uniform
ECOPF0514P 32
moisture content. The material shall then be compacted insitu to a
minimum density of 93% MOD AASHTO. This will require a high degree
of compaction by hand ramming or by vibration or other mechanical
compaction plant.

3.5.2 Type 2 - Excavation and Backfilling for Structures

Excavation for foundations and structures shall be to the required dimension

and depths as detailed on the drawings, together with any further excavation
necessary for working space.

Excavation will be classified as in "soft" material and no measurement or

payment for extra excavation for working space will be allowed. Extra over
payment will be made for excavation in hard material or rock (Ref. Clause

The excavation rates should include for backfilling above base slabs and
around foundation walls as shown on the drawings and generally in
accordance with Clause 3.5.1. (b) Above.

3.5.3 Type 3 - Bulk Machine Excavations (Cut & Fill)

In general terms, this excavation shall be measured under two items. The
first is a cut or borrow to fill and compact item, which will be measured as
compacted fill, and the second is a cut to spoil item, which will be measured
as an insitu volume before excavation.

The Contractors tendered rates in the Bill of Quantities shall include for all
expenses necessary for complying with the Specification.

a. Cut and Borrow to Fill

Fills shall be constructed on the lines, levels, side slopes, grades, densities,
etc., indicated and directed on the drawings. The material used for fill
construction shall be selected and approved as specified or shown on the
drawings and shall be free from all deleterious matter. The item in the Bill
of Quantities for fill is based on a free haul of one kilometre for all fills
measured. Overhaul instructed, shall be measured separately.

The Engineer reserves the right to control excavation and to direct where
materials arising from cut shall be deposited and how and where they shall
be used, and also to direct where borrow materials, which may be essential
for fill, shall be obtained. This shall also include the control of the use of
rock spoil in rock fill embankment.

Before commencing work the Contractor shall ensure that he has adequate
instructions concerning the use of spoil from cut. No claims for double
handling will be considered.

The item in the Bill of Quantities for fill makes no distinction as to the
source of fill material, but fill material shall be obtained from cut when-ever
it is reasonable in the Engineer's opinion to do so.

b. Cut to Spoil

ECOPF0514P 33
Where any inferior material is encountered in the construction of the
earthwork, or where there is an excess of excavation over fill, the material
concerned shall, where directed, be cut to spoil in positions directed by the

Anthill material shall generally be excavated to a depth of 0,60 m below-

sub-grade or foundation level, and replaced with selected fill, which shall be
measured and paid for as a normal bill item on a cubic metre basis.

Before replacing the selected fill, the anthill shall be poisoned with an
approved pesticide.

c. Method of Compaction

Compaction shall be controlled to give the MOD. AASHTO field dry

densities specified on the drawings. It will be the Contractor's responsibility
to achieve these densities and where applicable the procedures outlined
below shall be complied with.

Where the material is transported to fill in heavy pneumatic tyre vehicles,

the required compaction will frequently be achieved by routing such
equipment uniformly over the whole width of the earthworks, and if
necessary making additional passes with loaded vehicles. Under the correct
conditions this procedure should give densities of approximately 90% MOD

i.) The material to be compacted shall be thoroughly broken up over

the full width and depth of the layer by means of scarifiers, disc
harrows, hand tools or other suitable equipment. All stone clods and
lumps with a maximum dimension larger than one-half of the
specified compacted thickness of layer concerned shall be broken
down unless otherwise authorised by the Engineer.

Where deemed necessary by the Engineer, the Contractor shall use

heavy grid rollers, sheepsfoot rollers, cleat rollers, flatwheel rollers,
and hand tools for braking down oversize material. Processing by
means of such equipment shall continue until the material so treated
has been broken down sufficiently to ensure that after compaction
the resulting layer shall be firm, well bonded and free from nests of
segregated materials. During such processing, the layer shall be
frequently scarified and bladed to ensure that oversize material is
brought to the surface of the layer.

ii.) Any water required before the material is compacted shall be added
to the material in successive applications by means of water
sprinklers fitted with proper sprinkler bars, or by means of pressure
distributors, all capable of applying the water evenly and uniformly
over the area concerned.

