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Seated Stretch Sit on the edge of your chair, feet below the knees Hands to the tops of the

thighs I: Press down and elongate the chest, chin to the sky E: Round the spine, tuck the chin into the chest Repeat 4x Wide Legged Forward Fold Sit on the edge of the chair, feet wider than hi with distance Take the hands back to the hip creases E: Spill pelvis forward I: Come back up Repeat 4x then hold in a fwd fold Touch the hands to the floor or block Let the body cascade Feel movement happen in the hip sockets Let the spine release, head and neck relax Close the eyes, check in with the body - feel the connection of this front line of the body Chair Pigeon - Eka Pada Rajakapotasana I: back up to sitting. Bring your right ankle to rest on your left thigh, keeping the knee in line with your ankle as much as possible. Hold three to five breaths. You may forward bend to intensify the stretch if you like. Repeat with the left leg up. Chair Eagle - Garudasana Cross your right thigh over your left thigh. If you can, wrap the right foot all the way around the left calf. Cross your left arm over the right one at the elbow. Bend the elbows and bring your palms to touch. Lift the elbows while dropping the shoulders away from the ears. Hold three to five breaths. Repeat on the other side. Chair Spinal Twist - Ardha Matsyendrasana Come to sit sideways on the chair, facing to the left. Twist your torso toward the left, holding onto the back of the chair. I: Lengthen your spine E: on each twist twist Do this for five breaths. Move your legs around to the right side of the chair and repeat the twist to the right side. Chair Warrior I - Virabhadrasana I

Now keep the right leg in position over the chair while you swing the left leg behind you. Plant the sole of the left foot on the floor and straighten the left leg. Keep your torso facing over the right leg as you raise your arms up to the ceiling on a inhale. Hold three breaths. Repeat on the left Side Come back to center Seated Traingle Pose Sit on the edge of your chair, keep the left leg bent and extend your right leg straight to the side, keeping both feet on the floor. Extend arms out to the side Inhale deeply, lift your torso tall and as you exhale reach your torso up and out to the right side. When you cannot go any farther, allow the arms and body to windmill towards the floor keep the arms outstretched Take 2 deep breaths. On your next inhalation, reach your torso and arms out and up and come back to seated Repeat to the left side Final Relaxation Bring your knees back to center, hip distance, sit up tall Take 2 deep cleansing breaths as you raise your arms up overhead and back down On the third breath, bring the palms of your hands together, with the thumbs touching your chest Rest back against the chair, with your legs 1-2 feet apart. Allow the legs to roll outwards. Keep your arms relaxed, palms facing the sky resting on your thighs or hanging alongside your chair. Observe the breath and bodyrelax 5-10 minutes. Slowly move your hands and feet to come out ..

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