Romeo and Juliet Characters

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Romeo and Juliet

English 9
• Around 16 years old
• Son of Lord and Lady Montague
• Not at all interested in violence
• Impulsive, immature in some
• A devoted friend and passionate
• 13 years old
• Daughter of Lord and Lady
• Trusting, naive, and sheltered
• Courageous and intense
Juliet’s Nurse
• Has cared for Juliet all her
life; is a friend and a
confidant at this point
• Long-winded and
sometimes vulgar
• Funny and practical
Friar Lawrence
• A Franciscan monk
• Friend to both Romeo
and Juliet
• Ultimately wants peace
between the families
• Gives advice and tries to help
• A Capulet, Juliet’s cousin
• Fashion-conscious and a
bit vain
• Quick to anger and hates
the Montagues
• Romeo’s close friend
• Relative of the prince
• Imaginative and witty
• Hates people who are pretentious or
obsessed with the latest fashions
• Can be a bit hot-headed
• Romeo’s cousin and friend
• Thoughtful
• Tries to help Romeo get his
mind off of love
• Tries to defuse violence
Lord Capulet
• Father of Juliet
• Enemy (for unknown reasons) of
the Montagues
• Truly loves his daughter but does
not really know her
Lady Capulet
• Mother of Juliet
• Married young herself
• Wants Juliet to marry Count Paris,
a suitable match in her eyes
• Relies on the Nurse to help her
raise Juliet
Count Paris
• A kinsman of the prince
• Suitor of Juliet, preferred by Juliet’
s parents
• Assumes Juliet will marry him
without really asking her or getting
to know her
Lord Montague
• Romeo’s father
• Bitter enemy of the Capulets
• Worried about Romeo’s
moping and melancholy at
the beginning of the play
Lady Montague
• Romeo’s mother
• Dies of grief near the end
Prince Escalus
• Prince of Verona
• Kinsman of Mercutio and Paris
• Wants public peace at all costs

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