The water shall be thoroughly mixed with the material to be

compacted by means of ploughs, disc harrows, rotary mixers, motor
graders or other suitable equipment. Mixing shall continue until the
required amount of water has been added, and until a uniform and
homogenous mixture is obtained before compaction is commenced.

ECOPF0514P 34
The material is to be compacted at the optimum moisture for MOD
AASHTO density with an allowable tolerance of plus-one (1)
percent or minus-two (2) percentage of moisture of weight of dry
material. Should the mixture be too wet, due to rain or any other
cause, it shall be harrowed and allowed to dry out to a moisture
content conforming to the above requirements before compaction

iii.) Compaction shall be carried out in a series of continuous operations

over full width of the layer concerned, and the length of any section
of a layer being compacted shall whenever possible, be not less than
three hundred (300) metres, unless otherwise authorised by the
Engineer. The thickness of any one layer after compaction, shall be
in accordance with the Specification and drawings, and shall not
exceed 200 mm unless so authorised by the Engineer in writing.
This will depend on the plant used and the material being
compacted. Any new layer of less than 75 mm compacted thickness
shall be bonded to the underlying material by scarifying such
material to a depth not less than 150 mm after compaction.

The cost of such scarification shall be included in the tendered rates.

Compaction shall be carried out by means of grid rollers, sheepsfoot

rollers, cleat rollers, flatwheel road rollers, vibratory rollers, and/or
pneumatic rollers. The types of rollers to be used and the amount of
rolling to be done shall be such as to ensure that specified densities
are obtained. During compaction the layer shall be maintained to
required shape and cross-section, and all holes, ruts and depressions
corrected by frequent blading with motor graders. The formation
will be finished off by a flat wheeled roller to form a smooth base
for the sub-base or base to the specified cross falls and levels and to
the specified density.

Rock fill embankments shall have all interstices filled with approved
fill material and shall be compacted to the maximum possible state
of consolidation with all rocks in contact with adjacent rocks on all
faces. This shall normally be achieved by subjecting each layer to at
least eight (8) passes of a towed vibrating roller weighing not less
than 3 tons dead weight, or other approved plant.

Compaction in fills shall generally be controlled by taking a

specified number of passes of approved compaction plant over
layers of prepared fill material at the correct moisture content of
loose layer thickness not exceeding 200 mm unless otherwise
authorised by the Engineer.

The number of passes each item of the Contractor's compaction

plant requires to achieve the specified densities, shall be determined
by means of a full scale compaction trials.

Notwithstanding such trials, no approval by the Engineer of any

method of compaction shall relieve the Contractor of any of his
responsibilities for obtaining the compacted densities specified or
for fulfilling all the conditions imposed by the Specification.

d. Tolerances
ECOPF0514P 35
Position, Dimensions, Levels, Etc.

The degree of accuracy of the finished work shall be within the following limits

(Degree II accuracy shall apply if no degree of accuracy is specified)

Permissible Deviation Degree

of Accuracy PD
mm mm mm
a) Excavation for structural Foundations

[1] Position in Plan

PD in plan of any point measured from
+50 +35 +25
the nearest grid line

[2] Dimension in Plan

PD from the design dimensions +75 +50 +25

[3] Foundation
(i.e. level of underside of concrete
except to floor slab) PD in level of surface of +75 +50 +25
excavation trimmed to receive concrete

[4] Level
PD from design level with reference to
+20 +15 +10
the nearest transferred bench mark

Permissible Deviation Degree

of Accuracy PD
mm mm mm

b) Terraces and Embankments

(1) Position of top edge of Embankment*

+450 +300 +150
PD from designated position of any
point, measured from nearest grid line

(2) Alignment at top edge of Embankment

+200 +100 +50
PD from a line joining any two points
30m apart on top edge of embankment

+160 +50 +50

(3) Finished levels
PD from designated levels with
reference to nearest transferred

ECOPF0514P 36
[4] Slopes of top surfaces
PD from direction of slope
PD from rate of fall Nil Nil Nil
1 in 100 to 1 in 300 20% 10% 5%
1 in 400 and flatter 10% 5% 2%

