Practical 05 - Working With CLI

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Computer Networks Lab

Version 1.0
Working with Command Line Interface (CLI)

Open the router e sim software on your machine, click on “Agree”. Follow the
following steps serially and of course read carefully “what you actually did” column.
One thing- if you do not understand what you are doing, then you will be in difficulty
to do the upcoming assignment. So, if you have difficulties then please ask me. There
is something what I need to inform you during this lab. I will perform them when

You will configure total 5 routers in the scenario. Lab_A router has been configured
below. You yourself need to configure the rest of the 4 routers- Lab_B, Lab_C,
Lab_D and Lab_E.

Serial Steps What you actually did

01 Press enter You are now on user mode. Mostly used to
view statistics.
02 Type enable You are now on privileged mode. You can
only view and change configuration of a
Cisco router in this mode.
03 Type configure terminal You are now global configuration mode. In
this mode, what you do, affects entire router
04 Type hostname Lab_A You named the router
05 Type enable secret class You set a secured password to the router
which is class
06 Type line console 0 There is only one console port. You are
going to that console port

Rushdi Shams Dept of CSE, KUET

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07 Type login Console port is now logged in
08 Type password cisco You set the password cisco in the console
09 Type line vty 0 4 You are going to the telnet access port of
the router. 0 and 4 are the lines through
which telnet access takes place
10 Type login telnet access port in now logged in
11 Type password cisco Yout set the password cisco in the console
12 Type exit Exit from line
13 Type ethernet 0 You are entering to the ethernet 0 interface
14 Type ip address You have put the ethernet 0 interface address and subnet mask
15 Type no shut The interface is up now
16 Type ethernet 1 You are entering to the ethernet 1 interface
17 Type ip address You have put the ethernet 1 interface address and subnet mask
18 Type no shut The interface is up now
19 Type serial 0 You are entering to the serial 0 interface
20 Type ip address You have put the serial 0 interface address and subnet mask
21 Type clock rate 56000 You set the clock rate to 56000 bits per
22 Type no shut The interface is up now
23 Type exit Exit from the interface mode
24 Type router rip You now defined the routing protocol for
Lab_A router
25 Type network You defined the three networks that are
covered by the router in 25, 26 and 27
numbered steps
26 Type network
27 Type network

Now, take a look at the scenario and the steps in the table. Here is what you exactly

 Steps 1-3 you made to make yourself in a position so that you can configure
 Steps 4-5 you made to do 2 common tasks- assigning name and password to
 Steps 6-8 you made to make the console port of Lab_A active
 Steps 9-11 you made to make the telnet working correctly for Lab_A
 Steps 12 you made to finish your job for steps 6-11
 Steps 13-15 you made to make ethernet 0 interface working for Lab_A

Rushdi Shams Dept of CSE, KUET

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 Steps 16-18 you made to make ethernet 1 interface working for Lab_A
 Steps 19-22 you made to make serial 0 interface working for Lab_A
 Step 23 you made to finish your job for steps 13-22
 Step 24 you made to define the routing protocol for Lab_A
 Steps 25-26 you made to define the networks associated with Lab_A

These are the common steps during configuring of any router. So, by following the
steps and why you took that step, you now need to configure the other routers. They
will be almost same in processing. The command lines you put to configure each
router should be presented in a form of a report. So, you need to write down the
command lines as you have no option on e-sim to save your work. Sorry about that


 Make yourself in a position so that you can configure Lab_B

 Do 2 common tasks- assigning name and password to Lab_B
 Make the console port of Lab_B active
 Make the telnet working correctly for Lab_B
 Finish your job with console port and telnet
 Make ethernet 0 interface working for Lab_B
 Make serial 0 interface working for Lab_B
 Make serial 1 interface working for Lab_B (note that you don’t have to put
clock rate for serial 1)
 Finish your job with interfaces
 Define the routing protocol for Lab_B
 Define the networks associated with Lab_B


 Make yourself in a position so that you can configure Lab_C

 Do 2 common tasks- assigning name and password to Lab_C
 Make the console port of Lab_C active
 Make the telnet working correctly for Lab_C
 Finish your job with console port and telnet
 Make ethernet 0 interface working for Lab_C
 Make serial 0 interface working for Lab_C
 Make serial 1 interface working for Lab_C (note that you don’t have to put
clock rate for serial 1)
 Finish your job with interfaces
 Define the routing protocol for Lab_C
 Define the networks associated with Lab_C


 Make yourself in a position so that you can configure Lab_D

 Do 2 common tasks- assigning name and password to Lab_D
 Make the console port of Lab_D active
 Make the telnet working correctly for Lab_D
 Finish your job with console port and telnet

Rushdi Shams Dept of CSE, KUET

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 Make ethernet 0 interface working for Lab_D
 Make serial 1 interface working for Lab_D (note that you don’t have to put
clock rate for serial 1)
 Finish your job with interfaces
 Define the routing protocol for Lab_D
 Define the networks associated with Lab_D


 Make yourself in a position so that you can configure Lab_E

 Do 2 common tasks- assigning name and password to Lab_E
 Make the console port of Lab_E active
 Make the telnet working correctly for Lab_E
 Finish your job with console port and telnet
 Make ethernet 0 interface working for Lab_B
 Finish your job with interfaces
 Define the routing protocol for Lab_B
 Define the networks associated with Lab_B


A report with Introduction, Scenario, 4 tables for 4 routers that contain serial, steps
and what you actually did column, conclusion.

The report must be delivered both in .doc format and in printed format. I will not
accept any hand written report.
You should not copy other people’s work. If you take a reference from the Internet or
other source, then appropriately state them in the end of your report. You will be
penalized a resubmission if you copy any of your classmate’s work (that classmate
will be penalized too for this) or if you take ideas from the Internet or other source
but do not refer to them at all.

Rushdi Shams Dept of CSE, KUET

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