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The Problem and Its Background


The learners can acquire knowledge and reinforce their learning, which enhances

their cognitive skills. Retaining learning from the lectures in Kasaysayan ng Daigdig is

important to the students because it enhances their critical thinking and analytical skills,

which prepare them to be responsible citizens. This information retention becomes the

foundation for students to be profitable individuals, which trains students' minds to be

holistic. The concept of information retention in a broad perspective is the ability of the

learners to make their knowledge stick for a long time on what they learn in school, to be

specific, inside the classroom (Whatfix, 2022).

This study is supported by data in which information retention have been

experienced in global, national, and local communities. To define information retention

known as "learning retention or memory retention" in global aspects, in which "learning

retention is the process of transferring new information into long-term memory. This

means "taking in the information and being able to recall it in the future" (Lorman, 2021).

The advantages of information retention are that it involves strengthening

knowledge and the likelihood of the students learning more and applying their prior

knowledge to new learning (Humentum, 2018). The students will enhance their

knowledge, skills, and understanding of the lesson taught inside the classroom and learn

to appreciate the subject Kasaysayan ng Daigdig in Araling Panlipunan. Also, the


students are able to achieve life-long learning, and they can reflect their knowledge that

they have retained through information retention.

To conclude the information retention, the study of Pillado, Futalan, and

Cumighud (2020) explained that memory retention plays a paramount role in the

academic lives of the students. However, students who have a problem with retention

may have difficulty remembering class lectures. Memory is a mental process that is used

to acquire, store, or retrieve information. Its processes are acts of using information in

specific ways to make the information available later or to bring that information back

into the current stream of processing. Meanwhile, the problem focuses on information

retention in a national community here in the Philippines.

According to the study of Boladola (2018), the retrieval of students prior

knowledge, or memory, as needed to connect to the new lesson of higher complexity is

oftentimes a problem encountered by teachers in the implementation of the K–12

curriculum. The Philippines has used a spiral progression approach across the curriculum,

which has been controversial until the present. Hence, Laus (2021) stated in his study that

academic performance and student retention had drawn popular interest among

educational researchers and theorists in the past years.

Moreover, Filipino students suffer from low retention of concepts, limited

reasoning and analytical skills, and poor communication skills. These low performance

indicators were attributed to the quality of the teaching-learning process (Doque and

Roleda, 2019). Consequently, information retention is an indicator of successful or


unsuccessful teaching and learning. To be specific, the locality limited to Region IV-A,

Calabarzon, will support the problem of information retention.

It is a quite sad reality that learners find Araling Panlipunan a boring subject.

Primarily, it deals with history, economics, politics, the constitution, and society. The

contents are highly objective in nature and should be taught in an exact and

comprehensive way. The teachers struggle to motivate learners and must make

information relevant to their experiences (Lorbis, 2019).

The learner memory retention level is a must for achieving the minimum learning

competency of learners in their subject. In fact, in the modern teaching approach that

facilitates learning, the acquired learning of the students in their lessons is always

considered. As a matter of fact, if retention is not a top priority in the classroom, teachers

spend most of their time reviewing and re-teaching the concepts. On the other hand, for

academic institutions, retention of students has become a challenging issue (Seidman,

2005; as cited in Curbano and Hernandez, 2020).

The researchers conducted the study on junior high school Grade 8 students at

Luis Palad Integrated High School, Tayabas, to determine the information retention of the

learners in Kasaysayan ng Daigdig. In the current times, based on the observable and

non-observable checklist pre-survey from all Grade 8 teachers from Luis Palad about the

observation inside the classroom of the students behavior toward learning and

information retention, there are some students in their classroom that are having difficulty

with information retention. Students in their classroom experience difficulty retaining and

constructing learned ideas. Those unengaged students fail to retain information and

struggle with information retention because they are unable to respond when questioned.

The difficulty in recalling the prior lesson was observed based on the students behavior.

Therefore, the researchers want to determine the reasons for the following factors

affecting information retention: repetition or practice, meaningful learning, whole vs. part

learning, massed and spaced practice, motivation, feedback, and passage of time or time

management, based on Shristi (n.d.). The locale is chosen to determine the capabilities of

grade 8 students in their learning retention from the subject matter limited to Kasaysayan

ng Daigdig. This study aims to resolve the problems encountered in information retention

to give it profitable significance.

Statement of the Problem

The study sought to determine the factors affecting the information retention of

Grade 8 Students in Kasaysayan ng Daigdig.

Specifically, it answered the following questions.

1. What are the factors affecting the information retention in terms of?

1.1 repetition or practice;

1.2 meaningful learning;

1.3 whole vs. part learning;

1.4 massed and spaced practice;

1.5 motivation;

1.6 feedback; and


1.7 passage of time or time management?

2. Based on the result of the study, what informational material can be developed to

enhance the information retention of the respondents?

Conceptual Framework

This study used the concepts that served as the foundation of this research study.

Those concepts are helpful for the researcher to have related information about the

factors affecting the information retention of selected grade 8 students in Kasaysayan ng


The capacity to remember and store information was referred to as information

retention. Students first retain information in their short-term memory after learning it.

Short-term memories can be transformed by the brain into long-term memories, which

people may retain for a considerable amount of time. They can retain more long-term

memories and recall them when needed if they practice techniques for greater

information retention (Indeed, 2022).

According to the article by Shristi (n.d.), there are seven main factors that

influence learning retention namely: repetition or practice; meaningful learning; whole

vs. part learning; massed and spaced practice; motivation; feedback; and passage of time.

Repetition, or practice, is the act of repeating actions associated with a task, which

help a student learn. There are certain tasks that can only be learned perfectly through

repetition. For example, if someone wants to learn to type or ride a bike, they must

regularly practice the numerous actions required to master these skills. It has been

demonstrated that retention improves with increased repetition or practice.

While meaningful learning is when a student can relate something to someone

they already know and get its broader meaning, learning and remembering anything is

much easier. This way of learning, in which one also learns the subject's importance,

helps with memory preservation and retention.

However, whole learning is typically more effective than learning in bits and

pieces and then attempting to put them together. Yet, the type of content, its length, and

how it is organized all affect whether learning is done in full or in part. While, part

learning works best when the pieces are logical divisions of the whole. This method of

part-learning is once more the materials significance that improves learning efficiency.

Besides, the massed technique of practice or learning refers to a way of learning

in which the subject is learned in one sitting without breaks in between the practices. The

spaced technique of learning, also known as the distributed method of practice, is an

alternative that involves learning the material between sittings over a period of time.

In addition, learning has a goal or purpose, it is most likely to remember the

information for a longer period of time. Motivation has a significant impact on the

effectiveness or ineffectiveness of the retention process.

Through feedback that provides encouragement, correction, and some sort of

reinforcement. Hence, this might lead to effective learning and, consequently, efficient


Furthermore, the passage of time or time management refers to the amount of

time between learning and recalling, as well as the activities that students engaged in, are

thought to have a significant impact on retention.

Conceptual Paradigm

This study determined how these factors affect information retention of selected

grade 8 students in Kasaysayan ng Daigdig.


Factors affecting
information retention
of student in terms of:

Repetition or Developed
practice; Informational
Meaningful learning; Analysis on factors material in a form
Whole vs. part affecting of video blog to
learning; information enhance the
Massed and spaced retention information
practice; retention of the
Motivation; students
Passage of time or
time management?

Figure 1. Conceptual Paradigm of the Factors Affecting Information of selected Grade 8

students in Kasaysayan ng Daigdig

The figure above shows the Input-Process-Output (IPO) model on factors

affecting information retention of selected grade 8 students in Kasaysayan ng Daigdig.

The study used the IPO model to present the conceptual paradigm in which the input

stage contains the variables that affect the information retention namely: repetition or

practice, meaningful learning, whole vs. part learning, massed and spaced practice,

motivation, feedback and passage of time or time management factors.

Based on the process stage, analysis on factors affecting information retention.

These variables were analyzed through the results from the respondents using survey


While the output stage, the researchers developed an informational material in the

form of a video vlog to enhance the information retention of the students. This supported

the study and a learning material to sustain information retention of learning.

Significance of the Study

These were beneficial to the following groups of people:

For the students, the results of this study help them to improve their information

retention in learning. It was able to determine their academic potential and pinpoint and

developed the skills that and boost their self-awareness towards learning.

Also, the teachers benefited since they have awareness to implement effective

teaching-learning strategies and techniques to help the students retain the learning and to

construct new knowledge from prior knowledge. They can have an insight that helped

them achieve an effective learning environment. The teachers can be well-prepared in all

aspects of the different methods for the students. Adapting to change and improvement

strategies and approaches for varied learners. They can offer a progressive and good

quality of teaching and learning process.


The administrators of the school also provided information on the factors

influencing student performance ability to retain material and excel academically.

Knowing this can help them decide what kind of professional help they can provide the

teachers so they are able to identify and address the needs of the learners when factors

affecting information retention unintended effects that negatively impact the students.

Lastly, the future researchers would use this study as a guide and their reference

in conducting other research that is connected to the topic. The findings of this study can

help to support their research related to information retention. They can use this research

as a guideline on creating further research.

Scope and Limitation

The study focused on determined factors affecting the information retention of

Grade 8 students in learning Kasaysayan ng Daigdig in terms of repetition or practice,

meaningful learning, whole vs part learning, massed and spaced practice, motivation,

feedback, and passage of time or time management.

The research was conducted in Luis Palad Integrated High School. (LPIHS)

Tayabas City, Quezon with respondents of (40) Grade 8 students using a purposive non

random sampling.

The researchers used a descriptive-survey research using quantitative method and

self-made survey checklist questionnaire as the tool in the gathered data.

The researchers come up with the result by using WAM in analyzing data.

According to Geopoll (2023) the weaknesses of using weighted arithmetic mean include

the potential for over-representing the opinions of a small number of respondents who

may not accurately represent the entire population, unintentionally introducing bias into

the dataset, and increasing the findings variability by increasing the standard deviation of

respondents' check-in responses.

Definition of Terms

For the clearer understanding of the important terminologies in this study, the

following are defined conceptually and operationally.

Factors- refers to one of the things that affects an event, decision, or situation (Collins

Dictionary). In this study, it refers to the variables used such as repetition or practice,

meaningful learning, whole vs part learning, massed and spaced practice, motivation,

feedback, and passage of time or time management that can affect information retention

as rated by the students.

Grade 8 students- it refers to the eighth grade, when students are between the ages of 12

and 14(Free Dictionary, 2023). In this study, the students are taking Kasaysayan ng

Daigdig as a subject.

Information Retention- refers to the process of transferring new information into long-

term memory. This means they effectively take in the information and are able to recall it

in the future (Lorman, 2021). In this study, it is the capacity of retaining information

among grade 8 students.

Kasaysayan ng Daigdig- it refers to the study of human history across borders. World

historians study events that span several states, civilizations, and geographical areas,

including as migrations, cross-cultural contact, and trade. They not only look for links,

but frequently compare historical periods in order to analyze the overall picture

(University of Florida, 2023). In this study, it is the subject of 8th grade students.


Review of Related Literature and Studies

This chapter presents the review of related literature and studies which served as a

basis to make the study more informative and easier to understand. The researchers

extracted it from the books, journal, unpublished thesis and online resources.

Related Literature

A thorough review of related literature was made to come up with an in-depth

study about salient features. The researchers went through several readings to gain the

helpful knowledge needed to bring the study in a broader sense.

Information Retention

Information retention is defined that plays a paramount importance in the

academic life of the students. However, students who have a problem in retention may

have difficulty in remembering class lectures. The learners need to access information

about facts from long-term memory while remembering what they have just finished and

what they need to do. (Pillado, 2020). This means that information retention will

determine if the learnings stays through the scenario in a classroom setting that they

remember their prior learnings. Therefore, the learning information comes from long-

term memory or information retention.

According to Bombaes, Fuasan, and Garcia (2021), to have the knowledge stored

in long-term memory in a way that makes it possible to quickly recall it is to have


retained what was learned. The researchers concluded that storing learning retention will

help the learners to recall what they have learned.

However, there is a memory retention issue with students to retain and recall facts

from their previous knowledge gained (Boladola, 2018). These refers to the factors

affecting the information retention of the learners.

Siu (2020) defines information retention as the ability to remember information

over a period of time. In short, it is the process of retrieving information after it has been

encoded and stored. This will help the learners to prolong learning and retain prior

knowledge that they can connect to new learning.

The advantages of the learning retention process include improved understanding

as well as a higher possibility that participants will apply new skills and knowledge,

comprehend the outcomes that are possible, and reflect on and track their progress toward

a broad objective (Humentum, 2018). Through learning retention, which enables the

learners to develop their understanding so they can comprehend what they have learned,

teaching and learning are progressive.

