Benchmarking Quantum Processor Performance at Scale

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Benchmarking Quantum Processor Performance at Scale

David C. McKay,∗ Ian Hincks, Emily J. Pritchett, Malcolm Carroll, Luke C. G. Govia, and Seth T. Merkel
IBM Quantum
(Dated: November 13, 2023)
As quantum processors grow, new performance benchmarks are required to capture the full qual-
ity of the devices at scale. While quantum volume is an excellent benchmark, it focuses on the
highest quality subset of the device and so is unable to indicate the average performance over a
large number of connected qubits. Furthermore, it is a discrete pass/fail and so is not reflective of
continuous improvements in hardware nor does it provide quantitative direction to large-scale algo-
rithms. For example, there may be value in error mitigated Hamiltonian simulation at scale with
devices unable to pass strict quantum volume tests. Here we discuss a scalable benchmark which
measures the fidelity of a connecting set of two-qubit gates over N qubits by measuring gate errors
arXiv:2311.05933v1 [quant-ph] 10 Nov 2023

using simultaneous direct randomized benchmarking in disjoint layers. Our layer fidelity can be eas-
ily related to algorithmic run time, via γ defined in Ref. [1] that can be used to estimate the number
of circuits required for error mitigation. The protocol is efficient and obtains all the pair rates in
the layered structure. Compared to regular (isolated) RB this approach is sensitive to crosstalk. As
an example we measure a N = 80 (100) qubit layer fidelity on a 127 qubit fixed-coupling “Eagle”
processor (ibm sherbrooke) of 0.26(0.19) and on the 133 qubit tunable-coupling “Heron” processor
(ibm montecarlo) of 0.61(0.26). This can easily be expressed as a layer size independent quan-
tity, error per layered gate (EPLG), which is here 1.7 × 10−2 (1.7 × 10−2 ) for ibm sherbrooke and
6.2 × 10−3 (1.2 × 10−2 ) for ibm montecarlo.

The development of quantum benchmarks enables im- the way these are measured. Specifically, in a connected
provements to be tracked across devices and technolo- device, if we measure isolated two-qubit (2Q) gate pairs
gies so that reasonable inferences on performance can be using RB, we potentially overlook crosstalk terms. This
made. In Ref. [2], some properties of quantum bench- issue was addressed in the simultaneous RB protocol [6],
marks were discussed, and that a suite of benchmarks yet there are still ambiguities in the implementation.
should be designed to address quality, speed and scale,
Conversely, running test algorithms/structured cir-
altogether describing performance. There are few sug-
cuits can give a holistic view of gate quality; however,
gested speed benchmarks besides CLOPS [3]; however,
it is very specific to the type of circuits selected. There
for quality and scale there are many proposals. Gener-
have been proposed families of circuits as benchmarks
ally, the quality is signified by having high fidelity gates
[7–16]; however, it remains an open question how to con-
(the underlying operations of the device) over a large set
nect performance on one such benchmark to another. As
of connected qubits with low crosstalk. The size of the
such, benchmarks based on randomized circuits, such as
set is a benchmark of scale. Such quality can be mea-
quantum volume (QV) [17], cross-entropy benchmark-
sured discretely, by individually benchmarking the gate,
ing (XEB) [18], mirror RB [19], and inverse-free (binary)
or holistically, e.g., by running large representative cir-
RB [20], are often believed to give a better overview of av-
cuits with well known outputs.
erage performance. In particular, QV is a stringent test
Individual gate quality is typically measured by vari-
of the device which is defined as QV= 2N when some
ants of randomized benchmarking [4, 5] (RB). For RB,
subset of N qubits can pass the QV test – to measure a
one selects a random sequence of Clifford gates, con-
heavy output probability greater than 2/3rd for circuits
structs a circuit by appending the inverse of the sequence
with N random, all-to-all connected, SU(4) layers. It
(also a Clifford), decomposes this circuit into the native
is straightforward to compare QV across different qubit
gate set of a device, and then runs the circuit on said
technologies, and its performance has been linked to the
device. The decay of the measured polarization (of any
performance of quantum error correcting codes [21].
Pauli-Z operator) versus sequence length averaged over
many random sequences is straightforwardly related to However, as with all benchmarks, there are limits to
the average gate error. Because these sequence lengths QV. For one, it reports on the performance of the best
can be very deep, small errors can be measured that are subset of qubits on a device; it is a “high-flier” bench-
not dependent on state-preparation and measurement mark. For devices with more qubits than log2 (QV), QV is
(unlike tomography). Measured in this way, we obtain not a good representative number of overall quality. For
fine-grained information about the device since we have example, in superconducting qubits the largest quantum
error rates on each discrete gate element. However, im- volume is 512 (9 qubits) [22] and in ion traps 524288 (19
portant features of the noise can be missed depending on qubits) [23]. Yet, there are devices being constructed at
scales far beyond these thresholds and so QV is not cap-
turing quality across the full scale of the device. Secondly,
QV (and also XEB) requires classical computation of the
∗ circuits, and so is limited to scales where that is tractable

