Job Search Lesson 1

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Job search

Lesson 1: Preparing Your Resume

• Sometimes called a curriculum vitae or CV
• Usually has the following parts:
• Name and contact information
• Summary or objective
• Work experience
• Skills
• Education
• References

Job Search
Name and Contact
• Indicate your full name, mobile number and
email address
• Use an email address that is based on your
name and easy for potential employers to


Job Search
Summary or Objective
• 1 to 2 sentences highlighting achievements, top skills,
work objective
• Skip buzzwords like "hardworking" or "team player"
• Include a hard skill or soft skill
• Mention career passions and why you are applying for
the position

“Computer Science graduate passionate about data engineering and machine

learning. Highly-capable leader, having led multiple Senior class projects to
completion. Proficient in a range of modern technologies including Python, Java and
Scala. Looking for opportunities to further enhance skills in functional programming
and data analytics."

Job Search
work experience
• Companies understand that fresh graduates
do not have formal job experience
• Describe other activities that show your
skills and work ethic, such as:
• Part-time work
• Work for family business
• Internships
• Volunteer work
• Extra-curricular activities like clubs and sports

Job Search
• Describe hard skills, which are related to
specific knowledge and abilities needed for
a job, such as:
• Project management skills
• Computer skills
• Copywriting
• Graphic design
• Bookkeeping
• Research

Job Search
• Describe soft skills, which are related to
personal qualities that can help you do well
in the workplace, such as:
• Details-orientation
• Adaptability
• Communication skills (oral and written)
• Problem-solving
• Time management
• Resourcefulness

Job Search
Example for college graduate:
education ABC University, 2016 – 2021
Bachelor of Arts in Psychology, Cum Laude
• List your most recent educational Merit Scholar
experience first
XYZ High School, 2012 – 2016
• Include the name of the school, Honors section, final class average of 91.5
years attended, honors received Class representative, Student Council
and positions held
• May also include certification Example for current college student:
courses and vocational classes 123 University, 2019 – present
Bachelor of Arts in Marketing
Diploma expected 2023
Completed Coursework: Accounting,
Marketing Research, Consumer Behavior

Job Search
• Refer to people who can provide a
prospective employer with insight on your
job performance, personality, and work style
• Can be a former teacher, class adviser,
guidance counselor or supervisor

Job Search
resume format
• There are several resume templates online
that you can choose from
• Make sure your resume looks neat, easy to
read and professional
• Use a simple font
• Use clear headings, bullet points and short
• Double-check spelling and grammar

Job Search

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