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Chapter 72

Dirichlet forms

72.1 KMS states and CAR algebras

72.1.1 KMS states
We refer to [572] for missing proofs and more details. The document [573] seems interesting

Définition 72.1.
Let t–t utP be a strongly continuous one parameter semigroup of automorphisms of a C ˚ -algebra
A and — P . A state Ê is a p–, —q ´ KM S-state if is fulfils the KMS condition:
` ˘
Ê a–i— pbq “ Êpbaq (72.1)
for every a and b in a norm dense and –-invariant ˚-subalgebra.

Note that for — “ 0, the state Ê is a trace.

A map : A Ñ A is positive when pA` q Ä A` where A` is the set of positive elements in
A (definition 69.56). It is completely positive if for every n P 0 , the extension
b In : p Aq Ñ n pAq
“ ‰ (72.2)
p b In qraij s “ paij q
is positive on the C ˚ -algebra n pAq “ Ab n p q, see definition 69.86. The map is Markovian
is it is positive and if paq § 1A for every a P A such that a “ a˚ and a § 1A . The map is
completely Markovian if the map b In is Markovian on n pAq.
A one parameter semigroup t t ut•0 of maps t : A Ñ A has one of these properties when each
of t has.

72.1.2 CAR algebras

Let V be a vector space with a bilinear non degenerated symmetric form. The ˚-algebra
generated by the elements of V and subject to the relations
vw ` wv “ xv, wy (72.3a)
v˚ “ v (72.3b)
is the CAR algebra over V . Formally it is the quotient of the tensor algebra over V by the
relations v b w ` w b v “ xv, wy.
Let H0 be a pre-Hilbert space and H be its completion. We have a CAR algebra U pH q given
by the antilinear map a : H0 Ñ BpH q and the relations
apf qapgq ` apgqapf q “ 0 (72.4a)
apf qapgq˚ ` apgq˚ apf q “ xf, gy (72.4b)
for every f and g in H0 [574]. ` ˘
If H is a selfadjoint on H , we can define the automorphism group – : Ñ Aut U pH q by

` ˘ ` ˘
(1) –t apf q “ a eitH f ,
` ˘ ` ˘
(2) –t a˚ pf q “ a˚ eitH f
for every f P H0 . This is a strongly continuous group of automorphisms of the CAR algebra called
the Bogoliubov transform. If — P , the condition for a state Ê to be p–, —q-KMS requires
among others ´
` ˘ ` ˘¯ ` ˘
Ê apgqa˚ pe´—H f q “ Ê apgq–i— a˚ pf q “ Ê a˚ pf qapgq . (72.5)

The CAR relation (72.4b) provides

` ˘
apgqa˚ e´—H f “ xg, e´—H f y Id ´a˚ pe´—H f qapgq. (72.6)

Writing the relation (72.5) with pId `e´—H q´1 f instead of f , we get
´ ` ˘¯ ´ ` ˘¯
Ê apgqa˚ e´—H pId `e´—H q´1 f “ Ê a˚ pId `e´—H q´1 f apgq , (72.7)

but using the (anti)linearity of a˚ and Ê we have

´ ` ˘ ¯ ´` ˘ ¯
Ê a˚ pId `e´—H qf apgq “ Ê a˚ pf q ` a˚ pe´—H f q apgq
` ˘ ` ˘
“ Ê a˚ pf qapgq ` Ê a˚ pe—H f qapgq (72.8)
` ˘ ` ˘
“ Ê a˚ pf qapgq ` xg, e´—H f y ´ Ê apgqa˚ pe´—H f q

where we used the fact that a˚ pe´—H f qapgq “ xg, e´—H f y Id ´apgqa˚ pe´—H f q and the fact that
ÊpIdq “ 1 since Ê is a state. In the last line, the first and last terms sum to zero because of the
KMS condition. What we obtained is
´ ` ˘ ¯
Ê a˚ rId `e´—H sf apgq “ xg, e´—H f y. (72.9)

If we write this with rId `e´—H s´1 f instead of f , we get

` ˘
Ê a˚ pf qapgq “ xg, e´—H rId `e´—H s´1 f y. (72.10)

It turns out that, using the CAR relations, that formula uniquely defines Ê. This is then the
unique p–, —q-KMS state on U pH q and is denoted by Ê— .

