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This chapter presents: (a) background of the study; (b)

statement of the problem; (c) assumptions; (d) scope and delimitations;
(e) significance of the study; (f) definitions of terms; and (g) notes and

A. Background of the study

The world has evolved rapidly and because of the rise of
industrial and domestic activities, the production of waste became an
inevitable aspect of our daily lives. An average person generates an
amount of 0.79 kilograms of waste per day (World bank, 2022). It was
also revealed that worldwide an estimated amount of over 2 billion tons
of waste are generated annually. By definition, wastes are discarded
materials that has little to no value due to the lack of ability to be used in
another way. Waste are usually classified into three; (1) biodegradable;
(2) non-biodegradable; and (3) recyclable. If without proper action these
wastes may usually ends up in landfills: A place or site where wastes are
disposed. One of the purpose of landfills is to minimize the harmful
effects of discarded wastes on human health and in environment.
For the past years in order to address the rapid increase of
waste production the use of single use plastics was prohibited and
recycling became a solution to make use of discarded trash, however
sometimes this approach only applies to non-biodegradable and
recyclable waste materials. Tons of discarded biodegradable waste are
still dump in landfills, as it was believed that since biodegradable wastes
are perishable and can be decompose easily there is no need to make
use. Throughout the years massive amount of biodegradable waste had
been produced worldwide from commercial, industrial, domestic and
agricultural. Biodegradable wastes produce a significant amount of
microbial flora which could raise the danger of microbe caused
communicable disease in people plants and animals. Biodegradable
wastes decomposition may also result in the massive production of
landfill leachate and green house gas emission.
According to national solid waste manage commission
(NSWMC), in the Phillippines disposed waste in landfills are mostly
dominated by biodegradable wastes with a percentage of 52%. It was
also revealed by latest solid waste management status report that in 2020
the country produced an estimated amount of 18.05 million tons of
waste is produced that year and an average Filipino produce around 0.4
kg of waste daily, these wastes include; kitchen scraps, yard wastes,
paper and plastics. These wastes are usually from residential areas. Past
research suggests several biodegradable wastes management approaches,
including proper segregation of wastes, composting, vermicomposting
and landfills. Looking ahead it appears that this issue on improper waste
disposal might actually get worse over time if unattended. This research
study ought to contribute in finding a solution in minimizing the size of
generated biodegradable waste from household areas by creating a
device that will shred or breakdown biodegradable waste into pieces.
The device is designed to cut wastes that is usually generated in
households, which includes; food waste, garden scraps, and paper waste.
This device can be used in home or even in community in breaking
down the size of biodegradable waste for faster decomposition, which
later on can be added to soil as a compost
The amount of generated biodegradable waste from household
or residential areas are inevitable, that is why we created a device that
can help people shred their generated biodegradable waste into tiny
pieces in order to help them make use of it.

B. Statement of the problem

The study focused on creating a biodegradable waste shredder device.
Specifically, it sought to answer to the following question.

1. How effective is the device in terms of:

a). Various types of biodegradable waste
b). Speed of shredding

C. Assumptions
a) The device can cut down different types of biodegradable wastes into
tiny pieces.
b) E-shred is a device that is operated to shred different types of waste in
less than 10 minutes.

D. Scope and Delimitation

This study is focused on creating a shredding device that can
be used in order to properly disposed or make use of generated
biodegradable waste in households. The study also aimed to determine
its ability and effectivity in different types of biodegradable waste and
how long the device took to shred the different types of biodegradable
This study only covers the fabrication and testing of the device,
which can help people break down their bio wastes into tiny pieces for
faster decomposition. This device is delimited only to the type of
biodegradable waste it can shred, this includes; food wastes, garden
scraps, and paper waste.

E. Significance of the study

Household. This device will be beneficial to household and home
owners, beside that it will help decrease the amount perishable clutters
in the house it will also help the members of the household make use of
discarded waste materials since shredded biodegradable waste
decompose faster it can be added to soil as a compost for house

Community. The findings of this study can aid the environment by

acknowledging and providing new insights on environmentally friendly
industrial waste shredder devices.

Environment. If the research indicates that the process of automating the

waste shredding device is successful, it could then be used to maintain
hygienic conditions and prevent environmental contamination. Waste
shredding machine can be the solution that can help the community to
reduce communicable diseases brought by improper waste management.

