Introduction To Physical Training Free Session

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Introduction to

Training for
with Coach Christo
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Benefits of
resistance • Improved performance
training for • Decreased injury risk
• Increased self-confidence

Resistance training reduces
the risk/severity of…

• ACL injuries including full and

partial tears
• Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome
• Tendinopathy
• Strains
• Bone Stress Injuries
• Low Back Pain
Resistance training performance benefits…
• Strength and power
• Change of direction
• 10-meter sprint speed
• 15-meter sprint speed
• Vertical jump
• Endurance
• Enhanced bone structure
• Neuromuscular adaption
• Muscle morphological changes
• Tendon health
• Reduction in body fat

Psychological benefits

Mental health

Body image


Reduction in depression

When should resistance training start?

• Resistance training is safe and

effective for children as young
as 5
• All young soccer players
should be doing some form of
resistance training by age 11
• The sooner athletes start
resistance training the more
effective it is AS EARLY AS 5 BY 11 MISSING OUT ON


Time spent resistance training should be limited.

Time spent on the field should not be decreased.

Specialization in resistance training should be avoided.

Session 1: Strength
& Power
How to do the session…

Perform this session 1-2x/week making sure that it does not interfere with team training and/or games.

Rest at least 1 minute between sets and longer if you think you need it.

For supersets, perform all exercises back-to-back-to-back then rest and repeat.

Rate of Perceived Exertion (RPE) denotes intensity. RPE of 8 means stop 2 reps before you think you would fail or just high intensity (for exercises
that don’t have reps). RPE of 9 means stop 1 rep before you think you would fail or just very high intensity (for exercises that don’t have reps).

Slowly add sets and reps to build up your strength and capacity.

Core & Power Work (Superset):

Dead Bug: 2-3 sets of 10-15 reps each side

Offset side plank: 2-3 sets of 30-45 seconds each side

Split stance ankle pogo: 2-3 sets of 15-20 reps each side

Forward drop lunge: 2-3 sets of 8-10 reps each side

Split Squat Jumps: 2-3 sets of 6-8 reps each side

Lower Body Strength Work (Do just
1 of the exercises depending on
your level):

Beginner: Bodyweight Squat: 2-3 sets

of 5-10 reps at RPE 8

Intermediate: Split Squat: 2-3 sets of

5-10 reps each side at RPE 8

Advanced: Split Squat Isometric

Contraction: 2-3 sets of 20-60
seconds each side at RPE 8-9

Lower Body Strength &

Lateral Squat Cross Connect: 2-3 sets

of 8-15 reps each side

Upper Body Strength & Stability

Pushup: 2 sets at RPE 8-9

Rocking (Beginner) OR Hallow Hold

Rocking (Advanced): 2 sets of 15-30

Session 2: Speed
& Fitness
How to do the session…

Perform this session 1-2x/week making sure that it does not interfere with team training and/or games.

Rest times vary and are denoted by each exercise/activity.

For supersets, perform all exercises back-to-back-to-back then rest and repeat.

Speed work must be done at maximum intensity.

Slowly add sets and reps to build up your capacity.

Physical Preparation (Superset):

Marching Glute Bridge: 1-2 sets of 8-12 reps each side.

Mountain Climber: 1-2 sets of 8-12 reps each side.

Complete A Series: 1-2 sets of 5-10 yards of each progression.

Half Kneeling Forward Bounds: 2 sets of 5 reps each side.

Speed Work:

Walking Start Max Effort Sprint: 1-5

sets of 10-20 yards (you don’t need a
video for this exercise).

Agility & Technical Work:

Agility Drill (for power): 2 reps

each side with 1 minute rest
between reps (2 left foot
finishes/2 right foot finishes).

Agility Drill (for conditioning): 2

sets of 5 reps with no rest
between reps.

Technical Work:

If you are doing this session as

part of a technical session, insert
your technical training here.

Fitness Work:

Sprint/Deceleration Drill: 2-6 sets

of 6-10 10-yard sprints.

Next steps…

Stay consistent… Progress…

• Do these sessions 1-2x per • Build up to doing each

week session 2x per week
• Maintain intensity and focus • Slowly add sets and reps to
during each session build strength and capacity
• If you feel like you need a
more advanced program to
keep making progress…

Make sure to
check out ‘The
Footballer Fitness
It will give you…

All the physical training you need to do for 4 weeks to become an unstoppable force on the field.

Advanced field sessions that will have you flying past opponents.

Advanced strength sessions that will have you outmuscling every opponent.

Options to train 2, 3, 4 and 5 days per week depending on your schedule.

The option to train with bodyweight only or use a gym if you have access to one.

Click HERE to
check it out!!!

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