* Subject to the break line between

intersecting slopes being acceptably

Moisture Content and Density

The permissible deviation from OMC and density shall, except where otherwise
specified, be as given below, appropriate to the degree of accuracy specified for a
particular class of work

Permissible Deviation Degree of

Accuracy PD
mm mm Mm

(1) OMC in field during compaction +2% -2% +1% +0%
(2) Specified density (where it does not 0% 0% 0%
conflict with the statistical control of No top No top +2%
acceptance) limit limit No top

e) Soil Testing

i.) General

During the progress of the works, the Contractor shall have tests
taken and results submitted to the Engineer, on the materials and
workmanship in order to ensure compliance with the specification.

ii.) Method of Testing

All testing shall comply with SAZS. 185 Part 1 and Part 2 Method
of Testing Soils for Civil Engineering Purposes'.

iii) Acceptance of Test Results

The acceptance of the compaction density of a lot shall be a

statistical method of acceptance control as set out in this
specification entitled “STATISTICAL CONTROL OF

iv) Testing of Earthworks, Sub-grade, Sub-base Shoulders and Base


ECOPF0514P 37
After a visual acceptance of a completed section of the works, a
number of tests are to be carried out to ensure compliance with the
specifications. Frequency of these tests shall be as in the table
following: -



FILL (PER 3 Tests per Lot or part thereof


SUB-GRADE 3 Tests per Lot or part thereof

SUB-BASE 3 Tests per Lot or part thereof

BASE 3 Tests per Lot or part thereof

SHOULDER 3 Tests per Lot or part thereof

The Engineer may reduce or increase the number of testing at his

discretion, if the statistical method of acceptance control for
judgment of compliance with the specified density requirement is or
is not met.

Dry density determination of cement or stabilised layers shall be

carried out between 4 -6 hours after mixing of the stabilising agent.

v.) Cost of Testing

The contractor is to include in his rates for all tests required to

comply with the specification.

An approved laboratory shall carry out all testing and the Contractor
is to supply the name of the proposed soils laboratory for approval
before work commences.


3.6.1. Excavation in Trenches or Confined Spaces

a. Excavation in trenches or confined spaces, whether carried out by hand

labour or trenching machine, shall be divided into three classes, namely
"soft" material, "hard" material and "rock", as described in Clause 4.4.8 of
the Standard Method of measurement of Civil Engineering Quantities
(Second Addition May 1984).

"Rock” shall be further defined as: -

i. Solid undecomposed boulders exceeding 0.10m3 in volume.


ECOPF0514P 38
ii. Solid unweathered crystalline material in bulk or in banks or ledges,
which in the Engineer's opinion, cannot be broken up or removed,
except by the use of explosives.


Material shall be defined as that material which requires for its

practicable removal the use of pneumatic tools, mechanical
breakers, or special cutting tools to mechanical excavators.


Material shall be defined as that material more easily excavated

than, and not falling into the categories of "rock" of 'hard" material.

b. Measurement of Rock

In all cases excavation in "Rock" shall be paid for on the net volume to be
removed only and no payment will be made in respect of over-break.

No excavation in "Rock" or "Hard" Material shall commence until the

quantities to be removed have been measured and agreed by the Engineer,
and furthermore if this procedure is not followed the Engineer may refuse to
certify for payment any such work under taken.

3.6.2 For Roadworks and Bulk Machine Excavation

Rock Excavation

Material that can only be removed by extensive use of explosives.

Hard Excavation

a. Material which can only be efficiently removed by a crawler tractor of at

least 270 drawbar horsepower and fitted with a matched hydraulic bulldozer
and hydraulic ripper, all in sound mechanical condition. For clarification,
this definition covers tractors in the Caterpillar D8H range. This class of
equipment or better will be acceptable.