Future Researcher. This study may be used as a useful reference for the
future researchers who will be conducting an identical or similar
research. The results of this research could be used as a related study to
give them an idea of how to create an industrial waste shredding device
that effectively shred biodegradable wastes.
F. Definition of terms
fabricate. Using procedures to produce pieces that can be used to build a
product or structure as well as building anything out of standardized
biodegradable Waste. Any waste that can decompose either aerobically
or anaerobically.
perishable. Liable to spoil or decay.
leachate. Contaminated liquid produced when water percolates through a
solid waste disposal facility, picking up contaminants and flowing into
underground spaces.
Compost. A plant fertilizer made of decomposed organic substances.

G. Notes and references

(Senate of the Philippines [SEPO], 2017). Philippine solid waste at a
(The world bank, 2022). Solid waste management.
(Sources and types of waste, n.d). Byrus.
(National geographic society, 2022). Landfills.
(Popoola, 2022). Biodegradable waste. IntechOpen.
(Solving the Phillippines garbage crisis, 2020). Senate of the
(Rani, 2021). Management of biodegradable waste. Journal of
Biotechnology & biomaterials.

This chapter presents: (a) related literature and studies; (b)

synthesis of the state of the art; (c) gap to the bridge of the study; (d)
theoretical framework; (e) theoretical paradigm; (f) conceptual
framework; (g) conceptual paradigm; and (h) notes and references

A. Related literature and studies

Biodegradable waste management is a critical issue in today’s
world, and the use of shredding devices is becoming increasingly
popular for efficient waste reduction. Open dumping and open burning
are the main implemented waste treatment and final disposal systems,
mainly visible in low-income countries. In all the cities and places,
biodegradable waste is dumped or disposed of in a landfill or discarded,
which causes public health hazards and diseases like malaria, cholera,
typhoid. Inadequate management of wastes like unlimited dumping
bears several adverse consequences. It is not only polluting groundwater
and surface through leachate but also promotes the breeding of flies,
mosquitoes, rats and other disease-bearing vectors (SEPO, 2017).
Several studies have been conducted on biodegradable waste shredding
devices, focusing on various aspects such as design, performance, and
In one study, Pavankumar et al. (2022) examined the efficiency of
a biodegradable waste shredding machine and came to the conclusion
that an automatic machine is better than a manually operated shredder
for shredding organic waste. They took all of the relevant considerations
into account when designing the machine. Because the machine is
designed for small business owners, it does less work overall. Important
conclusions from their work include the fact that the machine costs less
than existing shredding machines, that blades can be removed quickly,
that it is simple to install and disassemble, and that highly experienced
labor is not necessary.
In a study by Thakur et al. (2020), they developed a design for a
machine to shred biodegradable garbage in which the motor rotates at a
fixed speed of 1440 rpm and uses a gearbox to scale back the speed and
increase the torque. The shearing process begins when the crop waste
comes into contact with the rotating cutters or blades. The enormous
length of waste is immediately reduced to a small micro length by this
shearing motion. This minor length wastage will disintegrate more
rapidly than the major length. The size of the natural waste being
chopped determines the clearance between the moving blades. This
design is appropriate for hostels, schools, and institutions that need to
dispose of some waste. Because of its small size, the design is ideal for
people with little room. The setup is less expensive overall, and the
components are readily available.
A study by Mehanna et al. (2022) made a small-size orchards waste
shredder machine designed and locally manufactured. The machine is
made up of the frame, a cutting shaft with two fixed blades, a hopper,
and an electric motor connected to the cutting shaft by two pulleys and a
belt. When the user feeds orchard wastes, such as tree branches, through
the hopper and toward the cutting device, which has support with 2 mm
in clearance, at the same time the motor (2800 rpm) moves the cutting
shaft using pulleys and the belt, the knives cut the branches to raw
material for compost with thickness of 2 mm and length of 2-3 cm, and
the cut woody material exits from the machine’s bottom outlet. Since
this shredder was made in the locality, it presents a wonderful chance for
small orchard owners to start a side business and/or produce their own
In another study, Setyaningsih et al. (2022) suggested the
construction of a shredder machine employing an overheating controller
with IoT technology connected with a conveyor and shredder. The QFD
method was used to design the shredder machine suggested in this study,
and as a result, it has the following benefits: a) electric home operation;
b) flexibility due to quick movement and assembly; and c) minimization
of overheating to prevent mechanical system failure on the shredder
machine that happens in electric motors.
Pedrablanca et al. (2019), fabricated and tested the motorized
shredding machine. It also aimed to determine the maximum speed in
shredding selected biodegradable wastes. Thus, solving the problem of
the City of Batac. The study employed qualitative analysis that focused
on the performance of the fabricated machine. The fabricated motorized
shredding machine is composed of base (angle bar, flat bar, knot and
bolts, switch, and AC motor) frame (shafts, blades, belt, and pulley,
galvanized steels, bearings) chute (galvanized steel) hopper (square bar,
and angle bar, and galvanized steel). The motorized shredding machine
was designed to run by electricity as its main source of power.

