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Date: 19/10/23______________________ Student name: Alexis Williams______

Class: Form 4 Agriculture Science
Lesson Topic: Challenges in Agriculture
Lesson objective: At the end of this activity, you should be able to: Discuss the major
challenges affecting local and regional agriculture and possible solutions.

The major challenges confronting agriculture is to feed an ever-increasing global population

whilst presevering, as far as possible the natural environment. In the Caribbean, agriculture is an
important part of the economy and a major activity. It is the main livelihood of people living in
rural districts.
Refer to chapter two (2) of your textbook, pages 15-25 to complete the following.

1. Caribbean agriculture is affected by many constraints (challenges). One constraint is a

negative attitude toward agriculture.

(a) Name THREE (3) OTHER constraints affecting agriculture in the Caribbean.

I. Climate Change

II. Land Degradation

III. Limited Access to Finance ( 3 marks)

(b) Briefly describe EACH constraints listed in (a) above and provide a solution for
each constraint given.

I. Climate Change:
The Caribbean is prone to extreme weather events, including hurricanes,
droughts, and unpredictable rainfall, which can negatively impact crop

Solution: Implement climate-resilient agricultural practices, such as crop

diversification, using drought-resistant crop varieties, and building better
infrastructure to protect against storms. Invest in climate monitoring and early
warning systems.

(4 marks)

II. Land Degradation:

Soil erosion and degradation are common due to factors like improper
land use and deforestation, reducing the quality and fertility of farmland

Solution: Promote sustainable land management practices, such as terracing,

reforestation, and no-till farming. Provide education and incentives to encourage
farmers to adopt soil conservation methods.

(4 marks)

III. Limited Access to Finance: Many small-scale farmers in the Caribbean

struggle to access loans or financing to invest in modern farming
techniques, purchase equipment, or expand their operations.

Solution: Establish financial support programs specifically created to the needs

of small farmers. Create partnerships with financial institutions to offer low-
interest loans. Provide financial literacy training to help farmers manage their
finances effectively. (4 marks)

Total (15 marks)

2. The CARICOM Single Market and Economy (CSME) seeks to deepen economic
integration among Caribbean states.

Suggest TWO benefits of the CSME to the agricultural sector in the Caribbean.

The CSME benefits the Caribbean agricultural sector by providing expanded market
access and promoting economies of scale, boosting exports and increasing efficiency.

(2 marks)

b). A community-based farmer’s organization that promotes the development of

agriculture in the Caribbean approaches the Caribbean Agriculture and Research Institute
CCARDI) and the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) for assistance in improving
the farming practices of its members.

Suggest the type of assistance that CARDI and FAO could provide to the farmers


CARDI can provide training programs and workshops, research data access, financial
support, sustainable farming practice guidance, and policy advocacy assistance to the
farmer's organization.
(2 marks)
FAO: FAO can offer technical training, access to research findings, help secure funding
and resources, facilitate market connections, promote sustainable farming practices, and
assist with policy advocacy for the farmer's organization.

(2 marks)

(c) Agriculture makes very significant contributions to the development of national,

regional and international economies.
List and explain TWO contributions which agriculture can make to the national

i. Economic Growth: Agriculture can stimulate economic growth by creating jobs and
income for a large portion of the population, which, in turn, spurs consumer spending
and overall economic activity.
(2 marks)

ii. Export Revenue: Agriculture generates foreign exchange earnings through exports, which
can be used to pay for imports, reduce external vulnerabilities, and diversify the
(2 marks)

Total (10 marks)

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