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Analyzing user requirements and validating the available data

to propose usable designs ,following Agile

Interacting with multiple stakeholders to gather business needs & developed technical specs
Conceptualising and developing novel reports, dashboards &
KPI scorecards on Tableau Publishing and sharing reports with the business users on the
Tableau Server Converting pre-existing Excel based reports/Power point/PDF
to Tableau dashboards Accessing & transforming massive datasets through filtering, grouping,
aggregation. Connecting different data sources to extract uniform data &
create views that deliver important insights using Tableau Deploying rich graphical visualizations which
are feasible for sales requirements in dashboards to create effective views of
data such as: Line Charts, Bar Charts, Pie Charts, Tree Maps, Heat Maps, Area Charts, Dual axis chart,
Donut chart, lolipop
chart in Tableau Desktop as per user requirement.

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