B. Synthesis of the state of the art

According to “iqs directory” conventional shredders are one of
the most common types of shredders found in home offices, described as
having one, two, or more blades that cut material into fragments for
reprocessing or waste management. The study by Pavankumer et. Al
(2022) showed the efficiency of an automatic biodegradable waste
shredding machine for small businesses that costs less than existing
shredding machines, that blades can be removed quickly, that is simple
to install and disassemble, and does not require highly experienced
labor. It is similar to the study of Thakur et al. (2020), that indicates that
biodegradable garbage shredder machines are suitable for people with
little room since it is less expensive and the components are readily
available. It is designed for hostels, schools, and institutions that need to
eliminate some waste. However, the study of Pavankumer et. Al (2022)
and Thakur et. Al (2020) was different from the study of Pedrablanca et.
Al (2019), that focused on the performance of the fabricated machine
and aimed to determine the maximum speed in shredding selected
biodegradable wastes. The study indicated above is related to the current
study. It is due to the fact that the current study aims to design and build
a motorized biodegradable waste shredding device that was influenced
by the aforementioned study.

C. Gap Bridge by the study

The researchers of the current study's associated literature and
studies discuss the effectiveness of biodegradable trash shredding
system as well as its concept. Additionally, some studies were also used
by the researchers to get more information and important insights on
how to design and fabricate the waste shredder device. However these
past studies only focuses on large scale areas such as farms and other
agricultural lands and does not focus on biodegradable wastes generated
from residential areas. This was the gap that the researchers had bridged.

D. Theoretical framework
Rotation theory deals with ergodic averages and their limits for
all points, not only for almost all points. This theory has its root in the
theory of rotation numbers or circle homeomorphisms which was
developed by Poincaré. Henri Poincaré was the first person to discover
the chaotic deterministic system and was best known for his critique of
logicism and for his geometric conventionalism. Rotation is defined
when an object moves in a circular motion around the rotational center
or point, it is the object’s spinning motion about its own axis. the
movement of a body about a fixed axis is known as rotational motion, if
a rigid body move in a circular motion about a common axis then it is a
rotational motion. Rigid body is define as a solid body that does not
deform or change in shape. We often see rotational motion in our daily
life and some of its examples includes the rotation of the earth, a
spinning top, motion of ferris wheel in the amusement park, motion of
when, gears motors etc. In this research rotational motion is seen in the
rotating blade of the machine. Rotational motion can be describe using
the four main physical quantities: angular velocity, angular
displacement, angular acceleration, and time.
Rotational dynamics is the study of forces and motions about an
axis of rotation. It aims to provide description where in unless driven by
a net external torque, an object at rest will stay at rest, and an object in
rotation tends to keep rotating at a constant angular speed. In the other
hand if an object’s rotational velocity is constant, it is said to be in
rotational equilibrium. The net torque operating on the object must be
zero in order for it to be in rotational equilibrium. Example of rotational
equilibrium includes door opening and closing and ceiling fan
movement. We can calculate the rotation of the blade of the device. E-
shred is a device that is rigid and when the power switch of the device is
turned on the motor’s internal circuitry of the device will help the blade
rotates and so will display rotary motion.
E. Theoretical paradigm



Biodegradable waste shredder device can cut down various
different types of biodegradable wastes