– generally thought to be about 50 qubits and 50 layers of In contrast to other protocols that Pauli-twirl a repeated
gates (see recent review Ref. [24] and 53 × 20 simulation layer [1, 31–34], the procedure for calculating LF requires
on advanced high-performance computing (HPC) [25]). fewer circuits. However, we can still relate LF to a miti-
And thirdly, as a discrete benchmark, QV does not in- gation metric under most conditions, γ = 1/LF 2 ; γ links
dicate continuous changes in gate improvement. Finally, noise to the number of probabalistic error cancellation
QV measures a specific type of unstructured square cir- circuits [1] required for a depth δ circuit, O(γ 2δ ) [35].
cuit; however, many near term algorithms, such as the We show data comparing LF and γ in § A and further
variational quantum eigensolver (VQE), quantum ap- discussion of the bounds is in § E. LF is similarly linked
proximate optimization algorithm (QAOA), and Trot- to the quantity measured by mirror RB [19]; we show
terized dynamics (see, e.g., Ref [26] for a review), are data comparing LF and mirror RB in § A, and we com-
based on the idea of a repetitive layer of gates. Similarly, pare simulations of RB, LF and mirror in § B.
quantum error correction (QEC) relies on a repetitive
structure of the application of parallel gates and mea-
surements to perform code checks and detect errors (see, I. LAYER FIDELITY PROTOCOL
e.g., Ref. [27] for a QEC inspired benchmark).
Layered circuits lend themselves well to applying the An overview of the protocol is visualized in Fig. 1, and
techniques of error migitation [1, 28]. Error mitigation is here we outline the steps of the protocol,
a post processing technique that makes a tradeoff with
1. Select a set of N qubits {qi } with a connected set
speed to improve quality, i.e., by running more instances
of Clifford two qubit gates U = {Uij } (e.g., CNOT)
of the circuit with different noise profiles to purify the
such that the set of two qubit gates plus arbitrary
final result. Therefore, there are compelling reasons to
single-qubit gates define a universal gate set over
provide a benchmark that spans across an entire device
{qi }. Part (a) of Fig. 1.
via layered circuits and which reveals continuous infor-
mation as a complement to QV. While XEB, mirror RB 2. Split the full layer into M disjoint layers with
and binary RB can probe layered circuits, they require {Uij }m such that U = m {Uij }m where {Uij }m
high-weight measurements that do not reveal information have no overlapping qubits. The set of idle qubits
about individual gates. Furthermore, XEB has similar are {qi }m . Example disjoint layers shown in (b)
classical computational limitations as QV and the out- and (c) of Fig. 1.
put fidelity can be optimized over any N-qubit unitary in
each layer. This adds flexibility to XEB, but makes de- 3. Measure the errors on {Uij }m and {qi }m in the dis-
vice to device and application to application comparisons joint layers using simultaneous direct randomized
difficult. benchmarking sequences, (d) of Fig. 1.
To address these points, we propose an alternative 4. From each measured decay we obtain a process fi-
benchmark called layer fidelity (LF ), which combines 2
delity Fi = 1+(dd2−1)α where d is the dimension of
the ideas of simultaneous [6] and direct [29] randomized the decay space (d = 2 for 1Q, d = 4 for 2Q) and α
benchmarking and is summarized graphically in Fig. 1. is the RB decay rate. The layer fidelity per disjoint
For a given fully connected set of 2Q gates, we parti- layer is
tion them into M layers where the 2Q gates are dis- Y
joint. When in disjoint layers, we can construct simul- LFm = Fj,m , (1)
taneous direct randomized benchmarking sequences for j
these gates with alignment barriers and measure individ-
ual 1Q and 2Q fidelities. From these disjoint fidelities and the full layer fidelity is
we can use the product to estimate the full layer fidelity M
over N qubits. Given this measurement we have enough
LF = LFm . (2)
information to estimate the layer fidelity of all embedded m
layers of size < N . To normalize to a size-independent
quantity, we introduce error per layered gate (EPLG), We define a normalized quantity, the error per lay-
EPLG = 1 − LF 1/n2Q where n2Q is the number of two- ered gate,
qubit gates (typically N − 1 for a linear chain of qubits),
EPLG = 1 − LF 1/n2q , (3)
which is representative of the process error of a gate in
these layered circuits. A similar quantity, the dressed where n2q is the number of 2Q gates in all the lay-
two-qubit pauli error (measured from XEB), was defined ers, e.g., N − 1 for the minimal set of connected
in Ref. [30]. Lending support to the LF , Ref. [30] shows a gates
threshold between a quantity similar to LF and the abil-
ity to classically simulate random circuits with layered There are a few considerations for the protocol:
structure. • {Uij } are typical two-qubit gates such as CNOT,
We will discuss the full algorithm in § I and show data CZ, and iSWAP and variations from those that dif-
on two IBM devices (127 qubit and 133 qubit) in § II. fer by single qubit gates, e.g., ECR (e−i 4 ZX ).

(b) (d) q0





q5 Layer 1,i}

q2 q7

q3 q8

q5 q0

q6 q1



q9 q5 Layer 2,i}



(c) q9

Connected Set 1Q/2Q Simultaneous, Direct Combine

Disjoint Sets
of Qubits RB with Barriers Fidelities

FIG. 1: (a) Here we consider a linear chain of qubits with nearest neighbor coupling for which a connecting set of
gates is comprised of a disjoint layer of gates starting on qubit 0 followed by a disjoint layer of gates starting on
qubit 1. The disjoint layers (b) can either be the maximally simultaneous sets, but could alternatively be a more
sparse set (c) split into more disjoint layers. (d) For the disjoint layer set of (b) this requires two simultaneous direct
RB experiments here shown for depth l = 4 with the last layer the inverses in each disjoint space. We measure decay
curves as a function of l and fit to extract the fidelities, which are then multiplied together as given by Eqn. 2 to
obtain the layer fidelity.

• There is no unique decomposition of disjoint lay- measurement (SPAM) errors; however, the contri-
ers, but the error of all qubits must be measured, bution of measurement error can be trivially added
including idle qubits, i.e., qubits without a two- by taking the product of the measurement assign-
qubit gate in that disjoint layer. We show some ment fidelities.
data comparing different disjoint layer decomposi-
tions in § A. • The layer fidelity of a device for N qubits is defined
as the maximum layer fidelity measured on the de-
• A requirement of the protocol is that barriers must vice (practical considerations are discussed in § II).
be enforced at the layer of two-qubit gates (all gates The goal of the protocol is to measure the fidelity of
before the barrier must complete before the circuit the full layer defined in the first step of the protocol, for
can proceed). That is, we apply a set of randomiz- example, (a) of Fig. 1. Formally, the fidelity of that layer
ing single qubit Clifford gates on all qubits, a bar- is the trace of the Pauli Transfer Matrix (PTM) between
rier across all qubits, the layer of disjoint two-qubit the noisy experimental map and the inverse ideal map,
gates, then another barrier, and repeat this l times.
At the end, we invert each disjoint set, and mea- −1
F = Tr(Rideal Rexp )/d2 , (4)
sure the ground state population of each akin to
simultaneous randomized benchmarking [6]. Since where Rij = Tr(Pi Λ[Pj ])/d, Pi are the Pauli matrices,
the sub-layers are disjoint there is no mixing and and Λ is the process map for the layer. In the limit of
we get well-defined decay curves of the ground state no crosstalk, Eqn. 1 is exact, but Eqn. 2 is not because
population versus l. The use of barriers keeps each the product of traces is not the trace of the product;
layer consistent with how it would appear in the however, for small errors this is a good approximation
full (i.e. non-disjoint) layer. (§ D) and is a lower bound. This is also true for the
layer fidelity: after j repetitions of the layer, LF j is ap-
• Dynamic decoupling is allowed. proximately the true fidelity until LF j gets small. With
crosstalk, Eqn. 2 and Eqn. 4 are not identical and for
• LF makes a Markovianity assumption and is a specific crosstalk terms (see § C) the layer fidelity will
benchmark insensitive to state preparation and be a lower bound (the crosstalk error terms are double