(This definition does not include saturated soil)

b. If appropriate equipment is not available on site, the Engineer will estimate

the classes of material by taking into account the power and performance of
machines actually on site.

c. Boulder excavation means the removal of material consisting of boulders,

bigger than 0.25 cubic metres. Where it is estimated that 75% or more of
any excavation consists of such boulders, the excavation will be as Hard

Common Excavation

All material other than Rock and Hard Excavation is classified as Common
Excavation. Where it is estimated that less than 75% of any excavation
consists of boulder material, the excavation will be measured and paid for as
common excavation.
ECOPF0514P 39

In the event of any excavation being carried out wider or deeper than authorised, the
Contractor, at his own expense, shall fill them in with approved fill, to the required
dimensions or levels to a density of at least equal to the density of the surrounding
soil. If the excess excavation occurs under structures, the backfill shall be concrete,
as directed by the Engineer, all at the Contractor's expense.


Water shall not be allowed to accumulate at any part of the workings. The
Contractor shall take all risks from water, clean or foul, whatever the source or
cause may be, and shall at his own expense, effectually drain and keep dry all the
works during construction and take due care to prevent surface water soaking in.
All side channels, sumps or temporary excavations for dewatering shall be formed,
maintained and used, outside of and clear of the man works, and shall be properly
filled in when their use ceases.

Any works necessary to divert or control water or to dewater foundations or other

working areas shall be to the Contractor's cost and must be allowed for in his rates.


Blasting may be resorted to whenever required, strictly under Government or

Municipal Regulations, but in no case so as to impair or injure any foundation, wall,
pipeline or structure, completed or partly completed. If in any situation blasting in
considered dangerous, the same shall not be resorted to; the Engineer's decision in
this respect shall be final.

Should any damage occur, the Contractor shall, at his own expense, carry out such
work of repair or restoration as the Engineer may direct and shall be fully and solely
responsible for such damage or any claims that may arise there from. Care shall be
taken that no undischarged cartridges are left in the excavation. The Contractor's
attention is drawn to the explosive regulations outlined - Zimbabwe Government
Notice 531 to 535 inclusive and 1271.

Should blasting be likely to interfere with the operations of any other Contractors,
times will be set by the Engineer for such blasting, if authorised. The Contractor
shall give adequate warning to such other Contractors or to road users or any other
persons in the neighbourhood that blasting is about to take place. Careless or
indiscriminate use of explosives will result in the Engineer withdrawing permission
for their use, and, under such circumstances the Contractor shall resort to other
methods of excavation.


The unit rates quoted in the Bill of Quantities for excavation shall include for the
use of all timber and for all labour in placing and withdrawing the timber required
for properly supporting and timbering the works in such a manner as to ensure the
safety of workmen shall be complied with. The Contractor shall be held entirely
responsible for any accident, subsidence, slip or damage caused by defective or
insufficient timbering, careless workmanship or any other cause whatsoever and for
all costs involved, including reinstatement. The Contractor’s attention is drawn to
the relevant clauses in the Factory’s Act. I.e.

Factory and Works (General) Regulations RGN 263/76

ECOPF0514P 40

Factory and Works (Building, Structural and Excavation Works) Regulations RGN

The Contractor must keep copies of these regulations on site


Material from excavation shall be used or disposed of under the direction of the
Engineer. Surplus material from trench or other construction or material such as
refuse and anthills, which is unsuitable for backfilling and/or the construction of
fills, shall be disposed of by stockpiling adjacent to borrow pits for future use as
backfilling in rehabilitating the pits where applicable or as directed by the Engineer.
Excavated material shall not be wasted indiscriminately and the Contractor shall
first obtain the Engineer's approval before spoiling any material arising from

Should the Engineer decide that local spreading of surplus spoil is not desirable, the
Contractor shall load up, cart, unload, spread and level to the approval of the
Engineer, all included in the basic excavation rate.

In the case of trench excavation, the Engineer reserves the right to direct the
Contractor to stack spoil on one side of the trench only in existing business and
residential areas and to provide gaps in the windrows so formed for pedestrians and
vehicular crossings.

Spoil heaps shall be such as to cause a minimum of inconvenience to the public and
traffic and to disrupt kerb line parking for as short a period as possible, and shall be
of such a height as will not interfere with driver vision.


Where, in the opinion of the Engineer, it is not practicable or advisable to cast

concrete directly against the faces of excavation, the Engineer shall direct the use of
external shutters.