In conclusion, the researchers want to determine the factors affecting the

information retention of the learners. These factors refer to repetition or practice,

meaningful learning, whole vs. part learning, massed and spaced practice, motivation,

feedback and passage of time or time management. The ability of the learners to retain

learning nourishes them to be progressive individuals. The learners who recall what they

already learned can comprehend it and use it for more complex learning. It prolongs the

life-long learning that determines their self-growth and that they can use in real-life


Practice or Repetition

Repetition is the repeated performance of a skill-improving action, whereas

practice is the act or instance of repetition or repetition of an act. When stimuli are

retained for a longer period of time and learnt through repetition, they are more easily

remembered. In the context of learning, this is referred to as repetition. The saying

"practice makes perfect" is used as an example in the Encyclopedia (2019) to show how

repetition improves learning, even if practice increases pupils' chances of remembering

new material. It was stated that the sensitivity of learning to repetition serves as proof of

its efficacy and flexibility. The ability of learners to increase academic achievement can

then be learned through repetition or practice.

Through exercises that rely on repetition to teach students new concepts while

also reviewing their prior knowledge. In every class, they can use their own expertise to

advance their learning; this strategy gives students a sense of competence and assurance

(Novakid, 2022). It let the students practice creating new learning from past information.

Additionally, learning through repetition significantly improved recall and

associative memory abilities. Additionally, associative memory's recollection

contribution was increased (Zhan, Guo, and Yang, 2018). As a result, repetition in

learning enables students to retain information while also experiencing it. As a result,

information retention improves.


Furthermore, Ritter and Schooler (2010), as cited in ResearchGate (2023),

indicated that longer practice should be conducted in order to have potentially high

retention. In other words, practice learning wants to make sure that students fully

comprehend a subject, and their long-term memory somehow makes it easier for them to

recall any concepts or ideas that may be needed in the future. Moreover, repetition retains

the information and preserves knowledge that is acquired through practice learning,

which maintains retention.

Moreover, (Cardino and Ortega-Dela Cruz 2020) by repeating and revisiting prior

formulas, lectures, and material, repetition or repetitive exercise helps pupils understand

concepts more quickly. Students can quickly understand concepts by using the simplest

strategy of repetition. In addition, repetition will help as a strategy for the students to be

able to quickly understand the subject.

The use of repetition or practice is to improve learning retention of students. The

more that they repeat and practice the target learning outcomes. Then, it exercises the

learner’s ideas to expand and it enhances their memory retention in learning. In addition,

it helps them to experience learning therefore it retains and they are able to recall. It also

gives good information retention.

Meaningful Learning

Meaningful learning is defined by Santos and Castro (2020), as satisfaction from

results in achieving a desired goal. Student achievement is thought to be significantly

influenced by how satisfied the students are with the teaching strategy and learning

results. As a result, the lesson's opening should present and focus on the learner's desired


The development of more educational strategies through innovative curricula that

encourage students to "think outside the box" and develop original ideas, according to

Dagamac, Arioder, and Quintana (2020), allows for meaningful learning, which improves

students' thinking abilities and promotes learning retention. The learner develops

comprehensive thinking abilities through the use of creative curricula that are outlined in

cognitive instruction.

Additionally, by assisting students in making sense of their experiences, the

creation of knowledge plays a role in the meaningful learning process, according to

Sofiana (2022). When a student has a great learning experience, meaningful learning

takes place. By incorporating activities that turn knowledge into experiences, it makes the

teaching-learning process engaging.

Connectedness to prior knowledge and experiences is the definition of meaningful

learning. It modifies previous assumptions and advances deep learning. Fact

memorization is not seen as significant learning. Instead, the goal of meaningful learning

is to create a conceptual framework for understanding and interpreting reality. A relevant

learning environment is essential in the educational setting of the twenty-first century. To

further encourage meaningful learning, a range of teaching and learning strategies are

blended, allowing students to gain new information, reflect on their experiences, and

share what they have learned. Because the learners are diverse, the teacher should use a

variety of strategies to facilitate learning. Meaningful learning is therefore active,


advantageous, and continuous. The ability for pupils to actively engage in the educational

process is its most major benefit. It requires understanding how the information fits

together. Role-playing is a method of memorizing data that contrasts with rote learning,

according to Ghazali (2019). Interactive learning activities that can enhance learning in

the twenty-first century and encourage holistic development are part of meaningful

learning for students. Learners can acquire a comprehensive sense of well-being by

engaging in interactive learning. Instead of learning through repetition, students can make

the teaching and learning process relevant by actively participating in it.

Meaningful learning, for instance, fosters historical understanding, which refers to

"any of the ways humans utilize and construct meanings about the past." As a result, the

students will become involved in the conversation and be able to offer suggestions to

advance their comprehension (Penalba, Samaniego and Romero, 2020).

Meaningful learning enables students to use constructivism to turn their past

knowledge into new information. By wanting to focus on learning goals at the start of the

class, one might therefore achieve the satisfaction of learning. Because learners are able

to construct new information or experiences using their prior knowledge, meaningful

learning is a factor that influences information retention. Meaningful learning involves

constructing a conceptual framework for reality perception and interpretation. To expand

on what they already know, learners should be taught new material sequentially. It gives

students the chance to learn new things, reflect on their past experiences, and share what

they have learned. The student is participating enthusiastically.


Whole vs Part of learning

Whole learning is the students given a generalization of a whole learning outcome

that should be attained. While, part learning is a learning technique in which the lesson is

broken down into portions that must be mastered one at a time in succession (APA

Dictionary). According to Cardino & Ortega-Dela Cruz (2020) the inductive technique is

a much more student-centered approach that employs a tactic known as "noticing." Here,

learners are supplied with a variety of data and instances from which they must derive

principles. As a result, it is a technique to aid real-world instances. It means that the

inductive approach known as part learning

On other hand, deductive technique is the antithesis of the inductive approach, in

which the teacher conducts classes by introducing and outlining concepts to students

before expecting them to carry out assignments to put the notions into reality. The pupils

are given all the broad concepts or information in this method, while the specific

concepts or information are covered subsequently (Cardino and Ortega-Dela Cruz, 2020).

Therefore, the learners are expected to attain the learning goals as a whole.

In addition, whole learning is taught as a complete process with overloading

information without being divided into smaller parts. Teaching students difficult parts of

the lesson and given activities also encourages learners to be challenged in learning and

view it from a wider perspective (Shaw, 2022). This suggests that in order for students to

participate in more difficult learning, they should learn within a larger framework.

However, whole-learning can cause students to struggle with comprehension.

Learners may not be able to understand the topics (Wijayanti, 2023). The reason is that

not all students are flexible enough, and there are students who have learning difficulties.

While part learning, it is a step-by-step procedure before the students understand

the given activity. This type of instruction is typically started by tackling the lessons for

students and guiding them in this technique (Sowdon, 2021). A step-by-step learning

procedure that instructs students to be particular in their learning to achieve the desired

learning goal

Through the use of whole learning and part learning the researchers identified that

the differences of the two are from general to specific and specific to generalization. This

approach is commonly used in the classroom setting which the teacher applies to

determine the capabilities of the students. In conclusion, part-learning and whole-learning

were used in the classroom setting. Thus, it depends on the teacher to determine which

approach is profitable based on the student capabilities. Part learning is a form of guiding

students in a step-by-step approach, while whole learning is giving them instruction from

a bigger perspective with many activities to comply with.

Massed vs spaced learning

Mass practice, often called cramming or intensive rehearsal of a performance over

a short period of time. The term "spaced practice" describes the pupils going through

their material repeatedly over an extended period of time. As a result, knowledge can be

expanded upon and made easier to remember in the future. Young minds have more time

to link various thoughts and concepts because to this (APA Dictionary, n.d).

According to Lane (2022), cramming the night before an exam can help students

retain information in the short term and ensure that they have learned enough to pass the

test. This refers to massed practice.

On the other hand, spaced practice, students can be held accountable for their own

learning results through the use of a study plan. Time management can be difficult, but

making a study schedule helps students manage their time and ensures that they finish

their homework, prepare for tests, and review and retain the material they have learned

(, 2023).

The "underlying habit strength" that allows learners to use that knowledge when

they need it is developed by spaced practice. In the beginning, it could seem less effective

than cramming because they have forgotten some of the content and don't feel like they

understand it, but the extra effort is exactly what makes the method work. Spaced

exercise offers the brain the time it needs to solidify the new information and consolidate

it into long-term memory (Sinusoid, 2021). This means that the learners make an extra

effort to make time in learning.

In addition, Hood (2018), the concept of spaced practice, also known as

distributed practice, holds that practicing a specific skill or recalling a specific piece of

knowledge is more successful when done gradually across time rather than repeatedly

over a short amount of time. The reason spacing works is because memories deteriorate

and become harder to retrieve over time. When we try to re-learn anything after some

time has passed, we are actually reconstructing the knowledge itself and, more

significantly, the routes that lead to it, making it easier to access the next time. It means

that memory retention in learning is hard to retain but through spaced practice the

students are able to recall learning.

In contrast, ITAC (2021) blends spaced and mass practice. To begin, a certain

level of proficiency can be attained by a lot of practice. While spaced learning may be

used to encourage long-term, ongoing improvement and retention. Massed practice is

utilized to achieve learning objectives while studying for a test. Instead, in order to

increase information retention, students may use spaced learning, even if they achieve a

target level of academic success. In this case, the lessons or subject matter they learned

will still be retained.

In conclusion, massed practice is the academic equivalent of cramming, to put it

simply. It is often utilized by numerous pupils, which may make it harder for them to

remember what they have learned. There are too many concepts and teachings to

remember. On the other hand, spaced practice divides the instruction into smaller lessons

and requires the students to go over the content more thoroughly. This means that these

factors affect information retention, which can lead to a failing grade or a passing grade.

In addition, it will determine learning retention and whether the students are able to

preserve the knowledge for future purposes.


Motivation is described as the power that propels a learner's actions and starts,

directs, and sustains goal-oriented activity. One of the most crucial internal elements

influencing students' academic progress, according to Mauliya, Relianisa, and Rokhyati

(2020), is motivation. A mental input that regulates and directs human behavior,

especially learning behavior, is referred to as "motivation". Everyone, especially students,

has encountered low motivation, which is a condition in which a student refuses to learn

since it is challenging to retain the lesson. They clarifies that lacking motivation refers to

having insufficient levels of passion and excitement for one's work.

In addition, according to Mangubhai (2006), as cited in Castro (2018), motivation

is a theoretical framework for explaining the initiation, direction, intensity, and

persistence of activity, particularly conduct that is goal-directed. Student motivation

describes the time and effort that students devote to activities that may or may not be

those that their teachers find appealing in the classroom. Hence, motivation is defined as

the subjective experiences of students, particularly in terms of their willingness to

participate in lessons and learning activities and their justifications for doing so.

Therefore, motivation is subjective in students' drives to attain a certain goal in learning

or an academic achievement.

While, Benjamin (2023) the ability of learners to be motivated to learn does not

make a difference unless learners use effective strategies for encoding the information

they want to retain. Learning depends upon the motivation of the learners to retain


Similarly, it is possible to think of motivation as the drive and vitality behind

learning. Both internal learning objectives or mastery goals and external motivators or

performance goals like grade recognition can help students learn. Personal interest,

curiosity, relevance, and efficient learning control processes are frequently the driving

forces behind mastery goals (Times Higher Education 2022). The students who exhibit

mastery of goal orientation have more productive attitudes toward learning, which leads

to longer-lasting experiences of learning success.

In relation to Araling Panlipunan, Beboso, and Bual (2022) with regard to social

issues, social science is a field that equips students with information, abilities, and

attitudes. Also, this is crucial in fostering the knowledge, abilities, behavior, and human

values that will help children become responsible citizens who are aware of their rights

and civic obligations. Also, this develops their general abilities like critical thinking,

problem-solving, decision-making, and research, which they can use to improve their

lives and drive social transformation.

Motivation is fundamental to supplying students with the drive to embrace social

science education by nature. Students maintain their drive and gain confidence in their

fundamental life experiences, which is important for understanding society. This

motivates them to work responsibly to complete their academic goals. The researchers

are able to connect the Kasaysayan ng Daigdig, which they gain from life experiences

that will nurture life-long learning. Since motivation is what propels students to study, it

has an impact on their ability to retain information and their academic achievement. The

learners drive to accomplish learning goals determines how well they do academically.

Also, the motivation of the learner affects the learning that they want to retain, which in

turn affects how much of it they retain. Therefore, the teachers should always motivate

the learners to perform well in the classroom.