72.1.3 KMS symmetric maps

Définition 72.2.
Let t–t utP be a strongly continuous group of automorphisms of the C ˚ -algebra A and Ê a p–, —q-
KMS-state for some — P . A bounded map : A Ñ A is said to be p–, —q-KMS symmetric
with respect to Ê if ´
` ˘ ` ˘¯
Ê b paq “ Ê –´ i— paq – i— pbq (72.11)
2 2

for every a and b in a norm dense and –-invariant ˚-algebra B of A– .

We already mentioned that, when — “ 0, the state Ê is a trace; what happens with the KMS
symmetry condition on in the case — “ 0 is
` ˘ ` ˘
Ê b paq “ Ê a pbq . (72.12)

Let us suppose that, for a generic —, the map commutes with the action. The symmetry
condition becomes ´ ` ˘¯
Êpb paqq “ Ê –´ i— paq– i— pbq
2 2
` ˘
“ Ê pbq–´ i— paq (72.13)
` ˘ 2
“ Ê a pbq
where we used twice the KM S condition for Ê.

Lemme 72.3.
If Ê is a p–, —q-KMS state, the map is KMS-symmetric with respect to Ê if and only if
` ˘ ` ˘
Ê paq– i— pbq “ Ê – ´i— paq pbq . (72.14)
2 2

Proof. We write the usual KMS condition (72.1) for Ê with the replacements b Ñ – ´i— pbq and
a Ñ paq: ` ˘ ` ˘
Ê paq– i— pbq “ Ê –´ i— pbq paq , (72.15)
2 2

then we use the KMS condition (72.11) for with the replacements a Ñ b and b Ñ – ´i— paq in
` ˘ 2
order to get Ê –´ i— paq pbq .

We recall that an entire function is a function holomorphic over . We define the set D— as
D— “ tz P tel que 0 † Im z † —u if — • 0
D— “ tz P tel que — † Im z † 0u if — § 0
Proposition 72.4.
Let – “ t–t utP be a strongly continuous group of automorphisms of the C ˚ -algebra A, — P and
Ê be a state on A. The following two conditions are equivalent:
(1) Ê is a p–, —q-KMS state;
(2) for every pair a, b in A, there exists an analytic map Fa,b : D— Ñ A such that
Fa,b ptq “ Êpa–t pbqq (72.17a)
Fa,b pt ` i—q “ Êp–t pbqaq (72.17b)
for t P .
If these conditions are satisfied, we have |Fa,b pzq| § }a} · }b} for every z P D— .
Moreover, if a P A and b P A– , the function Fa,b is the restriction to D̄— of the entire function
` ˘
z fiÑ Ê a–z pbq . (72.18)
The point in the proposition is that the relations (72.17) define only Fa,b on the boundary of
D— .
We have the same kind of proposition for a KMS symmetry.

Proposition 72.5.
Let – “ t–t utP be a strongly continuous automorphism group of the C ˚ -algebra A and Ê, a
p–, —q-KMS state for some — P . Then for a bounded map : A Ñ A, the following conditions
are equivalent:
(1) is p–, —q-KMS symmetric with respect to Ê;
(2) pour every pair a, b in A, there exists a continuous bounded analytic map Fa,b : D̄— Ñ A
such that
´ ` ˘¯
Fa,b ptq “ Ê –´ t paq – t pbq (72.19a)
´ 2 ` 2 ˘¯
Fa,b pt ` i—q “ Ê – t pbq – t paq (72.19b)
2 2

for every t P .
If these conditions are satisfied, the function Fa,b is bounded on D̄— and
|Fa,b pzq| § } } · }a} · }b} (72.20)
for every z P D̄— . If a P A and b P A– , the function Fa,b is the restriction to D̄— of the entire
function ´ ` ˘¯
Ga,b pzq “ Ê –´ z2 paq – z2 pbq (72.21)
on .

Let us briefly recall the GNS construction of a C ˚ -algebra A (see theorem 69.80). Let Ê be a
state on A. First we consider the space

NÊ “ ta P A tel que Êpa˚ aq “ 0u “ ta P A tel que Êpb˚ aq “ 0 @b P Au, (72.22)

and we define the Hilbert space HÊ as the completion of the quotient A{NÊ . The representation
fiÊ on HÊ is then defined as
fiÊ paqrbs “ rabs (72.23)
where the bracket ras denotes the class of a P A for the quotient by NÊ .
The kernel of the representation is given by the elements a such that

rabs “ 0 (72.24)

for every b P A. This means that a P NÊ . Thus the kernel of the GNS representation is given by
the set of elements a P A such that Êpa˚ aq “ 0.
Suppose that we have an semigroup –t of automorphisms of A and a –-invariant state Ê. Then
if a P kerpfiÊ q we have ` ˘ ` ˘
Ê –t pa˚ q–t paq “ Ê –t pa˚ aq
“ Êpa˚ aq (72.25)
“ 0,
so that –t paq belongs to kerpfiÊ q too.

