Flange Integrity

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FLANGE | NT es LANGE INTEGRITY / Bout TIEHTENING % MACHINING = Controued technical boiting is ee recagnieed asan effective and cost ef fecent omathod 40 Save plant operators un-necssargt cdourntima ond lost predusettion revensees frern leaning fronge foots In ordar fo datier te highest standards of Setot tnkegatoe out teckniecans focus envitel areas such as fronge Surface Quality. joint alignment and uniform bolt loading. = Torque Hgntening = rigoemeite Solt Tenstontog. - Ferg spreading - Nut Spreading = gett integertte [Fen sep = Flange, Raed - Face Beene 7 - Flange ery fae wpahintange oF: es lene (a. area facing = milting of fronges | ferating. heacl partition plates = petting , betting ” tapping of broken forge bots - cold curring of pipes Joist Fain, NoT Just Gaskets: bo re qoreues _ bolt preparation = low = over - Hight soit loads = Weak bolt ameterial 4 inadequate bott | weather | nut Wiech fon =- Poor flonge design or materate — Poor gornet ee or See — Improper instat;atten met eachand at contebute to seal fei lure + Ons when att the Compmnents of the fasten ave aie hgeier tn hawrrongs cur_ tre Seat be expected +0 provicla Vaal performance over a vemtmable life —-trme . The integer ty of a Safe seal clepends upon the Selection of correct components appropriate for ime. application. (Flange | Gasteet | 8014s | Nuts 4 lubricant) cavefel preparation cleaning, fnstecgeronwere asrembl, correct bolt Hehe tng and loading. GaskeT SEALING : 4 que? vole i540 teal tha space re the mating Surfaces of a flange onnse Ten . Tuy ts piichecl other te bolt foacl compresses tra. greet fo atevel va teghinass that otiows (t to four the. a between Tra. mating jocos and fii the smary tmperfections fa the Seales Surfaces. watt proper flange cluygn % (aet Instatiation Th Stresses on yet wilt be Suppcent to create a barter between, the Pressurgzacl siela GF tra Gost > hotel tp feuraty | in Place» All te paths of re are. Petree i Cee betwean Tha. gatleat M frange . However, what if Prtions ofthe ange face ane clomaged | wt! tre forge lect Uf tusecl or showtel tre ancl urer replace It Let's look of Pronge face damage and ts potertal Het on gasket Seating Dver-Hme A for ang number of veaions oi e can cceur to plang faces. Fach Recah gecesi! tenel fo create apotental lear padt tract tha gascat outst try je Seal , Some commen pres of Henge Surface damage, Trade characteristias onc! posstble casizas are Listed! beioow. ® scratches Gouges © prrs © Dents Thess ag Pe of Senae ts narrow ane! ed with Sharp, Sharow bottoms . However, elon depencledg on re fora trat created “tram, thay con be. deep. frequantig « trot yee of clamage é creat ecf a a sharp object dragging across the Flanged Jam. | These objects meg incluce tra bristles of awlre brush cr atoll, Suchas a chtsel. objects — 5 v Dette Res breve, fangs face ov chisel. © Pits; This damage iS esol presi , Somashot toandad Areas of ancentrated matertal 1060 createc] be coreaston. Often, piks over tn clustens or go \Bsesen es od = oo Shorp er blunt nen elongated are, ciel ‘4 Soma form of tmpact Derts Sometimes rest fer equipment oiitsions caused 4 Par Boning Tra mating fronges aging @bes ¥ “erg 7 Themat common events that create Suvfaca finish domage are Irelenatatone that occur, fore eet previtoces o ated garcet