Where the use of outside shutters is made necessary through any action of the
Contractor, which is contrary to the Specification, then no payment shall be made
for either the working space or the outside shuttering.


Where shown on the drawings or instructed by the Engineer, top soiling and
grassing of earthworks shall be carried out.

The Contractor shall ensure that the earthworks are correct, as regards density,
shape, line and level before starting top soiling operations.

Topsoil shall be taken from approved stockpiles and spread uniformly over the
designated area to a depth of 100 mm measured normal to the slope after light
rolling. The layer of topsoil shall be rolled with a hand roller to seal the surface.
Care shall be taken that no soil is allowed access to any embankment surface drain.

Grass shall be planted in clumps or drills, according to the habit of the grass. Drills
and lines of clumps shall be 200 mm apart measured down the slope of the bank
ECOPF0514P 41
and shall be located horizontally. Clumps shall be not more than 200 mm apart.
The runners shall be staggered on lines normal to the top of the bank to prevent the
formation of erosion channels.

The grass shall be of a runner variety, Starr No. 2 (Couch) or Kikuyu, of a type
suited to local conditions capable of giving a dense ad well-knit sward. The source
and type of grass shall be to the approval of the Engineer.

Wherever possible, grass shall be planted just prior to or at the beginning of

the rainy season and the Contractor shall arrange his grassing programme
accordingly. The Contractor shall observe the growth of grass during the
rainy season and replant any areas where the grass has failed to root
satisfactorily. The size of the clump used for all plantings shall be such that
the growth of cover shall be as rapid as possible.

Plantings shall be kept damp until such time as the grass is properly established.

Should the bank be damaged by rain, wash ways shall be re-paired and the grass be
replanted at the Contractor's expense.

Providing the top soiling and grassing have been properly carried out in accordance
with the Specification and to the satisfaction of the Engineer, the Contractor shall
not be held responsible for any failure of the grass to grow, spread or cover the
surface effectively after the end of the rainy season. Should the Engineer then
decide that any area requires replanting with grass; such replanting shall be
measured as new work.

The Contractor may be called upon to supply fertiliser to the embankment after
planting grass if the rate of growth is unsatisfactory. The fertiliser to be used shall
be an approved proprietary brand, which promotes root development. Fertiliser
shall be applied by placing carefully measured amounts in "dibble" holes punched
into the topsoil. These holes shall be laid out in a square pattern with 300 mm
sides. Fertiliser shall be applied in successive applications of approximately 220 kg
per hectare.


If any unsound material occurs in the bottom of any excavation it shall be removed
and disposed of and the resulting space, shall be filled with 10 Mpa Concrete or as
directed by the Engineer.

Payment for this work will be made at the rates stated in the Bill of Quantities,
provided that the unsoundness of the formation is not due to the Contractor's failure
to keep the excavation free from clean or foul water and also provided that such
work has been ordered by the Engineer (in writing) thereto.


Where termite nests are encountered on the site the Contractor may be directed to
excavate and remove these and refill and consolidate the resulting hole with a
suitable material. This work shall be paid for at the rates stated in the Bill of
Quantities but no claim for such payment will be considered for holes excavated
unless directed. The Contractor shall state in the Tender Documents his price for
the supply of termite poison and its application by means of watering cans or other
suitable means. The termite poison shall consist of a 5% solution of

ECOPF0514P 42
pentachlorophenol in used engine oil or other approved solvent evenly spread at the
rate of 4,2 litres per square metre and shall be applied only if directed.


Where the removal or demolition of existing structures is called for on the drawings
or in the Bill of Quantities, such structures whether above or below ground shall be
demolished completely and unless otherwise directed, all material resulting from
demolition work shall be collected, stored and handed over to the Employer when
directed. Structures to be demolished shall include buildings of whatever
construction, foundations, floor slabs, fencing, water pipelines, sewers and drains,
manholes, inspection chambers, gulleys, walls, piers, poles anchored in the ground,
wires, cables, culverts, stormwater drains, ditches, sumps, earth and retaining walls,
buried ducts, septic tanks, soakaways and any other structures or portions of
structures which for the purpose of this clause shall be declared to be subject to
demolition work. All structures below ground level shall be grubbed up and
removed and the resulting holes filled with approved material.