In the context of education, feedback is defined as the information provided to a

student by a teacher regarding their performance in relation to the learning objectives. It

seeks to reroute student behavior in order to improve academic performance. Feedback

gives the practitioner and learner proof of current understanding and skill advancement.

The practitioner might choose the following phases to plan in the learning program by

knowing the learner's progress and degree of achievement. Feedback is one of the most

successful teaching and learning tactics and has a direct impact on learning development

(Victoria, 2022). It helps the learner to reflect on their learning strategies to confirm them

or make modifications to better their learning. Specific and continuous high-quality

feedback has an impact on learning achievement since it is ongoing.

As part of the learning process, providing comments in the classroom is needed.

Teachers use formative feedback to encourage students to constantly reflect on how they

can approach, frame, and assess learning in order to achieve successful learning outcomes

(Sajol, 2018). Therefore, feedback will help the student to reflect on their academic

performance and to improve.

So, Cusipag (2018) the feedback process for editing their compositions, pupils

were required to compare their previous works in descriptive essays. To determine the

progress of students, they are able to reflect the progress of their own work through the

feedback given.

On the other hand, a thorough investigation was done with a focus on the impact

of providing feedback in the classroom. Feedback affects the student's success in learning

(Nitcha, 2022). So, giving feedback helps the students inside the classroom to attain

learning goals in a teaching-learning process.

Furthermore, students are more likely to be enthusiastic about learning if they feel

their effort is respected and acknowledged. Teachers are looked to by students for

endorsement and encouragement. Teachers should encourage open discussion and

innovative thinking in their classes to make students feel appreciated. Turn animated.

Praise students profusely. Thank them for their work and express your appreciation. If the

classroom is a friendly place where students feel heard and valued, they will be more

motivated to study (, 2020).

The feedback is used to improve a student performance. It is essential for

educators because it is their tool to give information to the students to do well in

studying. It can be a guide for the learners to assess themselves and strive in academe.

The researchers concluded that through feedback the teaching and learning process will

be progressive. The learners become aware of themselves and make ways for


Passage of Time or Time management

Hood (2018) defines the passage of time that it refers to as changing the context

of learning. If time has passed, you will most likely approach information in a different

way and use different cues or triggers. Therefore, the way the learner uses their time for

learning has an impact on their academic performance. The researchers employ the idea

of time management, where students use the time for their own benefit, to define the

passage of time in the context of learning. As (Gerald, 2016; as cited in Edubirdie, 2022),

define time management as the practice of planning, organizing, budgeting, and

scheduling one's time in order to increase productivity and effectiveness at work.

Therefore, the time will be used with purpose. As a passage of time can be managed in an

efficient way for learning.

However, Alyami and Abdulwahed (2021) students are responsible for their own

academic success because they do not just ask their teachers for advice; they also make

decisions and oversee all activities. The time in which they make an effort to do their

activities depends on the sense of responsibility of the students.

Furthermore, Adams (2019), learning is a product of effort and resiliency, and

personal learning strategies call on students to actively engage in their studies despite

obstacles such a perceived lack of time. So, students must know to manage time or to use

the passage of time in their own learning gain.

Furthermore, in the Filipino Journal (2021) time management is about spending

the time on the right thing. In order to manage the time effectively, understand the

priorities, obligations, and schedule of an activity or task. Therefore, the learners will

have a pattern to organize their activity or task depending upon the submission schedule.

This refers to time allotment which means a learning time.

The passage of time in the context of learning is a time allotment of learners in

studying which in other terms are time management or learning time. Through passage of

time the learners are responsible in their learning because time becomes his resources to

have a learning game. If the learner makes use of passage of time for their own

educational benefit, their work will be effective. They prioritize their studies in order to

accomplish well in school. By being responsible for their actions and being productive,

students can attain academic success by managing their time wisely.

Related Studies

The following page includes various studies that have been conducted and

completed to determine what factors can cause students to engage in information

retention, as well as approaches to improve academic integrity.

In the study of Comighud (2021) claimed that the researchers had found that

students perceptions of factors that contribute to memory retention were "high" in terms

of motivational practices and experiences, goal setting and accomplishments, and

personalized learning, while they perceived the use of teaching strategies and learning

activities and the utilization of educational resources and learning. Furthermore, the

students' overall academic performance in mathematics is rated at a level that is generally


A descriptive-correlational survey was the type of study design that was used. It is

descriptive in the sense that this study gathered data on the elements that affect memory

retention and provided a description of the circumstances. On the other side, the study

was carried out in Bayawan City's Barangay Kalumboyan. The secondary school in

Kalumboyan is the main subject. One of the larger schools in the Division of Bayawan

City is Kalumboyan High School.


Additionally, they are similar in the sense that the respondents are in secondary

high school students. Another similarity is almost the same in the title of the studies in

the present study.

However, they are different in terms of the research local because the past study

focused on Grade 7 students at Kalumboyan High School. Of the 255 total population,

only 160 were representatives, while the present study focused on Grade 8 students at

Luis Palad Integrated High School in Tayabas City, Quezon.

On the other hand, in the study of researchers Bombaes, Fuasan, and Garcia

(2021) revealed that the findings showed that teacher factors, students' attitudes, and

motivation have significant differences and indicate that the three factors have a

statistical effect and significant impact on students' retention of mathematics.

According to the results, one of the variables that the school should place a lot of

emphasis on is the teacher component. Teachers have the capacity to motivate and

influence students' attitudes and performance, and they are also responsible for the

students' academic success. This study uses a five-point Likert scale to measure the

student's retention in terms of the teacher factor, the student's attitude, and the student's

motivation toward the retention of acquired concepts. It is a quantitative case study that

evaluates the factors based on the questionnaire.

The cited study is similar to the topic of the present study. However, different

from the current study in that it used descriptive-survey research using quantitative

method and self-made survey checklist questionnaire as the tool in gathering the data

while the past study used case studies and quantitative research, as opposed to the latter's

use of qualitative research. Also, they differ in terms of respondents; the cited study's

respondents are Grade 12 Senior High School STEM students while the respondents of

present study will be the Grade 8 students in Luis Palad Integrated High School.

In the study of Dayrit (2019) discovered that both groups had no prior knowledge

of the lesson that was being presented. Basically, a pre-test is important in a study using

an experimental method to avoid biases in the data of the present research and to see if

the participants' attitudes significantly change from before the treatment pre-test to after

the treatment.

Additionally, the research design that is used in the quasi-experimental method

was employed to describe the learning retention of the learners using the animated

instructional material in computer-based teaching which conducted and tested at Balayan

National High School, Balayan, Batangas differs to the present study which use is

descriptive-survey research using quantitative methods and a self-made survey checklist

questionnaire as the tool for gathering the data. Similarly, the respondents students of

Grade 8 from past study is similar to the present study. However, they are different in

terms of the research local because the past study was conducted in Balayan National

High School, while the present study is in Luis Palad Integrated High School.

The results of this study by Ehsanpur and Razavi (2020) revealed that trainees

learn and retain information more quickly using the M-learning approach than they do

using the traditional approach. The old approach, however, provided greater incentive for

advancement than M-Learning did. This study compared the effectiveness of traditional

instructional methods with learning via mobile devices in terms of learning, retention,

learning, and study techniques.

In addition, they are similar in the topic of the present study about information

retention. However, they are different in terms of the research design used in the past

study, which was a quasi-experimental design with a static group comparison design

while the present study will use descriptive-survey research using quantitative methods.


Research Methodology

This chapter describes the research methodology and data collection procedures.

It includes the research design, locale, sample, instrument, data collection procedure, and

statistical data analysis.

Research Design

The researchers used descriptive-survey research design using quantitative

methods and self-made survey checklist questionnaires as the tool in gathering the data.

In this study, the researchers utilized a descriptive survey since the study aims to

determine the factors affecting information retention and performance as rated by

selected Grade 8 students. A descriptive-survey design is the most appropriate to study a

phenomenon that will seek the opinions of the respondents without the researchers

assigning any value to them. According to Voxco (2021) claims that although qualitative

data is occasionally employed for descriptive purposes, quantitative data is typically used

in descriptive research designs.

The researchers developed informational material in the form of a video blog to

enhance the information retention of the students.


Research Locale

This study was conducted at the Luis Palad Integrated High School located in

Barangay Ipilan Tayabas City, Quezon, founded in 1931.This school is known as one of

the best performing schools in Tayabas City, Quezon.

The researchers choose LPIHS as the locale of study. Through relevant and

responsive curricula, the school aims to develop students holistically, which is very

important in imparting values to every student. Also, LPIHS teachers encounter factors

affecting their information retention. LPIHS has a large number of students. In the

current times, the observation inside the classroom in the student's behavior toward

learning in information retention there are some students in my classroom that are having

difficulty in information retention of learning. Students in their classroom experiences

difficulty to retain and construct learned ideas. Those unengaged students fail to retain

information and struggle with information retention because they are unable to respond

when questioned. The trouble in recalling the prior lesson were observed based on the

students behavior.

The researchers conducted a pre-survey to Grade 8 teachers to know if the factors

affecting information retention exist in the target research locale. The researchers want to

know the factors affecting information retention as assessed by Grade 8 students in terms

of (repetition or practice, meaningful learning, whole vs. part learning, massed and

spaced practice, motivation, feedback, and passage of time or time management.


Research Population and Sample

The total population of Grade 8 students in Luis Palad Integrated High School

(LPIHS) is one thousand one hundred (1,100). There are twenty-five (25) sections in total

with an average of forty (40) students per section. Having said that, the respondents of

this study are forty (40) Grade 8 students from LPIHS. The respondents of this study was

selected Grade 8 students in LPIHS which consist of 40 students that determined the

factors affecting their information retention. According to Humentum (2018), learning

retention can improve knowledge and skills, assist their application, and promote the

attainment of objectives, programs, or goals.

This study used a purposive non random sampling technique. According to

Nikolopoulou (2022) purposive sampling refers to an assortment of non-probability

sampling methods, when units are chosen for the sample because they meet specific

criteria. To put it another way, purposive sampling selects units "on purpose." This

sampling strategy, also known as judgmental sampling, depends on the researcher's

judgment when deciding which people, situations, or occurrences would yield the most

useful data for the study's goals.


Research Instrument

The researchers submitted the survey questionnaire to the research adviser for

feedback, advice, and guidance to create an accurate, credible, and well-structured survey


Afterwards, the researchers asked for the assistance of the three validators with

individual designations of (1) Master Teacher I, OIC, and Assistant Principal for Learners

Support of Luis Palad Integrated High School in Tayabas City, Quezon; (2) Teacher III

of Lutucan Integrated National High School Sariaya and (3) Teacher III of Quezon

National High School, Quezon to face validate the contents of the survey questionnaire.

As a result, the researchers changed the research instruments based on the feedback and

suggestions of the validators.

The survey checklist questionnaire was used to determine the factors affecting

information retention as assessed by Grade 8 students in terms of: repetition or practice,

meaningful learning, whole vs. part learning, massed and spaced practice, motivation,

feedback, and passage of time or time management. The researchers include seven (7)

statements per variable, for the total of forty-nine (49) statements. The respondents were

guided by the rating scale value of “4” for “Strongly Agree” (SA); “3” for “Agree” (A);

“2” for “Disagree” (D); and “1” for “Strongly Disagree” (SD) for the interpretation of

their responses.

Data Gathering Procedures

The researchers used several methods to arrive at the study conclusion and output.

The researchers requested permission from the Principal, Head Teacher in Araling

Panlipunan, and Grade 8 teachers of Luis Palad Integrated High School for selected

Grade 8 students. Upon approval, the questionnaires were distributed to the respondents

by the researchers.

The data-gathering was held in the first week of April. The researchers visited

LPIHS in person after individually distributing the questionnaire to the respondents. The

Grade 8 teachers also helped the researchers to administer the survey questionnaire to the

respondents. The respondents also received instructions on how crucial it is to give a

reliable, accurate, and true response to the questions about factors affecting their

information retention. On the same day that the survey was given out to the participants,

the survey questionnaire was collected.

Statistical Treatment of Data

In this study, the statistical tool, along with the formula corresponding to it, was

utilized to complete the study successfully.