mnmaterta| frm ng Surface » tools, Juchas chiel or Crewdroyet pete ee Shoutd be avoreod + A brace were brush ig prefiqed. DAMAGE IMPACT + What tha daninge. res have fh corameny ts Rat ri vedece tra fooling Thrghinecs of the goes agasnat Prof parhatar Celamaged) aren af tre flanges face. If trase defects ave Smayy and few, Te leox Hehmess of the bolpecl ommectron wt nof be SE Ny impacted, fa defect large Ceipecraty avoss Pe eee) cltrectron Of the. fronge face) or several etapeets aS cr Tr & Smet avec, fre bee pata cur cxcanel the oy of tre qaet fo bioce *t, and Uae cbe Can occcer kine thar tre geared coun puccest ful if seal Prose damaged areas clepenty papas SIZE. capt, orientation ancl number . The Quutron fren bearnas how forge: ts too lange oe what 1 tre Irmtt on Ara. number af Smat clagects ina ong range " fe” po be poled fo Serul at. In Qolo, poldverrec! This Krewe Pn tts Shencdarel, le area fh #S tre. tre. ASME GurclrEnes fer preesure Boundare Bottec! frange joint assemblg po ASIIE (Fe ~4- 2010 «THE prea acd provides | oe fer gevereel important frange enstderations + appendix D of tra indeed tnetucles infecmaton thot Specifreatty pigrerress jase eS Surface coneltton, Pepensltx D ens wa fables that provicle guetdletinac foc serving aeitowable Wrrthe on fiange face by pokang pees cverant is of the dafectve Set. Wh, ¢ tres creo Tobe 1 canbe accarsecl to type ef damage. Limths oe ectas Letheel bg sae trae cfrective beat ‘ea tre. reolieed al@recton) 9 of mmadehing th do pa. eupth OF irae Same cltect, The retpectve en agit ee ee n 44.pe ane] cae oF pat bebo Tare diel tate pboltee! fiacge onnection ® Asne pee -1- 2010 ® Asme Bios © Asme Be 16-41 @ nsmME B th'20 Asme B16-5 Pipe, FLANGE = Firming (nes .~24") * Aste 316-47 LARGE DIAMETER STEEL FLANGE C26" ABOVE) Ly sme B 31.3 Process Piping ly Asme Bi-1 Pre FLANGES » FLANGE Firrinas \y AsMe B 16-20 METALUC GASKET For PIPE FLANGES Ce Me fange fem ancl bring the forge togetner ant contacting. fa qa tat ©instarr an ports BrCNdiebcals maning sure Tras ore fren from clirt anc grt and trot tha threads and umeley put fous ave well lubricated © Run up nuts fioger Hest @ Mare the proper tightening sequence on te Stude with thoulk os per To on para 6:3 or as per vecommaneledd Se the eQuupmant menufpacharer © Determine tre torque Value for tra Suche or bo to be Haghtenad : 1. frest incremant Hghtentng. Stage Yhoutd be Irmited fo a maximum af 904. of final trraus a, r ; 2. Seconel incremant ney bteninge stage Phould be limited + 2 maximum of Gor of final doreue ene a. Thivel fnevemant Cire area: Phouetd pe cared out at tre foo, teres ae Note; 1/213 Shoceld be tightened ae: the. dtagenal both sequence Shown In the diagram ®on the. fourth ane! fired Hg tenting FQ uence change. aa % = Hg btenteg br adjacent bolt-=to — bo be gn ing wang tha. 100 ‘f. pe tr Value # Jou TAHENING, Sequence ; 4 30+. 1-2-3-4 4604. 4-8-2-4 > 1004, W2-a-4 Stoo}. 3-4-4-2 ©) 8 s& Bours Franac by 304. 1-2-3-4; 5-6-7-8 4 Got 37-65; 4-9-2-1 S400 1. 1-2-8-4 7 s-6-1-8 ly 04. 2-6; 1-5; 4-8; 3-7 © 12 set Bert range lysed. 152-345 5-6-7-8; g-t0- 14-12 Ipgotidtatt=10-9;:8-7-6-57 4-3-2-1 eee OS) 4-10-11-12. Ly 100 “+ §-5- 423 1-6-41; h-2-10; 3-1-4 TOWER NESSEL FIN-FAN REACIOR aeinogeeas| 1 Exatanaer CO Ficrer Co Pring 1 TANK Comers FLANGE MATERIAL, FLANGE FACE ConDmon!|

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