Proposition 72.6.
Let t–t utP be a strongly continuous group of automorphisms of the C ˚ -algebra A and Ê be a fixed
p–, —q-KMS state for some — P . Then a map : A Ñ A which is p–, —q-KMS symmetric with
respect to Ê leaves globally invariant the kernel kerpfiÊ q of the GNS representation of Ê.

Proof. Let a P kerpfiÊ q. Since –t is an automorphism of A, we also have –t paq P kerpfiÊ q. Let Fa,b
is the map guaranteed by proposition 72.5; since Ê is positive (it is a state, definition 69.60), it
fulfils the condition (69.62), so that
´ ` ˘¯ ´ ` ˘˚ ¯ ´` ˘˚ ` ˘ ¯
|Fa,b ptq|2 “ |Ê –´ t paq – t pbq |2 § Ê –´ t paq –´ t paq Ê – t pbq – t pbq . (72.26)
2 2 2 2 2 2

Since –t is an automorphism and since Ê is –t -invariant, the first factor becomes

Êp–´ t paa˚ qq “ Êpaa˚ q “ 0. (72.27)


What we proved is that |Fa,b ptq| “ 0 when t is real. Being analytic, the function Fa,b vanishes
everywhere. By property (72.19b),
` ˘
0 “ Fa,b pi—q “ Ê b paq . (72.28)

Taking b “ paq˚ , we get paq P kerpfiÊ q.

72.2 Dirichlet and traces

Other source: [575, 576].
Let A be a C ˚ -algebra and · : A` Ñ r0, 8s be a faithful, densely defined, semifinite and lower
semicontinuous trace on A` (see section 69.18). We consider L, the set of square integrable
elements in A, that is:
L “ ta P A tel que · paa˚ q † 8u. (72.29)
This set is an ideal in A and · can be uniquely extended to a linear functional on N “ xL˚ Ly
(lemma 69.115). We still denote by · the extension. In particular the formula

pa, bq· “ · pa˚ bq (72.30)


defines a sesquilinear form on L. We denote by L2 pA, · q the Hilbert space obtained by completion
of L with respect to the sesquilinear form p., .q· . Such a construction is similar to the one of L2 pM q
on page 2816. Since the trace is faithful, we have Êpa˚ aq “ 0 only when a “ 0. The space L2 pA, · q
is thus also the GNS construction described in theorem 69.80.
We denote by ÷· : L Ñ L2 pA, · q the natural injection whose image is, by construction, dense.
The space ÷· pLq has the product

x÷· paq, ÷· pbqy “ pa, bq· “ · pa˚ bq. (72.31)

If, for a P A and b P L, we define

fi· ÷· paq “ ÷· pabq, (72.32)
we have
x÷· pcq, fi· paq÷· pbqy “ · pc˚ abq. (72.33)
` ˘
The map fi· : A Ñ B L2 pA, · q is a representation of A on L2 pA, · q. We consider the von Neumann
algebra L8 pA, · qM “ fi· pAq2 . Since · is defined on fi· pAq and that M is a strong closure of fi· pAq
(theorem 71.5), the form · can be extended to a normal functional on M. From now we write a
the element ÷· paq in L2 pA, · q.
C “ ta P L tel que a “ a˚ § 1M u Ä L2 pA, · q. (72.34)
This set is convex. Indeed, let a, b P C and consider p1 ´ tqa ` tb. We have

p1 ´ tqa ` tb § p1 ´ tq1M ` t1M “ 1M . (72.35)

We write a ^ 1 the projection of a onto C.