counted). Because a general treatment of all cases is not require no more distinct layers than the degree of the
possible, we turn to numerics (§ B) with various noise graph plus one.
models. We compare layer fidelity to theory (Eqn. 4) Layer fidelity can be easily related to other metrics
and to the fidelity measured from mirror RB [19], which which quantify the error models on a layer, such as γ [1],
is a protocol to measure the layer fidelity by building a which is defined as
circuit of l/2 layers to which the reverse circuit is ap- P
pended, and the polarization of the output is measured γ=e k∈K , (5)
versus l.
where λk > 0 are the Pauli generator terms in the Lind-
The advantage of mirror circuit RB is that it does cap-
blad model of the Pauli-twirled noise. While in general
ture all crosstalk terms; however with two distinct disad-
all Pauli-twirled error terms exist in Eqn. 5, approxima-
vantages compared to layer. First, with layer fidelity we
tions are made to make the calculation tractable, for ex-
obtain more information: a detailed set of error rates for
ample, in Ref. [1] the terms are truncated to all physical
each {Uij }m and {qi }m . Second, the signal to noise of
connections in the device, and Pauli benchmarking is re-
layer fidelity is higher since we are measuring the individ-
quired to learn them. Even still, this requires many more
ual error rates versus the error rate of the entire layer (a
circuits than are required to measure layer fidelity. The
weight-n measurement). Any protocol that requires the
two quantities are easily related for well-behaved noise;
estimation of high-weight observables, which LF avoids,
for depolarizing noise γ is given by,
is unscalable because, with enough qubits, the signal will
be unmeasurably small even for short protocol depths. Y  16 × Fi − 1 −15/8
Overall, the numerics support the assertion that layer fi- γD =
delity is capturing the majority of the crosstalk terms for i
realistic noise models, and layer fidelity and mirror RB Y −15/8
= αi (6)
agree well in an experimental test (§ A). By fitting all
decay terms [36, 37] available to us in our layer fidelity
benchmark, we could properly better account for some which in the limit of α close to 1 is,
of these crosstalk terms. However, the added complex-
ity, exposure to measurement errors, and loss of signal- 1
γ= . (7)
to-noise need more careful consideration. As an aside, LF 2
the advantages shown here for layer fidelity over mirror
benchmarking should also hold for binary RB [20] as well. We derive this and discuss the bounds in § E, and we
show some data comparing γ and LF in § A. Note that
As mentioned, one advantage of the layer fidelity pro- this γ is defined over the disjoint layers used to measure
tocol is that it gives access to the discrete fidelities of layer fidelity, which are at least depth 2. To estimate γ
the underlying gates. One utility of this is that we can on a Nγ qubit (Nγ even), depth 1 layer (δ = 1), we can
easily measure the layer fidelity on smaller subsets of the use EPLG (Eqn. 3),
measured set {qi }. We can simply calculate the smaller
subset by omitting qubits outside the set in the calcu- γδ=1 = (1 − EPLG)−Nγ , (8)
lation of LF , i.e., change the indices of Eqn. 1. A gate
may extend outside the new subset, so we assume that and
the gate fidelity is shared equally between those subsets
and calculate the fidelity of that qubit in the layer as γ̄δ=1 = γδ=1 γ = (1 − EPLG)−2 . (9)
F 1/2 . In most geometries the layer fidelity is optimally
measured on a long 1D line of qubits (chain of qubits) as The accuracy of this estimate will depend on the the
this only requires two disjoint layers, i.e., the gates first layer structures being similar between the layer for γ̄ and
starting at Q0 (even set) and then at Q1 (odd set) as the layer used to measure LF /EPLG. If γδ=1 is defined
shown in (b) of Fig. 1. When defined on a line, measur- on the same disjoint layer as used for the layer fidelity
ing subsets is particularly straightforward as it is a sliding measurement, then it can also be calculated directly from
window of qubits inside the larger 1D chain. Although it the disjoint layer fidelity Eqn. 1.
is not guaranteed that we find the optimal value of layer
fidelity using this subspace method, this can be used as a
lower bound. While the line is the densest application of II. DATA
gates possible, based on the definition set forth, the gates
can be measured over more disjoint layers, so long as idle As mentioned, the layer fidelity for a subset of N qubits
qubit errors are accounted for; we show data in § A that on a device (LFN ) is defined as the maximum layer fi-
splitting over more layers is worse due to the increased delity over all K (N -qubit) subsets. Practically it will be
duration. In certain geometries, such as a star, more dis- impossible to measure all sets on a large device, for ex-
joint layers will necessarily be required: this problem is ample the number of length 100 chains on a 127Q heavy
equivalent to constructing an edge-coloring of the cou- hex device such as ibm sherbrooke is 313,980. There-
pling graph, and Vizing’s theorem guarantees that we fore, in practice we need heuristic methods to measure

1.0 0.018

Error Per Layered Gate (EPLG)

0.9 Heron 0.016
0.8 0.014
Layer Fidelity
0.7 0.012
0.6 0.010
0.5 0.008
0.004 Eagle
0.2 Heron
0 20 40 60 80 100 0 20 40 60 80 100
Chain Length Chain Length

10 1
Layered (Eagle)
Isolated (Eagle)
Layered (Heron)
Gate Process Error

Isolated (Heron)

10 2

10 3
2 1 0 1 2
Normal Quantile

FIG. 2: (Top Left) Layer fidelity for the 127 qubit ibm sherbrooke “Eagle” processor (blue triangles) and the 133
qubit ibm montecarlo “Heron” processor (red circles) taken using the procedure outlined in the main text for
various chain lengths up to 100 qubits. (Top Right) The same data converted to error per layered gate (EPLG).
(Bottom Left) Quantile plot of the individual gate errors measured from the best 100 qubit chain from simultaneous
direct RB (“layered”) versus the backend reported gate errors (“isolated”) on the same chain. Errors are reported as
process error (ϵp ) as opposed to average gate error (ϵg ) where ϵp = d+1
d ϵg . Both devices have among the lowest gate
error measured on a superconducting device, noting the minimum isolated gate error (process error) on
ibm sherbrooke (Eagle) of 3.2(4.0) × 10−3 and on ibm montecarlo (Heron) of 1.2(1.6) × 10−3 (Bottom Right) The
100 qubit chain (red) overlaid on the ibm sherbrooke (left) and ibm montecarlo (right) device layout schematics.

