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How to set up a letter template

Whether you use Word in an office or in your home, one of the tasks you probably use it for most often is writing letters. If you’re in a big corporate or law office, you
probably have fancy preprinted letterhead and a template set up by some corporate IT person. But if your office is small or you’re a home user, you are the IT person, and
you need to know how to set up a template for creating letters.1 This article will explain how to set up such a template, either for printing on preprinted letterhead or to print
the letterhead along with the letter.

Important Note: This article was written for Word 2007 and above—versions that use the Ribbon. If you are using Word 2003 or earlier, please see the
corresponding article for toolbar versions. Both articles use the same principles, and both require a knowledge of how to work with headers and footers,
anchored objects, and styles in order to carry out the instructions that follow. Information on these subjects can be found in specific articles (such as "Making
the most of headers and footers") to which links have been provided throughout. Screen shots below that are new for Ribbon versions were captured in Word
2010; the Ribbon tabs and other features will be very similar in other Ribbon versions.

Letterhead for a one-page letter

Letterhead for a multi-page letter

More complex letterhead (different margins on first page)

Body of the letter

Letterhead for a one-page letter

In this section you will learn to create or use letterhead that looks like the example below:

Figure 1. A simple letterhead

New users often begin by typing a letterhead at the top of the document body. But the default 1″ top margin may put this letterhead too far down, and if you change the top
margin, it will be too small on page 2. Moreover, when you create a new document, the insertion point will be at the beginning of the letterhead instead of where you want to
begin the letter. The proper place for the letterhead, therefore, is in the document header.

Any text you put in a header appears on every page of the document, and you won’t want the letterhead on your second sheets. Luckily, Word allows you to have a
different header just for the first page of any document, and a little later we’ll see how to do that. For now, here’s how to set up a letter template for short (one-page) letters
using Word’s default margin settings (1″ all around, with 0.5″ header and footer margins).

Printing your own letterhead

1. Open the header pane by double-clicking in the header area (that is, above the document body). If you have never created a header before, take a moment to look
around and orient yourself (to learn more about headers and footers, read "Making the most of headers and footers"). If you are already familiar with using headers
and footers, skip to item 2.

Your insertion point is now in the header pane of your document. The header pane, which is defined by a dotted line, is an area within the top margin. The header
and footer are in a different “layer” from the main document; when you are in the header pane, any text you have in the document body will appear dimmed. When
you return to the document body, the header text will appear dimmed.

Figure 2. Header pane

When the header pane is activated, you can also access the footer pane. Whenever you are in the header or footer pane, the contextual Header and Footer Tools |
Design tab is displayed (in Word 2019 and above, this tab is called just Header & Footer). This Ribbon tab contains a number of useful features for header and
footer creation, as we will see.
Figure 3. The Header and Footer Tools | Design tab

When you are in the document header or footer, you can return to the document by double-clicking in the document body area or by clicking Close on the Header
and Footer Tools | Design tab.

2. With the insertion point in the Header pane, type the text you want to appear in your letterhead. This can be as simple as the John Q. Sample example shown in
Figure 1 or more complex, like the legal-style example shown in Figure 3.

Figure 4. Typical letterhead for a small law firm

Important Note: Word 2007 and above provide built-in header and footer “building blocks”—some plain and some very fancy—that can be
inserted from the galleries accessed by clicking the Header and Footer buttons in the Header & Footer group on the Header & Footer Tools |
Design tab or the Insert tab. You do not have to use these! Even the one called “Blank” includes a “content control” in which you are meant to
enter text. This can be very confusing. Even more confusing is that, if you have inserted one of these Header or Footer building blocks and then
want to add a page number, and if you choose one of the building blocks from the Page Number gallery, it will replace the header or footer you
previously inserted (and on which you may already have expended considerable effort). You can avoid these problems by creating your
letterhead directly in the header using the same editing and formatting techniques you would use in the body of the document.

3. Many users like to set up a letterhead such as the one in Figure 4 using a table. I have never found this necessary, and tables in headers can be a source of
problems, so I would advise avoiding tables unless your letterhead components cannot be arranged any other way. If you do choose to use a table, note that there
will be an empty paragraph following the table (Word insists on this); you can use this to create “breathing room” between the letterhead and the body of the letter.