The notation is inspired from the fact that if we consider the real function f ptq “ t ^ 1 “
minpt, 1q, we have a ^ 1 “ f paq in the case a “ a˚ P L by the continuous functional calculus,
theorem 69.21. If b P C, we have Specpbq Ä s´8, 1s, so that f ptq “ t and f pbq “ b. If a is outside
C, we have
` ˘
Specpa ^ 1q “ f Specpaq Ä s´8, 1s. (72.36)
Then we have Specp1 ´ a ^ 1q Ä r0, 8s, which proves that 1 ´ a ^ 1 • 0.
A quadratic functional
E : L2 pA, · q Ñ s´8, 8s (72.37)
can be extended to n pAq “ A b n p q in` the following
˘ way. First we consider the trace
·n “ · b Trn on n pAq then we define En : L2 n pAq, ·n Ñ by
En ras “ Eraij s. (72.38)

The domain of E is the set

F “ t› P L2 pA, · q tel que Er›s † 8u. (72.39)

The functional E is said to be

(1) J-real if ErJ›s “ Er›s for every › P L2 pA, · q;
(2) Markovian if Er› ^ 1s § Er›s for every › P L2 pA, · q such that › “ J›;
(3) Dirichlet form if it is Markovian and lower semicontinuous;
(4) completely Dirichlet if the extensions En are Dirichlet for all n • 1;
(5) regular if the subspace B “ A X F is dense-norm in A and a form core for pE, Fq (defini-
tion 57.31);
(6) C ˚ -Dirichlet form if it is regular and completely Dirichlet.

Lemme 72.7.
Let E “ ta P L tel que a “ a˚ § 1M u and C “ E. We recall that L2` pA, · q “ L` . Then

C X L2` pA, · q “ ta P L tel que 0 § a § 1M u. (72.40)

Proof. First, it is obvious that ta P L tel que 0 § a § 1M u “ E X L` . Thus we have to show that
E X L` “ E X L` . The inclusion
E X L` Ä E X L` (72.41)

is only topology.
The delicate part is the reverse inclusion. Let x P E X L` . In a first time we suppose that
}x} “ 1. By hypothesis we can find a sequence xi Ñ x with xi P L` . Since }xi } Ñ 1, we consider
the sequence
yi “ Ñ x. (72.42)
}xi }

The element yi still belongs to L` from proposition 69.31. Moreover yi § because proposi-
tion 69.33 shows that xi § }xi } . So we have yi P E X L` and x P E X L` .
Let us now consider any x P E X L` . By the preceding point we build a sequence yi P E X L`
such that
& yi Ñ x (72.43a)
}yi } “ 1. (72.43b)

Then we consider the sequence zi “ }x}yi . This converges to x and zi P L` . We still have to show
that zi P E.
First we prove that }x} § . For that we consider ai Ñ x with ai P E. Since x P L` for every
‘ we have
Specpai q Ä r´‘, }ai }s. (72.44)

We conclude that ai • 1. Indeed the spectrum of ai ` 1 is made of ⁄ such that ai ´ p⁄ ´ 1q

is not invertible. Thus ⁄ P Specpai ` 1q if and only if ⁄ ´ 1 P Specpai q and ⁄ ´ 1 • ‘, so that
⁄ • 1 ´ ‘ ° 0. The spectrum of ai ` being positive we have ai • ´ . Now we have ´ § ai §
and proposition 69.34 concludes that }ai } § 1. Since ai Ñ x we conclude that }x} § 1.
Problèmes et choses à faire

Here I’m using the fact that the norm is continuous. This is due to the fact that we are precisely working on the completion with respect to the


By the definition zi “ }x}yi and }yi } “ 1, we have }zi } § 1. Once again by proposition 69.33
we have zi § }zi } § .

Définition 72.8.
Let tTt ut•0 be a J-real, symmetric, strongly continuous semigroup acting on L2 pA, · q. That semi-
group is said to be
(1) Markovian if it leaves globally invariant the set (see lemma 72.7)

C X L2 pA, · q “ ta P L tel que 0 § a § 1M u; (72.45)

` ˘
(2) completely positive if its extensions to L2 n pAq, ·n are positive;
` ˘
(3) completely Markovian if its extensions to L2 n pAq, ·n are Markovian.

72.3 Modules over C ˚ -algebra

Définition 72.9.
Let A be a C ˚ -algebra. A A-bimodule is an Hilbert space H with commuting left and right
representations. The bimodule is said to be symmetric if there is an isometric antilinear involution
J : H Ñ H exchanging the left and right actions:

Jpa›bq “ b˚ Jp›qa˚ (72.46)

for every a, b P A and › P H .

