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Nama : Kelvin Agusti Gani

Kelas : 4IA11
NPM : 50420642

Letter Practice 2
Mr. Jim Kraft
Moran Products
10023 Commonwealth Avenue
Monterey. CA 93942

(1) Dear mr kraft:

(2) We are pleased confirm the arrangements for you November 24-26
(3) Conference at Sunburst
(4) As you indicated on the phone, you are expecting between 200 and 300
(5) For the three-day event. We will reserve a room that can be closed off or
(6) Up to accommodate the final number of people. You saying you will
provide you
(7) Own audiovisual equipment, but if you need anything at the last minute,
we have equipment available.
(8) Please let know before Novemer 20.
(9) I have attached a projection cost for you review. Please call me if
anything needs further explanation
(10) Again, I want to thank you for to choosing Sunburst. I’m sure you
will be pleased with the quality of service we offer.

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