the optimal layer fidelity. Initial estimates of the layer least overlap with set 1 and the highest predicted
fidelity can be made with the isolated two-qubit fideli- LF of that subset (set 2). Repeat this again to find
ties [38] and from there candidate sets can be measured. a third set.
One of the bigger considerations here is that the layer
fidelity imposes a fixed length on all gates of the disjoint 2. Measure the errors from simultaneous direct RB
layer equal to the longest gate (see the simulations in the (described in Fig. 1) in those 3 sets (at least 6
appendix § B), and so the estimates from isolated RB fi- disjoint layers for 1D chains) and calculate the
delities must take that into consideration. Typically, this LF (Eqn. 2) from the measured data for each
is done by omitting edges of the graph with gates that N < Nmax by looking at subchains within the sets.
are much longer than the average. We use a heuristic
protocol given by the following procedure: 3. For each value of N take the largest LF from all the
subchains measured. For example, if Nmax = 100
1. Assuming a list of gate errors measured from iso- and N = 50 then there are 150 possible sub-chains.
lated RB is available, calculate the layer fidelity
for each Nmax qubit linear string, where Nmax is 4. Plot LF vs N , convert to error per layered gate
selected to be at least the length of the longest de- (EPLG) as EPLG = 1 − LF 1/n2q where n2q is the
sired chain. In this step long gates may be omitted number of 2Q gates.
from the graph as they are known to make the layer
fidelity much worse. Find the set with the highest 5. Since this covers a heuristic number of chains, more
predicted LF (set 1), then find the set with the chains at different lengths can be measured “ad-

hoc” and if the LF of those chains is larger, they III. CONCLUSIONS

will supplant the previously measured values.
In this manuscript we discussed a benchmark for quan-
We show typical data taken on a 127 qubit “Eagle”
tum processors at scale - the layer fidelity. The layer fi-
processor ibm sherbrooke (native two-qubit CX gate us-
delity follows naturally from standard randomized bench-
ing cross-resonance) and 133 qubit “Heron” processor
marking procedures, is crosstalk aware, fast to measure
ibm montecarlo (native two-qubit CZ gate using tunable-
over a large number of qubits, has high signal to noise
coupler actuation) in Fig. 2. To measure the fidelities we
and gives fine-grained information. We demonstrated the
perform the simultaneous direct RB sequences described
key components of the layer fidelity metric with measure-
previously with 300 shots per circuit, 6 randomizations
ments on the 127 qubit Eagle processor ibm sherbrooke
and l = [1, 10, 20, 30, 40, 60, 80, 100, 125, 150, 200,
and 133 qubit Heron processor ibm montecarlo. Using
400] (Eagle) and l = [1, 10, 20, 30, 40, 60, 80, 100,
simulation and data we showed (§ A and § B) that there
125, 150, 200, 400, 750] (Heron). For ibm sherbrooke
is good agreement with mirror randomized benchmarking
most gate lengths are 533 ns, but as described in the
- a complementary technique for measuring layers - over
heuristics for picking the gate sets, three edges with gate
a number of error models. The layer fidelity links easily
lengths >700 ns were removed from consideration. For
with other methods of characterizing layers, such as Pauli
ibm montecarlo the gate lengths were about an equal
learning for γ. We leave a few open questions outside the
mix of 84 ns and 104 ns and none were removed from
scope of this manuscript, such as whether more advanced
consideration due to gate length. All circuits were gener-
data fitting can improve agreement with the exact layer
ated in Qiskit and run through the IBM Quantum cloud
fidelity, the predictive power of LF with differently struc-
interface. In the top plot we show the layer fidelity
tured circuits, the limits of twirling in LF , and how to
and the error per layered gate as a function of chain
extend to layered circuits with mid-circuit measurements.
length. The chain of qubits on the ibm sherbrooke and
Finally, we note that, like all benchmarks layer fidelity
ibm montecarlo devices for the N = 100 data is shown
should be considered as one piece of information towards
in red on the bottom right plot.
full device characterization.
One of the advantages of this layer fidelity measure-
ment is the access to individual gate errors which can be
used for further analysis or fidelity estimates. In partic-
ular, we can perform a comparison between isolated RB ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
and the errors from layer fidelity RB which can be a proxy
for crosstalk errors. We note here that the isolated RB The authors would like to thank Andrew Wack for
data is, in fact, a variant of simultaneous RB where there helpful discussions, Kevin Krsulich for Qiskit help,
is a distance of at least one idle qubit between all two Samantha Barron for help with the Pauli learning, and
qubit gate pairs and there are no barriers. As we show James Wootton and Blake Johnson for manuscript com-
in simulations in the appendix § B isolated RB trivially ments. Research was sponsored by the Army Re-
eliminates some crosstalk, such as always on ZZ between search Office and was accomplished under Grant Num-
pairs of qubits for fixed coupling architectures. The data ber W911NF-21-1-0002. The views and conclusions con-
bears this out as the middle plot of Fig. 2 shows a distinct tained in this document are those of the authors and
increase in the error per gate on the “Eagle” processor should not be interpreted as representing the official poli-
when run in layers versus isolated RB mode. Conversely, cies, either expressed or implied, of the Army Research
these errors are greatly alleviated in the “Heron” proces- Office or the U.S. Government. The U.S. Government is
sor since the coupling between neighboring qubits can be authorized to reproduce and distribute reprints for Gov-
turned off when not required for two-qubit gate opera- ernment purposes notwithstanding any copyright nota-
tion. tion herein.