Let a P A and › P H . If fi is a representation of A on H we have }fipaq›} § }fipaq}}›}, and

lemma 69.75 shows that
}fipaq›} § }a}}›}. (72.47)

In the case of a A-module we do not explicitly write the representation fi and we write }a›b} §
When H is a bimodule over A, a derivation is a linear map B : DpBq Ä A Ñ H such that

Bpabq “ Bpaqb ` aBpbq (72.48)

for every a, b P DpBq. Notice that one always has Bp1q “ 0. A derivation is symmetric if its domain
DpBq is a selfadjoint subalgebra and if the A-bimodule pH , Jq is symmetric with Bpa˚ q “ JpBaq.

72.3.1 Example: gradient of a function

Let M be a Riemannian manifold and consider A “ Cb pM q, the C ˚ -algebra of continuous
bounded function on M ; H “ L2 pT M q the space of square summable vector fields on M . The
Ò : Cb8 pM q Ñ L2 pT M q (72.49)

is a derivation and L2 pT M q is a Cb pM q-bimodule with the pointwise multiplication.

72.3.2 Left and right representation

` ˘
If a P A is a selfadjoint element, we can represent the C ˚ -algebra C Specpaq on H by
f paq› if f p0q “ 0
La pf q› “ (72.50)
› if f ” 1
` ˘
where f P C Specpaq and › P H . This is a good definition when f is a polynomial. The action
with non polynomial continuous functions is defined by density. The right action is defined by
›f paq if f p0q “ 0
Ra pf q› “ (72.51)
› if f ” 1.

Let I be an interval in and f P C 1 pIq. The quantum derivative of f is the function

f P CpI ˆ Iq defined by
f psq´f ptq
if s ‰ t
f˜ps, tq “ s´t (72.52)
f 1 psq if s “ t.

Lemme 72.10.
Let H , J a symmetric Hilbert A-bimodule and pB, DpBqq be a symmetric derivation defined on an
involutive subalgebra of A. Let a “ a˚ P DpBq. Then

(1) For every polynomials f , we have f paq P DpBq and the chain rule
` ˘
B f paq “ pLa b Ra qpf˜qBpaq. (72.53)

holds. Moreover we have the bound

` ˘
}B f paq } § }f 1 }CpSpecpaqq }Bpaq}. (72.54)

(2) If pB, DpBqq is closable as operator A Ñ H , then the closure is a derivation.

(3) If pB, DpBqq
` is a ˘closed derivative A Ñ H , then the formula (72.53) holds for every function
f P C 1 Specpaq such that f p0q “ 0. In particular the domain of a closed derivative is closed
for the C 1 functional calculus.

Remarque 72.11.
The equation (72.53) is a short notation for the following. First we introduce the following repre-
sentation of A b Aop on H :
pa b bq7› “ a›b. (72.55)
Then pLa b Ra qpf˜q› with f˜p0q “ 0 stands for
´ ¯
pLa b Ra qpf˜1 b f˜2 q7› “ La pf˜1 q b Ra pf˜2 q 7› “ f˜1 paq› f˜2 paq. (72.56)

Here the functions f˜i are associated with f˜ by the map (69.139).

Proof. (1) If a “ a˚ P DpBq, then f paq P DpBq because the domain of B is an algebra.
Let us begin with the constant function f “ 1. In this case f˜ps, tq “ 0 and all terms are
vanishing in the decomposition (69.140), so f˜ “ 0 b 0. Formula (72.56) then produces
Bp1q “ 0.
If f ptq “ t, then f˜ps, tq “ 1 and we get Bpaq “ Bp1q.
The general statement comes from the formula
xn ´ y n
“ xk y n´1´k . (72.57)
x´y k“0

Then, for f ptq “ n –n t
n, one defines

ÿ n´1
Dfa “ –n ak b an´1´k (72.58)
n k“0
` ˘
and the formula to be checked becomes B f paq “ Dfa 7Bpaq that can be checked by induc-
Let us now prove the bound (72.54). If f ptq “ tn , then
Dfa 7› “ ak ›an´1´k . (72.59)

Using the inequality (72.47) we found

}Dfa 7›} § }ak ›an´1´k }
§ }ak }}an´1´k }}›}
§ }a}n´1 }›}
“ n}a}n´1 }›}.