In the first problem statement, what are the factors affecting information retention

as rated by grade 8 students in terms of: repetition or practice, meaningful learning,

whole vs. part learning, massed and spaced practice, motivation, feedback, and passage

of time or time management, the researchers used weighted arithmetic mean. The formula



𝑊𝐴𝑀 = 4𝑓 + 3𝑓 + 2𝑓 + 𝑓


WAM = weighted arithmetic mean

f=sum of the product frequency and weight

N=total number of responses per item

To interpret the result of this research study, the researchers used the following

Scale Statistical Value Qualitative

4 3.26 – 4.00 Strongly Agree
3 2.51 – 3.25 Agree
2 1.76 – 2.50 Disagree
1 1.00 – 1.75 Strongly Disagree


Presentations, Analysis and Interpretation of Data

This chapter contains the presentation, analysis, and interpretation of data

gathered through a checklist survey questionnaire to determine the factors affecting

information retention of selected Grade 8 students in Kasaysayan ng Daigdig as assessed

by the respondents. The data are presented in the table and structured according to the

statements of the problem.

Part I. Factors Affecting Information Retention

Table 1

Factors Affecting Information Retention of Selected Grade 8 students in Kasaysayan ng

Daigdig in terms of Repetition or Practice
No. Most Essential Learning Competencies WAM Qualitative Index
5 I repeatedly practiced in my mind the answer to
the given question of my teacher before I raised 3.58 Strongly Agree
my hand.
1 I learn when the teachers always recalls the
3.35 Strongly Agree
7 I always learn by doing and then repeating the
3.30 Strongly Agree
activity based on the lesson discussion.
3 I make a reviewer and repeatedly read it until I
3.23 Agree
master the lesson.
6 I quickly understand the concepts of a lesson if
3.13 Agree
I practice it repeatedly.
2 I read the lesson several times to ensure that
3.08 Agree
understood it.
4 I ask my teacher to repeat the lesson if I did not
2.98 Agree
understand the lesson.
Average Weighted Arithmetic Mean 3.24 Agree
Note. WAM refers to the computed weighted arithmetic mean which is described based

on the following ranges: 1.00 – 1.75 (Strongly Disagree), 1.76 – 2.50 (Disagree), 2.51 –

3. 25 (Agree), and 3.26 – 4.00 (Strongly Agree). The results are presented in descending

order of WAM values.

Table 1 shows the factors affecting information retention of selected Grade 8

students in Kasaysayan ng Daigdig in terms of practice or repetition had generated an

average weighted arithmetic mean of 3.24 with a qualitative index of “Agree”. This data

signifies that the student respondents agreed that repetition or practice is one of the

factors affect their information retention. Students are able to comprehend information

more quickly through repetition or repetitious exercises. To support the result, Ritter and

Schooler, (2010) as cited in ResearchGate (2023) indicated that longer practice should be

conducted in order to have potentially high retention. In other words, practice learning

wants to make sure that students fully comprehend a subject, and their long-term memory

somehow makes it easier for them to recall any concepts or ideas that may be needed in

the future. Moreover, repetition retained the information and preserve knowledge that is

acquired through practice learning, which maintains retention.

Based on the responses of the students, statement number five (5)—“I repeatedly

practiced in my mind the answer to the given question of my teacher before I raised my

hand” got the first highest weighted arithmetic mean of 3.58 with a qualitative index of

“Strongly Agree”. This shows that the respondents strongly agreed that they mentally

practiced their responses to the teacher questions several times before raising their hands.

In order to increase their self-esteem, the students emphasize the value of constantly

practicing their responses before they expound. According to the Encyclopedia (2019),

the adage "practice makes perfect" serves as an illustration that repetition enhances

learning. It was noted that learning sensitivity to repetition provides evidence for its

effectiveness and adaptability. Then, learning through repetition or practice to improve

academic performance is possible.

In addition, statement number one (1)—“I learn when the teacher always recalls

the lesson” got a second highest weighted arithmetic mean of 3.35 with a qualitative

index of “Strongly Agree”. This shows that the respondents strongly agreed that they

learn when the teacher always recall the lesson. It implies recalling a lesson before

starting to a new lesson discussion enhances the learning information retention of the

students. As stated by Zhan, Guo, and Yang (2018), repetition in learning significantly

increased memory performance for recall and associative information.

In light of the students responses, statement number seven (7)—“I always learn

by doing and then repeating the activity based on the lesson discussion” got the third

highest weighted arithmetic mean of 3.30 with a qualitative index of “Strongly Agree”.

This demonstrates that the respondents learn by doing and repeating activities based on

the lesson discussion. It suggests that students prefer a repeating activity-based approach

to enhance their learning retention IMPROVE. As stated by Novakid (2022) through

repetition-based exercises or activities which help students learn new ideas while also

reviewing their prior knowledge. They can apply their own expertise to further their

learning in every lesson, this tactic makes them feel competent and confident.

Table 2

Factors Affecting Information Retention of Selected Grade 8 students in Kasaysayan ng

Daigdig in terms of Meaningful learning
No. Most Essential Learning Competencies WAM Qualitative Index
5 I am satisfied with the teaching process and my
3.40 Strongly Agree
learning outcomes
2 I can relate practical application of the lesson to
3.38 Strongly Agree
my own learning experiences.
1 I am able to enhance my critical thinking skills
and analytic thinking skills through developing 3.28 Strongly Agree
my ideas when I participate in the discussion.
4 I am able to expand my knowledge by knowing
the happenings in the past and connect them to 3.15 Agree
the present times.
6 I can relate my learning experiences through the
3.15 Agree
creative curriculum activities in different subject.
7 I am engaged in the classroom discussion and can
3.13 Agree
give ideas through sharing personal experience.
3 I am always active in participating in the question
3.00 Agree
and answer part of the lesson.
Average Weighted Arithmetic Mean 3.21 Agree
Note. WAM refers to the computed weighted arithmetic mean which is described based

on the following ranges: 1.00 – 1.75 (Strongly Disagree), 1.76 – 2.50 (Disagree), 2.51 –

3. 25 (Agree), and 3.26 – 4.00 (Strongly Agree). The results are presented in descending

order of WAM values.

Table 2 shows the factors affecting information retention of selected Grade 8

students in Kasaysayan ng Daigdig in terms of meaningful learning generated an average

weighted arithmetic mean of 3.21 with a qualitative index of “Agree”. This signifies that

the student respondents agreed that meaningful learning is another factor that affect

information retention. According to Ghazalia (2019) mentioned that the educational

setting of the twenty-first century, a relevant learning environment is crucial. Meaningful

learning involves students in interactive learning activities that can support learning in the

twenty-first century and promote holistic development. To involve learners in interactive

way of learning they are able to develop well-being to holistic.

Based on the responses of the students, statement number five (5)—“I am

satisfied with the teaching process and my learning outcomes” got the first highest

weighted arithmetic mean of 3.40 with a qualitative index of “Strongly Agree”. This

demonstrates that the respondents strongly agree that they are satisfied with the teaching

process or strategies of the teacher as presented in the lesson objectives, which satisfy the

learning outcomes. Students who responded that they are satisfied with the educational

process and their learning outcomes do so because they find learning to be meaningful.

According to Santos and Castro (2020), define meaningful learning as a satisfaction from

results in attaining a desired goal. The student satisfaction with the teaching process and

learning outcomes is believed to be a key factor in student achievement. Therefore, the

desired goal of a learners should be presented and targeted at the beginning of the lesson.

In addition, statement number two (2)—“I can relate practical application of the

lesson to my own learning experiences” got the second highest weighted arithmetic mean

of 3.38 with a qualitative index of “Strongly Agree”. This demonstrates that the

respondents are able to relate learning to their experiences through the teaching-learning

process, such as the question-and-answer portion of the lesson. This helps the students to

develop their critical thinking skills. As stated by Sofiana (2022) meaningful learning

involves the construction of knowledge that helps students learn in a meaningful way by

helping them make sense of their experiences. Meaningful learning is accomplished when

the student has an excellent learning experience. Thus, it makes the teaching-learning

engaging with experiences that transfer knowledge into experiences.

In addition, statement number one (1)—“I am able to enhance my critical thinking

skills and analytical thinking skills through developing my ideas when I participate in the

discussion” got the third highest weighted arithmetic mean of 3.28 with a qualitative

index of “Strongly Agree”. This shows that the respondents who participate in a

discussion enhance their thinking skills because it challenges their capabilities to think

and understand to convey meaning in their ideas. It implies that they find learning

meaningful through active participation in the discussion. To support this, as claimed by

Arioder, Quintana, and Dagamac (2020) through the creation of more educational

strategies through creative curricula that encourage students to "think outside the box"

and develop original ideas. The students are able to appreciate meaningful learning which

enhances their thinking skills and encourages retention of learning.


Table 3

Factors Affecting Information Retention of Selected Grade 8 students in Kasaysayan ng

Daigdig in terms of Whole vs. Part learning
No. Most Essential Learning Competencies WAM Qualitative Index
5 I learn better when my teacher gives us the task
in step-by step procedure because it makes it 3.50 Strongly Agree
1 I learn better when my teacher gives the outline
of the lesson as a whole before proceeding to an 3.48 Strongly Agree
3 I find that whole learning puts pressure on me
because I doubt I reach the desired learning 3.40 Strongly Agree
outcome in the subject.
6 I find it easy when the teacher is being specific
3.33 Agree
about the activity/task that we need to complete.
7 I use specific learning when explaining of what I
3.33 Agree
have learned.
4 I use general learning when I summarize my own
3.13 Agree
2 I find the lesson difficult if the teacher gives us a
task with which we need to comply as a whole 3.08 Agree
because it has an overload of information.
Average Weighted Arithmetic Mean 3.32 Agree
Note. WAM refers to the computed weighted arithmetic mean which is described based

on the following ranges: 1.00 – 1.75 (Strongly Disagree), 1.76 – 2.50 (Disagree), 2.51 –

3. 25 (Agree), and 3.26 – 4.00 (Strongly Agree). The results are presented in descending

order of WAM values.

Table 3 shows the factors affecting information retention of selected Grade 8

students in Kasaysayan ng Daigdig in terms of whole vs part learning had generated an

overall weighted arithmetic mean of 3.32 with a qualitative index of “Strongly Agree”.

This signifies that the student respondents strongly agreed that whole vs. part learning

affects information retention. The information retention refer to whole learning and part

learning which these are commonly used in the classroom as a technique in a teaching-

learning process. According to APA Dictionary (n.d) whole learning is the students given

a generalization of a whole learning outcome that should be attained. While, part learning

is a learning technique in which the lesson is broken down into portions that must be

mastered one at a time in succession.

Based on the responses of the students, statement number five (5)—“I learn better

when my teacher gives us the task in step-by-step procedure because it makes it easier”

got the first highest weighted arithmetic mean of 3.50 with a qualitative index of

“Strongly Agree”. This indicates that the respondents strongly agreed that they learn

better when their teacher gives them step-by-step instructions on a task because it is easy

to follow and it is a guide for learning, especially for those students who encountered

difficulty following a guide. According to Sowdon (2021) a step by step procedure of

learning which guides the learners to be specific in learning before attaining the bigger

picture of understanding in a target learning outcomes.

In light of the students responses, statement number one (1)—“I learn better when

my teacher gives the outline of the lesson as a whole before proceeding to an

activity/task” got the second highest weighted arithmetic mean of 3.48 with a qualitative

index of “Strongly Agree”. This implies that the respondents wanted a summary of ideas

before they did a task. It implies that giving an outline of the lesson helps the students

know the learning that they need to attain. According to Cardino & Ortega-Dela Cruz

(2020) the instructor who introduces and briefly describes ideas to students before

requiring them to complete a task and to put the ideas into practice. The general ideas or

knowledge are all provided to the students.


According to the students responses, statement number three (3)—“I find that

whole learning puts pressure on me because I doubt I will reach the desired learning

outcome in the subject” got the third highest weighted arithmetic mean of 3.40 with a

qualitative index of “Strongly Agree”. This demonstrates that the respondents are under

pressure to learn because they are uncertain about their ability to meet their teacher

expectations. It implies that there are students who find whole learning gives pressure

because they doubt their capabilities to attain a target learning outcome which is set by

the standard at the beginning of the lesson. As stated by Shaw (2022) whole learning is

taught as a complete process with overloading information without being divided into

smaller parts. Teaching students difficult parts of the lesson and given activities also

encourages learners to be challenged in learning and view it from a wider perspective.

Table 4

Factors Affecting Information Retention of Selected Grade 8 students in Kasaysayan ng

Daigdig in terms of Massed and Spaced practice
No. Most Essential Learning Competencies WAM Qualitative Index
1 I make a plan/ schedule for review. 3.38 Strongly Agree
3 I can strategize my review methods to ensure
3.28 Strongly Agree
better understanding of the lessons.
6 I can perform well on examination even with
3.20 Strongly Agree
very limited time to review.
2 I Study one week before the exam to easily recall
3.20 Agree
what I have learned.
4 I can concentrate well enough even with gadgets. 3.20 Agree
7 I easily forget the lesson when I review a night
3.18 Agree
before the exam.
5 I do not review my lesson ahead of time; that’s
3.00 Agree
why I suffer from cramming.
Average Weighted Arithmetic Mean 3.22 Agree
Note. WAM refers to the computed weighted arithmetic mean which is described based

on the following ranges: 1.00 – 1.75 (Strongly Disagree), 1.76 – 2.50 (Disagree), 2.51 –

3. 25 (Agree), and 3.26 – 4.00 (Strongly Agree). The results are presented in descending

order of WAM values.