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Appendix A: Additional Data

Here we provide some additional support for layer fi-

delity by comparing to the mirror RB protocol [19] which Appendix B: Simulations
embeds the full layer directly in a mirror circuit. Our spe-
cific mirror circuit is comprised of a random 1Q Clifford
layer, then the first disjoint layer of two-qubit gates, a Here we compare simulations between isolated RB, si-
second random 1Q Clifford layer, then the second disjo- multaneous RB, layer fidelity RB, and mirror RB with
ing layer of two-qubit gates. In this way the number of a variety of error models. The circuits are generated as
1Q gates is the same between mirror RB and layer RB gates (in the decomposition of X90, X0 [idle], Rz [ar-
when constructing the full layer fidelity. We consider two bitrary Z rotations] and CX gates) and then converted
versions of mirror, one which is a direct mirror (just the to a schedule based on the single-qubit gate being the
forward and reverse circuit) and the second version, more smallest unit of time; the two-qubit gates are converted
faithful to Ref. [19], includes a random Pauli layer be- into fractional time steps of either 5 or 8 single-qubit gate
tween the forward and reverse circuits. We measure the times. Because the Rz gates are zero time, they are con-
polarization S as defined in Ref. [19]. Our data compari- sidered their own gate slices, and so a finite time step can
son is on 20 qubits of the ibm peekskill device, which is a consist of the 3 possible gates on each qubit and so for
27 qubit fixed-coupling “Falcon” processor and the path four qubits there are roughly 81 unique four qubit uni-
is shown in Fig. 3. We perform 10 randomizations and taries to construct. We may add coherent error terms to
measure 2000 shots. We compare to layer fidelity data each unitary, e.g., an overrotation or a ZZ crosstalk. We
from 6 randomization and 300 shots. We can see that then perform a density matrix simulation, where at each
the agreement between mirror and layer is quite good time step the unitary is applied followed by a discrete
and that there is some discrepancy between mirror with T1 /T2 map on each qubit. Breaking the unitary and in-
and without the Pauli layer. Since our error model in the coherent evolution into time steps is an implementation
device is fixed, we investigate the comparison of layer and of Trotterized simulation of their concurrent evolution.
mirror further with simulations in § B. We compare the error extracted from these sequences to
Another aspect of the layer protocol is that the choice the theoretical errors by adding the coherent [40, 41] and

Mirror RB 2.6 × 100 Gamma (Layer 2)

Mirror RB (No Pauli) 2.4 × 100 Gamma (Pauli Learning)
0.20 LF Pred. 0.702 2.2 × 100
2 × 100
Effective Polarization

0.15 1.8 × 100

1.6 × 100
0.10 1.4 × 100

0.05 1.2 × 100

2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16
101 Chain Length
Layer Depth
1.0 2.0e-02
Layer (Meas) FIG. 4: Comparing γ measured from layer fidelity
0.9 Layer (Coh. Limit) 1.9e-02
0.8 1.8e-02 (blue, circles) and Eqn. 7 to γ measured using

Mean 2Q Gate Error

0.7 1.7e-02 Pauli-learning [1] (red, squares). Measured on
0.6 1.6e-02 ibm peekskill for the connected set of qubits [19, 22, 25,

0.5 1.5e-02 24, 23, 21, 18, 15, 12, 13, 14, 11, 8, 5, 3, 2] (even and
0.4 1.4e-02 odd disjoint layers).
0.3 1.3e-02
0.2 1.2e-02
0.1 1.1e-02
incoherent errors,
0.0 1.0e-02 ∗
Tr [Uideal
U )]
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Number of Disjoint Layers ϵU = 1 − 2
Y 1 1
ϵΛ = 1− + e−tg /T2,i +
4 2

1 −tg /T1,i
e . (B2)
where tg is the gate length and both these errors are
process errors.
In the first set of simulations we only consider incoher-
ent errors and perform the simulation on the even layer
FIG. 3: (Top) Comparing mirror RB data versus layer of the 4Q set as shown in the top of Fig. 5. We con-
depth l to the predicted decay from layer fidelity sider two different scenarios, one where the two gates in
measured on the same set of qubits; for this data the layer (CX01 and CX23 ) are different lengths (5 time
LF = 0.702 and so the dashed line is 0.702l . The units for CX01 and 8 time units for CX23 ) and another
different mirror RB curves either include (blue) or do scenario where both gates are 8 time units. Trivially, si-
not include (red) a random Pauli layer. (Middle) The multaneous RB gives the wrong answer for the error of
layer fidelity versus the number of disjoint layers used in the layer because there are no enforced barriers between
the protocol (black). The fidelity decreases as the the different two-qubit gates. The different layer fideli-
number of layers increases because the total duration is ties are the same because of the barrier. This illustrates
longer. We estimate this effect by just considering the how the layer fidelity enforces the layer to be as long as
fidelity decrease due to decoherence (blue). More layers the longest gate for all qubits. The theory agrees well,
does decrease the mean gate error (dashed, red) due to once we include the 1.5 single qubit gates per layer (so
lower crosstalk, but overall this is not enough to the layer is considered 8+1.5 units in length). The length
improve because of the increased length. (Bottom) unit is 50 ns. We then continue the simulation for both
Qubits used on ibm peekskill are [23, 24, 25, 22, 19, 16, layers (with all three gates having length 8) and compare
14, 11, 8, 5, 3, 2, 1, 4, 7, 10, 12, 15, 18, 17]. to mirror RB (bottom of Fig. 5). For comparison here
the mirror layer has a set of random 1Q Cliffords before
each layer of two-qubit gates so that the total gate counts
are the same in layer and mirror. The agreement between
the two is near exact.
Next we investigate the more interesting case of coher-
ent crosstalk error. We take T 1 = T 2 = 50µs (same unit

10 1 Theory
Iso. RB
Sim. RB 5_8 Sim. RB
Layer RB 5_8 Layer RB
10 1 Layer RB 8_8
Theory 6 × 10 2

Process Error
Process Error

4 × 10 2

3 × 10 2

2 × 10 2
10 2 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160
20 40 60 80 100 ZZ Rate (kHz)
T1/T2 ( s)
3 × 10 1
Layer RB
Mirror RB Mirror RB
2 × 10 1
Mirror RB (No Pauli)
Layer RB

Process Error
Theory (2Q Gates)
10 1
Process Error

10 1

6 × 10 2

0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160

10 2 ZZ Rate (kHz)
20 40 60 80 100
T1/T2 ( s)
10 1 Theory
Sim. RB
Layer RB
FIG. 5: (Top) Simulation of the even layer with Layer RB (Staggered)
incoherent errors (T1 = T2 ) and the gate unit length of 6 × 10 2
Process Error