3.17.1 Site Clearance

General site clearance shall be measured in square metres or hectares; pipe

track clearance where directed, shall be measured in lineal metres
irrespective of the pipe diameter.

Trees over 1 metre in girth measured 1 m above ground shall be measured

under separate items, and shall not be removed unless so directed.

The prices tendered and paid for clearing site shall include for all labour,
plant, materials, and cartage in the operations outlined above, as well as for
overheads and Contractor's profits.

3.17.2 Soil Stripping

Soil stripping shall be measured in square metres and allow for the removal
of 100 mm of topsoil.

3.17.3 Excavation for Pipe Trenches

Unless otherwise stated in the billed item excavation for pipe trenches will
be paid for per lineal metre run for the particular diameter of pipe at the
depths to invert billed and the rates quoted shall include for excavation in
soft material (Ref Clause 3.6) any extra working room over the trench
widths or depths specified, return fill and ram, spread and level surplus,
timbering, dewatering, working in half road widths and all other contingent
items described or implied herein.

The lineal measurement will be continuous through catchpits etc., and

additional excavation required of the catchpits and boxes should be allowed
for by the Contractor in his price for catchpit boxes etc.

The depths indicated on the drawings are from natural ground level to the
invert level of the pipe and this depth will be used for measurement
purposes. The Contractor must allow in his rates for the extra excavation to

ECOPF0514P 43
the underside of the pipe and the underside of the bedding material where
shown on the drawings.

He must also allow for special shaped trench bottoms where specified and
shown on the drawings and for trimming to grade. Where the natural
ground level has been lowered before trench excavation has commenced,
the depth of the trench will be measured from the reduced ground level.

Where the trench passes through an anthill or other artificial embankment,

the Contractor will be paid per cubic meter for a trench 900 mm wide or 500
mm wider than the nominal diameter of the relevant pipe, whichever is the
greater, for all excavation above ground level.

When ordered in writing by the Engineer, extra excavation in the trench, 75

mm below trench or bedding bottom, in unsuitable material, and refilling
with sand or approved granular soil or concrete, shall be measured and paid
for on a square metre basis on the trench widths specified or detailed.

An extra-over payment measured in cubic metres will be made for

excavations in hard material or rock (Ref 3.6).

Rates for excavation are to include for all necessary timbering, dewatering,
stormwater protection, protection of other services, also backfilling and
consolidating where applicable and for additional working space not
elsewhere specifically allowed for.

3.17.4 Excavation for Structures

All excavation in which concrete is to be placed shall be measured in cubic

metres as soft material to the depths shown on the drawings and to the
greatest spread of the concrete to be placed therein or as specified. An
Extra-over payment will be made for hard material or rock.

Except as specified all footings and foundations slabs shall be poured

against the excavations without outside formwork.

The rates quoted must allow for all associated operations precautions,
dewatering etc., for backfilling over footings and behind walls, and for
spreading or carting the surplus material to waste.

3.17.5 Bulk Excavations

Payment will be made once only for material moved either from cut or
borrow to fill and cut to spoil. The rate tendered for material hauled must
include allowance for free haul as well as for loading time, waiting and
unloading time etc., which are common to trips of all lengths.

All measurements shall be net and excavations or fills in excess of the

authorised cross sections, as shown on the drawings, or as directed, shall not
be paid for. The rates quoted shall be deemed to include for all costs
entailed in location, abstraction, and storage of water haulage to site and
application, wherever required. The said rates shall also include for the cost
of compaction trails, testing of materials etc., all as specified.

The removal of materials in slips, slides or subsidence and overbreak of

rock extending beyond the lines or slopes, or below the levels shown on the
ECOPF0514P 44
drawings, or required by the Engineer will not be paid. The Contractor is to
include in his prices for dewatering and all timbering necessary for the
protection and safety of excavation.

a. Fills: (One Kilometre free haul)

The unit of measurement for fills arising from cut or borrow, shall be the
cubic metre of material measured as Common Excavation in fill after
compaction, and shall be computed by the method of average end areas
from levelled cross sections taken before and after construction of the fill at
20 metre intervals on centre line. All measurement shall be net. The
Contractor's rates shall include for haulage up to one kilometre, unloading,
spreading, application of water and mixing if necessary, compaction to 90%
MOD AASHTO DENSITY and for trimming to final level.

