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I. Choose the correct answer by crossing (x) a, b, c, or d!

1. A : where do you buy the meat?

B : I buy it in the _______.
a. Fruit stall b. greengrocer c. butcher d. stationery

2. A : what vegetable does she like?

B : she likes _________.
a. Broccoli b. cabbage c. asparagus d. mushroom

3. The students are cleaning the _______.

a. School yard b. classroom c. field d. garden

4. I will buy _______ in the department store.

a. Shirt b. T-shirt C. shoes d. socks

5. There is a big sale in the supermarket. The discount is awesome. The meaning
of discount is _________.
a. Mengangsur b. membayar c. uang kembalian d. potongan harga
6. What is this? It is a ________.
a. Cauliflower
b. Carrot
c. Broccoli
d. Tomato

7. The students can borrow books in the ________.

a. Canteen
b. Library
c. School yard
d. library

8. There are some ______ on the table

a. Guavas
b. Cabbages
c. Potatoes
d. mangosteens
9. Shinta doesn’t like carrots, but she likes _______.
a. Oranges
b. Rambutans
c. Spinach
d. eggplants

10. I want to buy an _________ in the greengrocer.

a. Orange
b. Apple
c. Eggplant
d. Bean

11. A : can I help you?

B : yes, you can. I need a pair of ______.
a. socks
b. sandals
c. shirt
d. shoes

12. I want to buy a _______ in the shop.

a. Jacket c. ball
b. Hat d. racket

13. A : how much does this ______ cost?

B : it costs one thousand rupiahs.
a. pen b. sharpener c. ruler d. pencil

14. A : what can I do for you?

B : I need some ________.
a. doughnuts b. biscuits c. chalk d. chocolate

15. We are in the ________ now.

a. Butcher b. fruit stall c. greengrocer d. stationery

Text for number 16-19

Edith : do you like beans, Bobby?

Bobby : no, I don’t
Edith : what vegetables do you like?
Bobby : I like corns. How about you?
Edith : I don’t like corns, but I like potatoes.

16. There are _____ persons in the dialogue.

a. 1 b. 2 c. 3 d. 4

17. Bobby and Edith are talking about _________.

a. Fruits b. hobbies c. animals d. vegetables

18. Bobby likes _______.

a. Corns b. carrots c. cabbages d. spinach

19. Edith doesn’t like tomatoes, but she likes_________.

a. Cucumber b. celery c. potatoes d. beans
Text for number 20-22

Today is Wednesday. Every Wednesday,

the students of the fifth class have a geography
lesson. In this session, Mr Smith, the geography
teacher, asks the students to open their maps.
They will memorize the capitals of Europe.
20. A : what day is it today?
B : it is ________.
a. Thursday b. Friday c. Wednesday d. Sunday

21. The fifth-class students have a ________ lesson every Wednesday.

a. Geography b. mathematics c. science d. biology

22. Mr Smith asks the students to memorize the capitals of ______.

a. Asia b. Africa c. America d. Europe

23. A : do you like tomatoes?

B : __________.
a. Yes, I do b. no, I don’t c. yes, she does d. no, she doesn’t

24. Bill : does she like sightseeing?

Tom : _________.
a. Yes, she is b. no, she isn’t c. yes, she does d. no, she doesn’t

25. What date is it today? it is the ______ of July.

a. five b. fiveth c. fifth d. fifteenth

26. When do we celebrate our Independence Day? In ______.

a. June b. July c. August d. September

27. Let’s _________ in the new swimming pool.

a. Swim b. swimming c. dive d. diving

28. A : let’s go ________.

B : okay. That will be fun.
a. Hiking b. climbing c. hike d. climb

29. Robert : dad, can I go _______ tomorrow?

Father : yes, dear.
a. Surfing b. cooking c. jogging d. fishing

30. Which is one of tourism objects in Kudus?

a. Kudus Tower b. rabbit gelato c. Sam Poo Kong d. Batik market

31. Tomorrow is Friday. Today is ___________

a. Tuesday b. Thursday c. Monday d. Saturday

32. This month is March. Last month was __________.

a. February b. June c. May d. October

33. Five months before November is ___________.

a. December b. January c. April d. June
34. The hero’s day is on the _____________.
a. 10th November c. 2nd May
b. 28th October d. 21st April

35. The youth pledge day is on the _______.

a. 17th August c. 28th October
b. 21st April d. 10th November

II. Fill in the blanks with the correct answer!

1. It is a _____________.

2. It is a _____________.

3. We can buy vegetables in the ________.

4. We can buy fruits in the _______.
5. We can buy meat in the ________.
6. We can buy pens, pencils, and rulers in the __________.
7. Next month is September. Last month was __________.
8. Today is Wednesday. The day after tomorrow is _________.
9. The students have a flag ceremony every ________.
10. We can buy magazines and newspaper in the ___________.

III. Write the dates below in English

1. 3 Maret 1995 : ______________________________________________.

2. 12 Desember 1804 : ______________________________________________.

3. 31 Juni 2000 : ______________________________________________.

4. 20 Juli 2006 : ______________________________________________.

5. 15 Mei 1600 : ______________________________________________.

IV. Translate into Indonesian

1. Thursday is the fourth day of the week.

2. There are twelve months in a year.

3. What food do Jane and John dislike?

4. We can go camping in the mountain.

5. The bakery is beside the florist.

6. How much does the beef cost?

7. Father likes to eat meatballs.

8. Let’s go surfing.

V. Translate into English

1. Saya suka membaca buku.

2. Desa ini jauh dari danau itu.

3. Ada tujuh hari dalam seminggu..

4. Desember adalah bulan kedua belas dalam setahun.

5. Ayo kita bermain gitar.

6. Apakah kamu suka kue dan es krim?

7. Dimanakah tukang daging?

8. Berapa harga sepasang kaos kaki ini?

VI. Arrange these words into good sentences

1. Jimmy – supermarket – goes – the – to.

2. Much – does – this – how – pineapple – cost -?

3. After – April – the – is – month – May.

4. Stamps – Mary – post office – can – in the – buy.

5. Costs – rupiah – the sharpener – thousand – two.

VII. Answer these questions

1. Mention 10 things you can buy in the fruit stall!

2. Mention 10 things you can buy in the greengrocer!

3. Mention 5 things you can buy at the butcher’s!

4. Mention 3 things you can buy in the drugstore!

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