By default, the Header and Footer styles have a center tab stop at the center of the line and a right tab stop at the right margin. (If you are unfamiliar with these
terms, see the article “Setting tabs, Or how to prevent tabbed paragraphs from going all over the place when pasted between documents.”) If you have changed the
side margins of your document, you will need to move these tab stops so they will be in the true center and at the new right margin. The easiest way to do this is
using the ruler. You can use these built-in tab stops to place text at the left, center, and right of your header.

In the letterhead in Figure 4, I removed the center tab stop for the second paragraph since it was not being used. The first paragraph is centered using paragraph
alignment since this is simpler than inserting a tab character on each line to center it.

4. The default header margin in Word is 0.5″, which is ideal placement for most running heads. For a letterhead, especially for short letters, it may appear too high. In
the letterhead in Figure 4, I added 18 points Spacing Before to the first paragraph to drop it an additional 0.25″ (in the Paragraph dialog, use the spinner beside
Spacing: Before: or type directly into the box). I could equally well have set the header margin to 0.75″ (which is in fact what I did in Figure 1). I also added some
space above and below the second paragraph, to separate the two parts of the letterhead and to allow some “breathing room” between the letterhead and the letter

No matter how deep you make your header, and regardless of your top margin setting, the header will not (except in very special circumstances) overlap the
document body; it will push it down. So it is not necessary to change the top margin, a fact we will take advantage of later on.

Creating a header for preprinted letterhead

If your letter will be printed on headed letter paper (preprinted letterhead), all you need to do is assure that the body of your document will not overlap the printing. If the
letterhead is confined to the top (header) and bottom (footer) of the paper, this is relatively simple. If the letterhead includes elements at the sides of the page, see “More
complex letterhead” below. For another discussion of this subject, see “How to have different margins on the first page.”

For one-page letters, you might find it easiest to increase the top margin enough to clear the letterhead. There is nothing wrong with this method except that it is not what
you will want to do when you have longer letters. So you will be better advised to follow the procedure that follows.

On a sheet of the preprinted letterhead paper, measure from the top to the point below the printed portion where you want your letter to begin; be sure to allow some
“breathing room” because the letter will start at the top margin you establish. Let’s say that measurement is 2″.

The default header margin in Word is 0.5″, and the default top margin is 1″. This allows half an inch for a header, but a header can be as deep as you want it to be; it will
push the document body down to make room for itself. (But a deep header on page 1 need not affect the top margin on page 2, where your header may be only one line
deep.) So what you want to do is add enough Spacing After to the Header paragraph to make it push the top margin down to the 2″ mark (in the Paragraph dialog, use the
spinner beside Spacing: After: or type directly into the box). This may require some trial and error, but it helps if you know that there are 72 points in an inch. The Header
paragraph in Word 2007 and above) is in 11-pt type and is already half an inch from the top. So if you multiply 1.5″ by 72 and subtract 12 (allowing for leading in the Single
line spacing), you get 96 points, which turns out to be about right. Test by returning to your document and looking at the status bar to see what the “At” measurement is for
the top line. (If your status bar does not display “At,” right-click on the status bar and click “Vertical Page Position” to turn it on.)

If there is printing at the bottom of your letterhead that requires a larger bottom margin, use the same technique to increase the footer: add Spacing Before to the Footer
paragraph to push the document body up. Note, however, that a 1.5″ bottom margin is conventional on business letters, and this is adequate to accommodate most
preprinted footers.

Letterhead for a multi-page letter

Whether you’re using preprinted letterhead or creating the letterhead as part of your letter, you may run into the problem of what to do when your letter is more than one
page long. Whether you have inserted your letterhead in the header or just allowed a deeper margin to accommodate it, you don’t want the letterhead or deeper margin on
the second page. Users sometimes go to extraordinary lengths to work this out, but the procedure is really quite simple. The following steps will outline the most efficient
way to do it, which is not necessarily the way you will want to do it the first time you try (I’ll address that at the end).

1. Open the Header pane as in Step 1 above.

2. The first thing you will do is set up the header you want to appear on the second and subsequent pages (this is counterintuitive, but, as I said, it is the most efficient
way to tackle this task).