50 ns. As described in the main text, when the gate

lengths are different simultaneous RB trivially gives the
wrong answer. (Bottom) Similar simulation for the two 4 × 10 2

layers with incoherent errors (T1 = T2 ) comparing

mirror to layer and the agreement is exact. There are 3 × 10 2

two theory curves in the bottom plot; in the red curve

the single qubit gates and the two qubit gate layers are 2 × 10 2
included in calculating the total incoherent error (there 0 25 50 75 100 125 150 175
ZZ Rate (kHz)
are on average 1.5 single qubit gate layers per two-qubit
gate layer). The green theory curve is the error if we
just consider the two-qubit layer. For agreement with
FIG. 6: (Top) Simulation of the even layer vs ZZ rate
theory, the single qubit gates in the layer must be
with the same length gate (8 units) comparing isolated
considered. There are 10 random sequences in each
RB, simultaneous RB and layer RB. (Middle)
Simulation of the full layer vs ZZ rate comparing layer
RB, mirror RB and mirror RB without a Pauli layer
between mirrors. (Bottom) Simulation of the even layer
time length as before, 50 ns) and vary the ZZ interaction vs ZZ, where the ZZ is only applied when there are
rate, e−i2πξZZ |11⟩⟨11| , between qubits 0 and 3 (ZZ03 ) and simultaneous 2Q gates. If we stagger the gates then the
qubits 1 and 2 (ZZ12 ). This error is out of the disjoint crosstalk term disappears, but the overall baseline error
subspace. We consider two versions of this ZZ crosstalk; is higher. There are 30 random sequences in each
one version where the ZZ is “always-on”, and another simulation.
where it only occurs during simultaneous two-qubit gate
operation. All the gate lengths are the same (8 units).
First, we look at just layer 1 (top Fig. 6) with always-
on ZZ and compare isolated RB, simultaneous RB and ZZ interaction, demonstrating that it’s a poor method
layer RB. Trivially the isolated RB is not affected by the for assessing crosstalk. Simultaneous RB and Layer RB

are reasonably similar, with the caveat from Fig. 5 that 0.25 Layer
if the gate lengths are different simultaneous RB will not Mirror
reflect the layer properly. Mirror (No Pauli)
Next we consider the full layer with always-on ZZ and

Process Error
compare layer RB to mirror RB. We look at two flavors
of mirror RB, the first is to exactly mirror the circuit 0.15
(“no pauli”) and the second is to more faithfully execute
the mirror circuit with a random Pauli layer between the 0.10
original circuit and its mirror. For this crosstalk the “no
Pauli” mirror reports a much higher error whereas the 0.05
layer and mirror (with Pauli) are in very close agreement.
Finally, we look at layer 1, with ZZ that is only ac- 0.00
tivated by simultaneous 2Q gates, noting that such a a b c d e f g h i
crosstalk could be activated by the physics described Error Configuration
in Ref. [42, 43]. Here there is a greater divergence be-
tween the layer fidelity and simultaneous RB results be-
cause simultaneous RB does not enforce strictly running FIG. 7: Comparing layer fidelity, mirror RB and mirror
the 2Q gates at the same time. Furthermore, we see RB without a Pauli layer for measuring the process
that if we run a layer where the 2Q gates are staggered, error with several different coherent error scenarios. As
this crosstalk term trivially vanishes, although the layer in the other simulations T1 = T2 = 50 µs and the unit
has higher baseline error since it’s longer. This eluci- time is 50 ns. (a) Always on 150 kHz ZZ rate between
dates why sometimes it can be beneficially to run non- 0 1 and 2 3. (b) Always on 150 kHz ZZ rate between
simultaneous gates for crosstalk as seen in Ref. [39]. This 0 3 and 1 2 (same as Fig. 6). (c) Simultaneous only
particular version of crosstalk is not necessarily represen- 150 kHz ZZ rate between 0 1 and 2 3. (d)
tative, but serves as an example for a family of similar Simultaneous only 150 kHz ZZ rate between 0 3 and
crosstalk terms that activate with simultaneous 2Q gates. 1 2. (e) Always on 100 kHz ZZ rate between 0 1, 1 2
We note that there is some ambiguity in calculating the and 2 3 (all the connected qubits). (f) Z error applied
theory curves for these plots, we use Eqn. B1, but since after every time slice of 0.02, e−i0.02Z/2 . (g) 10% over
the errors are in the single qubit layer as well we approx- rotation on all two-qubit gates. (h) 10% over rotation
imate the errors by assuming the single layers and two on all two-qubit gates and a 10% under rotation on all
qubit layers add. 1Q gates. (i) Drive crosstalk of 10% (IY and ZY) from
qubit 1 to qubit 2 when applying the CX01 gate, from
Ultimately the comparison we desire is between layer
qubit 2 to qubit 1 when applying the CX23 gate, and
fidelity and mirror fidelity. In the plots we see the two
from qubit 1 to qubit 0 when applying the CX12 gate.
are fairly close, but the space of possible unitary errors
is very large. Therefore, we take a scattershot look at a
variety of different error terms and compare between the
two methods, as summarized in Fig. 7. The general trend
appears is that layer and mirror measure very similar
errors, layer fidelity tends to measure slightly higher error of the layer (idles and this crosstalk term) is
than mirror (consistent with the discussion in the next
section), whereas without the Pauli layer mirror always
measures a larger error.

T r(U )2
FU = (C2)
4nk +nj
Appendix C: Crosstalk and Layer Fidelity ≈ 1 − α2 (C3)

