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of the

Sulu Sea
presented by group 5
18th century: The
raiders attacks

coastal inhabitants
of the Philippines
The Spanish
defeated the
raiders in The sulu
Muslim tribes
Zamboanga City sultanate face
retaliated against
the spanish a decline in
spanish occupation
destroyed the the 19th
and influence from
raider’s base century.
spreading to the
in Belonging
In the 18th century, the coastal
inhabitants of the Philippines
faced attacks from the ruthless
Sulu Sea Raiders, who were skilled
fighters and deadly swordsmen.

● The Sulu Sea Raiders would

capture people and bore a hole
through their palm,
stringing them together.
● The Raiders were seen as
barbaric pirates by Western
colonists and were hunted down.
Zamboanga City, a strategically the sulu raiders seek to preserve
important fort by the Spanish faces their culture in the midst of
ruthless attacks from 3,000 Raiders colonization

The Spanish soldiers at Fort Pilar though the raiders were

fought back against the Raiders, who technologically weaker than the
greatly Spanish they still held their
outnumbered them. ground against colonization
The Muslim tribes in the southern
Philippines retaliated against
Spanish occupation through
slave raiding and attacks on
Christian communities.
The Muslim tribes targeted
Christian communities in the
north as an act of defiance
against the Spanish.
The Spanish referred to the
Muslim raiders as 'moros' and
they were actually from three
different tribes.
There were three main groups of Muslims
The Spanish presence disrupted
in the southern Philippines: the Samal,
the spread of Islam in the
the Visayas and the southern
Illanun, and the Tausug. regions.
The raids and attacks were seen as
acts of retaliation against the
foreign occupier and
were sanctioned by the Sultanate in the
name of Islam.
Ancient seafaring civilization in
the Philippines used advanced
ships and navigational skills for
trade and raiding expeditions.
Carbon dating of artifacts
points to a seafaring
civilization in the 4th century.
Filipino seafarers had
intimate knowledge of the
seas and built seaworthy
Slave Raiders from the Smaller and faster raiding boats
Philippines conducted raiding called garage replaced the larger
expeditions in the Straits of ships.
The Raiders used advanced
ships with cannons, compasses,
and rowers.
The Spanish sought control of trade
with the Orient and conversion of
the Philippines, leading to
conflicts with the Muslim South.
The Spanish wanted to control
trade and convert the
Ancient Filipino mariners had
extensive trade and traveled
long distances.
European powers came to the
region for valuable products and
wanted to control trade.
The Spanish seized Descendants of Muslim
control of the warriors still practice
Philippines, causing martial arts and fight for
conflict with the Muslim their beliefs.
The Spanish used steamships and
artillery to defeat the slave
Raiders in Zamboanga City.
The Spanish used steamships
armed with guns to bombard the
forts on Belonging
The Raiders killed themselves
rather than be taken captive by
the Spaniards.
The Spanish captured the
pregnant wife of panglima Tapan.
The introduction of The steamships were faster
steamships gave the and not dependent on wind,
Spaniards a significant making them more powerful
advantage over the Raiders. than the Raiders' ships.
The Spanish successfully destroyed
the raiding base of Belonging
Island, leading to a sense of
hopelessness among Muslims in the
The Spanish used steamships to
bombard the forts of Belonging
Island and successfully
destroyed them.
The Raiders resorted to killing
themselves and their families
rather than be taken captive
by the Spaniards.
The introduction of steamships gave the The Spanish-American war
Spaniards a significant advantage over saw the Philippines shift
the from Spanish colonial
Raiders. rule to American control.
The sense of hopelessness among Muslims
in the Philippines grew as they had to
choose between being subjugated or
continuing to resist.
The once powerful Sultanate of Sulu
in the Philippines faced a decline
in the late 19th century
due to the end of the slave trade,
but its legacy lives on in the
challenges faced by the southern
region of the Philippines today.
The Americans ruthlessly hunted
and killed jekiri and other
The Raiders were considered mere
pirates and bandits by the

1. Who were the Sulu Sea Raiders?

A. A group of skilled fighters and deadly swordsmen from the
southern Philippines
B. A group of pirates who attacked coastal communities in the 18th
C. A group of Muslim tribes who retaliated against Spanish
D. All of the above
2. According to carbon dating of ancient artifacts points
to being an ancient seafaring civilization in the
Philippines in what century?
A. 21st Century
B. Century Tuna
C. 4th Century
D. 15th Century
3. How did the Spanish view the Raiders?
A. As skilled warriors and expert sailors
B. As barbaric pirates and a threat to their control
C. As allies in their fight against other Muslim groups
D. As a nuisance that could be easily ignored
4. What was the name of the fort that the Spanish used to defend
Zamboanga City?
A. Fort Pilar
B. Fort Santiago
C. Fort Bonifacio
D. Fort Magsaysay
5. What was the outcome of the Spanish attack on Belonging
A. The Spanish were defeated and forced to retreat
B. The Spanish destroyed the Raiders' forts and raiding base
C. The Spanish captured the Raiders' leader and his family
D. The Spanish negotiated a peace treaty with the Raiders
6. What was the main reason for the decline of the Sultanate of
A. The end of the slave trade
B. The Spanish conquest of the Philippines
C. The rise of other Muslim powers in the region
D. The introduction of steamships by the Spanish
7. What are some of the challenges faced by the southern region of
the Philippines today?
A. Poverty, inequality, and conflict
B. The loss of traditional culture and language
C. The threat of natural disasters
D. All of the above
8. How did the Sulu Sea Raiders use their knowledge of
the seas?
A. For trade and raiding expeditions
B. For fishing and collecting marine resources
C. For communication and transportation
D. All of the above
9. What were some of the advanced technologies used by the
Sulu Sea Raiders?
A. Cannons, compasses, and rowers
B. Guns, swords, and shields
C. Horses, elephants, and other war animals
D. None of the above
10. What is the legacy of the Sulu Sea Raiders?
A. A history of fierce resistance against foreign invaders
B. A rich cultural heritage that continues to influence the
C. A reminder of the importance of preserving traditional
D. All of the above
1. The Sulu Sea Raiders were only active in the 18th
2. The Spanish successfully converted most of the Muslim
population of the Philippines to
3. The Sultanate of Sulu was a powerful political and economic
force in the region for
4. The Sulu Sea Raiders were eventually defeated by the
Spanish and their descendants
were assimilated into mainstream Philippine society.
5. The southern region of the Philippines continues to
struggle with poverty, inequality, and
conflict today.

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