Table 4 shows the factors affecting information retention of selected Grade 8

students in Kasaysayan ng Daigdig in terms of massed and spaced practice had generated

an average weighted arithmetic mean of 3.22 with a qualitative index of “Agree”. This

signifies that the student respondents agreed that massed and spaced affects information

retention. The massed and spaced practice are important because it gives ideas on the

technique of students in reviewing their lesson. To promote information retention the

teacher should encourage students to determine their review routine. According to ITAC

(2021), it can be used initially to achieve a certain level of skill. While, to promote long-

term, continuous improvement and retention, there might be spaced learning. To attain

learning goals while cramming therefore massed practice is used. To the contrary, to

improve information retention then the students might use spaced learning even if they

attained a target good academic performance the learnings from the subject matter or

lesson still remains.

Based on the responses of the students, statement number one (1)—“I make a

plan/schedule for review” got the first highest weighted arithmetic mean of 3.38 with a

qualitative index of “Strongly Agree”. This shows that a plan or timeline for review is a

technique used by respondents; they make time for learning. As a result, the students

favor creating a strategy or schedule for reviewing. As cited in Intelligent (2023) students

can be held accountable for their own learning results through the use of a study plan.

Time management can be difficult, but making a study schedule helps students manage

their time and ensures that they finish their homework, prepare for tests, and review and

retain the material they have learned.

According to the students responses, statement number three (3)—“I can

strategize my review methods to ensure better understanding of the lessons” got the

second highest weighted arithmetic mean of 3.28 with a qualitative index of “Strongly

Agree”. This refers to the ability of student to cope up in learning with their own, their

techniques to understand the concepts of the lesson. As cited by Hood (2018) as students

reconstruct information, they also reconstruct the routines that lead to making the

information easier to access the next time and retain. In addition, Sinusoid (2021)

exercise provides the brain with the necessary time to solidify new information and

integrate it into long-term memory.

In light of the student’s responses, statement number six (6)—“I can perform well

on examination even with very limited time to review” got the third highest weighted

arithmetic mean of 3.20 with a qualitative index of “Strongly Agree”. This suggests that

even with little time to review for the exam, the respondents do well. According to Lane

(2022), cramming the night before an exam can help students retain information in the

short term and ensure that they have learned enough to pass the test.

Table 5

Factors Affecting Information Retention of Selected Grade 8 students in Kasaysayan ng

Daigdig in terms of Motivation
No. Most Essential Learning Competencies WAM Qualitative Index
6 I am really motivated to complete a lesson
3.50 Strongly Agree
because it is my favorite subject.
4 I prefer when my teacher give motivational
3.48 Strongly Agree
activities in the class.
3 I have a good learning experience in the subject;
3.38 Strongly Agree
therefore, I am motivated to excel in the subjects.
1 I am motivated to engage in problem-solving
inquiry-based activities that cause me to consider 3.35 Strongly Agree
real life situations.
7 I make an effort to engage in my studies because
3.35 Strongly Agree
I am responsible in my own learning.
2 I retain the learning in the subject because I am
motivated on how my teacher us and appreciate 3.28 Strongly Agree
his/her effort.
5 I have prior knowledge about the past, which
3.18 Agree
motivates me to learn more.
Average Weighted Arithmetic Mean 3.36 Agree
Note. WAM refers to the computed weighted arithmetic mean which is described based

on the following ranges: 1.00 – 1.75 (Strongly Disagree), 1.76 – 2.50 (Disagree), 2.51 –

3. 25 (Agree), and 3.26 – 4.00 (Strongly Agree). The results are presented in descending

order of WAM values.

Table 5 presents the factors affecting information retention of selected Grade 8

students in Kasaysayan ng Daigdig in terms of motivation had generated an average

weighted arithmetic mean of 3.36 with a qualitative index of “Strongly Agree”. This

implies that motivation is a driving force for students to learn as assessed by the

respondents. It helps them to strive in their studies and learn. According to Mauliya,

Relianisa, and Rokhyati's (2020), one of the most important internal factors affecting

pupils' academic achievement is motivation. The term "motivation" describes a mental


input that controls and guides human conduct, including learning behavior.

Based on the responses of the students, statement number one (6)—“I am really

motivated to complete a lesson because it is my favorite subject” got the first highest

weighted arithmetic mean of 3.50 with a qualitative index of “Strongly Agree”. This

implies the driving force of the student is the interest in the subject Kasaysayan ng

Daigdig to strive in their study. Hence, motivation is defined as the subjective

experiences of students, particularly in terms of their willingness to participate in lessons

and learning activities and their justifications for doing so (Mangubhai, 2006; as cited by

Castro, 2018). In addition, Beboso, and Bual (2022) with regard to social issues, social

science is a field that equips students with information, abilities, and attitudes. Also, this

is crucial in fostering the knowledge, abilities, behavior, and human values that will help

children become responsible citizens who are aware of their rights and civic obligations.

Also, this develops their general abilities like critical thinking, problem-solving, decision-

making, and research, which they can use to improve their lives and drive social


In light of the students responses, statement number two (4)—“I prefer when my

teacher gives motivational activities in the class.” got the second highest weighted

arithmetic mean of 3.48 with a qualitative index of “Strongly Agree”. The students

prefer to have motivational activities in the teaching and learning process because it helps

the class to become more engaging and caught the attention of the class for better

retention of learning. According to Mangubhai (2006) as cited by Castro (2018)

motivation activity is goal-directed. The student motivation describes the time and effort

students devote to activities that may or may not be those that their teachers find

appealing in the classroom.

According to the students responses, statement number three (3)—“I have a good

learning experience in the subject; therefore, I am motivated to excel in the subject.” got

the third highest weighted arithmetic mean of 3.38 with a qualitative index of “Strongly

Agree”. This demonstrates that the respondents strongly agreed that they are motivated

to succeed in the subject because they had a positive learning experience. According to

Times Higher Education (2022) it is possible to think of motivation as the drive and

vitality behind learning. Both internal learning objectives or mastery goals and external

motivators or performance goals like grade recognition can help students learn. A

motivating force behind excelling in a subject is personal experiences, which are an

effective learning control.


Table 6

Factors Affecting Information Retention of Selected Grade 8 students in Kasaysayan ng

Daigdig in terms of Feedback
No. Most Essential Learning Competencies WAM Qualitative Index
7 I show positive behavior towards learning when
my teacher recognizes me by giving me 3.56 Strongly Agree
appreciation or feedback.
2 I am able to reflect my own learning
3.55 Strongly Agree
performance through feedback.
6 I make an effort to complete a lesson because I
am interested in the subject, and the teacher gives 3.48 Strongly Agree
1 I appreciate the subject when my teacher gives us
the feedback that we are doing well in his/her 3.45 Strongly Agree
3 Feedback makes me remember the lesson
3.45 Strongly Agree
because of a good learning experience.
5 I can easily remember the lesson topic because it
3.43 Strongly Agree
is reinforced in class.
4 I am encouraged to do a task that based on the
3.33 Strongly Agree
teacher feedback.
Average Weighted Arithmetic Mean 3.46 Strongly Agree
Note. WAM refers to the computed weighted arithmetic mean which is described based

on the following ranges: 1.00 – 1.75 (Strongly Disagree), 1.76 – 2.50 (Disagree), 2.51 –

3. 25 (Agree), and 3.26 – 4.00 (Strongly Agree). The results are presented in descending

order of WAM values.

Table 6 shows the factors affecting information retention of selected Grade 8

students in Kasaysayan ng Daigdig in terms of feedback had generated an average

weighted arithmetic mean of 3.46 with a qualitative index of “Strongly Agree”. This

data signifies that the student respondents strongly agreed that feedback affects

information retention. As assessed by the respondents, feedback influence information

retention and has a direct impact to the teaching-learning process. This can be a way for

teachers to hold the students willingness to learn and improve. According to Victoria

(2022) feedback is one of the most successful teaching and learning tactics and has a

direct impact on learning development.

Based on the responses of the students, statement number seven (7)—“I show

positive behavior towards learning when my teacher recognizes me by giving me

appreciation or feedback” got the first highest weighted arithmetic mean of 3.56 with a

qualitative index of “Strongly Agree”. This demonstrates that the respondents strongly

agreed that when their teacher recognizes them by expressing appreciation or providing

positive criticism, they behave in a way that is conducive to learning and the students

shows good behavior in the classroom as a response. Through recognition of students

performance in class, the students behavior tend to change and enhance their self-esteem.

As stated by Victoria (2022) in the context of education, feedback is defined as the

information provided to a student by a teacher regarding their performance. It seeks to

reroute student behavior in order to improve academic performance. Feedback is one of

the most successful teaching and learning tactics and has a direct impact on learning


In addition, statement number two (2)—“I am able to reflect my own learning

performance through feedback.” got the second highest weighted arithmetic mean of 3.55

with a qualitative index of “Strongly Agree”. This refers to the fact that feedback can

improve the performance of students because they are able to reflect and improve if there

is something lacking in their performance as students. Using portfolio the students know

on what they should develop in their performance because it is a compilation of their

works. According to Cusipag (2018) to determine the progress of students, they are able

to reflect the progress of their own work through the feedback given.

According to the students responses, statement number six (6)—“I make an effort

to complete a lesson because I am interested in the subject, and the teacher gives

feedback” got the third highest weighted arithmetic mean of 3.48 with a qualitative index

of “Strongly Agree”. This implies that getting the interest of student is important to

excel in the subject. As stated by (2020) if they believe their effort is

respected and recognized, students are more likely to be enthusiastic about learning.

Students look to teachers for approval and positive reinforcement. To help students feel

valued, teachers can promote open dialogue with their classes. Give students lots of

praise. Appreciate them for what they have performed. Students will be more willing to

study if the classroom is a welcoming environment where they feel heard and


Table 7

Factors Affecting Information Retention of Selected Grade 8 students in Kasaysayan ng

Daigdig in terms of Passage of time or Time management
No. Most Essential Learning Competencies WAM Qualitative Index
7 I read the lesson a head of time to engage in the
3.45 Strongly Agree
4 I know my responsibility as a student; therefore,
I manage my time effectively to maintain good 3.45 Strongly Agree
academic performance.
1 I a lot time to study my lesson to prevent failure
3.38 Strongly Agree
in activities and exam.
3 I always make a time to study before the
3.35 Strongly Agree
starting lesson discussion.
2 I plan my lesson and make a time schedule on
3.25 Agree
that I will go to review.
6 I experience lack of time, and I cannot manage
to use the passage of time in learning because I 3.23 Agree
am distracted by technology.
5 I do time management when I have a lot of
3.33 Strongly Agree
activities to do.
Average Weighted Arithmetic Mean 3.34 Strongly Agree
Note. WAM refers to the computed weighted arithmetic mean which is described based

on the following ranges: 1.00 – 1.75 (Strongly Disagree), 1.76 – 2.50 (Disagree), 2.51 –

3. 25 (Agree), and 3.26 – 4.00 (Strongly Agree). The results are presented in descending

order of WAM values.

Table 7 shows the factors affecting information retention of selected Grade 8

students in Kasaysayan ng Daigdig in terms of passage of time or time management had

generated an average weighted arithmetic mean of 3.34 with a qualitative index of

“Strongly Agree”. This means that the student respondents strongly agreed that passage

of time or time management is a factor that affects information retention. This refers to

the allotted time of students in their own learning. It show the effort to strive in their

studies and using their time effectively therefore the learning information retain.

According to the Hood (2018) defines the passage of time that it refers to changes the

context of learning. If time has passed the most likely approach information in a different

way, and use different cues or triggers. Therefore, the way the learner uses their time in

learning has an impact on their academic performance. In addition, Filipino Journal

(2021) time management is about spending the time on the right thing. In order to

manage the time effectively, understand the priorities, obligations, and schedule of an

activity or task.