Here we consider the layer fidelity protocol with a sin-

gle Pauli weight-2 coherent crosstalk term. There are two
subspaces k and j that both have nk and nj qubits and
there is a crosstalk term of the form,
Now, what if we do simultaneous RB and are able to
twirl k and j (mythically here without additional prob-
α2 lems), from the simultaneous paper we know that the
U = e−iαPx ≈ I − iαPx − I (C1)
2 decay parameter is Tr[Πk RU ]/Tr[Πk ] where Πk are the
Pauli’s just in k (e.g. if nk = 2, nj = 2, this would be
where Px is a weight-2 Pauli spanning k and j and α is the 15 XIII, Y III, . . . , IXII, . . . , XXII). Calculating
small so we take the small α expansion. The true fidelity the PTM terms (remember we only need the on-diagonal

terms) and leaving off the 1/2nk +nj in front of the trace, where ϵg = 1 − Fg is the average gate error and is often
quoted from the gate error from randomized benchmark-
(RU )i,i = Tr[Pi U † Pi U ] (C4) ing. If there are two disjoint subspaces that have process
α fidelities Fp,0 and Fp,1 , then the fidelity of the combined
(RU )i,i = Tr[Pi (I(1 − ) + iαPx )Pi system is Fp,0 Fp,1 , which is the property we have used
α2 to build up each disjoint layer fidelity. It is, however,
(I(1 − ) − iαPx )] (C5) not true that process fidelities multiply across layers (for
simplicity assuming the ideal is the identity),
α2 2 α2
= Tr[I(1 − ) + iα(1 − )(Pi Px Pi − Px ) +
2 2 Tr [Rp Rq ]
Fp,q = (D4)
α2 Pi Px Pi Px )] (C6) d2
2 2
≈ Tr[I(1 − α ) + α Pi Px Pi Px )] (C7) Tr [Rp ] Tr [Rq ]
̸ = × (D5)
d2 d2
because the middle terms have trace zero. So if [Pi , Px ] =
0 then the above is 1, and if they don’t commute then the However this is approximately true for small errors of di-
above is 1 − 2α2 . In the space for the decay parameter of agonal maps, which can be shown by a simple expansion.
k then, there are 4nk −1/2 elements with 1 − 2α2 (because Practically this means that the the fidelity of the layer
there are 2 Pauli’s in k that don’t commute with PX repeated to multiple depths is fairly well approximated
which is weight 2 but only has 1 weight in k) and the until the fidelity drops below a percent.
rest are 1. The fidelity in space k is then
4nk −1/2 2 Appendix E: Relating γ to LF
FU,k = 1 − 2 α (C8)
4 nk
= 1 − α2 (C9) In this section we relate the LF to γ as defined in
Ref. [1]. This is a useful metric for error mitigation
So the estimate is independent of nk and therefore FU,k = since it indicates the number of circuit randomizations
FU,j . And then since we multiply the two fidelities to- required to perform probabilistic error mitigation. γ is
gether to estimate FU , defined for Pauli diagonal noise model, and although we
define LF for a depolarizing model, we will do a gen-
F̃U = (1 − α2 )2 (C10) eral comparison here for a Pauli diagonal noise model.
≈ 1 − 2α2 (C11) As a reminder the definition of γ in terms of the PTM
elements defined in the above section is,
which is a lower fidelity than the true fidelity Eqn. C3. P
This analysis also holds by the same arguments for a γ = e2 k λk
Pauli stochastic error channel of the form −2
Ri = e ⟨k⟩i
E(ρ) = (1 − α2 )ρ + α2 Px ρPx , (C12) 1+
P4n −1
Fp = (E3)
with Px defined as before. For this error channel we 4n
again find that FE = 1 − α2 , and FE,k = FE,j = 1 − α2 , where ⟨k⟩i is the sum over k where [Pi , Pk ] ̸= 0 and λk
such that the layer fidelity is a lower bound for the true are generators of a Lindblad equation that are small for
process fidelity FE . small errors. In that limit, it’s straightforward to expand
the exponentials,
Appendix D: Combining Process Fidelities
Ri ≈ 1 − 2 λk (E4)
Here we summarize some properties of the process fi- P4n −1  P 
delity which have been shown in other sources for ref- 1+ i 1−2 ⟨k⟩i λk
erence. The process fidelity is defined as the trace of Fp ≈ (E5)
the superoperators (see, e.g. Ref [44] for a summary), in X
= 1− λk (E6)
Pauli form,
Tr [Pi Λ[Pj ]] ≈ e − k λk
Rij = (D1)
 d−1  = γ −1/2
Tr Rideal R
Fp = 2
(D2) using the fact that
d i ⟨k⟩i k ⟨i⟩k
which is related to the average gate fidelity [45] ⟨i⟩k = 2 .

dFp + 1 Next we explore the correspondence of γ to more com-

Fg = (D3) monly used gate metrics such as the diamond norm or the

average gate fidelity with more rigor and provide bounds. 2. The small error limit
For a Pauli channel, both the average gate fidelity and the
diamond norm have simple deviations from the spectral Let’s assume Λ is very close to the identity, i.e.,
properties of the process matrix Λ, where Λ = eL [4]. In P the
spectrum contains terms 1−ϵj . Let’s define ϵ̄ ≡ d12 j ϵj .
particular, for a Pauli Channel we can write the average
gate error and diamond norm as Tr(Λ)
= 1 − ϵ̄ (E21)
1 − Tr(Λ) 1 Y 1
ε(Λ) = d2
, (E9) det(Λ) d2 = (1 − ϵj ) d2 = 1 − ϵ̄ + O(ϵ2 ) (E22)
1 + d1 j
1 Tr(Λ)
∥Λ∥⋄ = 2 1 + ε(Λ) = 2 1 − . (E10) Once again we are in the limit where the arithmetic and
d d2
geometric means are the same, which again yields

1 − 1/ γ
For a Pauli channel, we can derive either metric from the ε(Λ) ≈ , (E23)
1 + d1
arithmetic average of the eigenvalues of Λ. √
Note that the form in Eqn. ∥Λ∥⋄ ≈ 2(1 − 1/ γ). (E24)
P 5 is derived from a Lindbla-
dian generator, L(ρ) = k λk (Pk ρPk − ρ). This allows
us to express γ in terms of the spectrum of L. That is
3. Bounds
X −2Tr(L)
Tr(L) = − λk d =⇒ γ = e d2 (E12)
The process fidelity of a superoperator is the arithmetic
mean of its eigenvalues. On the other hand, Eqn. E13 es-
Through the exponential map we arrive at 1
tablished that γ − 2 is equal to the geometric mean of the
eigenvalues. To make Fp and γ more easily comparible
γ = det(Λ) d2 (E13) this section chooses to work in terms of γ − 2