Figure 1
Theoretical paradigm

F. Conceptual framework
The conceptual framework is presented through the use of a
visual concept map that contains the steps to be taken into action as
shown in Figure 2. This framework includes five (5) main steps. The
first step in the process is making of the prototype. The testing and
approval of the protype will fall as the second step. The third step will be
the gathering of the materials to be used. The fourth step is making of
the actual device. And finally, the last procedure in the process is the
testing the effectivity of the device to various types of biodegradable
STEP3: FABRICATION Device (E-shred)

Figure 2
Conceptual paradigm



This chapter presents: (a) research design; (b) sampling

method; (c) key respondents; (d) sources of data; (e) data gathering
procedure; (f) research instruments; (g) validation for research
instruments; (h) statistical treatment of data; and (i) notes and references.

A. Research design
In this study the researchers used is a quasi-experimental
design with quantitative approach. Creswell (2003) mentioned that
quantitative research is a research that apply research methods including
surveys and experiments, and gather information using specified
instruments to provide statistical data. Quasi experimental design intends
to prove a cause and effect relationship between an independent and
dependent variable.

B. Sampling method
In this research study the researchers used a checklist that will
serve as guide while observing the performance of the shredder in
various types and kilograms of biodegradable wastes. According to checklist is defined as an instrument that is made up of
predefined list of anticipated indicators that a researcher needs to checks
to see if it is present or not. The performance of the device will be
observed and the researchers will examine the prepared checklist

C. Key respondents
For the current study, the key respondents are the homeowners
and the researchers themselves. E-shred is a device that will be tested in
the researchers own residential areas. Household members who can give
appropriate information to researchers during the gathering of data are
counted as the key respondents of the study.

D. Sources of data
E-shred is a device that will be tested based on its
effectiveness and ability to shred different types of biodegradable waste.
The primary source of data will be from the evaluated observation of the
researchers and their interpretations of it, which is highly important in
providing answers to the current research. In the other hand, the
secondary source of data will be from past research studies and verified
websites. The gathering of secondary sources will be based on its
relevance to this current research study.

E. Data gathering procedure

In this research study the device needs to be tested in a
residential area, and order to do this, researchers must ask first the
permission and the approval of the homeowners to test the device’s
ability and to conduct a trial and observation in their residence. Gathered
biodegradable waste should be well separated based on their types and
kilograms. After that the validated checklist should be prepared,
rechecking the checklist if it matches the research questions of the study,
distribution of the checklist and the final test and observation of the
device. All of the above-mentioned procedures and activities are carried
out under the guidance of the subject teacher.

F. Research instruments
A checklist is utilized as a questionnaire in this current research
study. This checklist enables the researchers to determine the device’s
ability to shred different types of biodegradable wastes and its effectivity
as a biowaste shredder. The research instrument’s questions are purely
based from the statement of the problem written by the researchers.

G. Validation of research instruments

The validation of the research instruments was given a time of
2 weeks. A letter was provided which was signed by the principal and
the proponents of research this is to ensure that the researchers are
allowed to conduct a study. The research instruments were handed to the
panelist for validation. The checklist was validated by Ms. Judith
Añonuevo, Mrs. Lorelei Marantal, Mr. Ronnel Dellosa, Mrs, Valorie
Ariado and Mr. Noel Lafuente.

H. Statistical treatment of data

According to statistical treatment of data is
when a statistical procedure is applies to a data set in order to change it
from a collection of meaningless numbers into meaningful output. For
this research study after the gathered numerical data based from the
checklist are summarized, analyzed and interpreted the overall set of
data should be acquire and to do that the used of arithmetic mean or the
average is highly essential.
Attaway (2012) mentioned that arithmetic mean is the average of
values, it is the number of values in the data collection divided by the
sum of the values. The formula for the arithmetic mean or average is
given below.

X 1+ X 2+ X 3+…+ Xn

M= mean
X= list of number
N= number of item list
N= last number of the item list

G. Notes and references

(Research design, n.d.). Google books.
(Checklist, n.d.). Agency for healthcare research and quality.
(DiscoverPHDs, 2020). Statistical treatment of data.
(Manjubeth, 2018), Checklist on research. Slideshare,net
(Matlab, 2012). Arithmetic mean. ScienceDirect

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