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Practice Worksheet 5

Grade VII
Session 2022-2023
Modals; Conjunctions

Q1. Choose the correct answer.

1. I ______ be able to furnish you with all the information you require.
A) should
B) need
C) used to
D) can

2. My tooth aches. I ______ see a dentist one of these days.

A) have to
B) must
C) need
D) dare

3. You ______ hurry. You still have an hour left.

A) mustn't
B) should
C) could

4. We ______ see that everything was in order before the guests arrived.
A) have to
B) must
C) shall
D) had to

5. She ______ not have missed it; it was right in front of her.
A) must
B) could
C) will
D) need

6. The flight ______ be delayed because of the bad weather. A)

B) ought to
C) may
D) shall

7. You ______ buy whatever you like with the money. A)

B) can
C) will
D) ought to

8. He ______ not do that; it is against the regulations.

A) need
B) shall
C) could
D) must

9. The mechanic ______ have detected the fault by the time you get back.
A) can
B) will
C) must
D) might

10. He left the office early, so he ______ be home by now.

A) can
B) may
C) need
D) should

Q2. Complete each sentence with a suitable modal verb

1. You ______ queue up before boarding the bus.
2. The players ______ to come for practice if they want to beat the other team.
3. If it rains tomorrow, we ______ cancel the extra class.
4. ______ you like to come to my house on Deepavali day ?
5. She ______ listen to her father's advice about her future husband.
6. You ______ help your parents at home.
7. He ______ cook a delicious meal for ten in one hour.
8. You ______ not take advantage of people's weaknesses.
9. He ______ not hesitate to lodge a complaint if it happens again.
10. Ali ______ take a break after that back-breaking job.

Q3. Combine the sentences below by using correct subordinating conjunctions.

1. I haven't seen Jimmy. We graduated from University of Malaya.
2. Most of us are worried. The company may lay off some employees.
3. The guests enjoyed the dessert. They had eaten the main course.
4. Every customer will get a ten percent discount. They spend more than one hundred
5. The animals will attack us. They feel threatened.

Q4. Fill in the blanks with the correct conjunctions.

1. He must train very hard ______ he will lose the competition.
2. The teacher punished the boy ______ he misbehaved.
3. I will not allow you to watch television ______ you clean your room first.
4. Allan brought some food for the party ______ he was not asked to do so.
5. You had better hand in your work on time ______ you will be in trouble.
6. They decided not to attend the concert ______ the tickets were too expensive.
7. The residents wrote a letter _______ sent it to the local town council.
8. The kidnappers will not release the child ______ the parents do not pay the ransom.
9. _______ I don't usually like spicy food, I enjoyed the chicken curry your mother
10. The movie will start at 9 p.m. ______ end an hour later.

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