We start with Theorem 1 which provides upper and

That is gamma is related to the geometric mean of the lower bounds for γ − 2 in terms of Fp . Although the
eigenvalues of Λ2 . lower
p bound appears complicated, it is extremely close
to 2Fp − 1 on all of [ 21 , 1], which can therefore be used
as a proxy for most practical purposes. Especially note
that both the upper and lower bounds are independent
1. depolarizing channels
of the dimension d = 2n . Following the theorem, we pro-
vide natural families of channels that saturate the upper
For a depolarizing channel, the spectrum of Λ is a sin- bound, and nearly saturate the lower bound. For high
gle 1 and (d2 − 1), (1 − α)’s. In this case fidelity layers, say above Fp = 0.9, it will be seen that
  Fp ≈ γ −1/2 .
Tr(Λ) 1 1
= 2 + 1 − 2 (1 − α) (E14) Theorem 1. Suppose Λ is a CPTP Pauli channel with
d2 d d 2
1− d12 a process fidelity Fp = Tr Λ/d2 , and γ = det(Λ)−2/d .
det(Λ) d2 = (1 − α) (E15)
Then it holds that
In the limit of large d these both converge to (1 − α). In 1
Fp − 1 + 2λ0 (1 − Fp ) + (2Fp − 1)λ0 ≤ γ − 2 ≤ Fp (E25)
terms of this depolarizing parameter α we have,
ε(Λ) ≈ , (E16)
1 + d1 log(2 − 2Fp ) − log(− log(2Fp − 1))
λ0 = . (E26)
∥Λ∥⋄ ≈ 2α, (E17) log(2Fp − 1)
γ ≈ (1 − α)−2 . (E18)

Alternatively, we can express the gate fidelity and dia- Proof. The upper bound on γ − 2 follows directly from a
mond norm in terms of gamma as standard application of Jensen’s inequality; the geomet-
ric mean of positive numbers cannot exceed their arith-
√ metic mean.
1 − 1/ γ
ε(Λ) ≈ , (E19) To show the lower bound, first observe that all of the
1 + d1 Pauli fidelities fa of Λ lie in the interval [2Fp − 1, 1]. This

∥Λ∥⋄ ≈ 2(1 − 1/ γ). (E20) was shown in Ref. [31], but we repeat the brief argument

here for completeness. We can express the Pauli fidelity where we note the independence of n. A physically rele-
fa in terms of the Kraus probabilities as vant example of such a noise model is one where a single
X X X subsystem has a high error that dominates every other
fa = (−1)⟨a,b⟩ pb = pb − pb error, for example, by taking P = XIII · · · I, where the
b b:⟨a,b⟩=0 b:⟨a,b⟩̸=0 first qubit is faulty. The geometric mean (viz. γ) is good
X at capturing this outlier, but the arithmetic mean (viz.
=2 pb − 1, (E27)
Fp ) is not.
where we have used the CPTP condition b pb = 1
to write the sum of those pb where b does not com-
mute with a P as one minus the sum of those that do.
Now clearly b:⟨a,b⟩=0 pb ≥ pI , and moreover pI =
−n ⟨I,a⟩
4 a (−1) fa = Fp , hence
fa ≥ 2Fp − 1. (E28)
We can now apply Lemma 1 (below) with c = Fp − 1
and d = 1 to get the stated inequality.
The geometric mean and arithmetic mean agree ex-
actly when their arguments are equal, which means that
Fp = γ − 2 exactly when all of the Pauli fidelities are
equal, which, for TP channels, only happens with the
identity channel. However, globally depolarizing chan-
nels are the next best thing as all values but one are equal. FIG. 8: For any fixed process fidelity on the x-axis, the
For a globally depolarizing channel with non-trivial Pauli grey region above it represents the range of values of

fidelities α, we have γ − 2 that are physically consistent by some Pauli

channel with that process fidelity. The three curves
1 + (4n − 1)α 1 n
−1)/4n depict three families of Pauli channels that saturate the
Fp = and γ − 2 = α(4 , (E29) bounds of the grey region, two on the top and one on
the bottom. The global depolarizing curve (orange) is
which are very close to equal even for moderate n; see shown for n = 10, but would look identical for any other
the upper curve in Fig. 8. n not too close to 1. Likewise, the 5-tensor product of
The next family of channels we consider are tensor 2-qubit depolarizing (dashed green) curve also
products of two-qubit depolarizing channels, each with corresponds to n = 10, but would look similar for more
strength α. Assuming n is even and we have the tensor qubits. The lower bound is (just about; see inset)
product of n/2 such channels, we get saturated by channels for which there is only one
n/2   non-trivial term in the Kraus representation,
X n/2 1
representative of noise models where there is a single
Fp = αk 15k /4n and γ − 2 = α15n/32 ,
k outlying subsystem, such as
(E30) Λ(ρ) = pρ + (1 − p)XIIIIρXIIII (dotted blue).

which, as with global depolarizing channels (see Fig. 8),

are very close to equal even for moderate n. Lemma 1. Suppose that 0 < c < d are real numbers
The previous two families of channels have had Pauli and fix a positive integer N . Define a : [0, ∞)N → R
and g : [0, ∞)N → R by g(x) =
fidelites that are tightly concentrated. To saturate the by a(x) = x
i i /N
lower bound of Theorem 1, we will need to instead choose Q 1/N
i xi . Then restricting to the hyperrectangular region
a channel that maximizes the variance of the Pauli fi- D = [c, d]N , we have
delities. As seen in the proof of Lemma 1, this is done
by making the Pauli fidelities strongly bimodal, concen- max(a(x) − g(x)) ≤ f (λ0 ) (E33)
trating roughly half of them at 1, and the other half at x∈D

another value less than 1. This can be done by choosing

where f (λ) = λc + (1 − λ)d + cλ d1−λ and
a Λ to have a Kraus map with only one non-trivial Pauli,
Λ(ρ) = pρ + (1 − p)P ρP. (E31) log(log(d/c)) − log((d − c)/d)
λ0 = . (E34)
In this case, fa = 1 whenever a commutes with P , but
2p − 1 otherwise. In this case we get
1 Proof. Since a is linear and g is concave, a − g must be
Fp = p and γ − 2 = 2p − 1,
(E32) convex. Therefore, the maximum of a − g is acheived on

the extreme points of the convex set D, which are given that (a − g)(e) = (mc + (N − m)d)/N + (cm dN −m )1/N .
by E = {a, b}N . That is, we have maxx∈D (a − g)(x) = Therefore, maxe∈E (a−g)(e) ≤ max0≤λ≤1 f (λ). Standard
maxe∈E (a − g)(e). calculus show that f is concave on [0, 1] and acheives a
maximum value at λ0 , which proves the inequality of this
Now, for any e ∈ E, there exists some 0 ≤ m ≤ N such

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