Based on the responses of the students, statement number four (4)—“I know my

responsibility as a student; therefore, I manage my time effectively to maintain good

academic performance” got the first highest weighted arithmetic mean of 3.45 with a

qualitative index of “Strongly Agree”. This shows that the respondents strongly believe

that they are aware of their obligations as students, and as a result, they successfully

manage their time to maintain high academic achievement. The teacher should know the

clear goals and intellectual challenge for the students because setting a standard for

learning is a must for the students to strive and be responsible. According to Alyami and

Abdulwahed, et. al. (2021) students are responsible for their own academic success

because they do not just ask their teachers for advice; they also make decisions and

oversee all activities. The time in which they make an effort to do their activities depends

on the sense of responsibility of the students.

While, statement number seven (7) — “I read the lesson ahead of time to engage

in the discussion” got the second highest weighted arithmetic mean of 3.45 with a

qualitative index of “Strongly Agree”. Therefore, the teacher can at least encourage

students to read to be ready for the next discussion. This helps prepare the students to

participate; the teacher will just add information and make the ideas clear. According to

Adams (2019) personal learning strategies call on students to actively engage in their

studies despite obstacles such a perceived lack of time. So, students use passage of time

or time management on their own.

According to the students responses, statement number one (1)—“I allot time to

study my lesson to prevent failure in activities and exam” got the third highest weighted

arithmetic mean of 3.38 with a qualitative index of “Strongly Agree”. This shows that a

majority of respondents firmly believed they had enough time to review their lesson in

order to pass activities and tests. This means that the students study their lesson using

different techniques or strategies depending on their capabilities and make time for

learning. As cited in Filipino Journal (2021) states that time management is about

spending the time in the right thing. In order to manage the time effectively, understand

the priorities, obligations, and schedule of an activity or task.

Part II. Informational Material in a Form of Video Vlog Developed to Enhance the
Information Retention of the Respondents

The study developed an educational material in the form of a video vlog to

enhance the information retention of Grade 8 students. It gives emphasis to the variables

repetition or practice, meaningful learning, whole vs. part learning, massed and spaced

practice, motivation, feedback and passage of time or time management that received

highest responses from the gathered data about the factors affecting information


Based on the responses the students in factors affecting information retention they

preferred for repetition or practice to repeatedly practiced in their mind the answer to the

given question of their teacher before they raised their hand; meaningful learning that

they are satisfied with the teaching process and their learning outcomes; whole vs. part

learning which they learn better when their teacher gives them the task in step-by-step

procedure because it makes it easier; massed and spaced practice to make a plan/schedule

for review; motivation that they are really motivated to complete a lesson because it is

their favorite subject; feedback to show positive behavior towards learning when their

teacher recognizes them by giving me appreciation or feedback; and passage of time or

time management with knowing their responsibility as a student; therefore, they manage

their time effectively to maintain good academic performance. These are the statements

in each variables that got the highest weighted arithmetic mean.



Summary of Findings, Conclusions, and Recommendations

This chapter enclosed the results of the study. It presents the summary of findings,

generated conclusions, and offers recommendations based on the analysis of the results

obtained from the study.

Summary of Findings

Based on the data gathered from the respondents, the following are the significant

findings of the study.

1. Factors Affecting Information Retention

1.1 Repetition or Practice. “I repeatedly practiced in my mind the answer to the

given question of my teacher before I raised my hand” gained the highest weighted

arithmetic mean of 3.58 with a qualitative interpretation of Strongly Agree.

1.2 Regarding meaningful learning. “I am satisfied with the teaching process

and my learning outcomes” attained the highest weighted arithmetic mean of 3.40 with a

qualitative interpretation of Strongly Agree.

1.3 Whole vs. Part learning. “I learn better when my teacher gives us the task in

step-by-step procedure because it makes it easier” obtained the highest weighted

arithmetic mean of 3.50 with a qualitative interpretation of Strongly Agree.

1.4 Massed and Spaced practice.“I make a plan/schedule for review” gathered

the highest weighted arithmetic mea of 3.38 with a qualitative interpretation of Strongly


1.5 Motivation. “I am really motivated to complete a lesson because it is my

favorite subject” garnered the highest weighted arithmetic mean of 3.50 with a qualitative

interpretation of Strongly Agree

1.6 Feedback.“I show positive behavior towards learning when my teacher

recognizes me by giving me appreciation or feedback” obtained the highest weighted

arithmetic mean of 3.56 with a qualitative interpretation of Strongly Agree.

1.7 Passage of Time or Time management. “I know my responsibility as a

student; therefore, I manage my time effectively to maintain good academic

performance” and “I read the lesson ahead of time to engage in the discussion” both

gathered the highest weighted arithmetic mean of 3.45 with a qualitative interpretation of

Strongly Agree.

2. Informational Material Video vlog

To improve the information retention of Grade 8 students, the study created

informational content in the form of video vlog. The statements from variables that

received the highest weighted arithmetic mean data collected in information retention

terms of repetition or practice, meaningful learning, whole vs. part learning, massed and

spaced practice, motivation, feedback, and passage of time or time management to inform

based on the results of the study.


In light of the findings of the study, the present researchers arrived at the

following conclusions.

1. Regarding the factors affecting information retention in terms of repetition or practice,


students repeatedly practiced in their mind the answer to the given question of my teacher

before they raised hand. Meanwhile, factors affecting information in terms of meaningful

learning, students were satisfied with the teaching process and their learning outcomes.

On the other hand, information retention in terms of whole vs. part learning, students

learn better when teacher gives the task in step-by-step procedure because it makes it

easier. In addition, information retention in terms of massed and space practice, students

are motivated to complete a lesson because Kasaysayan ng Daigdig is their favorite

subject. Furthermore, information retention in terms of motivation, the students show

positive behavior towards learning when their teacher recognizes them by giving

appreciation or feedback. Moreover, the information retention in terms of passage of time

or time management, the students has sense of responsibility to manage their time

effectively to maintain good academic performance and reading the lesson ahead of time

to engage in the discussion. Therefore, the researchers discovered that information

retention can be enhanced through the result of the study from the seven variables of

information retention.

2. The informational material video vlog was used to promote information retention

based on the result of the study in accordance with the highest weighted arithmetic mean

of each variable's statements.


Based from the findings and conclusion obtained from the study, the researchers

hereby offered the following recommendations:

1. Students make a move to develop their information retention with the help of the

results of this study because it is based on the responses of low performing students

indicated in statement of the problem number one. To acknowledge the difficulties and

problems in learning and make teaching-learning progressive. Using the informational

video vlog in the statement of problem number two, the students can get tips on

overcoming their problem with information retention. To develop themselves and be

responsible students. Araling Panlipunan Teachers to use the statements per variable in

problem statement number one as a guide to aid in information retention. The highest

statements per variable suggest the preferences of students to retain information in

learning. Utilize video vlogs to address and enhance students information retention while

offering a strategy for overcoming their learning challenges. It might be helpful as a

guide to address the teaching-learning preferences of the students, particularly those low-

performing students. Based on the output of this research which inform about the factors

affecting information retention in a form of video vlog to aid problem in information


2. School Administrators take the initiative to assist students with learning problems and

information retention. The result of this study would help them make a move to inform

teachers that low-performing students want a part in learning teaching strategies because

it is essential to their capabilities. The video vlog offers suggestions about strategies that

aid information retention and inform administrators about more effective teaching and

learning processes, as they are the implementers of the curriculum. Future researchers

should use and take into account the current study findings, particularly if they follow the

same path with the help of problem statement number one. Future researchers should

utilize the present study as their guide provided by the current study as their pattern and

reference in conducting other research that is connected to the topic. To use the

informational video vlog to inform the results of their study and compare them to this

study. Also, the researchers suggest adding the number of respondents for a better

research outcome.


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By: Abegail B. Coronacion


Lyka Marie S. Laborte


The information retention based on observable and non-observable checklist pre-

survey was given to Grade-8 teachers from the target population of this study. According

to six (6) Grade 8 teachers in LPIHS, the observation inside the classroom in the student's

behavior toward learning in information retention there are some students in their

classroom that are having difficulty in information retention of learning. Students in their

classroom experiences difficulty to retain and construct learned ideas. Those unengaged

students fail to retain information and struggle with information retention because they

are unable to respond when questioned. The trouble in recalling the prior lesson were

observed based on the students behavior.

Teaching-learning to inform profitable strategies an informational video vlog is an

output that was made based on the data gathered on this study. It was designed to inform

teachers about other strategies to cope up on the preferred preference of students in

teaching-learning process. The highest statements that gathered from this study was used

to suggest more effective strategy to information retention.


1. To inform teachers the problem in information retention and possible approach to

aid it.

2. To suggest strategies based on the responses of respondents and tested it through

pre-test and post-test.

3. To make the teaching-learning inside the classroom more progressive and active.



February 24, 2023


Luis Palad Integrated High School
Principal IV
Tayabas City, Quezon



We, the undersigned students at College of Sciences, Technology, and Communications,

Inc. taking up Bachelor of Secondary Education Major in Social Studies are currently conducting

a research study entitled "Factors Affecting Information Retention of Selected Grade 8 in

Kasaysayan ng Daigdig" in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of
Secondary Education major in Social Studies.

In line with this, we would like to request for the assistance of Dr. Ma. Aileen A. Averilla
from Araling Panlipunan Department as expert validators of our research instrument. We
believe that her expertise would be a great help to improve our research instrument.

Your positive response regarding this matter will be deeply appreciated.

Respectfully yours,


Noted by: Approved by

February 24, 2023


Principal IV
Lutucan Integrated High School Lutucan
Malabag Sariaya, Quezon



We, the undersigned students at College of Sciences, Technology, and Communications,

Inc. taking up Bachelor of Secondary Education Major in Social Studies are currently conducting

a research study entitled "Factors Affecting the Information Retention of Selected Grade 8 in
Kasaysayan ng Daigdig" in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of
Secondary Education major in Social Studies.

In line with this, we would like to request for the assistance of Mr. Jomar Linsasagin and
from the Araling Panlipunan Department as expert validators of our research instrument. We
believe that his expertise would be a great help to improve our research instrument.

Your positive response regarding this matter will be deeply appreciated.

Respectfully yours,


Noted by: Approved by:

February 24, 2023


Quezon National High School Lucena City, Quezon



We, the undersigned students at College of Sciences, Technology, and Communications,

Inc. taking up Bachelor of Secondary Education Major in Social Studies are currently conducting

a research study entitled "Factors Affecting Information Retention of Selected Grade 8 in

Kasaysayan ng Daigdig" in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of
Secondary Education major in Social Studies.

In line with this, we would like to request for the assistance from the Araling Panlipunan
Department as expert validators of our research instrument. We believe that his expertise
would be a great help to improve our research instrument.

Your positive response regarding this matter will be deeply appreciated.

Respectfully yours,


Noted by: Approved by:

February 24, 2023


OIC, Assist. Principal for Learners Support
Luis Palad Integrated High School
Tayabas City, Quezon



We, the undersigned students at College of Sciences, Technology, and Communications,

Inc. taking up Bachelor of Secondary Education Major in Social Studies are currently conducting
a research study entitled "Factors Affecting the Information Retention of Selected Grade 8 in
Kasaysayan ng Daigdig" in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of
Secondary Education major in Social Studies.

In line with this, we would like to request for your assistance to validate our
questionnaire. We believe that your expertise would be a great help to improve our research

Your positive response regarding this matter will be deeply appreciated.

Respectfully yours,


Noted by: Approved by:

February 24, 2023


Junior High School Teacher
Lutucan Integrated High School
Lutucan Sariaya, Quezon



We, the undersigned students at College of Sciences, Technology, and Communications,

Inc. taking up Bachelor of Secondary Education Major in Social Studies are currently conducting
a research study entitled "Factors Affecting Information of Selected Grade 8 in Kasaysayan ng
Daigdig" in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Secondary
Education major in Social Studies.

In line with this, we would like to request for your assistance to validate our

We believe that your expertise would be a great help to improve our research

Your positive response regarding this matter will be deeply appreciated.

Respectfully yours,


Noted by: Approved by:

February 24, 2023


Junior High School Teacher
Quezon National High School
Lucena City Quezon



We, the undersigned students at College of Sciences, Technology, and Communications,

Inc. taking up Bachelor of Secondary Education Major in Social Studies are currently conducting
a research study entitled "Factors Affecting the Information Retention of Selected Grade 8 in
Kasaysayan ng Daigdig" in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of
Secondary Education major in Social Studies.

In line with this, we would like to request for your assistance to validate our

We believe that your expertise would be a great help to improve our research

Your positive response regarding this matter will be deeply appreciated.

Respectfully yours,


Noted by: Approved by:

March 28, 2023


Principal IV
Luis Palad Integrated High School
Tayabas City, Quezon



We, the undersigned students at College of Sciences, Technology, and Communications,

Inc. taking up Bachelor of Secondary Education Major in Social Studies are currently conducting
a research study entitled "Factors Affecting Information Retention of Selected Grade 8
Students in Kasaysayan ng Daigdig" in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of
Bachelor of Secondary Education major in Social Studies.

