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Classical EncyypHion Techniques eee KE 1. Substhetion Technigue Tn this technique Ihe leHers Are vreplacel by other letters or symbols, ~. Trangasition Techique. Aprhing Some sort of permutation en the plaintext letters. Varieus substitetion techniques are. caesar cipher Mencafphabetic. [eo [ep [a BS LP PE Ea G At aera Se [eel 13 |u| | 6 | ty wilolP ie nw h 4 Cc = g Le * E N Algovitnre ee For each plaintext letter ‘Pp’, Subsirhete the ciphertact lebter ‘c, C= ECp,k) med 26 = Cpt) mod 26 p= De, n) met a6 = (e-&) med 26 Exarple t are Encypt “Hello world * Uusigg Caesar cipher p> Fle elalerpl iz] Kl # lo] ¢ > elelelelalz [elelelal Q @ Playfair cipher Ak Se * Manual Symmetric encryption Technique. + Dented in 1854 by charles wheatstone Exarepie Given message = "graduate" and key =" wore » To find ciphertext Soluton: Le Sx & marin constractel using & keyword Cwerd.) } wlo|Rip Bl clete WTA & fe N[PIais PTTb Reales: ES |. Brag Digrams . Repeating Letters ~ Filler letter 2. Same column [| wrap around, 4 Sama Yow || wrap around 5 Rectagia |<] swap plaintext? graduate Step1. Digrams @@e®O ar [aa ua fte gy > EA Coifferent your) > Follow Rule. 5 ad > Ww (same ww) > follow Rule 4 us zw ( Different wou) > forow Kula 5 fe 86 (Different 700) -> follow Rule 5 Plaintect 7S graduate, aoa Ciphertect S BAWAZW RG, veneer Q) Hilidipher The till Algovitn mn C= Blep) = Px te mod 26 P= DCO) = C kt mod & = Cee.) = CP Py ro) (io : ken k Ks Kan kas PX Kx kK! mod 26 1= CP, Kn Pa bay #Py Kay) mad 26 Cs 22 CPW + Bika PP, kg.) mol 26 Co . C Ata +R hst gy) mad 26 Example! ae . “) Encrypt the plaintext "Pay more money ~ usr 0 cipher with key eae 2) 1@ Bt 2 19 Solution. T jean Plalyllel> le | mle n je) aaa ae : eS 1s |o {oa fiz |e4 fi [4 [ia a Lo |e. Nore 3 For 7 + values Ref. page 4+ keg= 3x2 matrix Plaintet = Pay mer Smo gy Encrypting “pay” 7 oe rratis te 26) = & 0 241 a wy a, | me 26 2 2 149. = (iSxcrt tonal +24K2 ISKITFOXIEL 2A Ig x5 boxalt24xiq,) mad 26 = (203 303 53/) mod 26 = (7 17 Hn) GRC) ees Sivilariy for Enoxypting “mor" ciphertext 7S MWB Boeryptngg "emo" Ciphertect is KAS Enoypiig “ney Clpherfiret rs PDH. a % Finauy) the ciphertect is RRLMWBKAS PD! nae Transpasition Cipher Rasl Fence Technique quence of diagonals > The plaintext 79 unitten down as a 9 and then readoff as a sequence Sf rows. Fea : Axamls. Enoypt ie message “Artificial Thtelligete. ” with a dLapth of 2 Solution ARE Plain text Dept, is wows la] |e 7| a A e you 2 Now yead Youw1 and tren your to get ciphertert Athcattllecri¢cinelgne Cpphertect ¢ @ Row column Transposition 22 SSeS Cee x A mora Complex Scheme Rectangle has to b2 createl with number of vours and. ¥ Columns (Detidedk by Sendo & Rocives) # Write 2 Row by Tow \ 3 e Real ? Column by Column , ~ key + erder of the Column xooris laintect 3 artificial intelligence. P igen Sept create a ‘rectangle . let us Create 5x § veefangle step2) Fi plaiotact In You by vows aa alrle]i iF éle ft fajJ F|njeltels ‘lila le lo — ese atee tal oys lees L—> empyy can be fillect by gastSome alphabet . Step2 ! Read Catum by column us th et tthe key value . Key => 4001 2 5 2 _ L Read. The above uiith vespect to column number Cipherted’ Yenieflinztitgxitllaee y a

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