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Testate Estate of the Late Adriana Maloto, Aldina Maloto Casiano, CONSTANCIO

MALOTO, Purificacion Miraflor, Roman Catholic Church of Molo, and Asilo De Molo,
vs. COURT OF APPEALS, Panfilo Maloto and Felino Maloto, respondents.
G.R. No. 76464, February 29, 1988, 158 SCRA 451

Petitioners and respondents are the nieces/nephews or Adriana Maloto who died in
1963. The four heirs believed that the deceased did not leave a will, hence they filed an
intestate proceeding. However, the parties executed an extrajudicial settlement of the
estate dividing it into four equal parts.

In 1967, Atty. Sulpicio Palma, ex-associate of the deceased's counsel allegedly

discovered her last will which was purportedly dated 1940, inside a cabinet. Hence the
annulment of the proceedings and a probate petition was filed by the devisees and
legatees. The said will was allegedly burned by the house helper under the instruction
of the deceased.

The lower court denied the probate on the ground that the animus revocandi in the
burning of the will was sufficiently proven.

Whether or not there was valid revocation of the will

No, there was no revocation. For a valid revocation to occur, the 'corpus' and 'animus'
must concur, one without the other will not produce a valid revocation. The physical act
of destruction of a will must come with an intention to revoke (animus revocandi). In this
case, there's paucity of evidence to comply with the said requirement. The paper
burned was not established to be the will and the burning though done under her
express direction was not done in her presence.

Under Art. 830, the physical act of destruction, in this case the burning of the will, does
not constitute an effective revocation, unless it is coupled with animus revocandi on the
part of the testator. Since animus is a state of mind, it has to be accompanied by an
overt physical act of burning, tearing, obliterating or cancelling done by the testator
himself or by another under his express direction and presence.

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