In light of this, we would like to request for your available time to request permission to
ask for the grades of selected students from Grade 8 AP teachers, conduct a pre survey for
Grade 8 AP teachers and to conduct a survey through questionnaires for Grade 8 students as the
target respondents. Rest assured that all the information that will be gathered will be kept with
utmost confidentiality and will only be used for the purpose of this study.

Your time and assistance about our concern will be highly appreciated.

We hope that this request will merit your kind consideration.

Respectfully yours,


Noted by: Approved by:

March 28, 2023


Head Teacher III
Luis Palad Integrated High School
Tayabas City, Quezon



We, the undersigned students at College of Sciences, Technology, and Communications,

Inc. taking up Bachelor of Secondary Education Major in Social Studies are currently conducting
a research study entitled "Factors Affecting Information Retention of Selected Grade 8
Students in Kasaysayan ng Daigdig" in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of
Bachelor of Secondary Education major in Social Studies.

In light of this, we would like to request for your available time to request permission to
ask for the grades of selected students from Grade 8 AP teachers, conduct a pre survey for
Grade 8 AP teachers and to conduct a survey through questionnaires for Grade 8 students as the
target respondents. Rest assured that all the information that will be gathered will be kept with
utmost confidentiality and will only be used for the purpose of this study.

Your time and assistance about our concern will be highly appreciated. We hope that
this request will merit your kind consideration.

Respectfully yours,


Noted by:

March 29, 2023


Teacher I
Luis Palad Integrated High School
Tayabas City, Quezon



We, the undersigned students at College of Sciences, Technology, and Communications,

Inc. taking up Bachelor of Secondary Education Major in Social Studies are currently conducting
a research study entitled "Factors Affecting Information Retention of Selected Grade 8
Students in Kasaysayan ng Daigdig" in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of
Bachelor of Secondary Education major in Social Studies.

In light of this, we would like to request for your available time to request permission to
ask for the general average of second grading grades from selected Grade 8 students and to
conduct a survey through questionnaires as the target respondents. Rest assured that all the
information that will be gathered will be kept with utmost confidentiality and will only be used
for the purpose of this study.

Your time and assistance about our concern will be highly appreciated.

We hope that this request will merit your kind consideration.

Respectfully yours,


Noted by:



To whom it may concern,


This is to certify that the questionnaire of ABEGAIL B. CORONACION and LYKA

MARIE S. LABORTE, undergraduate students at College of Sciences, Technology, and
Communications, Inc. who are currently working on research entitled "FACTORS
KASAYSAYAN NG DAIGDIG" has been validated.
Issued upon request for whatever purpose it may serve.


To whom it may concern,

This is to certify that the questionnaire of ABEGAIL B. CORONACION and LYKA

MARIE S. LABORTE, undergraduate students at College of Sciences, Technology, and
Communications, Inc. who are currently working on research entitled "FACTORS
KASAYSAYAN NG DAIGDIG" has been validated.

Issued upon request for whatever purpose it may serve.


To whom it may concern,

This is to certify that the questionnaire of ABEGAIL B. CORONACION and LYKA

MARIE S. LABORTE, undergraduate students at College of Sciences, Technology, and
Communications, Inc. who are currently working on research entitled "FACTORS
KASAYSAYAN NG DAIGDIG" has been validated.

Issued upon request for whatever purpose it may serve.



This is to certify that the research entitled “Factors Affecting Information

Retention of Selected Grade 8 students in Kasaysayan ng Daigdig” was read,

examined, given recommendation, and thoroughly edited by the undersigned.


Research Statistician



This is to certify that the research entitled “Factors Affecting Information

Retention of Selected Grade 8 students in Kasaysayan ng Daigdig” was read,

examined, given recommendation, and thoroughly edited by the undersigned.


Research Grammarian



This is to certify that the research entitled “Factors Affecting Information

Retention of Selected Grade 8 students in Kasaysayan ng Daigdig” was read,

examined, given recommendation, and thoroughly edited by the undersigned.

Format Editor



This is to certify that the research entitled “Factors Affecting Information

Retention of Selected Grade 8 students in Kasaysayan ng Daigdig” was read,

examined, given recommendation, and thoroughly edited by the undersigned.


Research Adviser



Name: (optional)
Note of confidentiality: The information you will provide will be used for our research
paper. Rest assured that all the information you will provide will be taken with utmost

Part I. Factors affecting information retention

Direction: Read and understand each statement carefully. Put a check mark (/) on the
column that corresponds to your evaluation. Please refer to the code given below for the
interpretation of your response.

Scale Qualitative Interpretation

4 Strongly Agree(SA)
3 Agree(A)
2 Disagree(D)
1 Strongly Disagree(SD)


(SA) (A) (D) (SD)
1. I learn when the teacher always recalls the lesson. 20 16 2 2
2. I read the lesson several times to ensure that understood 13 19 6 2
3. I make a reviewer and repeatedly read it until I master 17 15 8 0
the lesson.
4. I ask my teacher to repeat the lesson if I did not 11 20 6 3
understand the lesson.
5. I repeatedly practiced in my mind the answer to the 25 13 2 0
given question of my teacher before I raised my hand.
6. I quickly understand the concepts of a lesson if I practice 17 13 8 2
it repeatedly.
7. I always learn by doing and then repeating the activity 19 16 3 2
based on the lesson discussion.


(SA) (A) (D) (SD)

1. I am able to enhance my critical thinking skills and 19 16 2 3

analytical thinking skills through developing my ideas when
I participate in the discussion.

2. I can relate practical application of the lesson to my own 18 20 1 1

learning experiences.
3. I am always active in participating in the question and 13 15 11 1
answer part of the lesson.

4. I am able to expand my knowledge by knowing the 17 14 7 2

happenings in the past and connect them to the present times.

5. I am satisfied with the teaching process and my learning 20 18 0 2


6. I can relate my learning experiences through the creative 15 18 5 2

curriculum activities in different subject.

7. I am engaged in the classroom discussion and can give 15 17 6 2

ideas through sharing personal experience.



(SA) (A) (D) (SD)
1. I learn better when my teacher gives the outline of the 21 17 2 0
lesson as a whole before proceeding to an activity/task.

2. I find the lesson difficult if the teacher gives us a task with 11 21 8 0

which we need to comply as a whole because it has an
overload of information.

3. I find that whole learning puts pressure on me because I 20 16 4 0

doubt I will reach the desired learning outcome in the subject.

4. I use general learning when I summarize my own ideas. 12 24 1 3

5. I learn better when my teacher gives us the task in step-by- 23 16 1 0

step procedure because it makes it easier.

6. I find it easy when the teacher is being specific about the 15 23 2 0

activity/ task that we need to complete.

7. I use specific learning when explaining of what I have 18 17 5 0



(SA) (A) (D) (SD)
1. I make a plan/schedule for review. 19 18 3 0

2. I study one week before the exam to easily recall what I 15 20 3 2

have learned.

3. I can strategize my review methods to ensure better 19 15 4 2

understanding of the lessons.

4. I can concentrate well enough even with gadgets. 19 12 7 2

5. I do not review my lesson ahead of time; that’s why I 16 10 12 2

suffer from cramming.

6. I can perform well on examination even with very 16 20 4 0

limited time to review.
7. I easily forget the lesson when I review a night before 17 15 6 2
the exam.


(SA) (A) (D) (SD)

1. I am motivated to engage in problem-solving inquiry- 18 18 4 0

based activities that cause me to consider real life

2. I retain the learning in the subject because I am 14 23 3 0

motivated on how my teacher teaches us and appreciate
his/her effort.
3. I have a good learning experience in the subject; 18 19 3 0
therefore, I am motivated to excel in the subject.

4. I prefer when my teacher give motivational activities in 19 21 0 0

the class.
5. I have prior knowledge about the past, which motivates 13 21 6 0
me to learn more.

6. I am really motivated to complete a lesson because it is 21 18 1 0

my favorite subject.

7. I make an effort to engage in my studies because I am 19 18 1 2

responsible in my own learning.


(SA) (A) (D) (SD)

1. I appreciate the subject when my teacher gives us the 21 18 0 1

feedback that we are doing well in his/her subject.

2. I am able to reflect my own learning performance 22 18 0 0

through feedback.

3. Feedback makes me remember the lesson because of a 19 19 2 0

good learning experience.

4. I am encouraged to do a task that based on the teacher 15 23 2 0


5. I can easily remember the lesson topic because it is 18 21 1 0

reinforced in class.

6. I make an effort to complete a lesson because I am 21 16 3 0

interested in the subject, and the teacher gives feedback.

7. I show positive behavior towards learning when my 23 15 2 0

teacher recognizes me by giving me appreciation or


(SA) (A) (D) (SD)

1.I allot time to study my lesson to prevent failure in 20 17 1 2

activities and exam

2. I plan my lesson and make a time schedule on that I 15 21 3 1

will go to review

3. I always make a time to study before the starting 20 15 4 1

lesson discussion

4. I know my responsibility as a student; therefore, I 20 19 0 1

manage my time effectively to maintain good academic

5. I do time management when I have a lot of activities 14 24 2 0

to do

6. I experience lack of time, and I cannot manage to 15 20 4 1

use the passage of time in learning because I am
distracted by technology

7. I read the lesson ahead of time to engage in the 19 20 1 0


Statistical Computation

Computation of Data Using Weighted Arithmetic Mean



STATEMENTS 4 3 2 1 Total
(SA) (A) (D) (SD)
1. I learn when the teacher always recalls the lesson. 20 16 2 2 40
𝑊𝐴𝑀 = 4𝑓 + 3𝑓 + 2𝑓 + 𝑓 80 48 4 2 134/3.3
𝑁 5
2. I read the lesson several times to ensure that 13 19 6 2 40
understood it.
𝑊𝐴𝑀 = 4𝑓 + 3𝑓 + 2𝑓 + 𝑓 52 57 12 2 123/3.0
𝑁 8
3. I make a reviewer and repeatedly read it until I master 17 15 8 0 40
the lesson.
𝑊𝐴𝑀 = 4𝑓 + 3𝑓 + 2𝑓 + 𝑓 68 45 16 0 129/3.2
𝑁 3
4. I ask my teacher to repeat the lesson if I did not 11 20 6 3 40
understand the lesson.
𝑊𝐴𝑀 = 4𝑓 + 3𝑓 + 2𝑓 + 𝑓 44 60 12 3 119/2.9
𝑁 8
5. I repeatedly practiced in my mind the answer to the 25 13 2 0 40
given question of my teacher before I raised my hand.
𝑊𝐴𝑀 = 4𝑓 + 3𝑓 + 2𝑓 + 𝑓 100 39 4 0 143/3.5
𝑁 8
6. I quickly understand the concepts of a lesson if I 17 13 8 2 40
practice it repeatedly.
𝑊𝐴𝑀 = 4𝑓 + 3𝑓 + 2𝑓 + 𝑓 68 39 16 2 125/3.1
𝑁 3
7. I always learn by doing and then repeating the activity 19 16 3 2 40
based on the lesson discussion.
𝑊𝐴𝑀 = 4𝑓 + 3𝑓 + 2𝑓 + 𝑓 76 48 6 2 132/3.3
𝑁 0


STATEMENTS 4 3 2 1 Total
(SA) (A) (D) (SD)

1. I am able to enhance my critical thinking skills and 19 16 2 3 40

analytical thinking skills through developing my ideas
when I participate in the discussion.
𝑊𝐴𝑀 = 4𝑓 + 3𝑓 + 2𝑓 + 𝑓 76 48 4 3 131/3.2
𝑁 8
2. I can relate practical application of the lesson to my 18 20 1 1 40
own learning experiences.
𝑊𝐴𝑀 = 4𝑓 + 3𝑓 + 2𝑓 + 𝑓 72 60 1 1 134/3.3
𝑁 8
3. I am always active in participating in the question and 13 15 11 1 40
answer part of the lesson.

