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Move It 3 – Test 6

Name:Felipe Barbosa Silva Teacher: Iris

Date: 01/09/2022 Grade: _________ English Lab: MVT 3

1) Complete the dialogue with the expressions in the box.

do you have to - doesn’t have to - don’t have to - has to - have to

John: Do you want to go swimming with me this afternoon?

Brian: I can’t. I have to help my dad in the garden. do you have to do any chores?

John: No, not really. I don't have to do much at home.

Brian: What about your brother?

John: Oh! The same as me. He Doesn't have to do any chores either.

Brian: I can’t believe it!

John: Well, I sometimes tidy the garage and then Roger has to help me.

2) Complete the sentences with will, won’t, might or might not.

a) I know he Will win. He’s the fastest runner in the world!

b) ‘What Might the weather be like tomorrow?

c) Jackie Won't like the green T-shirt. She hates green.

d) I love Seville. I’m sure you will have a great time there.

e) We might play football this afternoon, but we aren’t sure.

f) Sheba is a friendly dog. She won't hurt you.

g) We are going to try to be there at six, but we Might not be on time.

h) ‘What do you think your parents Will give you for your birthday?’

i) ‘I don’t know, but they might give me some new clothes.’

j) I Might go to the party, but I haven’t decided yet.

3) Complete the list of chores with the verbs in the box.

clear cook do do feed lay load make mow take out walk wash

Busy day today! We must:

a) Make the beds

b) Wash the car
c) Mow the lawn
d) Do the ironing
e) Feed the animals
f) Cook dinner
g) Do the table before dinner
h) Clean the table after dinner
i) Lay the washing-up
j) Load the dishwasher

4) Read the text and answer the questions. Give full answers and explain.
Hello from Japan!

Hello! My name is Takashi, and I live in Japan. I want to tell you about a typical day in my life. In the morning, I eat breakfast
at a low table called a kotatsu. We sit on mats with our legs under the table. After breakfast, I walk to school. In Japan, we
start school after our sixth birthday. I have to go to school from Monday to Friday and every other Saturday, too!

Every morning we bow to our sensei (teacher) and say, O hayougozaimasu (Good morning). Calligraphy is an important
subject at school. I think that Japanese is probably the hardest written language in the world. We have to learn 2,000
characters called kanji and two different alphabets! What’s more, each of them has forty-eight letters. When it’s lunchtime, we
eat in our classroom. Our sensei (teacher) eats with us, and we serve the food to each other. We don’t eat with knives and
forks in Japan, we eat with chopsticks. We have rice and drink tea with almost every meal. At school we also have to clean
the classroom and corridors, and the toilets. We even clean the rubbers!

After school, when we’re at home, we have lessons with private tutors. We sometimes even have lessons at the weekend
because our parents think that it is a waste of time if we only play!

a) When do Japanese children start school?

b) How do Japanese eat their lunch?
With chopsticks
c) What does Takashi do in the morning?
eat the breakfast at a low table
d) Does he go to school every day of the week?
No, He goes Monday to Saturday e) Why do Japanese
kids have lessons at home?
Because the parents think that it is a waste of time we only play

5) Listen to the sentences. Complete each one correctly.

a) You Shouldn't feel disappointed.

b) They won't be embarrassed.

c) He Mustn't hang out the washing in the rain.

d) Will he be very upset?

e) We don’t have do any chores.

f) She Might a bit confused.

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