In this computation we also used the fact that }ab} § }a}}b}. Since }a} § suptPSpecpaq |t| by
proposition 57.56(1), we have

n}a}n´1 § sup |f 1 ptq| “ }f 1 }CpSpecpaqq . (72.61)


(2) Let an Ñ a and bn Ñ b and consider the Leibnitz formula

Bpan bn q “ an pBbn q ` pBan qbn (72.62)

Since the operator B is supposed to be closable (see proposition 57.10), we can define
Bpaq “ lim Bpan q. By continuity of the left and right actions, we also have

lim an Bbn “ aBb. (72.63)

In the same spirit, limpan bn q “ ab and we have lim Bpan bn q “ Bpabq. Thus taking the limit
in both side of equation (72.62), we found Bpabq “ aBb ` pBaqb.
` ˘
(3) Now we suppose that pB, DpBqq is closed and we consider f P C 1 Specpaq . In particular f 1
is continuous and we can consider polynomials fn such that fn1 Ñ f 1 and fn Ñ f uniformly
on Specpaq. Indeed on each connected component K of Specpaq we have

}fn ptq ´ f ptq} § sup |fn1 ptq ´ f 1 ptq|¸ “ ¸}fn1 ´ f 1 } § 2}a}}fn1 ´ f 1 } (72.64)

where ¸ is the length of K. We also used the fact that the length of Specpaq is smaller or
equal to 2}a} by Since fn1 Ñ fn uniformly, the right-hand side can be made smaller than ‘
by a suitable choice of n. We suppose that fn p0q “ 0 by choosing the suitable primitive of
fn1 .
For each n we have ` ˘
}B fn paq } § }fn1 }}Bpaq}. (72.65)
` ˘ ` ˘ ` ˘
` prove now˘ that B fk paq is a Cauchy sequence. By linearity, B fk paq ´ B fl paq “
B pfk ´ fl qpaq . By the bound (72.54) we have
` ˘
}B pfk ´ fl qpaq } § }fk1 ´ fl1 }}Bpaq}. (72.66)

Since fk1 Ñ f 1 uniformly, the right hand side of (72.66) can be set smaller than ` ‘ ˘by
` suitably
˘ large k and l. This shows that f paq P DpBq and, by definition, B f paq “
lim B fn paq .
As far as f˜ is concerned, we have the uniform limit f˜n,i Ñ f˜i and then
` ˘
B fn paq “ f˜n,1 paqBpaqf˜n,2 paq. (72.67)
` ˘
By definition the limit of the left hand side is B f paq while the limit of the right hand side
is, by continuity of the actions, f˜1 paqBpaqf˜2 paq.

` ˘72.12.
Let B, DpBq be a symmetric derivation on A defined on a dense subset with values in` a symmetric
Hilbert A-bimodule pH , Jq. We suppose that DpBq is dense in L2 pA, · q and that B, DpBq is a
closable form from L2 pA, · q to H . The form pE, Fq defined by

E : L2 pA, · q Ñ r0, 8r
a ބ }Ba}2H

is a C ˚ -Dirichlet form with F “ DpBq.

Moreover, if is the generator of the completely Markovian semigroup associated to E, we
have “ B ˚ ˝ B.

` ˘ 72.13.
Let E, DpEq be a completely Dirichlet form on L2 pA, · q. Then B “ A X DpEq is an involutive
` of M.
If E, DpEq` is a C˘˚ -Dirichlet form, the subalgebra B is an involutive subalgebra of A and a
core form for E, DpEq .
` ˘
The subalgebra B “ A X DpEq is the Dirichlet algebra of the form E, DpEq . We also
consider the hermitian sesquilinear form obtained from E by polarization:

E : DpEq ˆ DpEq Ñ
1´ ¯ (72.69)
p›, ÷q fiÑ Er› ` ÷s ´ Er› ´ ÷s ` iEr› ` i÷s ´ iEr› ´ i÷s .
It allows to recover E.

Proposition 72.14.
The sesquilinear form on the algebraic tensor product B b B given by
1` ˘
pc b d, a b bq fiÑ Epc, abd˚ q ` Epcdb˚ , aq ´ Epdb˚ , c˚ aq (72.70)
is definite positive.

We denote by H0 the Hilbert space obtained after separation[505] and completion of B bB with
respect to the sesquilinear form given by proposition 72.14. The inner product will be denoted by
p.|.qH0 and if a b b P B b B, we denote by a bE b the canonical image in H0 .

` ˘72.15. ˚
Si E, DpEq is a C -Dirichlet form on L2 pA, · q, there exists a A-bimodule structure on H0 char-
acterised by
(1) apb bE cq “ ab bE c ´ a bE bc
(2) pb bE cqa “ b bE ca
for every a, b, c in the Dirichlet algebra B.

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