𝑊𝐴𝑀 = 4𝑓 + 3𝑓 + 2𝑓 + 𝑓 52 45 22 1 120/3.0
𝑁 0

4. I am able to expand my knowledge by knowing the 17 14 7 2 40

happenings in the past and connect them to the present
𝑊𝐴𝑀 = 4𝑓 + 3𝑓 + 2𝑓 + 𝑓 68 42 14 2 126/3.1
𝑁 5
5. I am satisfied with the teaching process and my 20 18 0 2 40
learning outcomes.
𝑊𝐴𝑀 = 4𝑓 + 3𝑓 + 2𝑓 + 𝑓 80 54 0 2 136/3.4
𝑁 0
6. I can relate my learning experiences through the 15 18 5 2 40
creative curriculum activities in different subject.
𝑊𝐴𝑀 = 4𝑓 + 3𝑓 + 2𝑓 + 𝑓 60 54 10 2 126/3.1
𝑁 5

7. I am engaged in the classroom discussion and can give 15 17 6 2 40

ideas through sharing personal experience.
𝑊𝐴𝑀 = 4𝑓 + 3𝑓 + 2𝑓 + 𝑓 60 51 12 2 125/3.1
𝑁 3



STATEMENTS 4 3 2 1 Total
(SA (A) (D) (SD)
1. I learn better when my teacher gives the outline of the 21 17 2 0 40
lesson as a whole before proceeding to an activity/task.
𝑊𝐴𝑀 = 4𝑓 + 3𝑓 + 2𝑓 + 𝑓 84 51 4 0 139/3.4
𝑁 8
2. I find the lesson difficult if the teacher gives us a task 11 21 8 0 40
with which we need to comply as a whole because it has
an overload of information.
𝑊𝐴𝑀 = 4𝑓 + 3𝑓 + 2𝑓 + 𝑓 44 63 16 0 123/3.0
𝑁 8
3. I find that whole learning puts pressure on me because I 20 16 4 0 40
doubt I will reach the desired learning outcome in the
𝑊𝐴𝑀 = 4𝑓 + 3𝑓 + 2𝑓 + 𝑓 80 48 8 0 136/3.4
𝑁 0
4. I use general learning when I summarize my own ideas. 12 24 1 3 40
𝑊𝐴𝑀 = 4𝑓 + 3𝑓 + 2𝑓 + 𝑓 48 72 2 3 125/3.1
𝑁 3
5. I learn better when my teacher gives us the task in step- 23 16 1 0 40
by-step procedure because it makes it easier.
𝑊𝐴𝑀 = 4𝑓 + 3𝑓 + 2𝑓 + 𝑓 92 48 2 0 142/3.5
𝑁 0
6. I find it easy when the teacher is being specific about 15 23 2 0 40
the activity/ task that we need to complete.

𝑊𝐴𝑀 = 4𝑓 + 3𝑓 + 2𝑓 + 𝑓 60 69 4 0 133/3.3
𝑁 3
7. I use specific learning when explaining of what I have 18 17 5 0 40

𝑊𝐴𝑀 = 4𝑓 + 3𝑓 + 2𝑓 + 𝑓 72 51 10 0 133/3.3
𝑁 3



STATEMENTS 4 3 2 1 Total
(SA) (A) (D) (SD)

1. I make a plan/schedule for review. 19 18 3 0 40

𝑊𝐴𝑀 = 4𝑓 + 3𝑓 + 2𝑓 + 𝑓 76 54 6 0 136/3
𝑁 .38
2. I study one week before the exam to easily recall what I 15 20 3 2 40
have learned.
𝑊𝐴𝑀 = 4𝑓 + 3𝑓 + 2𝑓 + 𝑓 60 60 6 2 128/3
𝑁 .20

3. I can strategize my review methods to ensure better 19 15 4 2 40

understanding of the lessons.
𝑊𝐴𝑀 = 4𝑓 + 3𝑓 + 2𝑓 + 𝑓 76 45 8 2 131/3
𝑁 .28
4. I can concentrate well enough even with gadgets. 19 12 7 2 40
𝑊𝐴𝑀 = 4𝑓 + 3𝑓 + 2𝑓 + 𝑓 76 36 14 2 128/3
𝑁 .20
5. I do not review my lesson ahead of time; that’s why I 16 10 12 2 40
suffer from cramming.
𝑊𝐴𝑀 = 4𝑓 + 3𝑓 + 2𝑓 + 𝑓 64 30 24 2 120/3
𝑁 .00

6. I can perform well on examination even with very 16 20 4 0 40

limited time to review.
𝑊𝐴𝑀 = 4𝑓 + 3𝑓 + 2𝑓 + 𝑓 64 60 8 0 132/3
𝑁 .30
7. I easily forget the lesson when I review a night before the 17 15 6 2 40
𝑊𝐴𝑀 = 4𝑓 + 3𝑓 + 2𝑓 + 𝑓 68 45 12 2 127/3
𝑁 .18


STATEMENTS 4 3 2 1 Total
(SA) (A) (D) (SD)

1. I am motivated to engage in problem-solving inquiry- 18 18 4 0 40

based activities that cause me to consider real life
𝑊𝐴𝑀 = 4𝑓 + 3𝑓 + 2𝑓 + 𝑓 72 54 8 0 134/3.
𝑁 35
2. I retain the learning in the subject because I am 14 23 3 0 40
motivated on how my teacher teaches us and appreciate
his/her effort.
𝑊𝐴𝑀 = 4𝑓 + 3𝑓 + 2𝑓 + 𝑓 56 69 6 0 131/3.
𝑁 28
3. I have a good learning experience in the subject; 18 19 3 0 40
therefore, I am motivated to excel in the subject.
𝑊𝐴𝑀 = 4𝑓 + 3𝑓 + 2𝑓 + 𝑓 72 57 6 0 135/3.
𝑁 38
4. I prefer when my teacher give motivational activities 19 21 0 0 40
in the class.
𝑊𝐴𝑀 = 4𝑓 + 3𝑓 + 2𝑓 + 𝑓 76 63 0 0 139/3.
𝑁 48
5. I have prior knowledge about the past, which 13 21 6 0 40
motivates me to learn more.
𝑊𝐴𝑀 = 4𝑓 + 3𝑓 + 2𝑓 + 𝑓 52 63 12 0 127/3.
𝑁 18
6. I am really motivated to complete a lesson because it 21 18 1 0 40
is my favorite subject.
𝑊𝐴𝑀 = 4𝑓 + 3𝑓 + 2𝑓 + 𝑓 84 54 2 0 140/3.
𝑁 50
7. I make an effort to engage in my studies because I am 19 18 1 2 40
responsible in my own learning.
𝑊𝐴𝑀 = 4𝑓 + 3𝑓 + 2𝑓 + 𝑓 76 54 2 2 134/3.
𝑁 35


STATEMENTS 4 3 2 1 Total
(SA) (A) (D) (SD)

1. I appreciate the subject when my teacher gives us the 21 18 0 1 40

feedback that we are doing well in his/her subject.
𝑊𝐴𝑀 = 4𝑓 + 3𝑓 + 2𝑓 + 𝑓 84 54 0 2 140/3.
𝑁 48
2. I am able to reflect my own learning performance 22 18 0 0 40
through feedback.
𝑊𝐴𝑀 = 4𝑓 + 3𝑓 + 2𝑓 + 𝑓 88 54 0 0 142/3.
𝑁 55
3. Feedback makes me remember the lesson because of 19 19 2 0 40
a good learning experience.
𝑊𝐴𝑀 = 4𝑓 + 3𝑓 + 2𝑓 + 𝑓 76 57 4 0 137/3.
𝑁 43
4. I am encouraged to do a task that based on the 15 23 2 0 40
teacher feedback.
𝑊𝐴𝑀 = 4𝑓 + 3𝑓 + 2𝑓 + 𝑓 60 69 4 0 133/3.
𝑁 33
5. I can easily remember the lesson topic because it is 18 21 1 0 40
reinforced in class.
𝑊𝐴𝑀 = 4𝑓 + 3𝑓 + 2𝑓 + 𝑓 72 63 2 0 137/3.
𝑁 43
6. I make an effort to complete a lesson because I am 21 16 3 0 40
interested in the subject, and the teacher gives feedback.
𝑊𝐴𝑀 = 4𝑓 + 3𝑓 + 2𝑓 + 𝑓 84 48 6 0 138/3.
𝑁 45
7. I show positive behavior towards learning when my 23 15 2 0 40
teacher recognizes me by giving me appreciation or
𝑊𝐴𝑀 = 4𝑓 + 3𝑓 + 2𝑓 + 𝑓 92 45 4 0 141/3.
𝑁 56



STATEMENTS 4 3 2 1 Total
(SA) (A) (D) (SD)

1.I allot time to study my lesson to prevent failure in 20 17 1 2 40

activities and exam
𝑊𝐴𝑀 = 4𝑓 + 3𝑓 + 2𝑓 + 𝑓 80 51 2 2 135/3
𝑁 .38
2. I plan my lesson and make a time schedule on that 15 21 3 1 40
I will go to review
𝑊𝐴𝑀 = 4𝑓 + 3𝑓 + 2𝑓 + 𝑓 60 63 6 1 130/3
𝑁 .25
3. I always make a time to study before the starting 20 15 4 1 40
lesson discussion
𝑊𝐴𝑀 = 4𝑓 + 3𝑓 + 2𝑓 + 𝑓 80 45 8 1 134/3
𝑁 .35
4. I know my responsibility as a student; therefore, I 20 19 0 1 40
manage my time effectively to maintain good
academic performance
𝑊𝐴𝑀 = 4𝑓 + 3𝑓 + 2𝑓 + 𝑓 80 57 0 1 138/3
𝑁 .45
5. I do time management when I have a lot of 14 24 2 0 40
activities to do
𝑊𝐴𝑀 = 4𝑓 + 3𝑓 + 2𝑓 + 𝑓 56 72 4 0 132/3
𝑁 .30
6. I experience lack of time, and I cannot manage to 15 20 4 1 40
use the passage of time in learning because I am
distracted by technology
𝑊𝐴𝑀 = 4𝑓 + 3𝑓 + 2𝑓 + 𝑓 60 60 8 1 129/3
𝑁 .23
7. I read the lesson ahead of time to engage in the 19 20 1 0 40
𝑊𝐴𝑀 = 4𝑓 + 3𝑓 + 2𝑓 + 𝑓 76 60 2 0 138/3
𝑁 .45


Gantt chart

1. Seeking approval of the proposed title.
2. Submission of Concept Paper for
endorsement to assigned Research
3. Working on Chapters I-III
4. Submission of Chapter I-III for Oral
Proposal Defense
5. Revision of Chapter I-III
6. Validation of Research Instrument
7. Securing of permit to conduct the study
8. Administration of research instrument
9. Data retrieval, tabulation, analysis, and
10. Seeking assistance from the statistician
11. Working on Chapters IV and V
12. Crafting of research output
13. Working on the other parts of the paper
14. Finalization of the completed manuscript


Name : Abegail B. Coronacion

Birthday : November 21, 2001
Gender : Female
Civil Status : Single
Nationality : Filipino
Religion : Born Again Christian
Name of Parent : Darnel Coronacion
Wennie Coronacion


Tertiary : Bachelor of Secondary Education (BSEd)

Major in Social Studies
College of Sciences, Technology and Communication, Inc.

Secondary : Senior High School

College of Science, Technology and Communication, Inc.

Junior High School

Quezon National High School
Ibabang Iyam Lucena City Quezon

Primary : Patnanungan Elementary School

Purok 3, Brgy. Bagong Silang


October 20, 2021 Webinar on Descriptive Statistic Method of Presenting Data
during the 32nd National Statistician Month
Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA)
Online Webinar

November 26, 2022 Special and Inclusive Education: Unity through Diversity

Activity Area in College of Sciences, Technology and

Communication, Inc.
Sariaya, Quezon

April 4, 2023 Strengthening Communicative Needs through English

Proficiency Program: A Gateway to using the Language in
Activity Area in College of Sciences, Technology and
Communication, Inc.
Sariaya, Quezon


Name : Lyka Marie S. Laborte

Birthday : November 16, 2000
Gender : Female
Civil Status : Single
Nationality : Filipino
Religion : Roman Catholic
Name of Parent : Norman Laborte
Odielia Laborte


Tertiary : Bachelor of Secondary Education (BSEd)

Major in Social Studies
College of Sciences, Technology and Communication, Inc.

Secondary : Senior High School

College of Science, Technology and Communication, Inc.

Junior High School

St. Francis High School
Muting Bayan, Sariaya Quezon

Primary : Sariaya East Central Main Elementary School

Poblacion 4, Sariaya Quezon


October 20, 2021 Webinar on Descriptive Statistic Method of Presenting Data

during the 32nd National Statistician Month
Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA)
Online Webinar

November 26, 2022 Special and Inclusive Education: Unity through Diversity
Activity Area in College of Sciences, Technology and
Communication, Inc.
Sariaya, Quezon

April 4, 2023 Strengthening Communicative Needs through English

Proficiency Program: A Gateway to using the Language in
Activity Area in College of Sciences, Technology and
Communication, Inc.
Sariaya, Quezon

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