For many letters, especially personal ones, a simple page number will suffice, but Word 2007 and above make it absurdly difficult to get a simple page number. Avoid
the Page Number gallery. All the page numbers there, plain or fancy, as building blocks and will replace any other content you have in the header or footer. The only
way you can insert just a page number in the header or footer without wiping out other content is to choose Current Position. If you want a fancy page number, go
ahead, but if all you want is just a plain number, you can easily insert it anywhere you like (even in the body of the document) with the keyboard shortcut

Figure 5. Page Number gallery

When you insert the page number (no matter how you do it), it will be displayed as “1,” but it is actually a { PAGE } field that will update on each page (when you’re
finished with your template, the first place it will appear will be on the second page, so it will say “2”).

If you don’t want anything in the header but a page number, you’ll probably want to center it or put it at the right margin; the easiest way to do this is to center or
right-align the whole header paragraph, but if you have the ruler displayed, you’ll see that Word has provided two tab stops—a center one in the center of the line
and a right one at the right margin—as part of the Header style.2 You can use these to create a more complex header. Perhaps you’d like it to include the date and
the letter recipient’s name as well as the page number, something like this:

John Doe 2 March 19, 2004

You can use a CreateDate field to insert the date automatically. Be wary of using the Date and Time button on the Ribbon, as this inserts a Date field, which will
update every time you open the document, and this is rarely what you want. The CreateDate field inserts the date the document was created, and it will never update
(the template itself will always reflect its own creation date, and the field in your document may not update until you print, but it will reflect the document’s creation

As for the recipient’s name, there are various ways to get Word to insert this automatically, but they are beyond the scope of this article. You may want to type in a
placeholder and then replace it in the actual letter as needed.

3. After you have the second-page header set up to your satisfaction, check the box for “Different First Page” (shown above in Figure 5).

If you are using printed letterhead that begins 0.75″ from the top of the paper, you may want your second-page header to be at that position as well. In that case, set
your header margin to 0.75″ using the spinner beside “Header from top” in the Position group on the Header & Footer Tools | Design tab. If you do this, you will
need to increase the top margin to, say, 1.5″. This will reduce the amount of space you’ll need to add to the Header paragraph on page 1 (as described above).

To change the top margin, select the Page Layout tab, click on Margins in the Page Setup group, and select Custom Margins… This will open the Page Setup
dialog (shown below in Figure 6). Another way to open this dialog is to use the dialog launcher (the small arrow in the bottom right corner) in the Page Setup group.
But the easiest way to open it is to double-click at the top of the horizontal ruler if you have that displayed (which I strongly recommend).
Figure 6. The Page Setup dialog

4. When you return to the header pane, the Header you just set up will have vanished. In its place will be the First Page Header. This is where you will create your
letterhead. Word will remember the Header you created, though, and will use it whenever your letter reaches a second page.

I acknowledged that this order of creation is unintuitive because it requires you to start with page 2. Beginners are often skeptical about or confused by this. If you doubt
that your Header has been saved, enter a manual page break (Ctrl+Enter) to reassure yourself that the Header is still there (be sure to Backspace to remove the page
break before saving your template). Or you may be more comfortable starting out with two pages of text so you can see how it will look with the headers and footers in
place. For this purpose you may want to insert some dummy text.

More complex letterhead

As you’ve seen, having a different header and footer on the first page allows you to, in effect, create a different top and/or bottom margin on the first page. But what if you
need a larger left or right margin to accommodate letterhead elements at the side of the page? This is where you have to get really creative.

The standard method of accomplishing this is a borderless3 text box or frame in the margin, anchored to the header paragraph. In other words, while the insertion point is in
the header pane, draw a text box or frame at the side of the page.

To insert a text box, select the Insert tab. In the Text group, click Text Box to open the menu and select Draw Text Box. Drag the mouse to draw a text box of
approximately the needed size.

Ribbon versions of Word have made it much more difficult to insert a frame (though frames are superior for some uses). If you have the Developer tab enabled, you
can find the Insert Frame button in the Legacy Forms tools under Legacy Tools in the Controls group, but to make it easy to use, you will need to add the button
to the Quick Access Toolbar. To do this, right-click on the QAT and choose Customize Quick Access Toolbar. In the Customize Quick Access Toolbar dialog,
select the Commands Not in the Ribbon category and scroll down to Insert Horizontal Frame. Click Add>> to add it to the QAT. When you use the Insert Frame
button, you will get a default frame of a set size, which you can drag to resize.

