Grade VII HY S. Sc. Sample Paper Answer Key

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1. c. The Rajputs
2. b. False
3. b. introduced a number of schemes that failed miserably.
4. a. True
5. c. Discretionary powers
6. d. North Atlantic Drift
7. b. Only Statement 2 is correct
8. c. Sun
9. b. lumbering
10. c. very high temperature near the equator
11. a. Executive
12. a. lithosphere
13. d. Took help of the chalgans
14. b. To have some seats reserved for economically weaker sections.
15. d. the great variety of life on Earth
16. d. USA
17. c. Statement II is correct while Statement I is incorrect.
18. d. disadvantaged people
19. d. All of the above
20. a. two
21. d. Sikkim
22. a. Only (A)
23. c. Devpala

1. Ziauddin Barani
2. Wave length
3. Kandla port
4. Fraternity
5. Universal Adult Franchise
6. The Sub- Polar Low Pressure Belt
7. 25 years
8. 6 years
9. Broach
10. Land breeze/ Sea breeze/ Mountain breeze/ Valley breeze

1. Iltutmish’s daughter, Razia, though more able and qualified than all her brothers was removed
from the throne because the nobles in her court were uncomfortable at having a lady as their
ruler. As a result, differences within the court became the order of the day and Razia was
removed from the throne in 1240 CE.
Balban succeeded her as the next Sultan.

2. Greenhouse effect is the effect produced by carbon dioxide and water vapour in the upper
atmosphere which raises the atmospheric temperature by trapping the heat radiated from the
Earth’s surface.
Two causes which have led to an increased greenhouse effect in recent years are:
i) increased burning of fossil fuels
ii) factory emissions

3. Local winds blow over small areas for a short duration and are associated with weather
changes. Eg., Loo in India, Chinook in North America, Foehn in Europe, Harmattan in northern
Africa, Mistral in northern Mediterranean coast. (any two )

4. Impressive achievements of Midday Meal Scheme are as follows:

i. Increased attendance in schools: More and more students have started enrolling and attending
school because of this scheme. Also previously the students used to go home for lunch and not
return post lunch. With this scheme, students need not go home for the same and attend the
school in an uninterrupted manner.
ii. Uninterrupted work for mothers: Previously the mothers had to leave their work and attend to
their kids when they came home for lunch but after this scheme was implemented there is no
need for them to do so.
iii. Reduction in caste prejudices: Children from all castes and classes sit together and eat their
meal, and in many cases Dalit women are employed to cook the meal. This has helped in
reducing caste prejudices to some extent.
iv. Better concentration in studies: When the poor students are not hungry, they can concentrate
and study better in the school.
(any three)

5. The three types of assemblies which played an important part in local administration were:
i) Ur: An assembly of common villages where the land was held by all classes of people who
were, therefore, entitled to membership in the local assembly.
ii) Sabha was an exclusively brahmin assembly of the brahmadeya villages where all the land
belonged to the brahmins. It comprises the elite or learned in the community and commanded the
respect of all the other assemblies in settling crucial matters of common concern.
iii) The nagaram was an assembly of local merchants where traders and merchants were in a
dominant position.

1. Alauddin Khalji fixed the prices of all commodities from grain to cloth, slaves, cattle, etc. A
controller of the market called the shahna-i-mandi and intelligence officers known as barids were
appointed to implement the market control measures. He established granaries in Delhi and
Rajasthan to collect grains from the grain merchants.

2. Under the Cholas, temples emerged as the hub of ecnomic, political and cultural activties. The
village assembly held its meeting in the hall of the temples, called mandapa. Temples also grew
as centres of art as is evident in the creation of bronze images which are a characteristic feature
of the period. Cultural activities like music and dance prospered in the temples.

The Chola period is renowned for the artistic growth it exhibited. The Nataraja or the Dancing
Siva image at the temple of Chidambaram is described as the cultural epitome of the Chola
period. Cholas also patronised painting. The pradakshinapath of the Rajarajesvara temple houses
the most important Chola paintings.

3. Rosa Parks was an African- American woman who became instrumental in starting an
agitation against the discriminatory practices.

One day, when she was returning from work, she refused to give her bus seat to a white man.
(people of African origin were supposed to give seats to white people in the bus). This refusal
started a huge agitation against the fair skinned, known as the Civil Rights Movement. As a
result of this, the government enforced the Civil Rrights Act of 1964 that prohibited
discrimination on the grounds of race, religion, colour or creed.

4. The four major pressure belts on Earth are:

 The Equatorial Low Pressure Belt (5°N to 5°S)
 The Sub-Tropical High Pressure Belt (30°N & S to 35°N & S)
 The Sub-Polar Low Pressure Belt (60°N & S to 65°N & S)
 The Polar High Pressure Belt (90°N & S)
i. b. Member of Legislative Assembly
ii. c. majority
iii. d. Union Parliament

iv. d. Chief Minister

v. c. Legislative Assembly

i. d. Both a and b
ii. c. two
iii. a. Persian wheel, spinning wheel
iv. b. Islam was introduced in India.
v. a. Latin
vi. a. True



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