Extra Over payment for Rock and Hard Excavation will be made in
accordance with Clause 3.6

b. Cut to Spoil: (One Kilometre free haul)

The unit of measurement shall be the cubic metre of material, measured in

place before excavation and computed by the method of average end areas
from levelled cross sections taken before and after excavation at 20 m
intervals on centre line. All measurement shall be net, and the Contractor's
rate shall include for all costs as in (a) above.

Where measurement in place is not considered practicable by the Engineer

spoil may be measured in vehicles on the site, seventy (70) per cent of the
measured volume in the truck being accepted as the equivalent volume of
soil and gravel in place before excavation, and fifty (50) per cent of the
measured volume in the truck being accepted as the equivalent volume of
broken rock or stone in place before excavation.

Extra over payments for Rock and Hard Excavation will be made in
accordance with Clause 3.6.

c. Overhaul

Overhaul payments for haul distances greater than one kilometre will be
paid on an m3 km measured basis. The volume of material will be
measured as in (a) and (b) above and the distance will be the overhaul
distance as assessed by the Engineer to the nearest 100-m. The unit of
payment is the product of this volume and distance.

3.17.6 Stabilised Backfill

The unit of measurement for stabilised backfill shall be on the cubic metre
compacted volume and the tendered rate shall be paid extra-over trench
excavation and back fill based on the trench widths specified and detailed.

3.17.7 Working Space

Excavation of working space for fixing, propping and removing external

shutters shall be measured as part of the general excavation. The volume
measured shall be measured either vertically above the outer limits of

ECOPF0514P 45
finished foundations or within a distance of 600 mm measured from the
shuttered surface.

No excavation for working space shall be paid for except where external
shuttering is directed by the Engineer in substitution for casting concrete
directly against the fact of excavation.

3.17.8 Top soiling and Grassing

The unit of measurement for top soiling and grassing shall be the square
metre of surface grassed, measured in the plane of the bank.

The unit of measurement for fertilising after planting shall be per 50

kilograms of fertiliser ordered and applied.

The price tendered and paid for each square metre of top-soiling and grass
planting shall include full compensation for loading, carting, unloading,
spreading, levelling and seal rolling of topsoil and for procuring and
supplying on site approved fresh grass for planting in drills or clumps, as the
case may be, together with all necessary operations connected therewith, for
such replanting as may be necessary in terms of the Specification
irrespective of the number of items areas may be replanted, as well as for
the provision of all supervision, labour, transport, plant, equipment, tools,
water, irrespective of haul, materials and incidentals necessary to complete,
protect and maintain the work prescribed in this Specification. If any
application of super phosphate at the time of planting (1 kg/m2) is called for
in the Bill of Quantities then this should be allowed for in the tendered rate.

The price tendered and paid for each 50 kg of fertiliser shall include full
compensation for procuring and making available on site approved
fertiliser, for setting out and punching dibble holes and filling such holes
with approved amounts of fertiliser, as well as for the provision of all
supervision, labour, transport, storage, plant, equipment, tools, materials and
incidentals necessary to complete the work in accordance with the

Weeding and cutting of grass shall be paid for at dayworks rates, where
instructed by the Engineer. Extra watering of grass not covered by this
Specification, which may be ordered by the Engineer, shall be paid for at
dayworks rates.

3.17.9 Anthills

Nothing shall entitle the Contractor to payment for anthill excavation unless
the Engineer measures the quantities before excavation is commenced.

Volumes of anthills shall be measured using the formula V = C 2 x H/ 25,2.

Where. V is the volume in m3. C is the circumference in metres around the
base, taken at the point where the steep slope commences. H is the average
vertical height in metres from points on the circumference to the top of the
main body of the anthill (ignoring any stalagmite tip).

Anthill excavation shall be paid for at a rate per cubic metre, which shall
include for removal of excavated material to any part of the site within 1
kilometre free haul distance and spreading and levelling as directed.

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