For this purpose, it won’t make much difference whether you use a text box or a frame; use whichever you are more comfortable with. You don’t have to get the size and
position exactly right when you first insert it; you can fine-tune it later. The idea is to make the text box or frame overlap the document body area just enough to push the
letter text out of the way of the printed letterhead. This may require some trial and error. Text will automatically wrap around a frame; to make it wrap around a text box, you
may have to change the wrapping on the text box from “In Front of Text” or “None” (the default in some versions of Word) to “Square.”

When you select a text box, the contextual Drawing Tools | Format tab will be displayed. The Wrap Text dropdown in the Arrange group will allow you to change
the wrapping style. Click Position, then More Layout Options… to specify the exact position. You can drag the text box to the desired size, observing the
measurements in the Size group, or change them directly in the spin boxes. Or you can click the dialog launcher in the Size group to access the Layout dialog,
which allows you to define the size, position, and wrapping style of the text box all in one place. By default, the text box will have a black outline. To remove it, click
the Shape Outline button in the Shape Styles group on the Drawing Tools | Format tab (Shape Format in recent versions) and choose No Outline.

When you select a frame, you will not get a contextual Ribbon tab. Instead, double-click on the frame border, or right-click and choose Format Frame, to open the
Frame dialog, which allows you to set the size, position, and wrapping style for the frame. By default the frame will have a border, which you will have to remove: on
the Home tab, click the arrow beside the bottom right button in the Paragraph group (in Word 2013 and above, this button is labeled Borders; in Word 2007 and
2010, it is Bottom Border by default but changes to whatever you have last used). On the menu, click No Border.

Once you have removed the border from a frame or the outline from a text box, it will become invisible unless selected. To make it easier to find and work with, enable the
display of text boundaries by checking the box for “Show text boundaries” under “Show document content” in Word's Advanced Options (Office Button | Word Options |
Advanced in Word 2007; File | Options | Advanced in Word 2010 and above).

If you’re replicating actual letterhead with elements at the side, then you will need to be more precise in sizing and placement of your text box or frame and formatting the
text inside it. You will also have to be more careful in setting the “Distance from text” to allow space between this text and the letter body. With some practice you can get
results such as those shown in Figure 7.
Figure 7. Example of a letterhead with side elements

One caveat about this type of layout: Left indents and hanging indents do not work when used next to the text box or frame. Another approach to this type of layout, then is
to use indented styles (instead of the text box/frame) on the first page of the letter, reverting to normal, unindented styles on page 2. This would require always allowing a
paragraph break between the two pages, however.

Body of the letter

Word contains a number of built-in styles that you can use in your letter. These include Date, Salutation, Body Text, Closing, and Signature, which you can customize as
you like. You may want to add Inside Address, Subject Line, Copy List, and Enclosures. You can save yourself a lot of work by setting these styles up carefully.

Since the body of your letter is going to have a single empty paragraph in it anyway, apply the Date style to this. If you send most letters the same day you compose them,
you can save even more time by inserting a CreateDate field in this paragraph (see “Making a date”). Whether you leave the paragraph empty or have Word fill the date in
for you, you can make Word set up your next paragraph for you. In the Modify Style dialog, change the “Style for following paragraph” to Inside Address (or whatever you
have called the style you use for this purpose). Now, when you press Enter at the end of the Date paragraph, you will be in a new paragraph formatted with the Inside
Address style.

In similar fashion, set the following style for Inside Address to be Salutation (or Subject Line if your letters usually include one). The following style for Salutation should be
Body Text.

You may want to create empty paragraphs in all these styles that you can just click and type in. Whether you do this or not, you may want to type in your complimentary
close (Closing style) and signature (Signature style), followed by an empty paragraph formatted in the Enclosures or Copy List style if you use these often.

If you have never created a template of any kind, you may want to first look at this article, which explains the basics.
2If you have changed your left and right margins, you will need to move these tab stops so they are in the center and at the new right margin.

To remove the border from a text box, go to the Colors and Lines tab of the Format Text Box dialog and select No Line for the line color. To remove a border from a
frame, choose None in the Borders and Shading dialog or No Border on the Borders palette on the Formatting toolbar.

This article copyright © 2002, 2004, 2008, 2014, 2018, 2023 by Suzanne S. Barnhill.

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