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Test Plan CRM

Account Controller Function to view List of Accounts, store data

to DB, and Update Access Token
Activity Controller View List of Activity

Ajax Controller [Function to fetch the data of threads],

[Function to add and remove labels]
API Controller [function to Send Email Message],
[function to Reply Email Message],
[function to Received Request from
[function to Save Draft],
[function to Save Mark Contact As Lead],
Attachment Controller View the attachments by message ID
N Auth Controller Function login and logout
R Contact Controller View kanban, store contact to DB, view the
O single card, Mark contact as Lead, Update
L contact Status, and function to get contacts
L emails in compose to fetch in input select To
Cron Job Controller Update Access Tokens to fetch Messages,
Function test to check issues,
R Cron job for fetching 300 messages from
Gmail, and function to store messages IDS
Gmail Controller View Messages Gmail

Note Controller store data of note to DB

Permission Controller Function to give permissions to users by ID

Pusher Controller Function to check who is user visiting single

card now, and mark it by user ID
Reports Controller Function to view List of Reports

Request Controller Function to view List of Requests, Mark as

Lead by ID, confirm Request by ID and delete
Requests by ID
Signature Controller Function to view List of Signatures, store
data to DB, view signatures by ID, and delete
Signatures by ID
Sync Controller Function to run Cron Job

Users Controller Function to view List of users, store data to

DB, and delete users by ID

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